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The long-term grain requirements of the growing Soviet population are calculated. On the basis of the relationship between water use and grain yields by natural soil zones of the USSR, the authors show that the amount of water needed per unit of output declines with a growth of productivity, especially in the non-chernozem zone of the Soviet Union. It is therefore concluded that greater water savings might be assured by expanding grain production in zones with an adequate supply of natural moisture rather than by the use of artificial irrigation of arid lands.  相似文献   

The aggregate effects of a variety of impacts generated by motor transport on the natural environment in the Upper Oka River basin are examined (through factor analysis) and maps of roadside pollution intensity are generated. The two factors identified, representing the effects of higher-order and local roads, respectively, provide a basis for regionalization of the Upper Oka basin according to the impacts generated by automobile traffic. The pattern of regional impacts identified, in turn, provides the basis for policy recommendations on how to reduce the level of roadside pollution and minimize other negative environmental impacts of road transport (translated by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005).  相似文献   

自然环境与云南历史文化城镇形象设计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
云南复杂多样的自然环境对当地历史文化城镇的形象构成有着普遍而深刻的影响。考虑自然环境特点的云南历史文化城镇形象设计应遵循尊重和顺应自然的亲和原则,将自然与人文因素相结合的综合性原则,以及将城镇与其所在的自然环境统一考虑的整体性原则。同时要高度关注自然环境在城镇理念形象构成中的重要作用。在城镇视觉形象设计中,要注重城乡景观协调的整体效果,反映其田园山水城镇特色;注重三维景观效果;注重视觉体验的心理特点分析,组织景观层次系列;注重对城镇建筑色彩的控制。  相似文献   

本文介绍J·弗雷得曼近来从城市管理学派的观点对世界城市的发展未来作的一些评述。认为世界城市的发展原因应当从城市区域的空间组织、区域政府管理、区域持续发展问题、社区民众在国家内地位的上升、城市移民问题、城市内部网络等几个方面考虑,21世纪仍然是城市贸易与竞争的时代,亚太社会和城市的未来都会取决于全球化动力,世界城市的未来将取决于城市管理者、政治家的观念和务实精神。  相似文献   

贵州省的城市生态环境问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈慧琳 《人文地理》2002,17(6):20-23
本文以贵阳等九座城市为例,从城市的自然环境和人类活动影响两方面,探讨贵州城市的生态,环境问题,以及协调人地矛盾的主要对策。全文分为以下三大部分:首先探讨城市的自然环境特征,说明贵州城市的形态结构,水土资源及城市扩展均受"喀斯特"环境的制约,其生态环境极为脆弱。表现在水土资源贫乏,平地少又很分散,地形封闭,旱涝和地貌灾害频繁等。第二论述城市的生态环境问题:以煤烟性空气污染,水体有机污染和交通噪声污染为主。SO2的污染极为严重,酸雨污染,城市河段及湖(库)污染普遍存在;4/5的城市交通噪声超过国家标准;1/2城市区域环境噪声污染严重。最后提出重建城市生态环境的主要对策。  相似文献   

我国城市化的现实问题及其对未来经济可持续发展的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄天元 《人文地理》2000,15(2):53-55
文章对我国城市化现状进行了分析,指出我国城市化存在三大问题,即城市化滞后于工业化、城市化滞后于非农化、城市用地规模外延式扩展。在此基础上分析了加快城市化进程对刺激消费、扩大内需,摆脱市场疲软局面,促进我国经济可持续发展的影响,指出提高城市化水平是促进我国经济可持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

A report on a 1974 conference on interbasin transfers from Siberia to Central Asia compares the alternative stream-diversion projects west and east of the Urals and finds that north-south interbasin transfers in the European part of the country have a better chance for early implementation than the diversion from Siberia to Central Asia. The author urges consideration of a unified water-management system within the European part of the Soviet Union that would make it possible to dispatch streamflow from one basin to another much as electric power is transmitted through interconnections between power grids. Such an interconnected water-management system would be based on the premise that runoff volumes tend to be nonconcurrent in the various drainage basins of the Russian plain so that surplus runoff from “donor rivers” (Pechora, Northern Dvina, Onega and the lakes Onega and Ladoga) might be channeled southward to “consumer rivers” (Volga, Don, Dnieper and Ural).  相似文献   

新形势下我国人文地理学建设设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈俭 《人文地理》1994,9(1):72-73
当前我国正在构建社会主义市场经济,人文地理学应该适应社会经济发展,为社会及经济发展提供理论依据并积极参与实践。  相似文献   

Soviet population geographers have tended to study labor-resource problems at the level of major civil divisions, such as republics, krays and oblasts. There is a real need for investigating such problems at a more detailed regional level, down to particular rayons and urban places in which people live and are employed. Various types of economic-geographic investigations of labor-resource problems are suggested and a research strategy is proposed. The author notes that if population cannot be redistributed regionally in keeping with a given economic objective, economic plans may have to be revised on the basis of the actual labor resource situation.  相似文献   

The evolution of the transport net within the BAM zone is examined in terms of three development stages. The first stage will involve the construction of the initial framework of the future transport net; aside from the BAM itself, it is recommended that consideration be given to the construction of a permanent motor road instead of the temporary construction road now envisaged. The second stage, in the author's view, should include the start of an extension of the Little BAM northward toward Yakutsk, as well as an oil pipeline (the author does not agree with the view that the BAM would replace earlier plans for a Trans-Siberian pipeline). The third stage would include a gas pipeline from the Yakutian fields to the coast; it is recommended that the gas line follow the alignment of the new railroads. No specific time frame is attached to the proposed three development stages.  相似文献   

A paper devoted to demographic and labor-related issues in the development of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly focuses on the need to improve labor productivity and services provision (particularly health care) in emerging industrial nodes of the complex. Such measures are expected both to promote labor retention and reduce labor inputs necessary to achieve the same amount of work. A key element of future labor strategy, given current low levels of natural increase within the region, is the recruitment and retention of labor from outside the region and the planned development of settlement to reduce negative environmental impacts (translated by Andrew R. Bond).  相似文献   

全球视野下的价值链治理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文嫮  张洁  王良健 《人文地理》2007,22(2):14-19,5
在全球化背景下,以地方产业集群为发展模式的区域经济,其竞争力的提升需要在全球价值链中与区域外的经济行为主体积极互动,并实现升级。而价值链治理分析是经济地理学理论研究地方产业集群升级的关键。在这种研究视角下,本文以价值链治理为研究对象,首先界定了价值链治理的概念;并从理论上讨论了全球价值链治理模式的主要类型和演化过程;然后,进一步分析了价值链治理产生的原因、价值链治理的应用,以及价值链治理对地方产业网络升级的影响;最后,本文对国际现有的价值链治理理论进行了比较深入的讨论,并提出进一步研究的展望。  相似文献   

试论全球城市的基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球城市是新的国际分工和跨国公司发展的产物,是世界经济的权力中心、金融中心、贸易中心、产业中心,具有金融资本集中、服务业专业化程度高、贸易发达等五方面特征。  相似文献   

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