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Strontium, oxygen, and carbon stable isotope analysis may be used in conjunction with archaeofaunal data to identify resource depression by demonstrating that prey were obtained from more distant locations. We use fauna from Five Finger Ridge, a Fremont site in central Utah, to demonstrate that relative abundances of mountain sheep (Ovis canadensis) declined during a period of increased summer precipitation. Strontium ratio values from this period indicate that sheep were acquired from different locations than the preceding period. Specimens from this period also show a moderate increase in carbon ratio values, suggesting that mountain sheep were acquired from higher altitudes. Oxygen isotopes do not vary between temporal periods, possibly the result of the countering effects of higher oxygen isotope values associated with increased summer temperatures and lower oxygen isotope values present at higher elevations. Collectively, these data support that there were localized population declines of mountain sheep that may be related to either climatic changes or hunting pressure.  相似文献   

为探索南京城墙科学保护对策及加固技术方法,针对狮子山的地形特征和城墙建造特点,通过城墙本体损伤调查和山体地质勘探,对狮子山段城墙再次发生局部坍塌原因进行了分析;采用传统造城工艺与现代加固技术修复坍塌墙体,恢复了城墙与山体的排水系统;对墙体裂缝病害进行安全监测,改善了该段城墙的生存环境.此方法可为进一步研究同类城墙保护提供技术参考.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on Mauna Kea, the highest mountain in Hawai?i, and uses it as a case example for examining articulations of place and space, or how areas can be understood, read, and interpreted to push particular agendas. Furthermore, it comments on the often-conflicting expressions of belonging and possession, how they are enacted and embodied both on and off the mountain, and how they have been used in contemporary discourse regarding the sacred. Finally, it offers insight into how resistance efforts may be grounded and motivated by connections to place.  相似文献   

Abundant mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) remains were recovered from two archaeological sites on Kaien Island near Prince Rupert Harbour, British Columbia. No other archaeological sites in North America have anywhere near the abundance of mountain goat remains as were recovered from GbTo 54 (NISP 410, 7.1% of identified mammals) and GbTo 13 (NISP 27, 5.4% of identified mammals). In contrast, at the impressive Boardwalk site on nearby Digby Island (GbTo 31), only 1% of identified mammals were identified as mountain goat, although goat remains from Grassy Bay (GbTn 1), also on Kaien Island, comprised 1.7% of identified mammals. With one exception, other western North American sites, including those in Alaska, recovered only a few pieces of mountain goat each (<0.5% of identified mammals). The dates for GbTo 54 and GbTo 13 span AD 200–AD 1300, with all four directly dated goat bones falling within that period. Most goat bones appeared to come from adult or subadult males and element abundance analysis of GbTo 54 remains indicate that whole animals may have been selectively butchered into transportable units. Other evidence suggests the occupants may have specialized in the procurement of a variety of raw materials (not only mountain goat) used in the manufacture of high-status ceremonial goods.  相似文献   

江苏徐州市户部山青瓷窑址调查简报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐州户部山青瓷窑址位于徐州市区南部户部山西、南麓。 1996年 1月 ,为配合基本建设 ,徐州博物馆在此进行了调查与试掘 ,发现三处青瓷烧造堆积 ,发掘出土较多窑具和青瓷残片 ,其年代当在北朝末至唐代早期。该处遗址的发现 ,填补了苏北地区这一时期窑址的空白。  相似文献   

在对白居塔建筑形制调查研究基础上,区分塔体内嵌高山体和内嵌低山体两种情况,确定重力作用以及重力和地震耦合作用两种工况。基于采用岩土摩尔—库伦本构模型的有限元分析技术,对白居塔和山体的耦合结构进行稳定性分析。得出以下结论:自重作用下,整体结构稳定性满足,且有较高的安全稳定系数;白居塔整体结构的刚度较大,整个结构体系属于抗震有利体系;白居寺整体结构基频模态以侧倾为主;在7°(基本加速度0.15 g)多遇地震作用下,两个模型整体结构的抗震稳定性较好,结构不会产生整体性失稳破坏;在8°(基本加速度0.3 g)多遇地震作用下,较高山体模型主体结构基本处于安全状态,较低山体模型主体结构不满足稳定要求;较高山体的模型相对于较低山体的模型,安全稳定性要高。  相似文献   

本文通过对近年来韩国境内高句丽山城发现土柱洞的分析,比较其与我国境内高句丽山城石柱洞的不同,指出其主要功能为在堡垒等小型军事据点外缘树立木制城栅,起到类似城墙的作用。采用木栅替代城墙因其构筑快速,适应战争形势的变化,而并非受制于技术的落后。土柱洞的出现可视为衡量高句丽晚期山城的一项指标。  相似文献   


Pausanias (ii.25.10), who traveled extensively in Greece in the 2nd century A.C., mentioned the existence of two altars of Zeus and Hera on Mount Arachnaion above the village of Lessa in the Argeia of the Greek Peloponessos. Two travellers in the early 19th century climbed to the saddle between the two peaks of the mountain and saw there a quadrangular enclosure wall of polygonal masonry on a low hill which they assumed to be the site of these altars. Since then this identification has been accepted by most scholars, including J. G. Frazer. Since most altars of Zeus are found on or near the top of the mountains, I climbed the mountain to check this attribution.

A section of a crude polygonal retaining wall exists on the hill but no traces of the altars were found. Obsidian bladelets and sherds found on the surface suggest that the wall might mark the location of a farmstead or small settlement dating as early as the Bronze Age. On the summit of the western peak of the mountain two low foundations of rubble masonry and three concentrations of sherds and burnt animal bone fragments in a blackish-brown soil matrix were discovered. One of the foundations must represent the ruins of the chapel of Hagios Elias known once to have stood on the summit. The sherd concentrations, which date from the mid-8th century B.C. through at least the 6th century B.C., must represent remains associated with the altars of Zeus and Hera.  相似文献   

孟强 《东南文化》2003,(7):28-31
东洞山三号墓为横穴式崖洞墓,墓葬未最终完工,仅有墓道、甬道两部分,随葬品亦较少,通过发掘推断一号墓墓主为西汉中后期曾有谋反行为的楚王刘延寿,二、三号墓墓主先后成为其王后。  相似文献   

The article describes ornaments made of animal teeth (elk, beaver, badger, fox, marmot, musk deer, and ibex or mountain sheep) and found in ground burials at Tuzovskiye Bugry-1, Northern Altai. Ornaments made of the teeth of the two latter animals are especially informative since these taxa are not found in the Barnaul–Biysk area of the Upper Ob basin, nor did they inhabit the area in the historical past. The musk deer is distributed in the mountain taiga areas of Gorny Altai and Eastern Kazakhstan. Ibex and mountain sheep are typical representatives of alpine fauna. In the past, the northern boundary of their distribution range coincided with the Chemal River, the southern boundary lay in the Mongolian Altai, and the western, in Rudny Altai (Eastern Kazakhstan). Ornaments made from Ibex and mountain sheep teeth indicate ties with Gorny Altai, intermediary groups being those known from Solontsy-5 burial ground and Nizhnetytkesken Cave-1 burial. The co-occurrence of these ornaments with Dentalium, Corbicula ferghanensis Kurs. et Star., and Corbicula tibetensis Prash. shells points to ties with Western Central Asia. In this case, the likely intermediaries are the people of the Ust-Narym or Botai cultures. Alternatively, groups from Western Central Asia or Eastern Kazakhstan may have migrated to the Altai.  相似文献   

试论十六国时期契吴山的地理位置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄂尔多斯高原环境变迁问题是学术界争论不休的问题, 有的学者认为早在更新世后期鄂尔多斯高原上的沙漠就已经存在, 而另外一些学者则根据十六国时期大夏国主赫连勃勃对契吴山的赞美及其他史料, 认为现今是沙漠的地方在先秦甚至是至北魏时期还是水草丰美的草原或森林景观。在这些争论中, 关于契吴山的真实地理位置则成为论述这一问题时的焦点。大多数学者认为契吴山应在大夏政权都城统万城以北, 而另有学者对此持有异议, 认为契吴山当在云中地区。本文从记载统万城的四种文献的史料来源、铁弗匈奴的族源及赫连夏政权的民族构成、史书中所记统万城当时的城市环境及自然景观三个角度, 论述契吴山及契吴城当在统万城以北。  相似文献   

In response to a hydroelectric dam and power‐plant construction project in the inner Sognefjord mountain region, archaeological investigations have been carried out since 1981. Investigation results include localization of extensive Stone Age and Bronze Age/Pre‐Roman Iron Age sites at great distance from lakesides, where such sites traditionally have been found. Intensified utilization of the area, from 500 BC until the Viking Period 1050 AD seems to be related to a general settlement expansion in this period and thereto related demands for mountain pastures.  相似文献   

董亮 《旅游科学》2011,25(2):47-57
本文针对不同类别遗产地旅游者的旅游动机进行研究,通过对九寨沟、峨眉山和青城山三个世界遗产地旅游者的问卷调查,从遗产地旅游者旅游动机的要素和维度、旅游动机各要素之间的相关性、旅游者特征和旅游者了解遗产地景区的信息渠道对旅游者动机的影响几个方面展开分析,阐释了不同类别遗产地旅游者旅游动机的差异及其生成原因。  相似文献   

从空间思维理论出发,探讨空间思维理论在山地旅游开发中应用。通过引入空间思维并剖析它的内涵,在思维对象、思维方式、思维过程等方面对旅游开发进行指导;之后浅析了山地旅游开发理论,归纳出山地旅游开发的理论模式;并进行综合,运用点式思维、线式思维、面式思维、体式思维等空间思维理念模式于山地旅游开发之中;最后以陕西省镇巴县山地旅游开发为例,进行验证。  相似文献   

本文依据中西方学者对农业起源研究的成果,对中国稻作起源的动因进行了探讨.认为中国的稻作起源于长江中游偏南的武夷山及南岭一线以北的生态脆弱带,始于距今12000年前的旧石器时代向新石器时代过渡期,生态环境的变迁是稻作起源的主要诱因,解决人口增长的压力是稻作起源的直接动因,而人类的生产力及技术水平的进步则是稻作起源的动能.这三者相互作用的结果催生了稻作农业的产生.  相似文献   

天子庙遗址位于滇池西北岸的昆明西山的脚下。发掘的主要区域为高海高速公路建设所占地。发现遗迹很少,发掘出土物绝大部分为遗址的地层所出,对于从遗址角度了解石寨山文化的面貌十分重要。  相似文献   

筒形罐系统是新石器时代北中国地区重要的文化系统。新石器时代中期,筒形罐系统一度占据着太行山东麓的广袤区域,使得筒形罐系统的领地从东北地区拓展至冀南豫北地区,并且形成了具有明显过渡类型色彩的磁山文化。此后,随着东方釜鼎系统和西方仰韶系统交替占据黄河流域的主流地位,迫使筒形罐系统的南部前沿从冀南豫北地区向北退缩至燕山—西辽河一带,筒形罐系统此后的空间拓展方向也转向了东北腹地。在此背景下,燕山南北成为筒形罐系统与中原文化频繁接触、融合的新地带,先后产生了赵宝沟文化和红山文化等强势文化支系。可见,黄河流域的文化格局不仅改变了筒形罐系统的空间拓展方向,而且直接加剧了筒形罐系统内部各支系间的分化。  相似文献   

Mountain regions represent a substantial part of Soviet territory, a total of 652 million hectares, which is 29.5 percent of the total area, or 21 percent of the usable agricultural area (including livestock range), but only 3.8 percent of the arable land. Soviet policy toward mountain development has varied over time. At first, mountain areas were considered a symbol of backwardness, and were not allocated a role in the Soviet modernization program. In recent decades, attitudes have been changing, but solutions have differed. The author, focusing on the eastern portion of the Greater Caucasus, shows on the basis of the literature and personal observations how the policy in Dagestan and in Azerbaijan, by allocating lowland activities to mountain populations, differs from Georgian policy, which since 1976 has actively sought to foster a revival of mountain economies.  相似文献   

Extracts from the results of a year‐long study of mountain recreation in the East Grampians are briefly summarised. Visitor profiles and activity patterns are sketched, and attitudes explored. High levels of satisfaction and enjoyment were reported, but the numbers of persons present gave rise to a sense of loss of wildness on the part of a substantial minority of mountain users.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the transnational and international discourses and initiatives focused on and/or carried out by the so-called ‘mountain women.’ Tracking the growing reference to ‘mountain women’, we analyze the way in which the construction and the claim of a gendered identity has developed within the general debate on the international recognition of the global importance of mountain environments that emerged about 20 years ago. Drawing on documents, a survey and interviews, our main objective is exploring how such a reference could lead to the making of an imagined community of ‘mountain women’ offering opportunities for political action. This article concludes that, though women are identified in international discourses as essential contributors to sustainable mountain development, the social identity ‘mountain women’ has not yet evolved into a collective identity around which political solidarities and strategies coalesce to ultimately ground collective action. Indeed, women's organizations have other themes on their agendas and are active at other scales apart from the global one. Indeed, few are willing to identify themselves as ‘mountain women.’ For the time being, ‘mountain women’ remain silent partners in the global agenda for sustainable mountain development.  相似文献   

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