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代琦  张述林 《人文地理》2004,19(5):15-17,54
本文总结了我国近几年旅游规划在实际操作中的利弊得失,指出要给游客留下深刻印象首先就要做到突出地方精神和地方特色,在阐释非自然景观含义的基础上本文得出结论:非自然景观正是表现这种地方精神的最佳载体,接着本文分析了如何在旅游规划实作中正确运用非自然景观因素表现地方精神以及这种运用所带来的巨大吸引力,最后以重庆市大渡口区“老重庆”城旅游规划为例,从调查分析中总结出重庆的地方精神在于其非自然景观要素,在此基础上从主题营造、特色分区和景观设计三方面集中探讨了非自然景观在旅游规划实作中的具体操作。  相似文献   

20世纪60、70年代以来,西方发达国家的城市景观空间研究由"物质景观"转向了"物质与文化景观并重"的研究,其本质在于从人本主义视角探究不同景观的区位价值和区位重构关系,尤其关注城市日常生活空间质量观下的人居环境景观与景观的社会公正配置与规划,从而响应不同的区位价值,满足阶层化下的人的区位尊严需求。本文重在从行为文化区位景观价值视角探讨城市区位景观价值的演变特征、区位景观理论的内涵与构成及区位文化景观尊严规划的原理构成等。  相似文献   

传统村落风貌研究历来是建筑学、景观学和规划学关注的焦点问题之一,并取得了丰硕的研究成果,但地理学视角的相关研究相对较少。基于此,本文试图以中国传统村落上甘棠村为例,通过实地调研和深度访谈等方法,借助景观基因理论对村落进行风貌景观基因识别和提取,在此基础上,构建了传统村落风貌景观基因信息链,并对其四要素(景观信息元、景观信息点、景观信息廊道和景观信息网络)的风貌特征进行了解析,结果显示:①上甘棠村整体风貌景观基因保存度较好,具有巨大历史文化研究价值;②上甘棠村的内在文化基因,即风貌景观基因信息元内涵丰富,但未得到有效传承;风貌特征保存度较差;③上甘棠村风貌景观基因信息点数量众多,内容丰富多样,整体上人文风貌景观基因信息点的保存度要好于自然风貌景观基因信息点;④作为联接通道的风貌景观基因廊道保存相对完整,但存在局部松动、断裂等现象;⑤风貌景观基因信息网络整体保存度一般,局部装饰受损度非常严重,需要尽快修补。未来应加强传统村落风貌特征的数字化研究,可为传统村落保护提供精准化的修复方案。  相似文献   

GIS技术在萨拉乌苏考古遗址公园规划设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统规划设计工作的技术平台多以计算机辅助设计(CAD)为主,本工作以内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯萨拉乌苏考古遗址公园规划为例,将Arc GIS Desktop作为技术平台应用到公园的规划设计工作中。首先,通过对规划区的实地踏勘,采集相关数据和资料,进行规划区数据库建设;其次,在数据库建设的基础上,通过GIS技术构建与现实环境对应的虚拟地理信息空间,实现规划区景观的三维可视化;最后,利用三维景观模型对现实地理环境进行模拟、分析及虚拟场景飞行。不同于传统CAD的二维工作平台,本工作借助GIS对空间数据和属性数据的强大处理功能及其三维景观可视化模块,为实现内蒙古鄂尔多斯萨拉乌苏考古遗址公园的科学规划提供辅助。  相似文献   

The history of vernacular landscapes at the urban fringe is poorly studied, limiting our understanding of the contemporary character of the fringe and our knowledge of the urbanization process. This article argues the necessity of a combined analysis of the legacies of planning and the footprints of former landscape ideals in order to understand the conditions for spatial planning at the urban fringe. After first introducing the methodological use of landscape/planning history, the article focuses on the Swedish discourse on landscape change and landscape planning concerning the urban fringe in the 1930s. Particular focus is placed on the discourse on agricultural landscapes at the urban fringe. The third section of the article presents an examination of the footprints of the ‘landscape convention’ (i.e. an agreement on the meaning of landscape in relation to law and justice) resulting from the landscape discourse of the 1930s. The article argues that the legacy of the 1930s explains some of the difficulties arising when planners of today aim to utilize the farm landscape as a resource for recreation at the urban fringe. The shadow of the landscape discourse of the 1930s also creates difficulties in dealing with peri‐urban landscapes in Swedish planning and Swedish law. With the ongoing discourse on how to implement the European Landscape Convention, such knowledge is particularly useful.  相似文献   

书法景观作为重要的文化景观,为游客提供多重信息,对游客感知和行为产生重要影响。纵观书法景观和旅游意象研究,尚不存在书法景观应用性价值研究及景观元素对目的地旅游意象构建作用的实证研究。本文以西安碑林为例,通过对书法景观功能维度进行划分,构建结构方程模型,探讨书法景观在景区旅游意象构建中的作用,为未来旅游规划和发展提供建设性指导。研究表明书法景观在旅游意象构建中发挥了积极作用,且不同的书法景观功能维度(审美体验功能、地方认同功能、行为导向功能)对景区旅游意象构建中的作用方式及强度不同。  相似文献   

This article continues the discussion on creativity in human geographical research. Drawing on Alain Badiou's writing on “two theatres”, I argue that the theatre–research cooperation as a landscape in motion can bring about creative landscapes. In this article, I discuss a collaborative project of participatory research and theatre that tested drama as a tool for urban planning. In the beginning of the project, theatre appears as a tool of inclusive exclusive politics: the research aims to deal with inter‐cultural relations in a hypothetical planning situation and, further, on theatre's potential to motivate those who usually do not participate in planning. Thus, this initial setting is the first theatre in which the elements of a constellation are seen as static. However, during the process, there were moments of doubt, dealing with the representational politics of multiculturalism. Contrary to Badiou's first theatre, in the second theatre the elements are vivid and capable of breaking the state of a situation. This rupture occurs in the second theatre w hen the spectators feel uncomfortable in their seats, or here when the participatory researcher feel their aims generate an inconvenience. It is in the event that theatre changes from being of the state to saying something about the state. This change represents a rupture in thinking, and brings forth the creative landscape of the theatre–research cooperation.  相似文献   

城乡空间互动-整合演进中的新型农村社区规划体系设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以城乡空间互动-整合演进的理念为依托,横向思考城市与乡村在社会经济发展、居民理想生活诉求层面的异同,着力探讨新型农村社区规划原理及规划体系的核心内容,指出经济空间互动、生活空间延展、社会文化空间更新、城乡交通空间链接及田园生态景观空间表征是城乡空间互动-整合演进不同阶段新型农村社区规划的基本原理,故农业生产空间规划、农村社区居住空间规划、农村社区公共空间规划、农村社区交通空间规划、农田与绿地空间规划构成了新型农村社区规划体系。新型农村社区规划体系的确立必将对城乡空间的合理规划与管理提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

姚亦锋 《人文地理》2007,22(3):92-97
历史时期自然地理格局对于南京古都景观形成有至关重要作用。目前我国的古都风貌保护规划往往是从建筑学角度出发,而缺少对产生历史城市的自然环境变迁分析,以及相应的从地理研究角度的古都风貌保护规划。探查地理系统中的历史城市起源和发展的山水脉络,这对研究城市持续发展与特色继承有重要作用。现代南京城市发展支离破碎地分解了历史上的连绵山峦整体,河流水系网络已经断断续续。顺延山峦与河流脉络调查分析古都遗址是本文研究思路。本篇探讨以地理景观分析并规划形成南京古都风貌保护的地理格局网络:以连绵丘岗山系、河流城濠为骨干,保持山体轮廓的连续性,河流水网的完整性;以自然山水地形为纽带贯通各自相对独立的历史遗迹;以明朝城垣、历史街区为网络,以及分散在各地的重点建筑保护范围,构成完整的古都风貌保护的格局。  相似文献   

赵莹  林家惠  刘逸 《人文地理》2020,35(5):130-140
本研究从SOR模型出发,采用眼动实验对游览唐家古镇的大学生群体进行调查,提出了旅游地的景观类型、色彩丰富程度以及新旧程度对游客感知产生影响,并进一步影响游客眼动行为的研究假设。研究发现:①旅游地景观色彩丰富程度与新旧程度对游客感知及眼动行为存在影响,而景观类型需以群体特征为条件才能进一步影响眼动行为;②景观色彩丰富程度仅对注视时间比重存在显著影响;③新景观与中立景观之间的注视频率存在显著差异,新景观与中立景观、旧景观的注视时间比重也均存在显著差异。本研究尝试在非实验室环境下开展眼动实验,补充并完善了视觉研究方法在真实人文环境中的应用。  相似文献   

The assessment of the performance of planning is debated. The evaluation of the conformance of a given national planning system with a set of principles is similarly received with critical and favourable remarks. A relevant case study consists of the conformance of European landscape planning practice with the principles of the European Landscape Convention (ELC). Italy incorporated in 2004 the principles of the ELC with the Code on Cultural Assets and Landscape (CL), which opened the way for new laws, tools, observatories and atlases. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the usefulness of an assessment exercise concerning the conformance with the ELC of planning practice in Italy. We scrutinize planning systems and tools established by peripheral administrations, according to a qualitative and comparative framework. We refine our analysis by focusing on 10 most recent cases and identifying critical issues in current landscape planning practice. The results are promising and show that landscape planning in Italy is increasingly in line with the ELC.  相似文献   

The twenty-first century has seen a remarkable revival of interest in landscape by disciplines of spatial design, such as landscape architecture, urban design and architecture. Inspired by the principles of the European Landscape Convention (ELC), several authors have suggested extending the concept of landscape into a metaphor for inclusive multiplicity and pluralism in design and planning. However, the implementation of the ELC is rather complex as it deliberately contains no methodological or practical guidelines. In this paper, we explore whether or not the holistic approach towards landscape in the spirit of the ELC actually affects Flemish design in practice. To this end, we study interviewees' perspectives on the use of landscape in design and their experiences with it by means of a qualitative interpretive research design with multiple triangulation of data collection methods. First, we present the perspectives of the study on landscape as a medium to facilitate integration in design projects, by discussing four separate topics where this is the case. Second, we conceptualize the integration of landscape in spatial design as an expertise which can be obtained by spatial designers, regardless of their disciplinary background through awareness-raising, training and education.  相似文献   

南京城市滨江带具有山、水、城、林、洲相融合的特色环境,以往滨江地段功能的主要是工业生产和港口运输。目前科学地进行滨江景观规划强调沿江的生态和旅游功能,这对于南京市的进一步发展有重要意义。本文通过对历史时期南京城市滨江带功能演变的分析,深入滨江带景观现状调查和研究,对各个区域景观要素探讨,提出景观规划的指导思想与原则,并依此进行南京城市滨江带景观规划,划分为六个特色区域:河西滨江段,下关滨江段,幕燕滨江段,江中洲地段,大厂滨江段,浦口珠江段。  相似文献   

Progress in physical geography as a separate research and teaching discipline is reviewed, and unfinished tasks for the next few years are outlined. The discipline continues to focus on the study and mapping of landscapes or geosystems as integrated areal units of the earth's physical-geographic environment. Emphasis is being placed on the use of quantitative techniques and systems theory as well as field observations, particularly at permanent field stations. New areas of application of landscape research are found to be opening up in physical planning, design engineering, evaluation and prediction.  相似文献   

基于人地关系的书法地理学研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
张捷 《人文地理》2003,18(5):1-6
已有的书法地理研究局限于书法现象的地域分异。本文讨论了书法景观的概念、特征及类型,指出书法地理研究应该包括书法作为具有区域分异特征的人文景观元素的研究、书法作为人地关系中景观组成元素的研究以及书法审美作为人地关系的影响物的研究,并进行了详细阐述。书法地理学未来需要通过多学科方法引入进行研究,书法地理学对于旅游、城市规划等多个方面有着潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

刘霄泉 《人文地理》2010,25(1):7-11
瑞典作为北欧国家之一,其特殊的地理和社会环境,为学术发展提供了特有的基础,也形成了独特的传统。作为少数未参加第二次世界大战的国家之一,瑞典建立并逐步完善了福利体系,人文地理学的发展正是在这一过程中逐步发展起来,对瑞典福利体系的建立起到了不可忽视的作用,同时也逐步形成了其特有的研究体系,并在部分领域成为先导者。本文将通过回顾瑞典人文地理学的发展历程,重点分析瑞典人文地理学的三个重点研究领域:区域规划研究与应用,历史地理与景观研究,时间地理学。  相似文献   


The concept of cultural landscape embodies a dynamic understanding of history, in which past, present and future are seamlessly connected. This paper, drawn from a larger research project investigating the integration of tourism in small coastal settlements, introduces a multi‐method research strategy for interpreting cultural landscapes of tourism. The case study of a well‐known resort area on the east coast of Australia demonstrates the dynamic relationship between patterns in the landscape narrative and patterns in the built environment of small coastal settlements. In Noosa, a distinctive built form has evolved in parallel with the narrative of the place as a relaxed but stylish resort village dominated by nature. Both the narrative and physical landscape have been shaped by local and external processes of constant comparison and contrast with well known Australian and international coastal resorts. The paper illustrates how recurring themes in the local dialogue of place have flowed between key urban design/planning decisions, ephemeral tourism literature, publications, and the perceptions of residents, tourists and key informants as reported in focused conversational interviews.  相似文献   

我国区域宗教文化景观及其旅游开发   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
宗教是一种重要的旅游资源,作为一种文化现象与旅游关系密切。研究不同区域宗教与文化景观之间的作用与关系,开展宗教旅游对旅游资源的深度开发,旅游业的可持续发展具有重要意义。本文论述了宗教与宗教文化景观之间的相互作用与影响,指出了中国宗教具有明显的地理特征并从以下几个方面探讨了宗教旅游的开发:①进行区域宗教研究,开展宗教旅游;②深究宗教文化内涵,设计开发宗教旅游项目;③保护宗教旅游资源,构建协调的文化景观;④解放思想协调关系搞好宗教旅游开发。  相似文献   

Landscapes are the result of the interaction of natural and human factors, with many dimensions; they are part of natural and cultural heritage and an important component of the quality of life. Greece has heterogeneous and mixed landscapes issuing from both geomorphology and the impact of complex human systems. Despite the existence of many and early legislative efforts, Greece has a relatively poor history of spatial planning and landscape has been particularly neglected. The adoption of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) in 2010 provides an updated strategic context for integrating landscape in spatial planning. In this article, we seek to contribute to the discussion of landscape policies and the inclusion of the landscape level in the spatial planning national framework. We identify the dominant landscape types by categorizing landscapes at the national scale with reference to the (combined) presence of three different components: geomorphology, land cover and coasts/islands. Then, we investigate the most important processes of change for each type and link these processes with spatial planning policy. The identification of these dynamics sheds light on current and future trajectories of the changes of Greek landscapes, thus providing challenges for its management in the context of the ELC. The case study concerns the regional level; we focus on Attica, Thessaly, Epirus and the Cyclades and identify the principal characteristics according to the proposed landscape typology.  相似文献   

A survey of the visual effects of wind farms was undertaken in South Australia, with the aim of quantifying the impact of wind farms on the perceived scenic quality of landscapes. In the study a total of 311 participants assessed the scenic quality of a photographed landscape in 68 coastal and inland locations where wind farms could be located, both without wind farms and with wind farms digitally added to the scene. A key finding of the study was that wind farms generally had a negative effect on landscapes of higher scenic quality but a positive effect on landscapes of lower scenic quality. The negative visual effects of a wind farm did not reduce appreciably with distance. White, blue or grey coloured turbines were preferred over tan or rainbow hues, but this finding was based on a small number of scenes. Limitations of the study included using static views of wind farms and having an insufficient number of scenes to assess the influence of the number of turbines on scenic quality ratings. The study concluded that wind farms should avoid areas of higher perceived scenic quality, particularly on the coast, and be located in areas of lower scenic quality. The study adds to the growing body of international research on community attitudes to wind farms, and contributes useful knowledge for future planning of wind farms in Australia. These research results should assist communities, government agencies and the wind energy industry and improve the planning and design of wind farms by taking community perceptions into account.  相似文献   

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