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A plea for greater geographer participation in the field of regional and urban planning, which is concerned with selection of building sites for industry, urban and rural settlements, resorts, and tourist centers, the provision of means of transportation, water supply, and other utilities, and other local planning problems. Regional planning is said to offer an ideal field of application for geographic thinking and methods.  相似文献   

A sequence of stages in long-term geographical prediction is proposed. It begins with the prediction of future heat and moisture conditions and the character of future crustal movements, which in turn are used for predicting the future course of evolution of natural-territorial complexes as integral systems. An example of the latter type of forecast would be the prediction of the impact of a reservoir on the surrounding territory. At this point the role of man must be fed into the predictive process. This stage involves an assessment of the future needs of society, an economic evaluation of the resource potential of a territory (including manpower resources) and the choice of an optimal course of development for the territory. The next stage involves an evaluation of the impact of man-made structures on the environment and, in this connection, the use of the concept of geo-engineering system is proposed, involving the interaction between engineering structures and natural systems. Types of interaction may be analyzed in terms of the types of economy represented by energy-and-industry cycles.  相似文献   

就环太湖地区史前社会演进过程与该地区史前地理环境之间的关系这一课题而言,长期以来学界始终将探索与讨论的时代焦点置于新石器时代晚期,因为,这一时期(即崧泽文化晚期-良渚文化时期)环太湖地区史前社会经历了革命性的变化,而且在文化繁荣程度、社会复杂化水平等方面均达到了中国大陆史前文化的巅峰.从研究内容上来看,多数研究者关注的重点是自然环境变迁在环太湖地区社会变迁过程中的作用机制与影响方式.  相似文献   

西夏疆域,地形狭长,东西倍于南北;地势高亢,坐西北而瞰东南。东南部是黄土高原,以横山、六盘山为屏障;北部是鄂尔多斯和阿拉善高原,以沙漠为主,有毛乌素沙漠、腾格里沙漠和巴丹吉林沙漠,间有草原,以阴山山脉为塞垣;西部是青藏高原的北缘,有绿洲曰河西走廊,以祁连山为庇护,河湟环带,山峡迂回;中部为"几字形"河套平原,以黄河、贺兰山为天堑。西夏存立之所以长久者,天时在于大国对峙的夹缝中求生存,地利在于形势要害之地置监军司,人和在于国小则无所恃而有畏惧,军民之事犹如一家。  相似文献   

Analysis results are often found to vary with the way we abstract geographical space. When continuous geographic phenomena are abstracted, processed, and stored in a digital environment, some level of discretization is often employed. Information loss in a discretization process brings about uncertainty/error, and as a result research findings may be highly dependent on the particular discretization method used. This article examines one spatial problem concerning how to achieve the maximal regional coverage given a limited number of service facilities. Two widely used geographical space abstraction approaches are examined, the point‐based representation and the area‐based representation, and issues associated with each representation scheme are analyzed. To accommodate the limitations of the existing representation schemes, a mixed representation strategy is proposed along with a new maximal covering model. Experiments are conducted to site warning sirens in Dublin, Ohio. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of the mixed representation scheme in finding high‐quality solutions when the regional coverage level is medium or high.  相似文献   

An important technique of economic-geographic prediction is the comparative analysis of alternative combinations of productive forces that are likely to modify the existing system of the geographical division of labor and the system of economic regions. A suggested sequence of steps is designed to locate future productive capacity to a maximum extent in already developed regions with minimum inputs into new territorial development. Only industries whose growth cannot be insured in developed regions should be located in new pioneering regions. The predictive process is illustrated with particular reference to the economic development of the USSR up to the year 2000 and beyond. The principle of uniform spatial development, once a keystone of Soviet economic planning, is found to be economically unsound. Rapid returns on investment can be obtained by more intensive use of existing developed territories.  相似文献   

The need for experiments to study physical aspects of craft of the past is stated, as well as the necessity for them to have clear aims and to follow the established principles of scientific enquiry. These principles are discussed in this joint paper by ten maritime archaeologists and others, together with methods and some points of management critical to their application in this field.  相似文献   

The author holds that regional geography cannot be regarded as an independent geographic discipline because it lacks its own system of laws, such as the natural laws that operate in physical geography and the social laws that operate in economic geography. He agrees with the view that both physical and economic geography fall into theoretical and regional departments, and that regional studies test the localized application of the general laws formulated by the theoretical departments of the two great divisions of geography.  相似文献   

《绍兴年鉴》依据科学分类和社会分工相结合的原则,在10年的编纂实践中,不断对其基本框架进行设计和调整。地方综合年鉴框架设计需遵循以下五项原则:需求性原则、全面性原则、客观性原则、稳定性原则、创意性原则。为实现其框架结构最优化,应掌握一些科学的方法:1.对准各层读者需求,明确记述范围和记述方式;2.把握价值判断尺度,选择有效的资料信息立目入鉴;3.抓住"地方"、"综合"属性,强化地方特色;4.紧扣时代发展特点,适时调整栏目设置;5.依据科学、系统要求,做到合理分类、有序排列;6.设置多重索引,增加检查功能。  相似文献   

The link between geographical leadership mobility and policy isomorphism is rarely discussed in the extant literature. We argue that the geographical leadership mobility encourages local executives to converge their development experiences in their original working jurisdictions and their current positions. The distinct Chinese political personnel system provides an ideal environment that allows researchers to examine the isomorphic effects of geographical leadership mobility. This research builds a dataset of local social spending between 1998 and 2011 as well as a database of the leadership mobility history of provincial executives in China. Results of the spatial panel analysis (SPA) demonstrate that the geographical leadership mobility (i.e., horizontal, top-down, and bottom-up) of governors stimulates the regional isomorphism of provincial education and health care spending. The empirical findings affirm the effectiveness of the effort of the Chinese central government in narrowing the regional inequality of social welfare provision through the geographical mobility of local leadership.  相似文献   

Geographical variation operates at a variety of scales. Methods of mapping variation in disease incidence between different countries or even counties are relatively well developed. When, however, the question relates to much smaller aggregations (that is, “clustering”), attention has mainly been restricted to areas near putative point hazards; the majority of cases are excluded from such an investigation. In this study we show how clustering may be investigated and displayed in such a way that it becomes a powerful tool in epidemiological research. As examples we use incidence data from the Yorkshire health region for selected childhood cancers and adult haematopoietic malignancies. The methods would readily extend to any small clusters of rare events.  相似文献   

北宋元丰年间以前,乡是县以下一级“实体政务”区划,其数量和幅员随着人口的损益而变化,故边界尚不稳定。王安石变法之后,乡的行政职能被大大削弱,“乡系户口”的功能也随之消失,乡界逐渐稳固下来。保甲法、经界法等基层改革都是在乡内完成,并不跨乡编排,这种政策性的规定强化了乡的整体性,使乡界变得越来越清晰。依据乡所邻对象的差别,可将其边界细分为四类: 乡与乡的分界;乡与路州军县等政区的分界;乡与行政治所的分界;乡与市镇的分界。从现有材料分析,乡的划界大体上遵循“山川形便”原则,这既是为了基层官员管理的便利,又符合自然聚落形成的规律。  相似文献   

本文讨论了区域调查、拉网式调查与区域系统调查的区别,详细辨析了目前中国多项调查中的工作主体、田野方法、信息分析,并对田野方法中的调查目的、区域范围、年代选择、操作方法等差异较大的几方面进行了探讨,提出了目前存在的本土化、科学化、材料公布三个需要探索的问题。  相似文献   

使用统计数据方面存在的问题,已经成为影响第二轮志书质量的因素之一。因此,使用统计数据必须遵循严谨科学、全面系统的原则,应当经过认真严密的校核、考证,做到重要的基本的统计数据说明资料来源,并在必要时注明统计口径、范围,力求反映地情概貌的基本数据全面系统,注意防止志书数据保密上的两种错误倾向,使志书真正达到存真求实、确保质量的要求。  相似文献   

沙学浚在政治地理、军事地理、历史地理等领域所取得的研究成果,多基于他对不同时空、不同尺度、不同类型区域的准确把握与深入认识.通过对沙氏不同时期论著中关于区域划分、认知、分析等方面思想方法的梳理与总结,可以发现,重视海洋的区域研究视角、空间价值与地位价值相结合的区域研究方法,以及宏观时空视野与动态发展观相结合的区域研究理...  相似文献   

From the geographical point of view, urbanization is treated as a result of economic development as it affects the settlement through the spatial structure of the economy. The spatial structure of the economy and the settlement patterns determine the character of land use in particular physical environments. The urbanization process gives rise to a new, urbanized environment, involving both settlement forms and an altered physical environment. Geographers can make a contribution in urbanization research by focusing on three groups of questions: (1) an analysis of the spatially expressed factors of urbanization to gain an understanding of the mechanism by which an urbanized environment is created; (2) study of settlement and the physical environment as they change in the course of urbanization; (3) investigation of the impact of urbanization on man in terms of mobility, employment, education, etc. Separate indicators need to be developed for each group of questions, crowned ultimately by an integral, synthetic indicator (or indicators) that would offer a generalized characterization of the urbanization process as a whole.  相似文献   

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