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The concept of rural network governance can include different practices, and it is important to gain insight into governance role formation processes. The ability of rural municipalities to effectively perform their role as governance network actors is significantly influenced by municipal organization and norms. Small differences can have big consequences and lead municipalities into different types of governance network roles. This is important to consider in situations where rural communities are facing imbalances and the municipalities increasingly are expected to engage in new roles and take more responsibility for local development. Effective strategies for using local network structures can help rural communities achieve sustainable development. We develop four different governance network models and discuss how the municipal authorities and citizen groups in two rural communities in Setesdal, Norway, perceive the current governance role of the municipality as well as their views on how this role ideally should be performed. We conclude that explanations for the different strategies relate mainly to norms and processes that are endogenous to the communities, which may indicate that rural municipalities have a great deal of autonomy in deciding how to use local network resources.  相似文献   

卢世艳 《攀登》2011,30(3):123-125
为农村居民建立健康档案工作在我国处于起步阶段,根据农村居民健康档案的特点,规范健康档案的管理和有效利用,实现对农民健康的动态和连续管理,发挥健康档案对农村居民健康管理的作用,意义重大。  相似文献   

Current approaches to rural community development in Australia provide for limited government intervention. Such intervention is usually housed within programmes that seek to build the internal capacity of communities to achieve long term socio‐economic sustainability. A fundamental implementation strategy for capacity building has been developing local leadership. The underlying assumption of this approach is that good leadership will result in existing resources being mobilised for a more sustainable function and new resources attracted. What though is good leadership in terms of building the capacity of rural communities to develop sustainable socio‐economic futures? This paper compares the conceptualisation of leadership within rural development policies and leadership training programmes with the nature of local leadership as it exists in on‐ground community building projects. From an in‐depth review of the role and nature of local leadership within six Australian rural communities it was found that local leadership could result in improved adaptive capacity if the leadership is similar in nature to Burn's (1978 ) transformational model of leadership. Within policy, local leadership was most often conceptualised as being similar to this transformational model. However, rural leadership training programmes tended to conceptualise leadership as a top‐down process, similar to Burn's (1978 ) transactional model. While this study of leadership within rural communities revealed that transactional skills, as taught in leadership training programmes, were important for successful project management, such skills did not necessarily result in improved community adaptive capacity. It is suggested that, while transactional leadership can have an important role in influencing the development of rural communities, greater attention needs to be given to developing strategies to support transformational leadership.  相似文献   

Environmental opposition groups have often formed in rural communities as a response to sweeping environmental regulations. They do not match the stereotypes of nongovernmental organizations funded by extractive resource industries, but have a solid grass-roots membership that is stalling, if not altogether thwarting, the momentum of the environmental movement.  相似文献   

景秀艳 《旅游科学》2012,26(5):20-29
权力关系主导着社区空间的生产及其利益分配。旅游规划作为一种权力工具,引发乡村社区空间的等级秩序发生变化,使乡村社区权力和利益分配出现新的非均衡发展的空间格局。旅游开发中政府权力主导的房屋拆迁、土地征用等介入方式可能导致乡村社区丧失旅游空间生产控制权。权力关系影响下的乡村社区与旅游生产的空间关联性、乡村社区的旅游参与性决定着社区居民的旅游利益。本文对福建省泰宁县的五个乡村旅游社区的调查研究证实了以上观点。  相似文献   

中国古代方志在城市形态研究中的价值   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
中国古代城市形态研究是历史地理学中的一个前沿课题 ,主要研究城市的外部形态和内部结构。古代方志资料在城市形态研究中具有重要价值 ,因为方志材料可以补正史记载之不足 ;正史中记载的影响城市形态方面制度的实际执行结果 ,也可以在方志中得到充分体现 ;并且有些城市形态方面的材料只集中存在于方志之中。利用方志资料可以使城市形态研究更为具体细致 ,更加接近历史真实 ,而且可以得出一些新结论 ,推动研究的发展。  相似文献   

中世纪西欧犹太社团及其历史作用探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张淑清 《世界历史》2006,7(6):44-53
社团是中世纪西欧各国犹太人生活的重要载体。它对外协调同统治者的关系,充当所在国家对犹太人税收的代理人,为犹太人的利益辩护;对内实行自治管理,有效发挥管理的、经济的、文化的和宗教上的整合功能,保护其成员的基本利益,从而使得犹太人在基督教文化处于强势地位的政治环境中,不仅顽强地生存了下来,而且将自身独特的民族文化文本保留了下来。  相似文献   


The study of prehistoric cities has often been marked by research strategies that focus completely on urban centers and thus preclude the delineation of entire settlement systems by ignoring the interrelationships between cities and their rural sustaining communities. A major focus of recent research in the Moche Valley on the Peruvian North Coast has been on elucidating the nature of urbanrural relations between the prehistoric Chimú city of Chan Chan and contemporaneous sites located in its hinterland. Excavation at the village of Cerro la Virgen together with additional evidence obtained from other sites in Chan Chan's rural sustaining area has provided insights into Chimú lifeways in nonmetropolitan areas, as well as evidence suggesting a multifaceted plan for organizing lands outside the civic center of Chan Chan. The archaeological data indicate that an important aspect of the organization of rural argicultural zones was the restriction of settlement to villages circumscribed by the Chimú state.  相似文献   

先秦时期的青铜镞形式多样,不同形式的镞有不同的用途,其用途主要分为两大类,一类是用于实战的,一类用于非实战.用于实战的镞包括战争与狩猎,非实战的镞主要是用于礼制及习俗.本文拟根据先秦时期青铜镞在形制上的特点,来探讨青铜镞在先秦时期的功能.  相似文献   

法国的乡村史研究是随着20世纪初社会经济史的兴起逐步发展起来的,它与年鉴学派的兴衰休戚相关。战后30(1945-1975年)是年鉴学派的高峰期,也是法国乡村史研究发展的黄金时期,出现了很多在欧洲史学界颇具影响的乡村史家。70年代后期乡村史研究进入一个相对沉寂的时期。1993年法国史学界发起一场乡村史的“复兴运动”,创立了有关乡村史研究的专门协会和期刊,至今仍对法国乡村史的发展起着积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

秦汉时期的马车分单辕马车和双辕马车两种,单辕车为主,双辕车次之。本文依据车舆以及马车结构上的变化进行类型学上的分类,以期获得马车在该时间段内演进的大概脉络,同时也能提供考古发掘中所发现的类似马车时代的判定标准。  相似文献   

吴欣 《民俗研究》2010,(1):147-159
明清时期,东阿县苫山村落中的不同宗族组织不断加强宗族建设,通过宗族凝聚纽带的变化适应社会的变迁,并进而形成了以血缘关系为主相对稳固的社区村落结构。在时空的脉络中,这种结构又通过共享的记忆、神话、价值等要素以及建立在宗族之上得到人们认同与遵守的伦理规范及制度,维护着村落的自洽性特质。这种特性的运行方式是合作与共赢,而非现代社会的竞争与公平。  相似文献   

李华伟 《民俗研究》2008,(4):72-101
公共空间,主要是从哈贝马斯而来的一个学术概念,而对中国公共空间的研究尚有开拓之余地。公共空间,从内涵上讲,可分为物质的、可见的、有形空间和不可见的、无形的、社会与心理空间。谈论中国的公共空间,必须区分城市与乡村。对城市公共空间的界定与研究,已有不少成果。而关于中国乡村公共空间之研究,  相似文献   

李良 《四川文物》2002,(2):49-55
石窟及经变相是佛教化的产物,也是佛教艺术的重要组成部份。而四川石窟形制与中原、北方早期石窟寺一脉相承,唐以后的变相题材受其影响。洞窟形制的类型多样性,丰富了佛教石窟艺术宝库,经变相的雕刻表述了对佛教理想境界的向往,并且每个石窟都以佛界为主体,自成一个世界,隐藏着教化的历史,蕴含着神秘哲理。虽然四川石窟寺遗存不多(以摩崖龛为主),但唐以来的经变相无论是题材、数量在全国仍占优势,摩崖龛像的大量遗存,突显了蜀地化的多样性。  相似文献   

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