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ABSTRACT This paper provides an analytical framework of urban enterprise zones in a context of regional development. The direct and indirect impacts of urban enterprise zones on regional economies such as job creation, urban unemployment, agricultural wage and changes in the regional economic structure are analyzed by incorporating the intermediate goods sector. The study suggests that the establishment of urban enterprise zones is a beneficial and effective policy instrument which can be used in promoting urban renewal and regional economic growth.  相似文献   

Throughout the 1980s, states experimented with enterprise zone programs aimed at alleviating fiscal distress in urban areas, by promoting the growth of private business. Together, public and private sectors supposedly function as partners to improve employment opportunities, especially for disadvantaged residents in designated zone areas. Today, however, questions continue to be raised regarding the impact of enterprise zone programs on financially depressed areas. This research provides a detailed investigation of the economic activities undertaken in the Kansas City and Cuba, Missouri enterprise zones to determine if a comparative employment advantage exists, and whether zone businesses fulfill their responsibilities with respect to hiring and training disadvantaged workers. The types of businesses attracted to the Kansas City and Cuba enterprise zones are identified to determine if either community has engaged in smokestack chasing. Finally, an urban-rural comparison is offered to help illuminate various factors affecting enterprise zone functions, including job creation capacity, in different socioeconomic settings.  相似文献   

河南高新技术产业集聚分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
覃成林 《人文地理》2003,18(3):47-51
本文的研究表明,河南高新技术产业表现出十分明显的集聚特征,并依据其技术的先进性分化出3个空间层次。同时,在集聚主导下,河南高新技术产业布局还存在着分散化趋势。这种格局主要受区位效应、先行效应、企业扩张与衍生的本地化、地方政府的学习机制和发展产业的路径依赖等4个机制的共同作用。河南高新技术产业的集聚产生了明显的集聚效益,集聚效益与各高新区的集聚程度成正比。在此基础上,本文提出了优化高新技术产业布局,加快河南高新技术产业发展的建议。  相似文献   

制度变迁理论是企业改革的基本理论,本文以这一理论为基础,对日美两国企业制度改革进行比较分析,随着世界经济环境、国内经济状态、企业经营状态以及经济思潮等因素的变化,日美两国先后开始对国内企业制度进行改革。这种改革涉及企业所有制、企业雇用制度等方面。日美两国企业制度改革有不同的特点,并在企业制度的具体形式、企业劳动生产率、企业国际地位、国民经济增长率和国民收入分配等方面有不同的绩效表现。  相似文献   

A theory of zones is formulated. Zones are regions that form a linearly ordered set in space. Concentric zones can be distinguished around any agent on the basis of the degree of interaction between the agent and its environment. Horizontal and altitudinal natural zones in terrestrial and oceanic areas as well as socioeconomic zones around cities and market centers are geographical zones. The displacement of zones over time is analogous to wave motion. Moving zones are historical periods imprinted upon the landscape. The intersection of two zonal systems forms a mosaic of regions. Artificial zoning is designed to insure an orderly arrangement of parts of a residential neighborhood around a civic and shopping center or around a transportation node.  相似文献   

卞显红  沙润 《人文地理》2008,23(6):106-112
长江三角洲城市旅游企业空间布局状况对城市旅游增长极与城市旅游核心-边缘空间结构的形成具有重要影响。长江三角洲城市旅游空间一体化发展及城市旅游核心区与边缘区的协同发展目标的实现,旅游企业空间区位选择费用最小化行为是一种重要的实现推动力。旅游企业在城市旅游核心区或边缘区的布局是旅游企业在固定成本与旅游接待人次两种因素之间博弈的过程。旅游企业选择在城市旅游空间集聚区还是在非集聚区布局取决于在集聚区获得集聚经济的程度、集聚区产生的集聚不经济程度及非集聚区土地等成本的差异等。  相似文献   

贾博群 《神州》2013,(35):28-29
现代企业的市场竞争日趋白热化,而且竞争已经渗透过表层,深入至企业内核。市场不仅要求企业在价格、服务方面拿出相应的实力去竞争,更要求企业内部形成一种特定的企业文化。对于企业管理者而言,企业的多元化发展已经使得他们可以从哲学角度深入企业管理运作,形成自有的企业伦理文化。〈br〉 本文将从企业伦理的新时期演绎出发,对于我国现代企业伦理文化的出现和发展进行分析。由此探讨出企业伦理文化的发展轨迹,并尝试给出企业伦理文化对现代企业发展作用和发展前景评估。  相似文献   

资本是维系企业生存和发展的命脉,而股份制企业筹集资本则不外乎对外招股和内部增殖两种途径。在近代中国华商股份制企业的创立和发展过程中,就对外招股而言,延续着一种按认购股份比例赠予红股的传统;就内部增殖来看,亦出现了一种以配发股份(红股)代替现金分红的制度。当在同一家企业中出现上述两种红股先后更替的嬗变时,则不仅反映了企业财务状况的改善,而且还体现了企业在制度设计上的优化。  相似文献   

费洪平 《人文地理》1992,7(4):19-24
西方发达国家自本世纪60年代以来,企业地理研究的理论、方法和实践已有了很大进展。为开展我国企业地理研究,本文围绕着企业地理研究的方法、产生背景及其发展阶段、主要研究领域以及研究动向等四个方面进行探讨,并认为在我国开展企业地理研究具有广阔的发展前景和深远的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   

企业价值观是企业文化的核心。在企业价值观形成的过程中,企业领袖起着重要作用。本文以稻盛和夫为对象,通过分析其在京瓷企业价值观建立与实践的过程中所起到的作用,探究企业的领袖人物与企业文化之间的关联。  相似文献   

基于SCP框架的我国旅游企业集团化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
旅游市场竞争日趋激烈。本文根据新产业组织理论,应用SCP框架分析我国旅游产业组织结构特征,发现,旅游企业规模偏小、竞争手段单一是我国旅游产业市场绩效差的直接原因。本文提出,建立现代企业制度,优化企业治理结构,消除企业进出的人为壁垒,组建大型旅游企业集团是增强我国旅游产业国际竞争力和提高行业整体效益的有效方法。  相似文献   

在全球化与知识经济时代的双重背景下,人才尤其是高端人才已然成为衡量区域创新能力与经济发展水平的重要指标,其空间分布与流动趋势开始引起学术界的关注。基于人才履历大数据,应用履历分析、社会网络分析与修正型复合指标划分方法,对长三角地区企业经营管理人才空间分布及其流动网络进行了探究。结果表明:①企业经营管理人才空间分布具有明显地域差异,主要集中于沿海沿江地区,且空间集聚态势日益强化;②企业经营管理人才流动网络结构层级显著,网络链接空间上呈“Z”型分布;人才流动整体呈现出低流动性、“一主四副”结构、集中性、均衡性、极核交互与邻域渗透、跨区域性6大特征;③结合流动方向与活跃程度划分出四种人才流动地域类型,总体呈“破碎化”特征。为合理制定城市人才政策、促进区域高质量一体化发展提供科学借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代起,企业文化作为现代企业管理理论和管理方法的重要内容,引起了企业界、学术界的广泛关注和研究。由于这一现象是以“日本何以超过美国”这一问题为背景的,所以,日本企业文化的“人本主义”特征和美国企业文化的“理性主义”特征的比较,成为讨论的重点。本文通过对名列世界500强企业之一的日本京瓷公司的考察,批评了这种二元对立的讨论思路的简单化,指出“人本主义”与“理性主义”的融和,才是京瓷持续成功的根本原因所在,是京瓷企业文化的本质特征.  相似文献   

James Alan Brown 《对极》2019,51(2):438-457
This article engages literature on special economic zones and territory in global development. I suggest a focus on labour's spatial class composition as constitutive of territorial coherence provides insights into how the Savan‐Seno Special Economic Zone in Lao PDR operates as an economic border territory bridging Laos to the regional and global economies. The distanciated global connections which special economic zones aim to create are predicated on zones gaining internal coherence for capital accumulation. I suggest zones’ internal coherence depends on zone firms reworking the local class composition of labour, itself constituted by workers’ spatial practices. In the Savan‐Seno zone this occurred through immobilising a mobile labour force and taking advantage of its continuing embeddedness within a subsistence rice‐producing village economy. The argument aims to illustrate how zones producing for global markets act as territories of complex spatiality which span and connect multiple spaces of production and workers’ social reproduction.  相似文献   

程龙 《中国历史地理论丛》2012,27(3):113-121,159
河北安抚使路是北宋在宋辽边界地区设立的军政区划。本文就河北安抚使路划分的原因从军事地理和粮食补给两个角度进行剖析,合理解释了河北各安抚使路的整体布局和形态差异,突出了军事交通地理和后勤补给运输路线在影响安抚使路划分过程中所发挥的作用。  相似文献   

丁忠兵 《攀登》2009,28(6):77-81
为支持青海民营企业应对金融危机,本文在对青海民营企业深入调研的基础上,从理顺体制机制、加强银企合作、探索股权融资、推进企业整合、完善企业退出机制、加强政府信息服务能力建设等方面提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

近代慈善事业与中国东南社会变迁(1895-1949)   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
周秋光  曾桂林 《史学月刊》2002,11(11):84-94
1895-1949年,近代慈善事业的兴起与发展促使了中国东南社会的沧桑变迁及其慈善事业的近代化,其历程大致可以分为两个时期:清末十余年是初步兴起时期,近代色彩的慈善理念得以萌生,慈善公益活动有了初步扩展,传统的善堂善会纷纷向近代慈善团体转变。民国是兴盛发展时期,东南地区出现了众多的慈善团体和慈善家群体,对于民国社会的维系有着举足轻重的作用。近代慈善事业实际上扮演着调节社会的重要角色,成为推动近代社会前进的一种不可缺少的动力。  相似文献   

京瓷公司阿米巴经营取得了极大的成功,其原因在于构建了独特的组织形式与运行机制,即在阿米巴的组织基础上,通过核算机制引入了市场价格,再利用其独特的权威机制来克服企业部价格机制的不足。这样,使得企业的外部激励部化,低能激励高能化,从而提高了企业对市场的反应速度与企业的竞争力。我们称这种引入市场机制的企业为市场型企业,但我们也发现,随着企业的增大,企业部的价格机制就越难以发挥作用,故阿米巴经营也有它的局限性。  相似文献   

Areal interpolation involves the transfer of data from one zonation of a region to another, where the two zonations of space are geographically incompatible. By its very nature this process is fraught with errors. However, only recently have there been specific attempts to quantify these errors. Fisher and Langford (1995) employed Monte Carlo simulation methods, based on modifiable areal units, to compare the errors resulting from selected areal interpolation techniques. This paper builds on their work by parameterizing and visualizing the errors resulting from the areal weighting and dasymetric methods of areal interpolation. It provides the basis for further research by developing the methodology to produce predictive models of the errors in areal interpolation. Random aggregation techniques are employed to generate multiple sets of source zones and interpolation takes place from these units onto a fixed set of randomly generated target zones. Analysis takes place at the polygon, or target zone level, which enables detailed analysis of the error distributions, basic visualization of the spatial nature of the errors and predictive modeling of the errors based on parameters of the target zones. Correlation and regression analysis revealed that errors from the areal weighting technique were related to the geometric parameters of the target zones. The dasymetric errors, however, demonstrated more association with the population or attribute characteristics of the zones. The perimeter, total population, and population density of the target zones were shown to be the strongest predictive parameters.  相似文献   

邓小平经济特区理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济特区理论是邓小平理论的重要组成部分 ,它是一个完整的理论体系。其中包括 :为实现经济发展战略目标再造几个“香港” ;广东经济特区的发展要与香港互为依托 ;社会主义也可以搞市场经济 ;广东经济特区是个试验等  相似文献   

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