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本文从分析外部因素和内部因素着手,探讨了大革命时期法国对奥地利宣战的动因问题。本文认为,《皮尔尼茨宣言》并不对大革命构成实质性的威胁;逃亡贵族的政治活动是大革命的心腹之患;宣战不是少数人的阴谋;大革命的政治文化现象推进了法国的宣战。  相似文献   

李峰 《安徽史学》2004,(3):25-31
1883—1885年中法战争期间英国的数度调停,目的在于独立操纵中法和议,以维护英国在华优势地位及列强共同侵华的统治秩序。曾纪泽维护中国国家利益和尊严的外交立场和活动及其对清政府政策的影响,是英国调停未能如愿成功的重要原因。  相似文献   


This article focuses on questions of rupture and continuity in European international relations around 1800, taking French revolutionary diplomatic practice in the Ottoman Empire as a case in point. Historians who have studied the conduct of French revolutionary diplomacy tend to emphasize the ruptures in revolutionary diplomatic practice. The analysis of Franco-Ottoman alliance negotiations (1792–1797) does not fully match with this assessment. Although it is certainly true that the Revolution led to great alterations in French diplomatic culture, French diplomats were often far from discarding all diplomatic conventions. The article gives a short overview over the diplomatic agents working for the French embassy and their reactions to the Revolution in France. It then presents the Ottoman reaction to the regime change in France, in particular with regards to the transition from monarchy to republic. The main focus is on the question of innovation and continuity in diplomatic practice and on the self-representation of the new French state.  相似文献   

战后,日本政府推行的内外有别、军民不同、官兵迥异即根据对侵略战争的态度和“贡献”大小予以差别对待的战争补偿政策,明显具有战争犯罪的主观故意和客观影响,不容忽视。日本政府内外有别的战争赔偿政策的成因,主要有以下四个方面:1.“自卫战争史观”、“解放战争史观”、“靖国史观”等,是这一战争赔偿政策形成的思想根源;2.日本政要的右派构成和日本政权的保守性质,是这一战争赔偿政策形成的政治基础;3.部分日本国民持错误的战争史观,是这一战争赔偿政策形成的社会土壤;4.战后宽松的国际地缘政治环境,是这一战争赔偿政策形成的外部条件。  相似文献   

Hyperinflations are a modern phenomenon often associated with periods of transition. By accelerating the dynamics that govern the financial, political and private spheres of life, hyperinflations necessitate a quickened decision-making process in which alternative choices are eliminated. Using the example of Austria following the First World War, this article shows that hyperinflations are likely to have a path-determining effect on multiple levels. While periods of transitions offer the rare opportunity for countries to break with historical path dependence, hyperinflations carry the risk of creating new path dependence prematurely. By speeding up dynamics during transformative processes, hyperinflations eliminate possible alternatives that might otherwise have been chosen. Hyperinflations are thus best understood as neither the cause nor the consequence of transitions, but as their accelerating catalyst.  相似文献   

By integrating French archives and untapped US intelligence records, this article uncovers a debate within US government circles about the accuracy of the entrenched image of France at the onset of the Cold War as decadent and teetering toward revolution. In exchanges with the White House, State Department and military, right-leaning French sources bolstered this view. French contacts in the Resistance meanwhile shaped Office of Strategic Services analysis that France was a strong, worthy ally. France became a contested idea with warring factions in both capitals seeking to influence US policy – with repercussions for Franco-American relations for decades to come.  相似文献   

抗战前期(1937年7月-1940年6月),中国根据中法签订的有关条约向法国提出了借道越南运输战略物资的请求,但法国却无视条约规定,在对华借道问题上始终不敢明确承担其义务。具体来讲,法国的对华借道政策经历了禁运、变通、逆转三个演化阶段。之所以如此,一是法国自身利益的需要,二是奉行与英、美平行政策的产物,因而成为抗战时期西方列强对日绥靖的表现之一,制约和影响了中国抗战能力的发挥;但是,由于法国在借道政策的执行过程中对中国抱有一定程度的同情,使中国过境越南的运输在实际上一直没有中断,这种“禁而不止”的政策特征又使其带有较强的有限援华色彩,在客观效果上对中国抗战产生了一定的积极影响。  相似文献   

涿鹿之战探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
五帝时代前期 ,仰韶文化半坡类型所代表的炎帝族系自西而东、后岗类型所代表的蚩尤族系自东而西分别扩张 ,终于在涿鹿附近相遇而发生激烈冲突 ,蚩尤族系暂时居于优势。但后来继半坡类型而兴起的庙底沟类型所代表的黄帝族系势力大长 ,与蚩尤在涿鹿一带再次交锋 ,终于取得决定性的胜利。失败的蚩尤族系被迫向南迁徙。  相似文献   

李喆 《安徽史学》2021,(2):89-96
1917年,北洋督军在“宣战案”政潮中前后活动的重心出现由“对抗中央”到“拒止张勋”的转向,这与张勋对督军的蒙蔽、算计及段祺瑞的时局主张有关.在此过程中,督军之于复辟也由认可转变为拒止.若横向考察督军内部的派别倾向,则知除段、冯两派外,还有若干“中间督军”,他们在政潮中的步调差异折射出北洋团体松散、疏离的趋向.回顾以往史著,多将种种阴谋加诸各督与段祺瑞,但在实际情形中,形势与人心往往令当局者有所瞻顾,单从阴谋角度解读,未必符合实际.  相似文献   

Prefiguring twentieth-century experiments, the French revolutionaries represented the war in which they were engaged after 1792 by staging military spectacles in the theatre and in civic festivals. Both plays and festivals were highly allegorical in nature, representing the war as a conflict between rival ideologies and providing stereotypical caricatures of enemy villains. Military plays won little acclaim from theatre critics, who objected to their implausibility and lack of originality. Audiences limited their enthusiasm to plays that brought romance and patriotism together. Allegorical representations spoke neither to the realities of war nor to the psychological needs of spectators. The involvement of soldiers in staging and witnessing military spectacles, however, underlines their significance in representing and helping to produce the nation-in-arms.

résumé:?Tout comme le font certains mouvements au vingtième siècle, les révolutionnaires français représentent la guerre dans laquelle ils se trouvent engagés au moyen de pièces de théâtre et de fêtes civiques. Dans ces spectacles allégoriques, avec leurs symboles et leurs personnages stéréotypés, la guerre prend l'aspect d'un conflit idéologique. Ces spectacles ne plaisent guère aux critiques dramatiques qui y désapprouvent le manque de vraisemblance et d'originalité. Quant aux spectateurs, eux, ils applaudissent seules les pièces où se trouvent à la fois la sentimentalité et le patriotisme. Les représentations allégoriques, divorcées des réalités de la guerre et sans rapport avec les conflits personnels occasionnés par le patriotisme, ne répondent pas à leurs besoins psychologiques. C'est surtout le fait que les soldats ont participé aux spectacles militaires qui fait que ces derniers doivent être reconnus comme ayant non seulement représenté mais aussi inspiré la nation en armes.  相似文献   

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