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This article investigates Marmontel's reworking of the ancient legend of Pero and Cimone in his bestselling novel Les Incas (1777). According to an anecdote in Valerius Maximus's Memorable Doings and Sayings (c.30 CE), Pero saves her father, condemned to death by starvation, by breastfeeding him in prison. In Les Incas, it is Bartolomé de las Casas who is being cured from a fatal illness through the milk of an Amerindian princess. Jean‐Michel Moreau the Younger illustrated this lactation scene in the first edition of Marmontel's novel; his engraving inspired Louis Hersent to render the topic in oil three decades later. My article explores the ways in which French Enlightenment writers and artists employed lactation imagery to propose a utopian reform of colonial relations – the voluntary offering of America's riches to benevolent white patriarchs – at a time when the nature of government authority, paternity, maternity, race and kinship were being redefined. In 1808, Hersent's painting of ‘Las Casas Cured by Savages’ appears curiously anachronistic in the context of contemporary novels and paintings that portray colonial relationships as inundated by death and bloodshed. In Chateaubriand's Atala (1801), lactation imagery is employed to signify white men's necrophilic desire, genocide and loss.  相似文献   

张广翔 《世界历史》2012,(1):43-53,159
俄国一直面临着既要保证税收又要减少酗酒的艰巨任务。俄国预算中酒税收入举足轻重;而俄国人酗酒成风,成为严重的社会问题。俄国为了保证稳定的酒税收入,交替运用国家垄断、包税制和消费税形式,其中酒垄断因简单易行和效果明显而历时最长。政府热衷于酒税收入的同时,也助长了酗酒。1894年财政大臣维特实施的酒销售垄断,名为解决酗酒问题和恢复良好民风,实为增加国家岁入。税收目标和社会目标实难两全,这是认识和评价此次酒销售垄断的关键所在;而数百年来俄罗斯人沿袭下来的饮酒习俗则是滋生酗酒的土壤,解决酗酒问题绝非一朝一夕之事。  相似文献   

本文认为两汉以迄宋代史籍中的西域"金山"(包括"金微山"、"金婆岭"、"金莎领"、"金娑山"、"金岭"、"金莎山")、"祁连山"、"白山"、"析(折、时、初)罗漫山"、"贪汗(汗)山"、"阿羯田山"、"天山"以及"阴山"等皆指天山山脉而不是指阿尔泰山脉.吐鲁番盆地及东部天山地区为乌古斯部族即前突厥汗国核心部族的发祥地.乌古斯便是汉代的姑师(车师),是后来崛起的柔然、高车、突厥和回鹘等政权核心集团的源头.  相似文献   

Casas Grandes, or Paquimé, is located in northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico, although it is one of the pueblo-style cultures that are best known from the adjacent southwestern U.S. At its apogee (ca. A.D. 1200–1450), Casas Grandes has been characterized as the largest and most complex prehistoric community in the puebloan world. It is further famous both as the center of one of the major interaction systems of the region, as well as a link between the cultures of Mesoamerica and those of the U.S. Southwest. Despite its acknowledged status as one of late prehistoric North America's few indigenous complex societies, the Casas Grandes polity has been so little studied that most aspects of its size, structure, level of centralization, and mode of operation remain obscure. The writers' work in Chihuahua has been designed to remedy this situation. In contrast to the original and highly influential interpretation that has prevailed for the last 25 years, the work reported here argues that the Casas Grandes polity, like its Chacoan and Hohokam counterparts of the adjacent southwestern U.S., existed at an intermediate level of sociopolitical complexity, so that it was not able to exert a uniform hegemony even over its near neighbors. Envisioned instead is a less comprehensive, less centralized situation of irregular control in a politically unstable context.  相似文献   

It is a common assumption that the title of supreme priesthood or pontifex maximus is included in the official papal titulature, and it has been supposed that the Roman bishop adopted it from the Roman emperor in late antiquity. In fact, however, it was probably not until the fifteenth century that the designation was first used by the papacy, and it has continued to be part of papal representation ever since. The title was deeply rooted in the Roman imperial past. At several stages in papal history the papal agency felt the need to draw back (again) on this ancient, traditional title and managed to successfully (re‐)introduce the title by anchoring it in the cultural biography of the papacy.  相似文献   

龙秀清 《世界历史》2002,23(6):57-68
学术界一般认为,天主教是一种保守而顽固的封建势力,阻碍了西方社会的近代转型。本通过对近代早期教廷财政制度的考察,认为从15世纪起,罗马教廷的经济生活方式发生了变化,从依赖其封建特权为生到运用现代金融手段度日。这一变化不仅改变了教廷传统的财政机制,也使教廷财政与近代金融市场融为一体,迫使教廷的经济生活纳入新的经济秩序与经济原则的运行中。教廷特权阶层已与商人、银行家等资产家族结成同盟。这证明近代早期的罗马教廷并不比当时欧洲的任何世俗政府更为保守,其制度变迁并不是反常的逆流。  相似文献   

大型线性文化遗产保护初论:突破与压力   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
线性化遗产(Lineal or Serial Cultural Heritages)是近年来国际化遗产保护领域提出的新理念。中国作为历史悠久的明古国,拥有丰富的线性化遗产资源。在当前城市化加速发展和大规模城乡建设过程中,线性化遗产尤其是大型线性化遗产的保护面临着日益沉重的压力和不容错过的机遇,已经成为化遗产保护的一项重大课题,本将就此作一初步探讨。  相似文献   

After a spate of demolitions and a 1990s building boom, the values of neoliberalism – deregulation, privatisation and innovation through competition – have shaped an entirely new topography in Las Vegas, developing in perfect harmony with the former’s rise to global dominance. The Strip, however, has come to capture more than free market economics in building form. The fabric of this desert suburb is also unmistakably gendered, and embodies normative sexuality throughout its unique arrangement of casino-hotels. This article proposes that neoliberalism and heteronormativity are closely intertwined and manifest through the spatial composition of Las Vegas Boulevard. It uses the area’s orientation towards entertainment to consider performance as a central element to this spatiality, and thus as a lens through which to approach analysis of the Strip in spatial terms. Under the Strip’s twin spatial regimes, queer entertainers, and drag performers in particular, have historically marketed both themselves and their acts in order to attract revenue from a conservative, heterosexual audience. Despite its all-pervasive heteronormativity, however, I also argue that the Strip contains a queer disruption at its core. The drag revue Divas Las Vegas hosted by the Strip’s longest-running headliner, Frank Marino, marks a break with local drag traditions, and provides a queer interrogation of gender politics for its audience of predominantly heterosexual tourists.  相似文献   

A shifting American cultural geography, stemming from clustering of like-minded people, has been much-discussed in recent years. The “voluntary region”, proposed by Wilbur Zelinsky in his path-breaking The cultural geography of the United States, is a regional construct relatively unexplored by cultural geographers that may help in their contributions to such conversations. As described by Zelinsky, voluntary regions are places that attract individual, like-minded people away from long-standing “traditional regions” based on a desire for amenity and economic opportunity. I review the concept and its sparse embrace in the literature and suggest that it has much to offer our discipline. Using Las Vegas as a paradigmatic example, I explore methods that can be used to explore the formation and character of voluntary regions. I argue that the voluntary region framework is an encompassing lens through which cultural geographers can examine the complex nature of place and regional construction at the hands of dynamic forces that lead people to resettle in new places.  相似文献   

在外语教学过程中,外国人以母语所编写的原版书籍往往被认定为最正宗、最正确的语言教学用书而备受推崇,而且不仅限于以语法知识为中心的教材,甚至包括了以意识形态为内核的史书等。这种情况非常不利于国民的培养以及民族国家的建设。  相似文献   

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