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避暑山庄初建时间及相关史事考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
避暑山庄初称热河行宫。其始建时间在清代官修史籍中无载,私家笔记和现代学者其说不一,似无从定论。本文在参阅史籍和清宫遗档的基础上,认为热河行宫肇建于康熙四十二年七月二十三日(1703年9月4日),并对其始建时期的相关史事作出考定。  相似文献   

张廷玉《(明史·礼志》是迄今影响最大的专门记载明代礼制的史志文献,但其中也存在诸多史实讹误,这大大影响了其可信度和史料价值.经据《明实录》、《明会典》、《皇明典礼志》、《昭代典则》、《太常续考》、《辛L部志稿》等文献考证,可知该《志》中华书局1974年点校本第47-53卷仍然存在史实讹误21处.其致误之直接原因,大致有脱漏、衍文、字形相近而误等情形;但根本原因还是缘于编纂、刻印和传抄者的疏忽与粗心.  相似文献   

Along with a teaching collection, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, began accepting medical artifacts for a historical museum in the early 1920s, although it never developed into more than an unofficial collection until the 1970s, when it was transformed into the Medical Museum and Archives at the University Hospital. In the 1990s, the artifacts were dispersed among several local institutions. The remaining objects at the university have been now reorganized as the Medical Artifact Collection. While these objects were once used to educate students about the practice and philosophy of medicine, they are now used to teach students about local, medical, Canadian and public history.  相似文献   

南京国民政府在不同的历史时期,先后颁布了考绩法、公务员考绩法、非常时期公务员考绩暂行条例、非常时期公务员考绩条例、公务员考绩条例、公务人员考绩条例。关于这些法规、法令颁布的时间、施行的时间,考绩的种类、程序和方法等基本史实,目前出版的有关教材、著作中,有不少错误,甚至有十多种图书包括辞典、教材错得一模一样。本文的考证,旨在纠正错误,寻得正确答案。  相似文献   

陆发春 《安徽史学》2003,(6):106-108
在当今史界,有关现代人物研究的章大量引用口述史料或回忆性资料已较普遍,因疏于考证而出现史实失真的现象也不鲜见。本以苏雪林与胡适交往的二则史实考证为例,旨在强调研究使用回忆录性质材料时,应当注意到回忆记忆的准确度。学术研究类的论,更应建立在经过考实后的史料基础上。  相似文献   


James Boswell (1740–1795) is most famous for writing the masterly biography of his friend and mentor The Life of Samuel Johnson, published in 1791, only a few years before his own death. However, during Boswell’s own lifetime he was far more famous for his other major work, the Account of Corsica (1768). The Account of Corsica has been rather neglected by modern scholarship. This article will attempt show its importance in the context of the mid eighteenth century. Boswell’s Account was in fact the latest in a series of British publications concerning the island of Corsica during the eighteenth century. This article will attempt to trace the evolution of the ideas of Corsica that developed in Britain; beginning with the outbreak of the Corsican revolt in 1728, and culminating with the publication of Boswell’s Account of Corsica in 1768. Corsica became an important case study for British self-reflection, concerning the type of Empire they would become. The main question raised by the case study of Corsica was whether Britain should be an empire that protects liberty across the globe, or a metropolitan commercial state?  相似文献   

The oil refinery/petro‐chemical complex at Grangemouth has played an important part in the rise of the United Kingdom petro‐chemical industry which has been one of the most dynamic elements of the nation's manufacturing sector.1 The complex has a special significance within Central Scotland in view of the contrast between its rapid development and the declining fortunes of the traditional industrial base. This paper analyses its structure and development and also examines its role as the focus of official attempts to promote Grangemouth/Falkirk as a ‘growth centre’.  相似文献   

潘振成  孙立军 《攀登》2005,24(1):18-21
二十世纪八十年代以来,生物技术的飞速发展,促成青海逐步形成生物技术产业。作为新兴产业,它是青海经济发展的一个增长点。但是,青海生物技术产业目前还存在着一些不足,主要是发展还较滞后,层次低,规模小,缺乏相应人才等。今后,要把生物技术作为青海高新技术创新和发展新兴产业的突破口,集中力量,重点攻关,加强科技创新,加快生物技术产业化。  相似文献   

New advances in computer science address problems historical scientists face in gathering and evaluating the now vast data sources available through the Internet. As an example we introduce Dacura, a dataset curation platform designed to assist historical researchers in harvesting, evaluating, and curating high-quality information sets from the Internet and other sources. Dacura uses semantic knowledge graph technology to represent data as complex, inter-related knowledge allowing rapid search and retrieval of highly specific data without the need of a lookup table. Dacura automates the generation of tools to help non-experts curate high quality knowledge bases over time and to integrate data from multiple sources into its curated knowledge model. Together these features allow rapid harvesting and automated evaluation of Internet resources. We provide an example of Dacura in practice as the software employed to populate and manage the Seshat databank.  相似文献   

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