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Samples of ancient Indian lime plaster have not previously been analysed. Excavation of a seventh century AD baked brick structure provided the necessary samples for a detailed laboratory examination of plaster. The plaster samples were studied by chemical and petrographic methods. The probable sources of lime and sand were indicated by the mineralogy.  相似文献   

Bitumen used as a preservative in ancient Egyptian mummies was previously thought to come only from the Dead Sea in Palestine. Other, closer sources of bitumen were investigated at Abu Durba and Gebel Zeit on the shores of Egypt’s Gulf of Suez. Bitumen from these localities and from five mummies was analysed using molecular biomarkers derived from gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. It was found that four of the mummies contained Dead Sea bitumen, and the fifth and oldest (900 bc) had bitumen from Gebel Zeit, thus providing the first evidence for the use of an indigenous source of bitumen in ancient Egypt.  相似文献   

贵州布依族民族历史悠久,文化丰富多彩。布依族文献古籍主要是以汉字记音和自创的表意方块字来记载的。由于没有形成统一规范的文字体系,不同地区的布依族文献古籍的书写记载方式各不相同,只有掌握使用这些文献古籍的布摩先生能够识读。人们对这些文献古籍的价值认识不足,其搜集、整理和保护只停留在学术研究的层面。许多保存民间的文献古籍随着时间的推移,流失现象非常严重,必须引起高度重视。  相似文献   

陈明 《文献》2003,1(1):47-65
所谓西域,自古以来就有广义和狭义之称.本文所指称的西域,乃是取其狭义,即现在的新疆地区.  相似文献   


In view of the paucity of other sources for this century, so momentous in the history of the Near East, the Syriac materials take on a particular importance for both Byzantine and Islamic historians. While some of these sources, such as Michael's Chronicle, are well known to all, others lie as yet unexploited and ignored. The purpose of the present article is to collect together in convenient form details of all the main Syriac sources available for the seventh century, listing standard editions, translations and the more important discussions. Fuller information on authors and secondary literature can readily be found by reference to the following works: A. Baumstark, Geschichte der syrischen Literatur (Bonn, 1922); I. Ortiz de Urbina, Patrologia Syriaca, 2nd ed. (Rome, 1965); C. Moss, Catalogue of Syriac Printed Books and Related Literature in the British Museum (London, 1962); S. P. Brock, ‘Syriac Studies 1960–1970: a classified bibliography’, Parole de l'Orient, IV (1973), 393–465. For the topographical history ot the area now covered by Iraq, J. M. Fiey's Assyrie chrétienne, 3 vols. (Beirut, 1965–8), is an invaluable compendium.  相似文献   


Neutron activation analysis and other analytical techniques enable archaeologists to match certain stone artifacts with their sources in the living rock. Steatite, serpentinite, and chlorite, which are often called “soft stones,” have been matched with considerable success in tests on New World samples. Matching artifacts and sources helps the archaeologist in determining prehistoric exchange systems and thus gain considerable insights into ancient cultures.

In order to provide basic information on soft-stone sources on Crete with which samples from artifacts may be compared, a review of the literature and two field surveys were undertaken. The results indicate that soft-stone sources on Crete are more extensive than formerly believed. The correlation between soft-stone deposits and the location of ancient sites is also considered.  相似文献   

为了解决古籍修复纸张短缺问题,国家古籍保护中心启动了古籍修复用纸定制工作。此次定制纸张以古纸为样本,在古代造纸原产地选择生产厂家,采用石灰沤浆,日光漂白等传统手工纸生产工艺生产。经过两年的努力,目前已经生产出了多种规格的竹纸、皮纸和宣纸。经检测,各项指标符合质量要求。对古纸的种类、修复用纸分类和质量要求进行了阐述、对传统和现代手工造纸工艺利弊进行了比较,检测数据证明了定制古籍修复用纸技术路线的正确性。  相似文献   

外部环境及条件(如潮湿、光照、虫害等)对古籍的作用,不仅会影响纸张,还会使得其上的墨迹发生改变(如洇墨、掉墨等)。同时,古籍修复中常使用水等溶剂或药剂进行清洁、漂洗等处理,亦可能导致墨迹的脱落、洇化。因此,如何对古籍等纸质文物进行固色保护是纸质文物保护研究的重要问题之一。鉴于此,本工作以羧甲基纤维素、胶矾水及壳聚糖季铵盐为固色材料,通过色度测量、pH值测定、扫描电子显微镜-能谱(SEM-EDX)分析、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)分析、接触角测量、固色试验及力学性能测试等手段,先后从固色材料对纸张性质的影响、字迹的固色效果及纸和颜料间的相互作用、固色材料适用性及其拓展效果三方面展开研究。结果显示,羧甲基纤维素、胶矾水及壳聚糖季铵盐三种固色材料都具有一定的固色效果,但其性能各异。因此,本工作从多方面综合比较了这三种固色材料对墨及红、蓝墨水的固色效果和性能的差异性,为古籍修复固色材料的选择和评价方法提供基础和借鉴。  相似文献   

汉族古代文学在贵州毕节地区布依族中的传播与接受   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相近的生活环境、生产方式导致布依族与汉族拥有类似的社会结构和民族心理。在此基础上,汉族古代学以自己成熟的艺术魅力和伦理道德内涵深深地影响了毕节境内布依族化的发展。在他们的葬礼仪式之一“三献礼”中,保存了对《诗经》、乐府、《论语》、《孟子》等学作品的直接诵唱;在他们的“砍牛祭祀’’传说中融入了汉族古老的传说“董永卖身”。闭塞的环境阻隔了信息的交流,遏制了化的发展,最终导致了古老的汉族化在布依化中的长期滞留。  相似文献   

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