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The research performed by Camillo Golgi in histology and pathology dates from 1865, the year in which he obtained his MD degree, to 1923, when his last scientific article was published. Beginning in the mid-1855s, microscope manufacturers in Europe started producing objectives based on the principle of immersion introduced in 1847 by Giovan Battista Amici. The immersion objectives greatly improved the resolution of microscopic observations at high magnifications. From 1860 to 1872, technological improvements in microscope optics and the practicality of their use provided a larger community of investigators effective tools needed to study the structure of the nervous system. This progress in microscopy was associated with the application of new histological techniques, mastered by the chromoargentic reaction introduced by Golgi in 1873. In 1872, further progress in microscopy stemmed from the application of notions of applied physics to the production of microscope optics. These developments in microscopy will be briefly reviewed here.  相似文献   

Born in Corteno, a tiny village in the province of Brescia, Camillo Golgi studied at the University of Pavia where he graduated in medicine in 1865 under the guidance of the psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso who sparked his vocation to study the brain. Golgi then began to learn histological techniques under the direction of the pathologist Giulio Bizzozero. In 1872 he moved to Abbiategrasso as chief of a hospital for chronic diseases. In a rudimentary laboratory he developed the silver-bichromate staining technique, the 'black reaction', which was a breakthrough for nervous tissue structure research. While in Abbiategrasso Golgi demonstrated the branching of the axons, and observed striatal and cortical lesions in a case of chorea. He returned to Pavia as Professor of Histology and General Pathology, and made a series of important discoveries that still bear his name: the Golgi tendon organ, the Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscles, another Golgi method to stain nerve cells based on the use of potassium dichromate and mercuric chloride, the canaliculi of the parietal cells of the gastric glands (Muller-Golgi tubules), the Golgi-Rezzonico myelin's annular apparatus (or Golgi-Rezzonico horny funnels), the cycle of malarian parasites (Golgi cycle), the relationship between recurrent malarian fever bouts and the multiplication of the Plasmodium in the blood (Golgi law), the relationship between the vascular pole of the Malpighian glomerulus and the distal tubule, the Golgi's pericellular nets and finally, and most importantly, the cytoplasmic 'internal reticular apparatus' (Golgi apparatus). In 1906 Golgi was awarded the Nobel prize for Medicine or Physiology. He died in Pavia on 21 January 1921.  相似文献   

Born in Corteno, a tiny village in the province of Brescia, Camillo Golgi studied at the University of Pavia where he graduated in medicine in 1865 under the guidance of the psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso who sparked his vocation to study the brain. Golgi then began to learn histological techniques under the direction of the pathologist Giulio Bizzozero. In 1872 he moved to Abbiategrasso as chief of a hospital for chronic diseases. In a rudimentary laboratory he developed the silver-bichromate staining technique, the ‘black reaction’, which was a breakthrough for nervous tissue structure research. While in Abbiategrasso Golgi demonstrated the branching of the axons, and observed striatal and cortical lesions in a case of chorea. He returned to Pavia as Professor of Histology and General Pathology, and made a series of important discoveries that still bear his name: the Golgi tendon organ, the Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscles, another Golgi method to stain nerve cells based on the use of potassium dichromate and mercuric chloride, the canaliculi of the parietal cells of the gastric glands (Müller-Golgi tubules), the Golgi-Rezzonico myelin's annular apparatus (or Golgi-Rezzonico horny funnels), the cycle of malarian parasites (Golgi cycle), the relationship between recurrent malarian fever bouts and the multiplication of the Plasmodium in the blood (Golgi law), the relationship between the vascular pole of the Malpighian glomerulus and the distal tubule, the Golgi's pericellular nets and finally, and most importantly, the cytoplasmic ‘internal reticular apparatus’ (Golgi apparatus). In 1906 Golgi was awarded the Nobel prize for Medicine or Physiology. He died in Pavia on 21 January 1921.  相似文献   

Gustaf Retzius (1842-1919), the Swedish anatomist and anthropologist, and Camillo Golgi were contemporaries. They met on several occasions and came in closer contact when Golgi, together with Ramon y Cajal, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in Stockholm in 1906. Retzius came from an illustrious family. His father was professor of anatomy at Karolinska Institutet and Gustaf himself made a fast career. At 35, he was appointed to a professorship in histology, especially created for him at Karolinska Institutet, and later he became professor of anatomy in the same institution. Retzius was exceedingly productive, and published more than 300 scientific papers, most of which dealt with the nervous system and sensory organs. The majority of these were included in his magnificent volumes Biologische Untersuchungen, Neue Folge (Biological Investigation, New Series), which appeared from 1890 to 1921, and in Das Gehororgan der Wirbelthiere ("The Acoustic Organ of Vertebrates", 1881 and 1884), which may be his internationally better know contribution. Much of his work, especially on invertebrates, was based on Ehrlich's methylene blue method, but he also used the Golgi method early on. Particularly his studies of the innervation of the sensory organs became of great importance for the support of the neuron doctrine. His standing internationally was reflected in his membership in many of the most prominent academies abroad, as well as in invitations to him to give a "Croonian Lecture" in 1908 and "The Huxley Lecture" in 1909.  相似文献   

Golgi's only paper on the pes Hippocampi major was published in 1883 and then reprinted and translated a number of times. In it he stated that the fascia dentata provided the best information available to date on how nerve fibers and nerve cells are related. Based on the revolutionary silver chromate method he had introduced a decade earlier, Golgi described two sources of axons from the fascia dentata: one consisted of direct axons from the granule cells, and the other consisted of indirect axons from a diffuse neural net or reticulum that was generated from collaterals of the direct axons. The same basic arrangement was described for Ammon's horn, but neither was illustrated, and it is important to bear in mind that this work was published before the ‘neuron doctrine’ and ‘law of functional polarity’ were elaborated in the 1890s.  相似文献   

Golgi's only paper on the pes Hippocampi major was published in 1883 and then reprinted and translated a number of times. In it he stated that the fascia dentata provided the best information available to date on how nerve fibers and nerve cells are related. Based on the revolutionary silver chromate method he had introduced a decade earlier, Golgi described two sources of axons from the fascia dentata: one consisted of direct axons from the granule cells, and the other coonsisted of indirect axons from a diffuse neural net or reticulum that was generated from collaterals of the direct axons. The same basic arrangement was described for Ammon's horn, but neither was illustrated, and it is important to bear in mind that this work was published before the "neuron doctrine" and "law of functional polarity" were elaborated in the 1890's.  相似文献   

The experimental advance made by Camillo Golgi's ‘black reaction’ has been universally recognized as the start of the modern revolution in the study of the nervous system. By contrast, his concepts of nervous organization, particularly his support for the idea of a ‘nervous reticulum’, have been universally rejected. The premise of the present paper is that the ideas of a biologist of this stature deserve re-examination. Golgi's arguments for considering the holistic function of the brain seem to come from his experience as a physician, and presage the views of the gestaltists and, more recently, the conceptual underpinnings of artificial neural networks. His interest in the possible nutritional roles of neuronal dendrites can be seen to anticipate current investigations, at the cellular level, of the metabolic basis of brain imaging. These and other currents in Golgi's thought deserve further study.  相似文献   

The experimental advance made by Camillo Golgi's 'black reaction' has been universally recognized as the start of the modern revolution in the study of the nervous system. By contrast, his concepts of nervous organization, particularly his support for the idea of a 'nervous reticulum', have been universally rejected. The premise of the present paper is that ideas of a biologist of this stature deserve re-examination. Golgi's arguments for considering the holistic function of the brain seem to come from his experience as a physician, and presage the views of the gestaltists and, more recently, the conceptual underpinnings of artificial neural networks. His interest in the possible nutritional roles of neuronal dendrites can be seen to anticipate current investigations, at the cellular level, of the metabolic basis of brain imaging. These and other currents in Golgi's thought deserve further study.  相似文献   


In considering the widely held view that we have experienced an era of qualitative decline in policy provision, this paper briefly reviews four questions that appear to underlie such a view. Have there been identifiable transitions in deliberative processes, political practices and policy capacity in recent decades (and if so, what were the catalysts)? Has the relationship between policy practitioners and expert providers of policy advice changed (and if so, how)? Have channels of communication between the political/policy community and the research community deteriorated (and if so, why)? Has the political appreciation of public concerns and the public understanding of policy imperatives diminished? We use these to frame the results of a workshop in which researchers, policy practitioners and service providers participated. Our objective is to identify systematically the origin of contemporary policy problems, foreshadowing four articles that illuminate instances of success and failure in disruptive times.  相似文献   

Cementum increment analysis can potentially retrieve relatively complete, high-precision seasonality and mortality profiles from archaeological mammalian tooth assemblages. However, cementum exhibits many similarities to bone in composition, histology, ultrastructure, and even microstructure. Consequently, the mineralized dental tissue may be prone to the same processes of post-depositional chemical alteration that affect bone. This article reviews the issues surrounding chemical diagenesis in cementum and presents a new application to archaeological ungulate cementum of a polarizing microscopy technique that has previously been utilized to identify the effects of chemical diagenesis in archaeological bone and human cementum (Geusa et al., 1999; Gilbert, 1989; Watson, 1975; Zeder, 1978). It is argued that the post mortem leaching of collagen and the diagenetic growth of apatite crystallites can develop into banded features that mimic seasonal cementum increments. This pattern of diagenesis is demonstrated in multiple locations on a macroscopically well-preserved Upper Pleistocene-age archaeological tooth, which was previously interpreted by the author to exhibit biogenic seasonal cementum increments (Stutz, 1993; Stutz et al., 1995). It is suggested that if researchers seek to retrieve seasonality and mortality data from archaeological cementum, the microscopy analysis protocol must include screening of a pilot sample for the frequency and extent of chemical diagenesis.  相似文献   

新见近代传奇杂剧十二种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
左鹏军 《文献》2001,(3):235-248
多年来,我国已经出版了相当数量、较高水准的戏曲研究工具书,代表了古典戏曲文献研究的基本成就.如:阿英编《晚清戏曲小说目》(上海文艺联合出版社,1954年8月)、梁淑安、姚柯夫编著《中国近代传奇杂剧经眼录》(书目文献出版社,1996年10月)、庄一拂编著《古典戏曲存目汇考》(上海古籍出版社,1982年12月)、《中国大百科全书·戏曲曲艺》(中国大百科全书出版社,1983年8月)、郭英德编著《明清传奇叙录》(河北教育出版社,1997年7月)、李修生主编《古本戏曲剧目提要》(文化艺术出版社,1997年12月)、齐森华、陈多、叶长海主编之《中国曲学大辞典》(浙江教育出版社,1997年12月)等曲目、曲学工具书;一些重要的中国文学工具书,也包含戏曲内容,如钱仲联、傅璇琮、王运熙等任总主编之《中国文学大辞典》(上海辞书出版社,1997年7月)、孙文光主编《中国近代文学大辞典》(黄山书社,1995年12月)、《中国大百科全书·中国文学》(中国大百科全书出版社,1986年11月)等.  相似文献   

显微镜探知中国古代颜料史   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
夏寅 《文博》2009,(6):342-346
2003年2008年期间,采用光学显微镜对来自全国11个省和自治区超过30处的考古工地和文博单位的彩绘文物颜料进行了分析和研究,勾勒出中国古代颜料应用的历史轮廓:本文将中国颜料应用史分成三部分论述,先秦至两汉、魏晋南北朝到清代中期、清代晚期。每个时期颜料的应用和彩绘的工艺均有各自的特点,文章配有大量精美的显微照片配合说明。先秦至两汉以中国蓝中国紫为代表,表现出当时科技活动的活跃,秦代骨白的应用也是一个有趣的例子;魏晋南北朝到清代中期是颜料发展史的平和期,这一时期构建起中国传统颜料的体系,未有太大的变化,惟有元代开始应用的苏麻离青颜料是一个关注点;清代晚期。西方工业合成颜料大量涌入是这个时期的显著特点。  相似文献   

The discovery in 1952 of some river pebbles of jadeite-jade on the North side of the Motagua River Valley (MRV) in Guatemala strongly suggested that at least part of the long-lost geological source of Mesoamerican jade was local. Another river pebble has been discovered, but this new one provides two archaeologically and geologically significant differences: (1) it is the first ever to be found on the South side of the MRV; (2) it presents a new different petrological kind of jade. The confirmation of the mineral species jadeite was achieved with this rough piece of rock without any kind of sample preparation using only a Raman Microscope (RM) which is now a reliable polyvalent non-destructive technique for archaeometry.  相似文献   

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