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田圆 《当代中国史研究》2020,(2):138-148,160
新中国城市接管是城市管理与城市建设的一个特殊阶段,其时间虽然较短,但影响深远。中国共产党对新解放城市的接管是中华人民共和国大厦的奠基石,也是中国共产党建政成功与否的关键。因此,研究中共城市接管是洞察中国共产党政权建构与施政理念的重要切入点。美国学界持续关注中共城市接管史,研究内容涉及城市接管的过程、接管干部(含南下干部)以及城市接管之后的社会改造和城市变迁等。随着研究视角的转换,美国学界的关注点亦有所不同。近些年来美国学界相关的研究议题越来越细化,关注点从宏大的政治叙事转向社会结构和城市生活变迁,而研究方法也呈现多样化的趋势。  相似文献   

运用公共地理学方法,讨论城中村的文化遗产价值。文章考察了新老两代村民和四类不同租户构成的核心群体,对于城中村的认知、记忆和情感的差异与代际隔阂。研究发现,以深圳为案例的南方中国的城中村,出现原住民业主被大量外来租户逐步替代、导致传统宗族村落文化难以后继、并从"落脚城市"向"可居社区"成熟转变的发展趋势。城中村的文化遗产被识别为"半村半城"的混合型生活文化、以乡镇企业工业遗存和非正规经济为代表的生产文化、凝结移民草根之奋斗精神的理性文化,以及凸显城中村生命活体的感性文化等四个类型。文章认为城中村文化遗产的价值,需要通过社会(代际)与地域空间的双重尺度提升,在公共地理学讨论平台,达成共识。  相似文献   

中国共产党不仅是善于革命的党,而且是善于执政的党。在沿着中国特色革命道路取得新民主主义革命胜利、建立新中国并全面执掌国家政权后,中国共产党依靠先进的执政理念、科学的执政体制、成功的执政方略、坚实的执政基础,自觉地抵御执政风险,开创出一条具有中国特色的执政道路,取得了辉煌的执政成就,为继续长期执政奠定了坚实基础。认真研究中国共产党的中国特色执政道路,深入总结中国共产党的执政经验,对加强党的执政能力建设有着重大的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

浙江三泉村700年变迁模式试探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周祝伟 《史学月刊》2003,2(2):89-95
三泉村自南宋淳熙八年(1181)建村,至明嘉靖三十四年(1555),先后产生了2名进士、1名举人,但随着人口的繁衍,村区人口无传率上升,夫妇年龄差增大,人文逐渐衰弱,700年问历经了盛衰变迁。这一变迁模式对于以农业为主业的传统山村社会具有一定的普遍意义。  相似文献   

新四军争取帮会抗日的方针与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周建超 《安徽史学》2006,(5):112-117
帮会工作一直是新民主主义革命时期中共面临的实际问题和政策策略问题.在敌强我弱的态势下,为了最大限度地孤立和分化敌人,必须团结一切可以团结的力量.抗战时期华中地区帮会林立,它们既是新四军可以争取和团结的力量,同时又存在被日军收买充当汉奸,或为国民党顽固派利用充当反共急先锋的现实危险.因此,争取帮会大部分成员积极参加抗日,便成为华中新四军领导抗日民族统一战线的重要任务之一.在中共领导下,华中新四军不仅提出和制定了正确的争取、利用和改造帮会的政策和策略,而且还有效地实施了这一政策,使帮会中的大多数成员成为抗日民族统一战线的一员,从而为抗日的胜利作出了可贵的贡献.  相似文献   

论文依据对青田县方山、船寮等地华侨村官以及所管辖的村民进行田野调查的结果,分析了华侨村官群体出现的原因、作用和特点,剖析了华侨村官工作中存在的阻碍和不足,以及工作中“水土不服”现象和阻碍的因素,旨在为地方政府研究制订华侨参政长效机制提供参考,并以期社会对华侨参政这一新现象给予更多的关注和思考。  相似文献   

Although the factual chronology of World War II is not in dispute, how to best make sense of these facts and how to objectively evaluate that history have always been limited by political circumstances and personal biases. Viewing WWII seven decades later, we need to move away from Eurocentrism and to stop seeing the war from the prism of a European war or Pacific war. The entire history of WWII, from beginning to end, including its several phases characterized by fermentation, outbreak, climax, and conclusion, is extremely complex. This paper argues that the war has two origins or starting points because it resulted from disparate prewar conditions in Europe and Asia. Viewed from this perspective, the strategic importance of the China Theater in WWII and the enormous sacrifices and contributions the Chinese people made to the victory over Fascism and for world peace ought to be given due credit.  相似文献   

中华人民共和国的成立是中国共产党领导全国各族人民进行新民主主义革命所取得的最伟大的成果;把创建人民共和国作为中国革命的共同奋斗目标,是历史和人民的选择。新中国成立后,《共同纲领》对人民共和国的国体、政体等问题做出了具有法律效力的明确规定,其中的国体,即工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的国家制度,具有最根本的意义和决定性的作用。这种制度,符合中国的实际情况和广大人民的切身利益,有着极大的优越性。  相似文献   

1951年7月18日,<新湖南报>发起了关于土改后农村出现的农民埋头生产不问政治及乡村干部松气退坡的"李四喜思想"的大讨论,持续达5个多月,在湖南乃至全国农村产生了巨大影响.这场讨论是建国后中共第一次真正意义上对农民自私、狭隘思想的批评运动,也是第一次真正地对农民及乡村干部进行的思想教育活动.在这场讨论中,中共逐步积累了用民主教育、典型示范、改进领导方法、切实解决乡村干部实际困难等方式解决农民思想问题的成功经验.这些成功的历史经验构成了建国以后中共教育和改造农民的基本思路.  相似文献   

盛世才治新时期,新疆局势渐趋稳定后,他效仿中共基层民主建政做法,使新疆基层政权革新初步凸显中共政治民主化色彩。在县级政权,盛世才效仿中共民主集中制原则,设置县政务委员会,民主议决与执行;在县级以下政权建设中推行区村制、民主选举区村长、实施村代表会制。通过借鉴中共基层民主建政经验,盛世才不仅首次健全了新疆基层政权体系,而且率先引入了中共政治民主化的措施,这也在一定程度上推动了当时新疆各项事业的发展。  相似文献   

战后日本关于农村战争动员的研究从“天皇制法西斯论”出发,重视法西斯主义与传统村落社会秩序的内在关系,不但从农村运动和村落传统的角度分析法西斯主义产生的根源,也从村落共同体及其机能组织方面揭示农村战争动员的广度和深度。但是,经历了战后经济高速发展阶段,特别是在冷战结束之后,由于对战争批判的减少和战争责任意识的淡化,加上后现代主义的影响,出现了肯定战时动员政策的“总体战体制论”。虽然这种观点受到一些学者的严厉批评,但其影响不容忽视。从学术史角度讲,“总体战体制论”虽然在意识形态和价值观上与“战后历史学”存在着巨大隔阂,但是在方法论上,将“战前”特别是“战时”与“战后”联系起来考虑,重视战时动员体制及其所引起的社会深层变动与战后历史发展的关联,这给其后的农村战争动员研究带来广泛而深刻的影响。  相似文献   

论文探讨了在中国参战语境、社会革命语境以及当代改革开放语境下一战华工历史论述的形成过程及特定意义。百年来,中国围绕一战华工形成的论述分为两类:一类着眼于国家视角,着重从中国作为参战国与战胜国的角度展现中国在华工招募过程中发挥的主导性作用与华工扮演的参战角色;另一类立足于华工视角,最典型的是在社会革命语境下从华工作为帝国主义、军阀主义对立面的角度揭示英、日、法帝国主义与北洋军阀势力的压迫本质与华工的革命精神。当代改革开放语境下的华工论述似乎接续了中国参战语境下的华工论述。虽然同是立足于国家视角,但在当代改革开放语境下的论述更侧重展现华工在中国走向世界的历史进程中所发挥的作用以及中西文明交流的历史进程。尽管社会革命语境下的华工论述逐渐瓦解,但个体视角的论述依然不失为国家视角论述之外的另一个重要视角,二者之间的矛盾突显,是当前中国一战华工论述重建的困境所在。  相似文献   

民国初年广东乡村的基层权力机构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邱捷 《史学月刊》2003,1(5):89-96
民国初年,受到辛亥革命冲击的广东乡村基层权力机构以各种方式恢复和重建。这些机构包括警局、区乡办事所和团局,而主要是团局。控制乡村基层权力机构的人物有士绅、商人、回乡官吏、退伍军官等,有军事经历、直接掌握武力者通常在这些机构中担任主角。由于广东政局动荡,省、县政府对乡村往往不能充分行使权力,乡村基层权力机构获得很大的独立性,有时甚至同政府、军队发生冲突。国民政府成立后,广东实行新县政,但民国初年形成的乡村基层权力机构的格局,在不少地区一直延续到40年代末。  相似文献   

在对中华人民共和国历史的研究中,国外的相关机构、学者及其研究成果是一个有别于国内学界的研究群体和范围。国外中华人民共和国史研究以20世纪70年代末为界大致可分为两个阶段,他们开展研究的历史背景复杂,研究成果显著,形成了一定的研究规模,既有各国研究的个性和特点,也呈现出某些共性的问题。  相似文献   

This article explores the (still) possible and significant contribution oral history can make to the study of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Its purpose is to create a constructive “dialogue” between archival sources and oral testimonies. By weaving the information contained in written documents together with that conveyed through spoken words – the two sources simultaneously support and cast doubt on each other – it bridges a gap between the path generally followed by Israeli historians and that taken by many Palestinian scholars. To illustrate the potential embodied in the proposed “dialogue” to improve our understanding of the war, the article presents a historical close-up of Fassuta, one of the Arab villages occupied by Jewish forces during the war. Cross-checking Israeli documents in Hebrew against Palestinian memories conveyed in Arabic, this article seeks to explain how and why that particular village remained intact while many of the neighboring villages were depopulated and destroyed.  相似文献   


Qianhai, the early Qing order that forced people in southeast coast to evacuate the coast to a distance of ten to eighteen miles inland in order to eliminate anti-Qing activities, is an excellent topic through which to examine the formation of the border in Han local society. The development of regional studies during the past 20 years encourages us to both refine our local case studies and map the wider picture. The story of social transformation in Zhangpu County during the Ming-Qing transition provides a perfect case to discuss how the coastal evacuation policy was implemented in local society. It can also promote our understanding of multiple histories. First, the lineage story of the coastal evacuation can be described in greater detail. Even in a single county, there was no standard evacuation distance. Local officials relied on mountainous terrain and existing forts and fortified villages to form a line of defense that determined the scope of the evacuation. Second, the social landscape in the communities of the county demonstrates the rise and decline of local power structures. Many of the most influential and deep-rooted lineages were badly weakened by the time they returned home after the evacuation order was rescinded. On the basis of the ebb and flow of local elites, the Qing state began to regulate households more closely, and state power thus penetrated to the local level. The household registers of Zhangpu were established based on the specific historical context of the county, but the process shared with the rest of the southeastern coastal region a pattern whereby pacification and local Defense shaped state penetration. Even in a supposedly “traditional” Han region, the empire needed to handle the problems of the border and social complexity, just as it did in “non-Han” areas. This illustrates the process of late imperial state formation in practice.  相似文献   

马学勤 《攀登》2011,30(6):21-25
中国共产党的诞生,是近现代中国历史发展的必然产物,是中国人民在救亡图存斗争中顽强求索的必然产物。这种必然性,内在地反映了中国共产党的成立这一“开天辟地大事变”与辛亥革命这一“开启了中国前所未有的社会变革”间的关系。辛亥革命为中国共产党的成立准备了条件,即从一定意义上讲,它为中国共产党的成立奠定了阶级基础、思想基础、组织基础与政治基础。  相似文献   

In the summer of 1948, following over six months of clashes, the Palestinian village of Ijzim was captured by Israeli troops and its inhabitants were uprooted and dispersed throughout the Middle East. Ijzim was one of roughly 400 Palestinian villages and towns that were depopulated during the 1948 war in Palestine. The combination of information gathered from Israeli army documents and the refugees' oral accounts, collected in Israel, Jordan and the Occupied Territories of the West Bank, yields a complex picture of the local guerilla fighting and the social conditions that influenced the final consequences. Two main arguments are presented along the historical recounting of the events. The one sets the microcosmos of one village in contrast to the macro picture of the war. The other highlights the uniqueness and contribution of oral histories as sources that reveal facets otherwise missing. 1  相似文献   

多维视野中的"革命"--西方"革命学"研究历程评介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王泽壮 《史学月刊》2005,127(4):85-95
20世纪的西方学术在融合和分化的大背景下,特别是在西方现实需要的强大推动下,兴起了众多交叉学科和研究领域。如“现代化”理论一样,“革命”也是西方学者多角度、多层面地加以探讨的活跃领域之一。西方学者真正以比较客观、公正的态度研究“革命”是自俄国十月革命之后,迄今为止大致经历自然史阶段、一般理论、结构—功能理论和行为主义革命理论等四个阶段。其研究方法和取向各不相同,反映了西方“革命”研究的多维视野。  相似文献   

Since 1949, Chinese mainland historians and creators in film and television, novels, and reportage have continued to shape the heroic image of female groups in the base areas of the Communist Party of China (CPC) during the Anti-Japanese War. They participated in production, women’s mobilization, and reconstruction of the rural political order “like men.” They pursued the equality between men and women, marked by freedom of marriage, and also participated in regional guerrilla warfare to combat the Japanese puppet army “as men.” However, in the remote villages of north China at the end of the Qing dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, it was not common for women to unbind their feet. In wartime, most women over twenty years of age were forever left with the “three-inch golden lotus” (sancun jinlian) feet. The damage of the war accelerated their acceptance of the CPC’s emancipation concepts and policies and presented them with an opportunity to actively implement them. The experience of survival drastically changed traditional aesthetics, ideas, and customs related to women. Physical and psychological changes occurred as a result of the war; women began to go out of their homes to participate in the work of the Women’s Salvation Association and the Youth Salvation Association, and a group of women achieved marriage equality between men and women in the form of “divorce her husband” (qi xiu fu). Due to pressure, women carried more physical and mental responsibilities, faced insufficient advocacy for their rights, and the aesthetics and mentality of womanhood underwent change.  相似文献   

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