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徽州古村落群旅游差异性开发的竞合分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
朱桃杏  陆林 《人文地理》2006,21(6):57-61
独特的地域文化蕴育了徽州众多的古村落。徽州古村落群的高度集聚效应,诱发了区内古村落旅游资源的集聚屏蔽竞争,同时古村落市场感知的替代效应导致古村落旅游资源开发的抑制竞争。论文认为,徽州古村落群的旅游开发应坚持差异性开发战略,在现状发展的基础上,以古村落的不同特色价值、空间构成、标志性景观等差异性特征为基础,加快建设区内交通设施、构建良好的空间竞合格局,提高徽州古村落间的网络化水平,促进旅游流的畅通与基地旅游模式的形成。  相似文献   

程远曲 《沧桑》2010,(5):37-38
晋中晋商古村落作为一种独特的旅游资源,有很大的开发利用价值。要实现相立古村落的可持续发展,旅游开发是一条切实可行的有效途径。本文对晋中相立古村落旅游开发作了SWOT分析,提出相立旅游开发的初步设想。  相似文献   

古村落旅游开发的公共管理问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
与其它遗产地不同的是,古村落首先是生活着的村落,原住民及其生活是古村落的核心,这不仅导致古村落旅游目的地资源产权公私交错及其开发管理的复杂化,也使旅游开发利益主体及其利益诉求多元化。古村落的特殊属性决定了古村落旅游开发管理的特殊性和国家有关主管部门介入实施公共管理的必要性。本文从公共管理的视角,对古村落基本属性、古村落旅游地开发保护中公共管理问题的界定,以及实施公共管理的机制途径等问题进行分析。得出以下结论,古村落旅游地现状问题的核心是多方利益主体的利益诉求与社区核心利益之间的矛盾,政府为主导的公共管理对古村落旅游地开发管理具有不可替代的作用,制度约束与规范管理是现阶段古村落旅游地政府治理的重要途径。  相似文献   

池州古村落是一种不可再生的资源,具有很高的文化价值和审美价值。分析了古村落旅游发展中存在的问题,借鉴生态博物馆的理念,对实现古村落文化生态的可持续发展进行了思考。安徽省池州市是全国第一个国家生态经济示范区,生态环境好,历史悠久。区域内旅游资源丰富,尤其是分布在区内的众多古村落更具有独特的文化价值和审美价值。2012年12月池州东至县花园乡南溪古寨、贵池区墩上街道渚湖姜村、贵池区  相似文献   

中国古村落蕴藏丰富的历史信息和文化景观,是中国农耕文明留下的最大遗产。古村落在旅游开发过程中存在合理开发与村庄发展之间的矛盾,导致部分地区古村落文化景观由于开发不当而受到破坏,合理开发与保护是一个重要的理论与实践问题。本文以广东省汕头市陇田镇东仙村为例,通过对古村落现有旅游资源的优势与劣势的分析及基于"保护、开发、利用"的原则,试图提出多元主体参与分区规划建设的发展模式及相应对策,促进古村落旅游开发与当地村民生活和谐发展,促使古村落旅游行稳致远,同时为我国古村落的旅游发展规划提供可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

古村落是一种中国传统文化的重要载体和中华民族的"精神家园",是一种独特旅游资源。在旅游者体验需求日益增强的情况下,古村落解说系统的科学构建是提升古村落历史文化价值的有效载体。本文阐述了古村落旅游解说系统的框架,提出了构建合理的旅游解说系统的方法和思考。  相似文献   

古村落旅游开发的初步研究——以安徽黟县古村落为例   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
胡道生 《人文地理》2002,17(4):47-50
古村落是一种特殊类型的旅游地,其开发利用有其独特的个性。本文试以安徽黟县古村落为例对这一问题进行了初步探讨,文章对黟县古村落旅游资源进行了评述,指出可持续旅游是其开发的目标,基于此文章提出其旅游开发的原则和方向。  相似文献   

李凡  金忠民 《人文地理》2002,17(5):17-20,96
安徽黟县的皖南明清古民居群是世界文化遗产,本文在对西递、宏村和南屏三个古村落调查的基础上,整理出旅游对古村落的经济、社会文化和环境的影响指数,并对比旅游对三个古村落的影响程度,分析了古村落旅游发展影响效应已呈现出的阶段性特点,即西递的旅游影响效应要高于宏村和南屏。并指出目前中国古村落的旅游发展过程中存在着相似的模式:古村落的保护、规划和旅游开发是旅游可持续发展的生命轴线,其中社区村民和地方政府是两个最重要影响因素,在古村落的旅游发展过程中,双方应在考虑到彼此的利益的前提下,达成良性的互动机制,以确保古村落旅游的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文在对文脉分析的基础上设计了平遥古城旅游区的一级理念和二级理念、视觉形象和行为形象,提出了40景组合的平遥古城旅游资源形象。  相似文献   

景德镇瑶里镇东埠古村落作为景德镇瓷源文化的重点区域,是高岭土制瓷原料开采的重要产地,更是景德镇陶瓷文化对外交流和传播发展的重点开发区域.本文将探讨文旅融合背景下景德镇瑶里东埠古村落结合地域陶瓷文化特色开展的旅游规划与设计,在分析归纳瑶里东埠古村落的特色旅游资源基础之上,针对瑶里东埠古村落旅游发展存在的问题,立足于文旅融合背景下东埠古村落的规划发展目标,提出瑶里东埠古村落的文旅规划发展策略,以期促进地方文化与旅游产业深度融合,助力当地实现可持续发展.  相似文献   

视觉文化时代的视觉困惑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在视觉已经成为当代文化的媒介平台时,视觉文化给我们带来了前所未有的满足,但这种视觉又使我们陷入了深深的困惑并导致一系列生存环境的改变,如何在这种文化语言的转型中把握机遇与挑战,将是我们面临的严峻现实。  相似文献   

Following a right cerebral stroke, the German artist Anton Raederscheidt produced a remarkable series of self-portraits that depicted his severe visual neglect and gradual recovery. These distorted images, like those drawn by others with this disorder, inform us about lateral balance in art and why it is common in the art of cultures separated in time and space. After describing how artists in various cultures have employed lateral balance, I present Arnheim’s view that this aspect of art is the result of visual forces generated by the brain. Following a brief history of visual neglect, I present evidence that this disorder provides us with clues to the origin of the visual forces responsible for lateral balance in art. The relevant brain mechanisms control exploration of visual space by integrating orienting movements with visual spatial information. The prevalence of lateral balance in art becomes understandable when we consider that these brain mechanisms evolved to promote survival in our vertebrate ancestors. I end with a speculative neurological account of the aesthetics of lateral balance – why it is pleasing and its absence is displeasing.  相似文献   

This paper showcases self-reflective and inclusive pedagogy using photo-elicitation in a food geography course assignment. The Stone Soup project positions students as both researchers and participant-subjects in a participant-driven photo-elicitation (PDPE) study of students' foodways. Student papers for this assignment demonstrate rich understandings of the factors enabling and constraining food practices. We suggest that PDPE has value beyond being a research tool; it can empower students as learners and can offer a quality of insight and depth of engagement that are complementary to critical themes in food studies courses.  相似文献   

影视史学的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
影视史学在现代科技发展和历史学本身变革的交相催产下 ,它呱呱坠地 ,蹒跚走来。影视史学不仅仅是历史方法上的摸索和创新 ,还对长期以来的历史思维、历史认识等传统概念产生影响 ,许多方面牵连到了史学上许多基本的理论问题。本文试图对影视究竟能在多大程度上用来“写”历史作出初步探讨 ,并对其本身的优势和局限性作一论析。  相似文献   

Visual and cultural modes of expression and intercultural engagement have broad implications for recognition politics. Recognition-based strategies for the governance of Indigenous difference in settler colonies engage in an economy of perception that capitalises on the currency of inclusion and diversity. This paper explores the visual and cultural fields of recognition politics in the Canadian settler state through the examples of the 2008 Apology from the federal government for Indian Residential Schools and the stained-glass window – Giniigaaniimenaaning (Looking Ahead) by Métis artist Christi Belcourt – commissioned to commemorate the Apology. The paper uses Judith Butler’s concepts of recognisability and framing to make sense of these events as legitimations of settler colonialism. It goes on to explore the possibility of rupture in the inherent instability of ‘frames of recognition’, in Butler’s terms, and uses Jolene Rickard’s conceptualisation of visual sovereignty to also make sense of the simultaneous subversion and self-recognition that takes place in Belcourt’s artwork. In doing so, this paper furthers a critical dialogue surrounding the normativity of recognition policies and practices in Canada as well as the intersubjective or interpellative orientation of visual-cultural expressions of recognition.  相似文献   

This article assesses the place of graphic satire in the burgeoning news culture of late seventeenth-century England. It argues that historians who have used visual sources as typical of party positions in a manner similar to modern political posters underestimate the sophistication of their interventions into politics. Graphic satires did not simply distil already existing ideologies into easily digestible images, but made significant contributions to political culture: through the repetition of key images from the Popish Plot (1678–1682) Whig graphic satire created a narrative which asserted control over the interpretation of events in a bitterly contested news culture. In response, Tory satirists developed sophisticated visual strategies to undermine that narrative, and it is argued that the graphic element of graphic satire – the skilful playfulness with which it parodied, commentated upon, or mocked other elements of news culture – was vital to its unleashing biting political commentary.  相似文献   

本文在阐述博物馆教育职能与社会公众受教群体紧密相关的基础上,对博物馆电化教育、电教技术以及现代电化教育媒体进行讨论分析,阐明了博物馆目前应该如何有效利用传统视听媒体和计算机网络等,充分发挥博物馆的宣传教育职能,为历史唯物主义和爱国主义教育做出更大贡献.  相似文献   

This article examines the discourse on juvenile crime in mid-century Mexico City through an analysis of visual culture namely the nota roja genre of sensationalist press, and the role photography played in ‘capturing’ delinquency. Placing visual technologies like photography as more active players in nation-building, the article traces the social role of photography in shaping moral panics and public perceptions of crime. Not breaking entirely from its Porfirian past, I observe how elites and the new urban middle class conflated criminality with the clases humildes and saw the causes of delinquency in the ‘degenerative’ traits of the poor. In a time of rapid demographic change and the expansion of mass culture, tabloid representations of juvenile crime reflected anxieties around social reproduction and the fear of political instability. This photographic record of life in Mexico City reveals one way that capitalinos would come to ‘see’ social difference and youthful citizenship in the post-revolutionary period.  相似文献   

论国家创新体系的空间结构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
创新是一个地区发展的内在动力。国家创新体系可分解为内部创新系统、外部创新系统、外部支撑系统等子系统,其作用在于促进知识的有序流动。本文在研究了国家创新体系的基础上,提出创新体系的空间结构应分为两个层面:虚拟空间、地理实体空间。  相似文献   

This article offers an overview of visual methodology and its applications to geography in higher education. Drawings from an undergraduate mapping and map analysis course are used to concurrently highlight and deconstruct students' sense of place in the context of teaching and learning. As a pedagogical research tool, visual methods nurture self-reflection in learners, inform curriculum and instruction for diverse classrooms, and support the construction of meanings in geography.  相似文献   

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