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The Bronze-Age Dover boat, reconstructed and published by Owain Roberts in 2004, is discussed in regard to the general considerations of reconstructing ancient boat structures in the previous paper. The archaeological evidence shows that the boat had a bottom shape different from that shown in the 2004 reconstruction, and various other aspects, such as the general shape and strength of the hull and the calculation of potential speed when paddled, are questioned, partly drawing on the author's experience with the reconstruction of the Hjortspring boat. A re-assessment of the evidence is called for before any attempts to build a full-scale version of the Dover boat for sea-trials.
© 2006 The Author  相似文献   

转眼之间《中国土族》已经十五岁。还在刊物诞生之初,我曾以期望的眼光评说它的存在意义,认为这是土族人民与外部世界建立联系的一座特殊的桥——学术文  相似文献   

Why do policies fail? There are many answers to this question, and many ways of answering it. In this paper, we use the tools of policy framing and systems thinking to investigate two recent Australian examples of public policy failure, each involving a different policy milieu and time-span. We show that, in both these cases, unintended consequences arose because governments lost control of the implementation process while remaining politically accountable for the outcomes. We develop the concept of transmitted risk to show how this occurred. We argue that governments expose themselves to this kind of risk when they make policy decisions involving a combination of excessive incentives and poorly controlled third parties.  相似文献   

<正>随着改革开放的不断深入,中国经济与世界经济联系更为紧密,开发区作为对外开放的排头兵,与世界经济的关联度进一步增强,外向型经济受国际市场的影响也陡然增大。开发区是中国对外开放的重要"窗口"。推动开发区高水平的对外开放,不仅要在"引进来"上下功夫,也要在"走出去"上做好功课。北京经济技术开发区位于北京亦庄地区,是北京市唯一同时享受国家级经济技术开发区和国家高新技术产业园区双重优惠政策的国家级经济技术开发区。自1992年建设以来,开发区始终承  相似文献   

周氏《涉笔》一书在传世文献当中鲜有记载,只有《文献通考》对该书引用较为集中。而此书究竟包括哪些内容、著者为何人,这些情况目前学界关注甚少。本文主要根据《文献通考》所提供的线索,并结合《宋史》及宋人文集等相关文献,初步判定此书全称当为周氏《西麓涉笔》,成书于南宋中晚期;其内容主要涉及对先秦子书的真伪及其思想的研究、对古代兵书兵制的研究、兼有对宋人文集的评述等;该书作者周氏即周端朝。  相似文献   

<正>在中国着力推动新一轮高水平对外开放的背景下,开发区继续发挥开放型经济主力军作用,加快解决对外开放过程中面临的难题,推动开发区对外开放迈向新高度,进而把开发区建设成中国对外开放的新高地。当前世界经济深度调整,区域经济合作不断加强,投资便利化的进程在加快,全球供应链、产业链、价值链加速重构,任何一家企业都直接或间接地融入到全球产业分工的体系之中,企业  相似文献   

Relative to other historic documents, newspapers have received little attention from researchers as a source of archaeological data. Now that many historic newspapers have been digitized and placed online, this traditionally underutilized resource has the potential to yield new information about archaeological sites, especially those in heavily developed urban areas where sites are inaccessible or have been destroyed. In this article, a methodology is proposed by which archived newspapers might be searched for data about archaeological sites. A case study using newspapers from Allen County, Indiana and its principal city, Fort Wayne, demonstrates the utility of the methodology by producing evidence about many previously unrecorded archaeological sites.  相似文献   

In January 1935, Sir John Simon won an action for slander againsta Methodist minister from Norfolk who had accused the ForeignSecretary of attacking the Peace Ballot because it would damagehis financial interests in the armaments business. The casewas the culmination of more than two years of rumours and allegationsagainst Simon. The charge made by the Revd J. W. Bond againstthe Foreign Secretary was entirely without foundation, but invoicing his belief that the private manufacture of armamentswas damaging to the cause of disarmament, he was expressinga view that was widely held both in his own Church and amongthe wider peace movement. The Methodist Church was deeply dividedover international questions in the 1930s. Simon, for his part,took legal action against Bond both because he was weary ofthe allegations against him and in the hope of protecting hisreputation as Foreign Secretary, which had long been under attackboth in the press and in Parliament.  相似文献   

端午节俗称端阳节,是我国多民族的民俗大节。两千多年来,不仅汉族家家户户要在城乡村寨举行丰富多彩的节庆活动;同时,还有26个少数民族也都在庆祝这个盛大节日。实际上,这个节日最早一直是以祛除病瘟、躲避兵鬼、驱邪禳灾为主要目的的。在端午节的活动中,汉族用五彩丝缠粽子、缠手足腕、用槲叶包米粽。  相似文献   

Archaeologists are often remiss in publishing the results of their field excavations in a timely manner. Stanley South is one of the few archaeologists who have actually fulfilled their vow to write up or revise projects done in past decades. The early fieldwork of South, a seminal figure in historical archaeology, served as the basis for his important theoretical contributions. The publication of this early work allows scholars to examine the raw data supporting his theories and South to ease his conscience.  相似文献   

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