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Acrobatics date back to the Tubo period, according to many historical records including Biography of Padmasambhava and A Feast of Scholars.  相似文献   

As early as four thousand years ago, the Tibetans already had developed an initial aestheic ideology, a case in point being the adornments unearthed from the Karub ruins in Qamdo. During that time, adornments were mainly made of pottery, stone and seashell and the types of adornments were also colorful and abundant, including plate adornments, necklaces,  相似文献   

中国古代商贾家族教育传统试探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李浩 《民俗研究》2006,(2):155-165
世代相传的家庭或家族式经营,是中国古代商业经营最基本的特色,与之相适应,为了达到“家专其业,以求利者”的目的,古代商贾家族十分重视将积累的经商技艺和经验传授给子孙,从而逐渐形成了在教育内容和教育形式等方面都具有独特风格的古代商贾家族教育传统。由于商贾始终是中国古代重要的社会阶层之一,其家族教育就成为中国古代教育史的有机组成部分,值得进行深入的探讨。  相似文献   

As early as four thousandyears ago, the Tibetansalready had developed aninitial aesthetic ideology, acase in point being theadornments unearthed from the Karubruins in Qamdo. During that time, adorn-ments were mainly made of pottery, stoneand seashell and the types of adornmentswere also colorful and abundant, includ-ing plate adornments, necklaces,bracelets, jade, etc. The color was originaland natural and the production methodwas simple and unsophisticated. In regardto stone adornments, col…  相似文献   

史前碎物葬   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文将我国史前时期的碎物葬划分为用碎物陪葬、殓葬及祭奠三大类型 ,并分别用考古发现较为详尽地举例说明。在文后又对一些问题作了初步的探讨 ,如认为碎物葬中碎物的意图应是避邪和为死者享用两者兼而有之 ;碎物葬是怎样产生和发展的 ;碎物葬的时空分布规律等。  相似文献   

劉石 《中华文史论丛》2011,(4):81-100,393
本文針對學界關於古人"重神輕形"的傳統見解,提出古代文藝學的基本形神觀是"主神重形"。首先考察古代思想史上的形神論,認爲其中已貫穿着重神而不輕形的觀念,爲文藝學史上"主神重形"的形神關係學說奠基。其次分析東晉顧愷之及其後畫論家的主神重形論,强調其在文藝學史上主神重形論中的導夫先路作用。最後討論古代形神關係研究中的有關問題,提出一直都重形、形神不可分等觀點,並由此抉發出尚未被充分重視的古人"形神兼具"觀念下"真"的概念,藉以進一步說明"主神重形"纔是古代文藝學形神關係論的基調。  相似文献   

割肢葬是史前时代的重要文化现象。从民族志看 ,割肢葬有不同的类型 ,其起因也不相同。这对解释有关考古资料有一定借鉴。  相似文献   

Slipped and unslipped wares from Kampyr Tepe dated to the Hellenistic–Seleucid and Greco‐Bactrian periods stylistically resemble tableware from the Greek tradition. Since two pottery workshops have been recovered at the site, the aim is to shed light on the provenance and the production and consumption patterns of the tableware, as well as on the degree of technological influence from Hellenistic–Mediterranean traditions. The archaeometric characterization, consisting of thin‐section petrography, XRF, XRD and SEM–EDS analysis, was performed on 44 wares and three unfired locally made pondera, which were used as reference local elemental patterns. The study demonstrated the local origin of most of the wares, which were produced using a similar clay paste, following standardized techniques in modelling and firing, while surface treatments appear to be more diversified.  相似文献   

西藏芒康古盐田有着独特的晒盐工艺、悠久的历史,不仅曾满足传统社会经济之需要,而且至今仍沿袭传统生产方式,是古代制盐工业的“活化石”。由于社会经济条件的变化,古盐田正面临原真性挑战和生存危机。  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau, known as the Roof of the World, is the place where people of the Tibetan ethnic group live and multiply. Here Was a Stretch of Ancient Sea Originally The plateau used to be a part of the ancient sea, but became land when the waters receded during the late Eocene Epoch about 10 million years ago. The nse of the Himalayas, and behind the towering mountain ranges the Tibetan Plateau, was one of the greatest events in world geological history. Although this occurred some…  相似文献   

编纂历史是一门大学问 ,中外古今许多历史学家都曾研究过。中国是世界上惟一有几千年不间断历史记录的国家 ,一是因为中国人历史意识强烈 ,认识到历史学的重要性 ,以研究、编写历史作为自己的责任 ;二是因为有制度上的保证 ,即开馆修史 ,专门设立国史馆、历史研究所、历史编纂的机构。在中国史学著作很多 ,主要的题材有传记体、编年体和记事本末体 ;中国的史学评论也很多 ,并且明确提出了对史学家的要求 ,即史才、史学、史识。当代史与现实密切相关 ,具有强烈的政治性 ,修史者必须有正确的立场、观点和方法 ,同样一件史实 ,从不同的政治立场看待 ,会有截然不同的看法和评价  相似文献   

乌喇纳拉氏·阿巴亥是后金(清)时期的重要人物, 她的葬地问 题为清代统治者讳书而不见于官书。顺治年间,多尔衮为摄政王时,曾追溢其母为孝烈武皇 后。清代档案对追谥仪式有详细记载,根据档案资料并结合分析其它官书史籍 可以推断,阿巴亥早在清太祖之陵建成之初,已随太祖皇帝入葬福陵。  相似文献   

I.Tibetan Rock Paintings and Ancient Zhang-zhung Culture Tibetan rock paintings were discovered in1902 when British archaeologist Francke first mentioned  相似文献   

云南、西藏两地间交易茶叶、马匹等商品的交通线,近代以来称为"茶马古道"。茶马古道的出现,与相关道路的形成演变、清代普洱茶的兴起及运销西藏有关。在特定的历史条件下,清朝以普洱府、顺宁府为主要产地经营的大叶种茶,种植、生产获得迅速发展,同时运销西藏等地,西藏的骡马也赶到云南销售,"茶马古道"由此形成并趋兴盛。  相似文献   

Ronald H. Buchanan 《Folklore》2013,124(4):565-567

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