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位于今永定河下游平原的北旺新石器时代遗址,是目前渤海湾西岸平原地区发现的距现海岸线最近、年代最早的史前遗址,其陶器组合、器形、纹饰特征与保定市易县北福地一期文化相同或相近。它的发现填补了古黄河流域下游左岸平原地区史前遗址的空白,为研究北福地一期文化的分布,古气候、古自然地理环境与人类生产生活的关系提供了新的重要实物资料。  相似文献   

黄信 《文物世界》2012,(6):32-35
河北地处华北平原北部,东临渤海,西倚太行,内跨中原,外控朔漠,是中华文明的重要发源地之一。阳原泥河湾旧石器遗址群,武安磁山、易县北福地等新石器遗址,磁县下七垣、唐县北放水等先商遗址,藁城台西、定州方国墓地等商周遗址,易县燕下都、邯郸赵王城等东周都城遗址,秦皇岛金山咀秦代建筑群遗址、西汉中山靖王刘胜墓等秦汉遗存.  相似文献   

郦道元(约470—527年)注《水经》,于北魏正光三年(522)大致完成。那时的易水还只是滹沱河水系中的一个分支。许多人都以为易水只有一条,谭其骧主编的《中国历史地图集》第四册(地图出版社1982年10月第一版)页50-51“相、冀、幽、平等州”图幅(标准年代为497年)也仅绘出一条。事实上,这不过是北魏郦道元时代的北易水。另外,还存在着一条南易水。北易水入巨马河后,于平舒县北与入滹沱河的南易水相汇合。 据《水经·易水经》的记载,北易水出故安县阎乡西山宽谷中,迳五大夫城南,东行,左与子庄溪水合,…  相似文献   

张文静  王晓琨 《北方文物》2023,(2):54-60+103
北福地遗址出土的145件人面纹陶片,形制特殊引人注目。发掘者和研究者多认为是假面面具,是目前中国乃至世界上最早且有明确地层关系的面具。从这批人面纹陶片的出土层位出发,同时注意观察制作方法、颜色及与房屋布局的关系等问题。通过类型学分析,发现北福地遗址的人面纹陶片至少可以分为三组,各组的功能亦不同。第一组可能是用来佩戴的面具,经过与现代人的脸部测量数据比对,佩戴者很可能是女性;第二组可能是手持的物品;第三组可能是用于悬挂的饰品。  相似文献   

廊坊北旺遗址发掘报告   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
北旺村新石器时代遗址位于今永定河下游平原,文化层距现地表下约8.3米。出土遗物有陶器、角器、石器和极少的骨器,另有动物骨骼、螺壳等。陶器多为夹蚌陶盆,泥质陶仅见灰陶支脚,石器不多,角器是该遗址的典型器物。陶器的器类、器形、纹饰特征与河北保定易县北福地一期文化相同或近似。  相似文献   

试论镇江营文化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
于孝东 《文物春秋》2007,(4):《文物春秋》-3-9,27
镇江营文化是本文以镇江营遗址早期新石器遗存为典型代表而提出的考古学文化命名。依据笔者以前对镇江营早期新石器遗存的文化面貌总结和分期研究,本文把河北易县北福地第二期遗存、北福地甲类遗存、涞水县炭山第一期遗存(H1)、安新县留村部分遗存、永年县石北口早期一段遗存进行归并,提出起源于华北平原西北隅,分布于太行山东麓山前平原交接地带的一支早期新石器文化——镇江营文化,并对其进行了分期年代学研究。  相似文献   

战国时期燕国的疆域,南起易水流域,北达今赤峰、彰武、梨树、新宾、桓仁一线及朝鲜的西北部地区。解放以来,在燕国疆域内,发现了很多战国时期的铁制生产工具、金属货币、作坊遗址和城镇遗址,这对研究当时燕国的社会经济颇有价值。本文拟据这些考古材料,结合古文献,对战国时期燕国社会经济的发展情况作一些论述。  相似文献   

《战国策》燕国疆域辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《战国策》燕国疆域辨析阎忠《战国策·燕策一》载:"苏秦将为从,北说燕文侯曰:'燕东有朝鲜、辽东,北有林胡、楼烦,西有云中、九原,南有呼沱、易水。……。'"这是先秦文献中有关燕国疆域的唯一而明确的记载。但存在的问题很多,需要作一番分析。关于苏秦的时代,...  相似文献   

万北遗址位于沭阳县城北15公里,东距沭河仅2公里,属淮阴市沭阳万匹乡万北村,(见图1,万北遗址位置图)1987年春在田野调查时发现。(《东南文化》1988年1期)该遗址面积约10万平方米,遗址范围高出四周地表2米左  相似文献   

燕下都是战国时期的名都之一。它位于今河北省易县东南,北易水和中易水之间。其北、西、西南有山峦环抱,东南面向华北大平原。这里是从上都蓟(今北京市)通向齐、赵等地的咽喉要道,也是燕国南方的重要门户和天然屏障。  相似文献   

Despite the recent focus on the spatial politics of calculation, few studies have explored the historical geography of house numbering, a spatial practice that has arguably been one of the principal strategies for rationalizing the geographic spaces of everyday life over the course of the last two centuries. This paper provides the beginnings of a critical spatial history of street and house numbering in the gridded cities of the United States since the eighteenth century. City directory publishers were among the leading proponents of numbering houses at a time when many local governments had yet to firmly commit to systematic house numbering as an essential responsibility of the local state. I therefore examine the connection between the publishing of city directories and the development of urban house numbering systems, both of which were integral to the production of spatial legibility and the individualization of the urban population. The notion of viewing the city as a ‘text’ is historicized through a critical analysis of the modernist comparison of urban space to a recordkeeping book. The paper concludes by tracing the institutionalization of house numbering as a practice of spatial governmentality.  相似文献   

Although gifts to religious houses for specific purposes were numerically only a small proportion of benefactions to religious houses in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, they had great significance. Gifts towards celebration of the mass, the fabric and chantries in religious houses often provided only inconsiderable amounts of land or rent. [The author intends to consider some other small benefactions, such as pittances, elsewhere]. Through this relationship with the religious, however, lay people anticipated spiritual recompense. The ramifications of that association are explored in this paper.  相似文献   

Interpreting variation in the size and quality of houses is a difficult task for the archaeologist. Are larger houses a sign of a larger household, of a higher-status household, or of a household which has lived at the site longer than others? This paper uses ethnographic data on the Kekchi Maya to test these alternative explanations. The discussion reveals a complex relationship between social positions, wealth, and house size. It is suggested that houses serve different symbolic functions in settlements with different kinds of economies.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the archaeological and documentary evidence from three West Yorkshire houses—Calverley Old Hall, Shibden Hall and Oakwell Hall—to re-evaluate narratives of gentry emulation in 16th- and 17th-century English housebuilding. Gentry houses have long been absorbed into the literature of elite country houses, with homes of the lesser gentry serving primarily as emulative examples of national architectural and social trends. This paper suggests a more nuanced interpretation of these homes as sites of multi-faceted household relationships, where the inhabitants consciously incorporated and resisted elite trends and used space to establish and maintain control.  相似文献   

郑光 《华夏考古》2007,(3):149-152
《殷墟花园庄东地甲骨》是一部优秀的考古发掘报告,又是一本令人耳目一新的甲骨学著作,本文从报告体例、科学性和技术水平、资料的价值、著者的研究等方面对该书进行了评价。指出该书是一部具有很高科学价值和实用价值的著作。  相似文献   

This paper explores the connections between the architecture and materiality of houses and the social idiom of bayt (house, family). The ethnographic exploration is located in the Druze village of Jaramana, on the outskirts of the Syrian capital Damascus. It traces the histories, genealogies, and politics of two families, bayt Abud-Haddad and bayt Ouward, through their houses. By exploring the two families and the architecture of their houses, this paper provides a detailed ethnographic account of historical change in modern Syria, internal diversity, and stratification within the intimate social fabric of the Druze neighbourhood at a time of war, and contributes a relational approach to the anthropological understanding of houses.  相似文献   

The four books under review illustrate different ways of analyzing past societies through households, houses, and the conduct of everyday life. Grounded on the materiality, spatiality, and temporality of prehistoric data, spanning from the Palaeolithic through to the recent past, these books provide important archaeological contributions to the anthropological study of social organization, inviting challenge and interdisciplinary dialogue. Each book has a distinctive approach, yet all four reflect wider epistemological shifts toward a concern with context, scale, diversity, and interaction. In summarizing and critiquing them, most attention is paid to their social perspectives and definitions. This leads to consideration of related work in wider anthropology.  相似文献   


Before timber and stone houses were introduced to northern regions, varieties of turf houses were the most commonly used architecture. These houses had a wooden structure encapsulated in a shell constructed of grass turf. The different ethnic groups of the north built their houses in different styles and constructions, but the general principle was the same. The Norse of North Norway and also on the North Atlantic islands had a tendency to build their houses on top of the ruins of previous houses. After a few centuries this arrangement produced a settlement mound of highly organic soil. In the research literature, both the turf architecture and the settlement mounds have been described as adaptations to and a function of marginality and lack of timber. This paper reports an effort to test the idea that turf houses on top of settlement mounds may have been a finely tuned ecological system that made use of the capacity of organic soil to produce heat.  相似文献   


During the Industrial Revolution period, rows of small houses built for industrial and other workers became a common landscape feature in Britain. Most were through houses, but, in many parts of the country, sizeable numbers were built as back-to-backs. By the early Victorian period, such houses had become associated with high-density and extremely squalid loving conditions in industrial towns and were strongly condemned by contemporaries. Of particularly concern were the health hazards that were seen to arise from a lack of through ventilation. Less well recognised and discussed by historians, however are the-back-to back houses that were associated with rurally-based industry. Focusing on textile Lancashire, this article addresses the theme, demonstrating not only the importance they could have as a component of rural settlement during and beyond the Industrial Revolution era, but also that they came to offer much improved standards of accommodation.  相似文献   

This paper presents an economy of country houses with the ultimate aim of generating a framework for the evolution of country house management theory for the development of management practice and education. Whereas traditional management theory (for large entities) has evolved from the modern and narrow interpretation of economy, this paper employs the old but broader archaic form (oeconomy). This is a device that has previously been used both to generate an alternative understanding of organisations in general as well as for specific types of organisation. When combined with empirical data collected from a range of different country houses, an economy of country houses has emerged. This oeconomy is based on a number of core concepts, each of which has a number of key issues associated with it. The results show that this economy is quite unique, although there are some similarities with the economy of small businesses and the conflict approach of business management theory.  相似文献   

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