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Multi-method provenance studies, including petrographic, isotopic, electron paramagnetic resonance and trace chemical analyses, have been carried out on 20 white, 9 black and 1 red artifacts purposely selected to investigate the use and distribution of sculptural marbles at the Hadrian's Villa. A large fraction of the marbles tested (21 samples, 70%) are shown to be from Asia Minor, mostly originating from the recently discovered site of Göktepe near Aphrodisias (15 or 71%). All the 9 black samples investigated and 6 out of 11 white Asiatic marbles are from Göktepe, the remaining being Docimium marble from Iscehisar (4 samples) and Aphrodisias marble from the city quarries (1 sample). The single red sculpture tested proved to be Carian red marble from the Iasos quarries, whereas non-Asiatic marbles include 3 Carrara and 6 Pentelicon samples. The selection of marbles tested is preliminary and incomplete, but, despite this, the results are noteworthy, especially since the marble of other sculptures from the Villa has already been identified as Göktepe. Together with other published results, the marble distribution at the Hadrian's Villa seems to suggest that the use of sculptural marbles in the Roman world underwent considerable changes around the turn of the 1st and the 2nd century AD. The evidence supporting this hypothesis is briefly summarized in the conclusions.  相似文献   

In 1973 the Watch Hill barrow in St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall was excavated and demonstrated to be a complex structure. However, at the time it was only possible to arrange two radiocarbon determinations, from the same pit in the base of the ditch. As part of postgraduate research carried out at the University of Exeter, the archive was revisited and funding obtained for a further four radiocarbon determinations from the ditch and central burial within the barrow. The six radiocarbon determinations together ranged between 2140 and 1680 cal. BC. The results are significant as they indicate that the site was in use over several centuries with the burial occurring towards the end of activity.  相似文献   

避暑山庄宫廷音乐概说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱树信 《满族研究》2004,20(4):59-67
清代是我国历史上最重视宫廷音乐的朝代之一,也是保存古乐制度行之最久的朝代之一,清代的宫廷音乐是自隋唐以来规模最大的。避暑山庄做为清帝国的陪都和第二个政治化中心,其乐制、乐律、乐章、乐仅、乐器及乐队编制是清代宫廷音乐的重要组成部分.乾隆朝是避暑山庄宫廷音乐的黄金时代,亦是清代宫廷音乐最辉煌的时期.避暑山庄宫廷音乐包括祭祀乐、朝会乐、宴飨乐和卤簿乐.消初皇帝北巡,宫廷乐已传人承德一带,迄今已有三百多年历史。避暑山庄宫廷音乐在我国多民族统一国家的形成过程中,曾经发挥过它的特殊功能.避暑山庄宫廷音乐(主要是后宫宴乐细乐)在清政权结束后,由宫中传人宫外,并由原内务府子弟及宫廷音乐爱好组成的“承德清音会”传承,有近百年的演奏活动历史,经挖掘整理至今在承德还保留其古韵遗音。  相似文献   

平泉山居是晚唐洛阳地区最为重要的园林之一,花木种类繁多,但迄今尚未解读。此园植物见诸唐宋文献记载的有69种。本文采用植物考据法共考释出59种、存疑10种。同时,分析了植物的地理成分,进而推测平泉山居的植物造景特色及其成因,以及造园艺术和新品种培育技术对唐宋洛阳园林的深刻影响。平泉山居植物造景以原产亚热带尤其是江浙地区植物为主,归因于园主人长期游宦江浙地区,吸收了江南园林的造景手法。受其影响,宋代洛阳园林也有大量采用亚热带植物做法,且重视新园艺品种培育。  相似文献   

影视旅游者旅游动机研究--铁岭龙泉山庄旅游者实证分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
影视旅游是指人们由于受影视剧的影响而对影视拍摄地产生兴趣,进而到该地旅游的现象。影视旅游的产生受到影视剧剧情及剧中象征物的直接影响,游客的出游动机主要为了印证自己在影视剧中的所见所闻。本文通过对龙泉山庄旅游者旅游动机的调查研究发现:影视剧是推动游客前去龙泉山庄游览的主要因素,影视剧象征物对游客旅游动机的形成有明显的推动作用;影视旅游者出游的主要动机是印证,"寻梦"、"寻找优美的环境"和"逃避"是出游的次要动机。  相似文献   

2005年11月,徐州博物馆在徐州市区东部的楚岳山庄小区建筑工地上发现一座砖室墓,经现场清理后出土遗物共43件(组),有陶俑、陶牛车、瓷碗、金扣饰等。依据墓葬形制和出土器物的特征,该墓的时代应在北齐时期。  相似文献   

This contribution focuses on the study of historical mortars from a Roman archaeological site known as Villa dei Quintili, a monumental villa located in the south‐eastern part of Rome (Italy). The study was carried out on 38 mortar samples, collected from several edifices within the complex. A multi‐analytical approach, including polarized optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy‐dispersive system and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, was used to analyse the pozzolanic material used for the preparation of mortars. Data obtained on both major and trace elements were compared with the compositions of Pozzolana Rossa, Pozzolana Nera and Pozzolanella samples from the Alban Hills volcanic district, collected from a historic quarry nearby, as well as with literature data. The results of such a multidisciplinary approach allowed us to recognize the use of all three pozzolan types for the aggregate fraction of examined mortars from the Villa dei Quintili.  相似文献   

Palynological researches have been carried out in the framework of cooperative projects with local and national institutions at the Villa Romana del Casale of Piazza Armerina, a small town in central Sicily. The site was studied within a multidisciplinary geo-bio-archaeological set of studies aiming at understanding the economy and environment at a local scale. Analyses allowed us to reconstruct the natural vs cultural landscape dynamics from Roman to medieval periods. On the basis of 85 samples, pollen diagrams show that the site has been built in a low forest cover area, with signs of both natural/semi-natural cover and complex anthropogenic activities. These activities include cereal fields and pastures. There is evidence of ornamental (e.g. Platanus, Buxus) and fruit trees (above all Olea, and also, e.g. Corylus, Prunus and Juglans). The research also includes a detailed study about the finding of Vitis pollen grains in the Roman site. In the subsequent phases, pollen shows again an open, fairly treeless, landscape with Mediterranean and hilly vegetation. Anthropogenic signs are evident in the form of groves and orchards. Our data bring evidence and details about the intense land exploitation that had contributed to transform the environment of central Sicily during the Middle and Late Holocene. Data demonstrate that archaeopalynology may be fruitfully regarded as a tool to understand the current landscape structure.  相似文献   

萧巍 《丝绸之路》2011,(12):16-17
围棋活动是供人们养身,陶冶情操,开发智力,培养综合、分析和逻辑思维能力的一项文体活动。本文对敦煌唐墓出土的围棋子及其发展历史进行了探究。  相似文献   

2013年1月18日,“吉祥如意——浙江翰越堂藏古代艺术品精粹”展览在西子湖畔的浙江省博物馆孤山馆区开幕。这是浙江省博物馆近年举办的浙江私人收藏精品系列展览之一,主办方选取了王永良翰越堂3万余件文物艺术品中含有较明确吉祥寓意的精减143件,以为贺岁特展。  相似文献   

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