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The existence of high percentages of so-called manuports in the Olduvai sequence has given way to abundant papers on the behavioural explanation of such accumulations of raw material. For this paper, we performed a first-hand re-examination of the lithic collections of two of the most relevant sites in Olduvai Bed I (FLK Zinj and FLK North). The analysis has unearthed extremely significant differences between the unmodified lithic material (the so-called manuports) and the other stone collections, which has demanded the search for alternative hypotheses to explain the presence of the supposed manuports at these sites. Thus, we have revised the site formation processes and have compared them with other similar sedimentary contexts in Olduvai and in nearby lacustrine basins. On the basis of our findings, we demonstrate the existence of different sized clasts in low energy contexts, and propose a natural deposition as the answer to the existence of the supposed manuports at Olduvai Bed I. In all, our analysis suggests that a great part of the unmodified lithic material from the Olduvai sites is not indicative of human action but the product of natural causes, thus being ecofacts and not genuine manuports.  相似文献   

The first lithic artifact series to be recovered from the Inner Zaïre Basin are described in terms of their proveniences, dating, environmental contexts and typology.
Résumé Les premières collections lithiques découvertes dans le bassin intérieur zaïrois sont décrites en fonction de leurs provenances, leurs âges, leurs contextes paléoenvironmentaux et leurs appartenances typologiques.

The emergence of mining reflects profound changes in the organization of late prehistoric societies. In terms of lithic and ore mining, salt is a highly strategic mineral resource which was exploited for its dietary and healing properties. The exceptional prehistoric salt mine of Duzda?i (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan) is located in a high salt-bearing region centered on the Aras River in the Lesser Caucasus. Field survey, spatial recording of archaeological materials and use-wear analysis of macrolithic tools have allowed us to outline the mining operations and techniques there from the Chalcolithic period onwards. We have identified workshops for the manufacture and repair of tools, as well as salt extraction and processing areas.  相似文献   

Summary Now, for the first time, it is possible to place in an exact archaeological context the polished tools which have been collected for many years on the surface in the savanna immediately to the south of the equatorial forest. In Lower Zaïre, in an area of 6000 km2, polished tools have been found systematically associated with a particular type of pottery. This pottery, which was previously known as Groupvi pottery and which we propose calling Ngovo group pottery is very distinctive.Although faunal remains associated in one case were of wild animals, someElaeïs andCanarium nuts could indicate the beginnings of agriculture. A series of dates in good agreement place these polished tools and this pottery within the last two centuries bc.At the present time, iron-working in Lower Zaïre has not been dated prior to the second century ad. This Early Iron Age is associated with the Kay Ladio group pottery which is possibly derived from the Ngovo group.
Résumé Pour la première fois, il est possible de préciser le contexte archéologique des outils polis que depuis longtemps on recueillait en surface dans les savanes immédiatement au sud de la forêt équatoriale.Au Bas-Zaïre, dans une zone de plus de 6000 km2, des outils polis ont été trouvés systématiquement en association avec une céramique d'un type particulier. Cette céramique, connue précédemment sous le nom de céramique du groupevi et que l'on propose d'appeler dorénavant groupe de Ngovo, est très caractéristique.Bien que les restes de faune qui y sont associés dans une grotte soient ceux d'animaux sauvages, des noix d'Elaeïs et deCanarium indiquent peut-être un début d'agriculture.Une série de datations remarquablement convergentes placent ces outils polis et cette céramique durant les deux derniers siècles bc.La métallurgie n'est jusqu'à présent pas datée au Bas-Zaïre avant le 2e siècle ad. Cet âge du fer ancien est associé à la céramique du groupe Kay Ladio qui dérive peut-être du groupe de Ngovo.

Research into the family of the Counts Swéerts-Sporck raised doubts regarding their biographical data, particularly concerning a child who died in 1817, later identified as Philipp Swéerts-Sporck, and his siblings Joseph and Barbara. These were alleged to include a pair of dizygotic twins, but DNA could not be used to clarify their relationships. Carbon and nitrogen isotopes were therefore measured in their first permanent molars, whereas Philipp's biological age was estimated based on his skeleton. Philipp died at an older age than the written sources claim; an isotopic similarity was found between Joseph and Barbara, but Philipp differed.  相似文献   

Urban heritage conservation in China has been subject to severe criticism, although there is now a sense of paradigm shift. Charters, declarations and agendas had the merit of filtering down the international discourse on heritage, while more innovative approaches were arising. The UNESCO Historic Urban Landscape recommendation, offers a new angle from which to observe this process of change. The underlying argument of this article is that HUL can provide a platform to achieve greater sustainability in transforming historic sites in China, particularly in rural areas, overcoming, at the same time, the easy shortcut of the East–West discourse of difference in respect to heritage conservation. This is primarily due to the shifting focus from the materiality of heritage to its role in sustainable development with increasing attention on the role played by local communities. By presenting the proposal for the protection of the historic rural village of Shuang Wan in the Jiangsu Province, this paper aims to reflect on this shift showing its advantages but also some of the risks. These are inherent in a discourse of heritage in danger of legitimising mere pro-growth development approaches, if not accompanied by participatory practices considerate of the specific social reality of China.  相似文献   

Glass shards from post-contact contexts at the Northern Tsimshian site of Ginakangeek, on the north coast of British Columbia Canada, are identifiable as expedient tool artifacts through analysis of usewear patterns. In this study, we have examined the nature of glass and argued that its mineralogical properties make it analogous to other lithic materials. Although other researchers have found evidence of a lithic-like industry of glass artifacts based on macroscopic features, we have demonstrated that expedient artifacts are identifiable even in the absence of macroscopic traits, through low-power magnification of usewear. We have also tested this thesis against the possibility that microscopic usewear-like patterns were the product of fragmentation or post-depositional effects, and argued that a suite of usewear traits correlates only with use activity. Our experimental suite of glass artifacts indicates that specific actions (such as cutting, scraping, sawing, and chiseling) and the relative hardness of specific substrates produce particular usewear patterns. A number of potential explanations are considered for the appearance of such an industry on the Northwest Coast more than a century after contact with Europeans.  相似文献   

We present the results of detailed microscopic examination of tanged tools from the site of Ifri n'Ammar. The rock shelter has a particularly rich and well-preserved stratigraphy that has yielded a large variety of tanged tools, thus offering a possibility to test hypotheses on the possible links between tangs and hafting. Earlier methodological work has demonstrated that patterned wear forms on the non-active part of the tool as the result of hafted tool use, and that the characteristics of the wear traces depend on the exact hafting arrangement used. In the present study, wear analyses were combined with further experiments that involved the hafting of tanged tools with various materials and arrangements and aimed at understanding the development of this important morphological innovation. We suggest that functional data are needed to understand the relevance of the "Aterian tang" for hafting (or use), and whether this innovation was triggered by functional, cultural or environmental factors.  相似文献   

<正>天空上飘逸的欢迎仪仗队山青则水碧,天高则云淡——这话一点不假。9月27日,我们是在临近桦甸的路上开始感觉到它的清澈。  相似文献   

美国卫生及公共服务部已宣布全国进入紧急状态,在北达科塔州洪水、总统就职典礼以及几次风灾期间,美国都曾宣布过进入这一状态慌乱你上一次经过机场安检口,要被检测体温是在什么时候?可能要追溯到2003年SARS爆发之时。但随着猪流感在全球范围的蔓延,至少在台北、东京、新加坡以及巴厘岛的机场,体温扫描仪已经悄悄地回来了,从墨西哥及美国飞来的乘客将受到特别的关注。  相似文献   

菲律宾女明星哈利利与整容医生海登的性爱录像不仅在网上疯传,就连女总统阿罗约也被惊动了5月30日,马尼拉最大的商场外面,一名中年小贩正在公开兜售片名为《卡特里娜与海登丑闻》的光碟,每盘售价60比索(约合1.25美元)。这盘由女明星卡  相似文献   

正这是一篇儿子的自白。父亲的爱有双重性质,炽热的和冷漠的,唯独没有对儿子的欣赏和尊重。这让生活中的儿子有点小叛逆,但终究逃脱不了家庭教育的"阴影"。他对自己儿子的期望是令我们欣喜的,好的教育要继承和发扬,有问题的家庭教育是应该摒弃和修正的。  相似文献   

一、"车子化"运动中,全县制造的车子堆积如山 "大跃进"时期,提倡"解放思想,破除迷信,发扬首创精神,大胆革新",提出"工欲善其事,必先利其器",各区、乡、社干部群众大搞工具改革。  相似文献   

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