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《欧洲历史上的分与合》学术研讨会在北京大学召开1996年11月14—16日,北京大学历史系欧美近现代史教研室主持召开了《欧洲历史上的分与合》学术研讨会。这次会议得到了欧洲联盟的资助和北大校、系领导的大力支持。参加会议的有中国社会科学院世界史所和欧洲所...  相似文献   

正由人民出版社出版的《欧洲文艺复兴史》丛书于2013年3月荣膺教育部第六届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学类)历史学类一等奖第一名,这是国内世界史学界独立编撰的著作首次荣获全国一等奖。《欧洲文艺复兴史》由原中国中世纪史研究会会长、中国青年政治学院刘明翰教授主编,凡十二卷,集合19所院校的25位学者之力,历时十载完成。为总结丛书编撰中的经验与不足,丛书编委会于2013年7月7日在京举办"欧洲文艺复兴史研究"学术座谈会。这次会议由北京大学历史学系主  相似文献   

由厦门大学人类学研究所李明欢教授历时五年精心撰写的《欧洲华侨华人史》于本年 7月由中国华侨出版社出版面世。该书被列为北京大学华侨华人研究中心丛书之十五 ,由龚诗贮基金赞助出版 ,是迄今为止第一部较全面地论述欧洲华侨华人历史与现状的综合性研究著作 ,填补了这一领域的空白。全书洋洋 70余万字 ,除导论、结语之外 ,共有 7章。作者以欧洲华侨华人在 2 0世纪的百年历程为论述重点 ,在综合思考欧洲华侨华人自身发展演变的历史进程、欧洲社会的重大事变及影响、中欧关系的发展变化及其对华侨华人的影响三大因素之相互作用的基础上 ,从…  相似文献   

2004年2月,中国国家旅游局和欧盟签署了《关于中国旅游团队赴欧洲共同体旅游签证及相关事宜的谅解备忘录》(ADS),这意味着欧盟旅游市场即将对中国开始整体开放,我国公民可以前往欧盟12国饱览欧洲风光,亲身感受欧洲文化。为此本刊记者采访了欧盟一些国家驻华使馆的参赞,谈谈他们眼中的中国文化和本国文化特色。  相似文献   

计秋枫 《史学月刊》2007,63(12):102-107
活跃在19、20世纪之交的美国传奇式人物戴维·J.希尔集多种身份于一身,而他最为后人记取的是他在国际关系学科领域的开创性成就。他所著的《欧洲外交史》三卷,是欧美学界的第一部国际关系史通史著作,极大地推动了19、20世纪之交欧美国际关系学科的兴起。该著作既清晰描绘了1800多年间欧洲政治的宏观轨迹,又生动展示了欧洲国际关系进程的丰富画面。它具有以下几个突出的特点:对历史主线的精当把握、对历史偶然因素的深刻揭示、对文献资料的广泛挖掘以及清新活泼的写作手法。这些特点使该著作成为国际关系史学的不朽经典。  相似文献   

戚国淦 《世界历史》2008,(3):143-144
人民出版社在2008年初的北京图书订货会上将我国学者集体创作的新著《欧洲文艺复兴史》(12卷本)向读者推介。这部著作是我国学者全方位地阐析欧洲文艺复兴历史与思想的多卷本成果。中华人民共和国建国五十多年来,我国仅有意大利文艺复兴的简史,  相似文献   

拜读邢凤麟、邢凤梧合著、近由广东人民出版社出版的《冯云山评传》(以下简称《评传》),颇长见识,获益甚多。这部著作填补了太平天国史研究领域内的一项空白,也是中国近代史学界的一项可喜成果。这部著作,不仅在编撰体例方面有所创新并  相似文献   

在世界史研究中,存在着“假定前提的欧洲中心论”、“文化传播的欧洲中心论”以及“反欧洲中心论的欧洲中心论”三种“欧洲中心论”。它们是一种同构关系。替代论、调和论和修正论是对“欧洲中心论”的三种批判形式。批判“欧洲中心论”不仅是创建“中国学派”的理论前提和实践路径,而且有助于中国世界史学界健康积极的心态和生态的生成。拒绝任何形式的普遍主义、培养理论方法论上的自觉意识和批判精神以及将本土学术资源与西方的学术成就结合起来,是创建健康的、自觉的、开放的“中国学派”必须跨越的路径。就中国世界史学界而言,最关键的是寻求和建构一种“中介”即对话和争论。只有构建世界史阐释的“多元主义”视角,非西方学术界(包括中国世界史学界)才能在世界范围内确立自己的学术话语体系并搭建起相对公允的学术对话平台,才能完成学术文化上的“解殖”任务。  相似文献   

宛凤英 《沧桑》2015,(2):42-46
拿破仑发动战争及其改革对欧洲历史的发展产生了重要和深远的影响。本文主要从摧毁旧制度与建立新欧洲、促进欧洲各地区内部的统一、促进欧洲社会共性的加强等三个方面阐释拿破仑战争及其改革在近代欧洲一体化进程中的积极作用。  相似文献   

环境史研究虽然晚至20世纪80年代才在欧洲出现,但成绩斐然。在一定程度上可以说,历史地理学、法国年鉴学派、汤因比的有关著作,为环境史在欧洲的兴起提供了理论基础。从总体上看,和美国相比,欧洲的环境史研究具有更多的跨学科研究的特色和全球史的视野,而且从一开始就重视城市环境问题。  相似文献   

In Italy, like in many other European countries, cultural roots and national identity are currently shifting as the result of contemporary transnational migrations and globalization. This essay analyses how the paradigm emerging from the Italian national case contributes to a redefinition of the postcolonial canon centered on British history and culture and to the notion of a “European” postcolonial as a whole. To this aim, the authors identify in colonial history and contemporary immigration the threads that connect the postcoloniality of Italy to that of other European countries. At the same time, they locate the specificity of the Italian postcolonial in the intersection between these factors and other events in Italian history that have strongly influenced the process of shaping an Italian national identity: the Southern question, intranational and international mass emigrations, new mobilities, the subaltern position of Italy within the European Union, and the geopolitical dislocation of Italy as the Southern frontier of Europe. The authors close their essay by presenting a Mediterranean Southern perspective grounded in new forms of knowledge and aesthetic sensibilities that counteract Europe's sense of encroaching and its politics of border protection.  相似文献   

The Western terms feudal  and feudalism  have been widely and improperly translated as fengjian  in contemporary China. The early Western Sinologists and Chinese scholars, including Yan Fu, did not originally make such a translation. Yan initially transliterated the term feudalism  as fute zhi in his early translations. It was not until the 20th century, when Western classical evolutionism found its way into China, that feudalism  was reduced to an abstract concept, and the Western European model was generalized as a framework for understanding development in China and the whole world. Only then did Yan Fu first equate feudalism  with fengjian,  and China was believed to have experienced a feudal society  in the same sense as Europe. From the perspective of intellectual history, using evidential and theoretical analyses, this article attempts to show that feudalism was a historical product in the development of Western Europe and existed only in Europe, fengjian  is a system appropriate only in discussions of pre-Qin China, and China from the Qin to the Qing experienced instead a system of imperial autocracy. The medieval periods in the West and in China evidence widely divergent social forms and hence should not be confused with the same label.  相似文献   

Does an enlarged Europe harbor an enlarged fear of foreigners? Has EU expansion produced a bizarre, unintentional convergence in the xenophobic attitudes of eastern and western Europeans? What is the texture of this xenophobia in the different parts of Europe? This article is divided into three parts. First, it summarizes the contemporary European debate on fear of foreigners, antipathy towards immigrants, and the effort to enforce boundaries of national belonging. Second, it provides empirical evidence about national phobias using Germany and Poland as examples. Finally, it assays literary representations of European fears construed by select contemporary playwrights and novelists. The article proposes that the drama of European xenophobia is most effectively captured in the works of European writers, not in the discourse of EU leaders or social scientists.  相似文献   

"行会"这一西方近代学术概念对中国商人组织历史研究具有长期的影响.中国历史上的商人组织是中国社会与文化建构的产物,反映中国社会结构演变的特定过程.本文以重庆为中心,结合巴县档案等材料,分析了重庆历史上的"行"、"帮"、"会馆"、"公所"以及神会等不同组织概念的历史内涵,提倡在中国文化与社会环境基础上理解和解释中国商人组织的制度变迁问题.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Political resistance to European integration in the UK laid important ideological foundations for contemporary English nationalism. The politics surrounding accession to the European Economic Community (EEC) was such that it signalled that accession was a matter of supreme national importance and, via the device of a referendum, it led to the fusing of parliamentary and popular sovereignty. The unfolding of the Thatcherite project in Britain added an individualistic – and eventually an anti‐European – dimension to this nascent English nationalism. Resistance to the deepening political and monetary integration of Europe, coupled with the effects of devolution in the UK, led to the emergence of a populist English nationalism, by now fundamentally shaped by opposition to European integration, albeit a nationalism that merged the defence of British and English sovereignty. Underpinning these three developments was a popular version of the past that saw ‘Europe’ as the ultimate institutional expression of British decline. Thus Euroscepeticism generated the ideology of contemporary English nationalism by legitimising the defence of parliamentary sovereignty through the invocation of popular sovereignty underpinned by reference to the past.  相似文献   

当代中国史研究与口述史学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋学勤 《史学集刊》2006,4(5):70-75,80
当代中国史是历史学家族中最年轻的一门学科,也是目前最有活力、发展最快的研究领域之一。口述史学的出现适应了时代的需要,也顺应了国史变革的方向。寻求二者的最佳结合途径能使二者相得益彰,“合之则两美,离之则两伤”。当代中国史研究需要通过开展口述史来拓展研究视野,活跃研究思路,并弥补与修正史料之不足,以最大程度地发挥其面向社会公共教育和启迪的功能。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战期间的旅欧华侨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据中华民国侨务部门 1935年的统计 ,当时旅居欧洲的华侨近 4万人。然而 ,时至30年代末 ,当战争乌云在欧洲大陆上滚滚翻卷之际 ,上万欧洲华侨为免遭战祸 ,匆匆回国。因各种原因而留居欧洲的华侨 ,与欧洲人民一起在漫天战火中度过了六年的艰难时光。本文追溯旅欧华侨在二次大战期间艰苦而顽强的求生历程 ,并展示旅欧华侨与欧洲人民共同抗击法西斯而留下的一页鲜为人知的华章  相似文献   

This paper discusses the paradigms of European history and of European civilisation defined in the main histories of Europe written from the Enlightenment to Guizot.

Voltaire, Robertson, Gibbon, and Guizot consolidated a model of the history of Europe which has its origins in the fall of the western Roman Empire and the invasions of the Barbarians. The other main steps of this history were the Christianisation, the creation of a vital economic centre in western and northern Europe, the development of the cities, the rediscovery of Roman law, the creation of a complex system of states, the colonial expansion and again the birth of a society of “good manners”.

A common civilisation which did not ignore the differences which existed between one country and another – the “national characters”, discussed by David Hume in 1748. Instead the different national characters – the variety of Europe as Guizot wrote – represented an important element of the European civilisation.  相似文献   

左玉河 《当代中国史研究》2020,(1):31-38,156,157
当代中国思想史研究必须把握三重维度:一是探究思想变迁与社会发展的关系,准确把握当代中国思想史的时代维度,因为时代维度决定着当代中国思想发展的主题,决定着当代中国思想发展的历史进程及其方向;二是探究社会实践与思想变动的互动关系,准确把握当代中国思想史的实践维度,因为实践维度决定着当代中国思想发展的高度,也决定着当代中国思想发展的理论深度;三是探究主流意识形态的变迁,准确把握当代中国思想史的主流维度,因为主流维度决定着当代中国思想发展的核心和主脉。  相似文献   

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