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18世纪末至19世纪中期,嘉兴府艺术家辈出,有史家甚至称之为所谓"嘉兴画派",认为它对后来的海派起到了重要影响。方薰并非这一派中的杰出艺术家,但他却生活在一个承上启下的时期,他的艺术承接了17、18世纪正统工细的艺术风格,同时也是19世纪后半叶上海艺术形式创新的前奏,从这个角度看,北京故宫所保存的5幅方薰的画作具有很大的价值。本文通过深入研究方薰生平并结合其作品,认为浙北知识精英阶层的生活品位与艺术需求同画家的创作有着密切的互动关系。对方薰个案的研究,可以使我们在某种程度上找到认知18世纪苏杭文人圈的捷径。此外,作者还指出,每个艺术中心都拥有它相对独特的文化,我们不应以偏概全地认为乾隆朝的宫廷以及扬州一带是18世纪所有中国画的原产地。  相似文献   

渤海国上京城属于唐代渤海国的五京之一,又称为渤海上京龙泉府,在历史上也称之为忽汗城,在渤海国存在的二百多年历史当中,上京城做为一百六十多年的都城。渤海国是在唐代及五代时期位居于中国东北地获的一个地方民族政权,渤海国的存在与发展,在经营中国东北这个地区,推动东北政治、经济和文化的发展。作为当时的地方封建政权,当时的渤海国附属于唐朝,在全盛时期具有5京、15府和62州,在其存在的历史当中创造了丰富的文化。  相似文献   

张钺荻 《南方文物》2023,(6):156-167
茶叶作为中英贸易、文化交流之重要商品与物质,是英国早在18世纪前后就想要占有的重要物质资源,同时作为该时代下英国文学书写的一重要元素屡被提及。本文采用比较文学的视角,以18世纪诗歌、文章、小报等文学形式对茶叶的书写为切入点,深度分析自茶叶进入英国之初有产阶级颂诗嫁接于中国民间传说之起源,嵌入西方众神之辩论;到茶叶在英国社会各阶层风行,乃至传入欧洲民间的饮茶风气;再到英国社会各界人士对于茶叶的批判,及其最终无可阻挡的发展趋势。并试图辅助以同一时期英国乃至欧洲的史料及艺术资料,提炼其中蕴含的英帝国渴望发展文化融合,以及占有他国茶叶生产资料的政治与贸易野心。  相似文献   

一芳 《古今谈》2010,(3):31-32,33-35
画家吴声,原名吴自强,为自强不息、厚德载物之意吧。 我知道画家的时候,他是浙江人民美术出版社的美术编辑。于我是亦熟亦不熟的“半生不熟的陌生人”,上世纪80年代的吴声已经很有名气,当年出版社待遇好,  相似文献   

老舍小说中人物的悲剧意识   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘雄平 《满族研究》2006,(2):112-116
老舍小说中的众多人物根据其鲜明的文化身份,大致可分为“老派人物”、“理想人物”、“新派人物”三大类。他们的身份虽不同,但悲剧性的命运却十分相似,其悲剧主要是由他们各自所负载的文化与时代、历史的不谐调所造成的。三类人物分别属于“被旧文化管辖而死的悲剧”、“反抗旧文化而死的悲剧”、“受劣质文化浸染而死的悲剧”。这些文化悲剧虽不悲壮激烈,却也深沉凝重,令人警醒反思。  相似文献   

宋奕  乔得龙 《中华遗产》2006,(3):120-128
老北京的胡同、四合院和其间闲适和谐的市民生活都深深地吸引着来自欧洲的画家乔得龙,让他在这里一待就是10年。然而10年中的巨变也让深爱着北京的乔得龙心中充满了复杂的情绪。曾几何时,他穿梭于北京的老城,为大大小小的院落街巷描画最后的遗容。他希望人们在多年以后看到这些画作的时候能有一些惋惜与反思,继而自问:“为什么要匆忙地毁掉这个老北京?”  相似文献   

陈晓华 《史学理论研究》2012,(4):97-108,160
18世纪的中国与欧洲,对待对方冷热迥异。当欧洲掀起对中国崇拜的"中国热"的同时,传播"中国热"的来华传教士主要功臣在中国的境况却每况愈下,遭到的待遇冷至极点。本文即以此为背景分析"中国热"中伏尔泰对中国文化的解读,以便更深入考察这一时期中西之间的互动。  相似文献   

彭慕兰 (KennethPomeranz)在其新著《大分岔》中提出了一个颇具吸引力的观点 ,即欧洲发展与中国内卷之间的“大分岔”是在 1 80 0年以后才出现的。由于彭书轻视关于具体生活和生产状况的知识 ,偏重理论和书面数字 ,以致在论证过程中出现了不少经验性错误。彭书没有认真对待近 2 0年来西方研究 1 8世纪英国的主要学术成就 ,即对农业革命、原始工业化、城镇发展、人口行为转型以及消费变迁等“五大变化”的证实 ,把这些革命性的变化尽量写成是内卷型(即劳动边际报酬递减 )的演变 ,同时又把长江三角洲经历的人口对土地的压力描述为发展型 (即劳动边际报酬剧增 )的变化 ,结果抹杀了两者之间的差异。其实 ,英国的工业革命起源于上列五大趋势及其与英国煤矿业特早发展的偶合 ,而 1 8世纪的长江三角洲则不具备其中任何一个条件。中国后来进入的现代经济发展道路和英国完全不同 :即首先通过社会革命来进行资本积累 ,尔后通过农村的现代工业化来降低农村 (部分地区 )的人口压力。  相似文献   

安徽文化人物群体在中国近代史上占据重要地位。从区域人文地理学视角考察,安徽近代文化人物的数量、密度和自然地理分布具有鲜明的地域特征,其中最突出的是文化人物分布中心呈现由皖南山区向沿江平原转移的重大变化。深入研究其地理分布与特征将有助于揭示安徽近代文化人物分布与地域系统间的内在联系及发展规律,为文化发展和人才建设提供历史借鉴。  相似文献   

Rational Mechanics in the Eighteenth Century. On Structural Developments of a Mathematical Science. The role of mathematics in eighteenth‐century science and of eighteenth‐century philosophy of science can hardly be overestimated. However, philosophy of science frequently described and analysed this role in an anachronistic manner by projecting modern points of view about (formal) mathematics and (empirical) science to the past: From today's point of view one might be tempted to say that philosophers and scientists in the seventeenth and even more in the eighteenth century became aware of the importance of mathematics as a means of ‘representing’ physical phenomena or as an ‘instrument’ of deductive explanation and prediction. But such modernisms are missing the central point, i.e. the ‘mathematical nature of nature’ according to mechanical philosophy. Moreover, the understanding of this mathematical nature changed dramatically in the course of the eighteenth century for various (i.e. mathematical, philosophical and other) reasons – a fact hardly appreciated by former philosophical analysis. Philosophy of science today should offer a more accurate analysis to history of science without giving up its task – not always appreciated by historians – to uncover the basic concepts and methods which seem relevant for the understanding of science in question. This paper gives a ‘structural account’ on the development of rational mechanics from Newton to Lagrange that tries to give justice to the fact that rational mechanics in the eighteenth century was primarily understood as a mathematical science and that – starting from this understanding – also tries to give good reasons for the fundamental change of the concept of science that took place during this period.  相似文献   

The putting-out spinning of flax for merchants and weaving of kersey in house-manufactories for export are examples of new elements in wool production and manufacturing in late 18th-century Iceland. The import of luxuries also increased, and a broader group of inhabitants acquired these items from the monopoly-trade merchants. The article analyses how these elements can be understood in light of Iceland’s pre-industrial society. How did these changes become visible and have an impact on the country? Did changes in wool production and consumption signify new trends in 18th-century society, or should one interpret them as extensions of structures that already existed within what can be called the ‘Old Society’?  相似文献   

Report on Finds from the Saint-Quay-Portrieux Wreck, France   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1987, some divers discovered the cargo of a merchant ship which was wrecked off the rocks of the Saint-Quay Islands in Brittany. Several expeditions were conducted by the discoverer, DRASSM and the Art and History Museum of Saint-Brieuc on the site between 1987 and 2003 but the wreck remains unidentified. The ship is believed to have traded with Africa in the first part of the 18th century. Though no remains of the ship's structure were found, the artefacts recovered, including trading goods, ship's equipment, and domestic utensils, allow comparisons to be made with other contemporary materials.
© 2004 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   

Science and the History of the Sciences. Conceptual Innovations Through Historicizing Science in the Eighteenth Century. The historical reconstruction of science is linked to philosophical discussions of the eighteenth century in many ways. The historiography of philosophy and the historiography of science share the conceptual problem to assemble the multitude of scientific and philosophical practices under general concepts. The historical analysis of scientific progress offers a clue by problematizing definitions of “science” and “sciences” as well as the system of sciences as a whole. By analyzing these conceptual problems and the typology of historical enterprises of the eighteenth century, this paper will discuss the close interrelations which existed between philosophical and historical discourses of eighteenth‐century reflection on science.  相似文献   

20世纪美国对中国史学史的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文是在对美国实地调查和收集史料的基础上撰就而成的。将近一个世纪的情况表明 ,美国学者对中国史学史的研究是认真的、系统的、连贯和深入的。来自中国的学者和华人学者曾在美国对中国史学史研究的进程中起过关键的作用。经过将近一个世纪的努力 ,美国学者对中国史学史的研究 ,已经形成了一些特色。他们的研究表明 ,研究中国史学史要有世界眼光 ;研究中国史学史 ,要放到世界史学史发展的大背景中作比较的考察 ,要放到世界汉学家研究中国史学史的背景中作比较的考察。关注同行研究 ,加强对话交流 ,是中国学者促进当代中国史学建设的重要途径  相似文献   

15世纪为朝鲜族谱纂修的早期,当时的族谱主要是记载父系与母系的内外八寸谱,保留民族传统。朝鲜族谱是高丽时期修谱的继续,15世纪修谱已经比较普遍。新发现了15世纪族谱的形式,进而加深了对于“内外谱”的认识。广州安氏谱内外分别,已经有明确的书写原则。一是记庶孽(妾子妾女)于嫡女之后,二是将公私贱隶无婚姻关系所生男女“直书名于卷之末”。朝鲜族谱的修谱思想来自于中国儒家特别是宋儒的主张,引用宋儒苏洵修谱思想比较多。谱序作者多为本族士大夫,修谱具有士大夫的特性。  相似文献   

Hallux valgus is defined as the lateral deviation of the great toe. It is considered a disease mainly related to the use of boots or shoes that constrict the foot. This process usually ensues along many years and is accompanied by changes at the metatarsophalangeal joint, which serve to make the diagnosis on bare bones. Diagnostic criteria include lateral deviation of the metatarsophalangeal joint (1), lateral subluxation of the first phalanx, degenerative changes of the sesamoid articular facets, and exostosis or remodelling of the medial tuberosity. Following other authors, we have defined hallux valgus as the presence of (1) and any of the other three criteria. In a series of the 18th century burials from the church La Concepción, in Tenerife, Canary Islands, we found 35 cases of hallux valgus out of the 117 cases for which necessary data for the diagnosis could be recorded (29.91%). A significant association was found between changes in the left toe and burial site near the altar, where priests and other people of the high social status were interred. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many years after their discovery, the small boats at the Musée de la civilisation in Quebec City still fascinate and hold some of their mysteries. Revisiting these boats has allowed the author to examine shipbuilding practices from a different perspective and to sum up many observations made but never published. The paper also contains previously-unpublished illustrations. This material may help other scholars in their interpretation of future discoveries.
© 2008 The Author  相似文献   

该文勾画了二十世纪中国古都研究的轮廓。作者认为中国古都研究可分为三个方面, 即理论探索、七大古都研究和其它古都研究。此七大古都是北京、西安、洛阳、开封、南京、杭州、安阳。总之, 我们已经取得了巨大成就, 尽管一些不足方面有待于展开。作者预言: 出于学科本身的需要和社会的企盼, 二十一世纪的中国古都研究有望取得更大的进步。  相似文献   

在"文明使命"价值观的指引下,英国人在印度扮演的角色,既是征服者和殖民者,又是统治者和开化者.他们在治理与掠夺印度的过程中,摧毁了印度原有的社会与经济结构,推进了印度社会的近代化,用强力手段将古老的印度拉进了以英国为中心的世界资本主义体系.  相似文献   

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