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畲族是我国56个民族之一,具有独特的民族文化。畲族的丧礼有遗体处理、三天三夜的赤身人功德(学过师而加入图腾组织的人)、一天一夜白身人功德、做“圣科”及“拔伤”(为非正常亡故人所做)的仪规。本文详细记录了浙江景宁畲族自治县畲族山村的一次做“圣科”仪式的过程,为畲族民俗文化的研究提供了一份难得的标本资料,也是非物质文化遗产记录整理的一次有益尝试。  相似文献   

畲族的传统服饰是畲族历史文化的凝聚,也是其民俗风情的重要体现。本文就浙江省畲族的服饰特征和渊源变迁等问题做一初步探讨。  相似文献   

唱山歌是畲族文化的重要组成部分,本文对景宁畲族传统唠歌的表现形式做了介绍,并就其处境和保护问题做了初步探索。  相似文献   

畲族人民世代口头流传下来的《高皇歌》,是一篇反映畲族起源、迁徙、婚姻、经济生活等方面内容的长篇叙事歌,在畲族群众中流传最悠久、广泛,且被畲族人民誉为“创世史诗”(或称“祖歌”)。它是一篇很有价值的民族史涛,是研究畲族历史十分珍贵的资料。由于畲族是一个长期迁徙的民族,加之历经世代手抄相传,因此各地流传的《高皇歌》内容有所差异。  相似文献   

我们知道,当下《瑶族通史》、《苗族通史》都相继问世,但是真正意义的《畲族通史》却姗姗来迟。1988年厦门大学教授蒋炳钊的《畲族史稿》是一部开拓性的著作,他为畲族史  相似文献   

李惠萍 《神州》2013,(2):36-36
福建、宁德、福安,分别是全国畲族人口最多的省份、地市和县市。福安畲族人口达7万之众,占全国畲族总人口的十分之一强,为全国唯一的畲族自治县浙江省景宁畲族自治县的三倍多。  相似文献   

一、赣南畲族的人口及分布情况 畲族,是我国少数民族之一,主要分布在我国的闽、浙、赣、粤、皖等省的80多个县市的部份山区。据 1982年统计,我国畲族人口为 368832人①。赣南的畲族分布全市 18个县(市、区),据1990年统计,赣南总人口为7105217人,畲族人口有47017人,约占赣南总人口的0.67%。除1953年、1954年经批准兴国县部分雷姓恢复畲族成份外,1984年至1986年赣南各县(市)经批准陆续恢复了蓝、雷两姓畲族民族成份。分布详情如下: 章贡区 蓝450人 赣 县 蓝 943人 宁 …  相似文献   

畲族的祖图,是我国少数民族艺术品当中不可多得的浪漫主义画卷,它不仅是畲族人民不可复制的经典艺术范式,同时也起到追述祖先、教化后人的作用。笔者有幸考证到一幅珍贵的浙江景宁畲族自治县畲族兰氏祖图。  相似文献   

畲族的祖图,是我国少数民族艺术品当中不可多得的浪漫主义画卷,它不仅是畲族人民不可复制的经典艺术范式,同时也起到追述祖先、教化后人的作用.笔者有幸考证到一幅珍贵的浙江景宁畲族自治县畲族兰氏祖图.  相似文献   

论文以浙南侨乡文成县为田野调查点,基于畲汉民族互嵌的视角,分析了文成畲族海外移民的历史背景、动力机制、发展现状,阐释了侨乡畲族海外移民的时代意义。浙江文成县畲族海外移民既是中国改革开放的时代产物,也是文成县侨乡文化强烈辐射和畲族与汉族良性互动的结果。其深层动因则源于文成畲汉民族关系由形式上的互嵌向结构性的互嵌之顺利转型。文成畲族海外移民案例,标志着畲族历史变迁中的时代飞跃,有利于缩小畲汉发展结构性差异和增强畲汉民族关系的和谐,对当今畲族乡村振兴和畲汉民族关系发展亦具有重要启迪意义。  相似文献   

Samples of amplitude scintillations of the radio signal from a geostationary satellite obtained at a midlatitude station near Irkutsk were processed. For calculating the fractal dimensionalities the Grassberger and Procaccia [(1983) Physica D9, 189] algorithm was used. Results of the data processing tend to divide into two groups. One group includes those realizations for which it was possible to obtain reliable estimates of dimensionality. Three of the seven realizations considered were in this group, and the fractal dimensionalities were found to be low (3.12 4.5). The other data fall within the second group; a reliable estimate of dimensionality for them is unobtainable in terms of the method used. We suppose that this is attributable to the high dimensionality of the process. Power spectra of the signals of this group are close to those with an exponent of −2. The spectra of the signals of the first group are markedly steeper. On the basis of the data analyzed it is supposed that there exist two modes of ionospheric turbulence in midlatitudes, namely the mode with low dimensionality typical of localized turbulent processes, and the mode with high dimensionality typical of homogeneous turbulence that covers an extensive region of the ionosphere.  相似文献   

Existing writings that explore the relationship between inter-Korean relations and the political economy of South Korea stress the role of the ruling ideology of anti-communism in the domestic struggle for power or hegemony. They also consider Kim Dae-jung a member of the hegemonic group because he represented the interests of the bourgeoisie and, thus, they contend that the level of inter-Korean reconciliation during his presidency was a product of the hegemonic group’s accommodation of the people’s nationalist demands. Their arguments are, however, contradictory because, among other things, Kim was one of those most severely damaged by the hegemonic group’s ruling ideology. Drawing on Gramsci’s concepts, such as historical bloc and hegemonic project, I attempt to resolve the contradiction by arguing that Kim was not a member of the hegemonic group, but a leader of the counter-hegemonic liberal nationalists. Accordingly, this article demonstrates Kim’s stance on the chaebol-centred economic structure and his abortive attempt to change it. By the same token, it argues that the inter-Korean reconciliation was a hegemonic project to realise the liberal nationalists’ vision of peaceful unification through a liberal approach and to undermine the anti-communism with which the hegemonic group had exercised ideological leadership for decades.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for studying between‐group differences in physical activity patterns through the analysis of musculo‐skeletal stress markers (MSM). The specific aim was to develop a method that could overcome the problems related to confounding variables such as body size by shifting the analytical focus from the comparison of differences in intensity to the comparison of differences in kinds of activity. Instead of testing whether there are differences in the measures of central tendency of MSM scores between two groups, we proposed looking for differences in MSM covariation patterns. Formally, this is achieved through the statistical comparison of group‐specific MSM intercorrelation matrices. The null hypothesis is that the matrices are equal, and the statistical significance of the test statistic is obtained with a permutation test. In this way, the problem of confounding variables such as body size is mostly avoided because the procedure is based on the comparison of group‐specific sets of correlation coefficients which are scale‐free. The method was employed in a case study to investigate the differences in activity patterns between men and women from the Early Bronze Age population buried at the necropolis in Mokrin, Serbia. The null hypothesis of no difference between the male and female MSM correlation matrices was rejected (p = 0.0135). After the statistical significance of the difference was established, further investigation of male and female activity patterns was undertaken by means of principal component analysis (PCA) with varimax rotation. PCA results suggest that covariation between MSMs is stronger in the male sample. Success in demonstrating differences in activity patterns between sexes implies that the proposed method can be used to test for differences in physical activity between groups of individuals defined by criteria other than sex. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The formation of reference groups comprises an important procedure in chemical provenance studies of archaeological pottery. Material from ancient kilns is thought to be especially suitable for reference groups, as it comprises a definite unit of past production. Pottery from the Late Minoan IA kiln excavated at Kommos, Crete was analysed in order to produce a reference group in this important area of Minoan ceramic production. The samples were characterized by a combination of techniques providing information on the chemistry, mineralogy and microstructure of the ceramic body. Initially, the study was unable to establish, in a straightforward manner, a chemical reference group. Different ceramic pastes and a range of selective alterations and contaminations, affected by variable firing temperatures and burial environment, were shown to be responsible for the compositional variability. Procedures are described to compensate for such alterations and the perturbations in the data that they produce.  相似文献   

The efforts to involve Aboriginal people in the development of a management plan for a newly created World Heritage Area (WHA) in northern Queensland are examined. Although the management agency expended considerable effort to encourage the participation of local Aboriginal people the program was flawed and served to marginalise some Aboriginal groups from the management of their traditional lands. The management agency failed to understand the nature of contemporary and traditional Aboriginal social organisation. Insensitivity to the diverse nature of Aboriginal social organisation, and ignorance of the complexity of Aboriginal representation, rendered the interests of some groups with traditional interests invisible to the management agency. Because the management agency uncritically accepted the claims to a mandate for regional representation by one Aboriginal lobby group, this group was able to assume a dominant position in liaising with the management agency.  相似文献   

将心理特征分析引入旅游产品谱系构建当中,是旅游产品开发市场导向型下人本主义思想的体现。本文从感知、情感和情绪、意志和兴趣等方面对老年心理特征进行分析的基础上,从基本层次、提高层次和专门层次的三维视角概括老年群体旅游动机,并从安全性、体验性和参与性三方面总结该群体的旅游偏好。针对旅游动机,结合旅游偏好设计了相应的旅游产品系列,并对每个系列具体旅游产品类型进行选择,得到面向老年群体的旅游产品谱系。以关中地区老年旅游市场为例,通过问题的分析,运用所构建的老年旅游产品谱系对该地区旅游产品深层开发和拓展提出建议。  相似文献   

The costs of demolishing a vacant building are often justified on the grounds of crime reduction. I explore this claim by estimating the spatial and temporal effects of demolitions on reported crime in the city of Saginaw, Michigan. To do so, I estimate a model that uses within‐block group variation to compare crime after a demolition occurs to before the permit for that demolition was issued. Results indicate that demolitions reduce crime by about 8 percent on the block group in question and 5 percent on nearby block groups, with the largest impact concentrated one to two months after the demolition occurs.  相似文献   

For archaeologists, metallic artifacts are key materials to assess Middle Bronze Age production areas and cultural exchanges. Here, a set of 629 bronze palstaves excavated in northern France, belonging to Breton and Norman typological groups, was treated by (open) outline-based morphometrics with orthogonal polynomial regression. Using robust statistics developed for outlier detection, these Norman and Breton palstave outlines can be divided into two groups: those for which the shape fluctuates close to the standard shape, called “congruent” axes, and those which are far enough from this standard to be considered as “non-congruent”, although they possess most of the features of the typological group. The highest density of discovery (whether congruent and non-congruent in shape) is in the extreme east of Brittany for the Breton axes, while the Norman axes are concentrated in northern Normandy, hence the choice of names. However, the distribution of congruent and non-congruent artifacts appears to be spatially dependent for the Norman group, and to a lesser extent for the Breton group, as there are proportionally more congruent specimens inside the supposed production areas than outside. This contradicts the generally accepted archaeological scheme which hypothesizes that all axes in a group originate from the same production center, and that some items were exported from there to supply neighboring regions. Other minor production centers probably existed, copying the original model with greater shape variation.  相似文献   

Eighty-six Roman amphora sherds from the Plemmirio B shipwreck, off Sicily, have been analysed by neutron activation analysis. A large group representative of the amphora cargo, mainly of forms Africana 1 and Africana 2A (from the area of modern Tunisia), was subsequently defined. No differences between Africana 1 and Africana 2A samples were observed, thus implying a similar origin for both forms. The provenance of this cargo group was then investigated by comparison with a Roman amphora kiln data base. After elimination of the more mobile elements it was shown that the cargo amphorae were more likely to have been manufactured at kilns around Sullecthum rather than Leptis Minor. The analytical conclusions are thoroughly consistent with the known archaeological information.  相似文献   

西安城市居民绿色出行的群体参照影响与自我价值判断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择本土城市居民为研究对象,以参照群体影响为外界变量,以自我感知价值为内部判断变量,将二者关联绿色出行意愿,意欲明晰是外部群体影响还是自我价值判断最终主导了人们的绿色出行选择。研究结果显示:参照群体的两类影响(信息性影响与规范性影响)对居民绿色出行意愿有显著正向影响;功能性感知价值与社会性感知价值对居民绿色出行意愿有显著正向影响,而情感性感知价值对居民绿色出行意愿影响不显著;中介效应结果表明,绿色出行感知价值在参照群体影响与居民绿色出行意愿之间存在部分或完全中介过程。  相似文献   

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