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Southwest University for Nationalities boasts a galaxy of teachers dedicated to development of the Tibetan-inhabited areas. The following are some of them:  相似文献   

施坚雅先生研究中国农村市场结构、功能及其变迁的重要作《中国农村的市场和社会结构》,最初作为一篇长的三个部分分别发表于1964年11月至1965年5月的《亚洲研究杂志》第24卷第1期至第3期,其单行本于  相似文献   


This article is the first in a series devoted to discussions of the responsibilities, activities, and techniques of the various specialists who might make up a modern archaeological field staff The articles are all written by scholars with extensive field experience. It is hoped that the series will be beneficial to scholars in framing the design of their research projects, in planning their budgets, and in determining the number and types of specialists best suited for the projects envisioned. Readers are urged to comment on the series in the light of their own experiences in the field: letters will be published in Perspectives.

Authors of a few of the forthcoming articles in this series include Vaughn M. Bryant, palaeobotany; Frederick R. Matson, ceramics analysis; and Al B. Wesolowsky, physical anthropology.


Few major excavations are now mounted without staff representation from the natural sciences. The classical concern of the geologist with stratigraphy and chronology coupled with his/her broad training in the natural sciences makes the geologist a particularly necessary component of the field staff Responsibilities of the staff geologist are likely to include regional geologic studies, lithology and identification, on-site stratigraphy and sedimentology, other technical assistance (e.g., surveying), and post-excavation laboratory analyses. The staff geologist should playa major role in the final synthesis of all environmental data.  相似文献   


In the following article is discussed the archaeological need of the field architect, the work and responsibilities that he undertakes on an excavation, the training that he ideally should have to become an archaeological architect, and the contributions that he can make to the knowledge of ancient architecture.

As well as the advisory help that he can give, the prime role of an architect, from the point of view of the director of an excavation, is that of making accurate surveys and clear and comprehensible drawings. The more conscientious he is and the more experience he has had, the more valuable the architect will be on a dig. This article sets forth various procedures for surveying and measuring and also gives a brief account of the instruments and tools needed for performing these operations. Mention is also made of the different types of drawings that are usually required, starting with the actual state plan and cross-sections and terminating with the completely restored plans, elevations, and perspectives.

For the architect who has the time, training, and initiative, there is also the opportunity of doing individual scholarly work. As pointed out herein, the study and definitive publications of ancient monuments, which only he can successfully conclude, contribute greatly to the archaeological field of knowledge.  相似文献   


The Teaching Assistant (TA) system operating in the United States has both advantages and disadvantages to graduate students employed as TAs and undergraduates taught by these TAs. The system develops teaching and communication skills and broadens TA capability, understanding and marketability. Discussion and lab sections taught by TAs provide an arena where undergraduates are exposed to everything from simple ideas to difficult ideas that need hands‐on help. However, few quality control procedures are employed to determine prospective TAs. Moreover, TA training is of limited extent and use. TAs either sink or swim; none the less the vast majority do survive and do an excellent job. A number of measures that any university, college or department might employ if they intend to begin employing TAs are recommended: all TAs should attend TA orientation sessions that discuss university‐wide TA issues; departments should also create sessions that specially train TAs in how to teach their respective courses; and departments should develop TA evaluation schemes that quickly identify TA problems.  相似文献   

在心理学中,态度是指“经验体系化反应的准备阶段,亦即人们对其他事物的认识喜恶及反应等心理倾向”。本就新时期社会价值观念转变而引起的旅游企业管理与被管理对事物认识和反映心理倾向的变化,探讨这种变化在旅游企业员工行为管理中的作用。  相似文献   

水文工作者管水,将可可西里的水情变化尽收眼底,他们被称为闪光的“锚座”,牢牢定格在无人区江河两岸。[编者按]  相似文献   

甲午战争前后李鸿章、张之洞幕府相互倾轧,严复在两者之间艰难抉择。李鸿章及其幕府遭张謇等弹劾,严复始有投奔张之洞幕府的想法。在李鸿章幕府内部,又有“闽党”与“浙人”之争。在内部斗争形势变化,地位岌岌可危的情况下,严复著译以“立言”,剖析李鸿章幕府弊端及在战败中应承担的责任。严复发表《辟韩》,从君臣之义上对甲午战败进行反思,而张之洞命作《〈辟韩〉驳论》,严复与张之洞交恶。严复针对张之洞的“中体西用”文化观,提出中体有中用,西体有西用;还抨击张之洞师法日本之“新学”及对“西学”的偏见,谴责张之洞干预教育制度。严、张交恶既有派系之鸿沟,又有“西学”、“东学”之分歧。严复作为政治家在李鸿章幕府并无过人之处,与经世立业相比,严复在著述立言上的功绩较为引人瞩目,这与晚清倡导新学分不开。严复等在李鸿章幕府中倡导“学新”,形成有别于张之洞及其幕府倡导“东学”的价值趋向。  相似文献   

旅游服务质量是景区管理的重要内容.本文在结合现有研究成果的基础上,提出了基于员工视角的旅游服务质量概念模型,构建了“工作环境”“员工生活”“工作回报”“员工情绪”“服务质量”5个潜在变量、25个测量问项组成的结构方程模型,并以九寨沟、黄龙景区为例进行了实证研究.结果表明:景区员工的“工作环境”直接正向影响员工提供的“服务质量”,并通过“员工情绪”间接影响“服务质量”;员工“工作回报”直接负向影响“服务质量”,但通过“员工情绪”间接正向影响“服务质量”.  相似文献   

酒店经营话题之一:服务质量取决于人员素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本探讨了酒店服务质量与人员素质的关系,规范原则与质量标准的关系。  相似文献   

This study is based on a stage-by-stage dialogue between four geography staff and seven students. Members of staff were asked to identify issues that reflect academically inappropriate behaviour in classes for students at university (as opposed to school) level. Students were then asked to comment on the staff's views. In general, the students felt that staff's comments showed a lack of understanding about what the students were going through in making the transition to tertiary education. Rejoinders from staff were notable for leading to new ideas, reinforcing positions or, in one case, feeling misinterpreted. The dialogue led to reflections on misunderstandings about student transitions to tertiary education.  相似文献   

Political advisers are attracting increasing attention in Westminster jurisdictions. Typically, scholars focus on the corrosive impact they allegedly have on elements of Westminster convention and practice. We argue that a concern with accountability detracts from other important matters, including understanding and theorising ministerial advisers' roles. In this article we address these issues using primary data from a survey of ministerial advisers in New Zealand. We draw on Maley's typology to classify advisers' activities according to the contribution they make to executive government policy-making. We then theorise these activities through the lens of the core executive. We conclude that ministerial advisers are increasingly important actors in governing environments characterised by complex resource dependencies, modes of operation that are as often relational as they are hierarchical, and bargaining relationships that are often positive and not zero-sum in nature.  相似文献   

在清代,史馆、幕府和私家这三类修史形式一直是并存发展的。在治史范围和思想倾向上,三者有明显差异,史馆基本上垄断了国史和当代史的纂修,幕府修史的范围则随着政治环境和幕主个人兴趣的变化而变化,私家修史对社会变迁特别敏感,其研究范围往往最能体现时代特点。同时,这三类修史形式又因为幕主的政治身份和学人们的流动而发生联系,从而使不同的史学思想、修史理念在之间传播、交流。在具体的修史活动中,三者一直处在互动状态,史馆修史或刺激、或打压幕府、私家的修史活动,始终处于主导地位,决定着幕府、私家修史的盛衰消长,而幕府、私家修史在某种程度上也迫使官方不断调整修史政策,以适应社会的变化。  相似文献   

财政部驻港人员有关南京大屠杀等问题的情报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本件史料系财政部驻港情报人员所收集的情报,共14题,涉及军事、政治、外交、社会等问题。其中有关侵华日军南京大屠杀的情报因其情报发出日期为1938年3月3日,叙述虽简,但距南京大屠杀发生时间较近,包括有日军之奸淫掳劫、德美人士援救等情,尤显史料价值之珍贵,特予发表。  相似文献   

Analysts of the presidency agree that White House staffs may be organized along one of three lines: a competitive model, a hierarchical model, or a collegial model. This article details the interaction patterns of the Eisenhower, Ford, and Carter senior White House staffs in an empirical test of the basic assumptions of these models of staff organization. These three administrations represent very different conceptual approaches to the problem of staff interaction. The results of the analysis of private and group meeting access by the senior staff with the President clearly indicate that our models do not capture the full range of staff interaction and that other factors need to be given more serious consideration in our conceptualizations of the operation of the White House.  相似文献   

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