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文化遗产风险管理是近十年国际、国内文化遗产保护领域越来越引起重视的课题之一,而风险评估是风险管理的重要环节。本文以ICCROM-CCI-ICN三家研究机构制定的"风险管理"体系为主要依据,以"台州府城墙"洪灾研究为实例,介绍风险管理基本概念,探讨文化遗产"风险评估"的研究方法,并结合台州府城墙保护实践思考遗产风险评估对文化遗产保护的影响。  相似文献   


The article argues, in continuation of previous contri-butions by the author, that “Judaism”/”Jews” are from the outset ideological and religious constructs rather than ethnic entities. As-syrian Judáa and Persian Yehud were geographical and political designations limited to the Southern highland of Palestine and it is unlikely that the extensive references to yehudim known from the Hellenistic period onwards should in all cases cover people origi-nating from that particular area. The origins of Judaism should not be sought in any invariable ethnic quality of the various populations of Palestine in antiquity but in the influence and shaping of reli-gious ideologies with the holy city of Jerusalem as a strong and cen-tral symbol.  相似文献   

锁阳城遗址位于甘肃省瓜州县西南约47公里,为全国重点文物保护单位。对照世界文化遗产的评定标准,锁阳城符合其中第三、第四条标准,有资格进入世界文化遗产名录。  相似文献   

系列博物馆群是指在一定地理空间范围内,围绕某一主题构建的若干博物馆的集合体,集合体内单个博物馆之间相互联系、互相支撑,形成完整的保护与展示体系。系列博物馆群具有四个基本特征:数量性、空间性、整体性和层次性,其与线性文化遗产的主题特征、空间特征和资源特征高度契合,是线性文化遗产保护与展示的最佳路径与模式之一。地域特色文化、相对均衡布局、文化市场潜力和遗产存在形式是线性文化遗产系列博物馆群构建的主要依据。以京杭大运河为实证研究对象,分析了线性文化遗产系列博物馆群的构成。  相似文献   

Africa is both fortunate and unfortunate as far as Cultural Heritage Management (CHM) is concerned. Fortunate because the continent is a warehouse for the heritage resources, which document the origin and development of our humanity. In the meantime, it is very unfortunate that Africa is too poor to take care of such vast cultural treasures. In this paper, I use Tanzania as a case study to explore ways that Africa can generate revenue and public support for CHM. An effective means of accomplishing this goal is to make the products of the past attractive and accessible for cultural tourism. Only in this way does Africa's past heritage become economically sustainable for long-term survival, productivity, and contribution to global education, research, tourism, and pride in the past accomplishments of humanity.L'Afrique est à la fois heureuse et malheureuse en ce qui concerne la Gestion du Patrimoine Culturel (GPC). Heureuse parce que ce continent est un entrepôt de ressources de documentation sur l'origine et le développement de l'humanité. Mais en mème temps, il est trés malheureux que l'Afrique soit si pauvre pour prendre soin d'un si grand trésor culturel. Dans cet article, je me suis servi de la Tanzanie comme cas d'étude pour explorer les moyens par lesquels l'Afrique pourrait générer des recettes et un appui public à la GPC. Un moyen efficace pour accomplir ce but est de rendre les produits du passé attrayants et accessibles pour un tourisme culturel. C'est par ce moyen seul que l'héritage du passé africain deviendra économiquement soutenable pour réaliser une survie à longue portée, la productivité, et une contribution a l'éducation mondiale, à la recherche, au tourisme et à la fierté des réalisations du passé humain.  相似文献   

程浩 《东南文化》2011,(4):96-99
南越王宫博物馆是一座依托于南越国宫署遗址建设而成的遗址博物馆。博物馆的陈列展示分为现场遗址展示和室内文物展示两部分,其中遗址展示是主体,室内展示起到对遗址解释说明的辅助作用。陈列人员在室内陈列的过程中,从突出遗址特点、确立陈列主题和风格、将展品的劣势转化为优势、深化研究成果、创新陈展方式等方面,层级化、直观化、多角度、动态化地解读考古信息,为遗址博物馆的展示作出了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

面对批判遗产学的兴起,跨文化反思与本土意义重构成为遗产领域的重要课题。这方面,话语分析大有可为。对历史文本的话语分析,可以挖掘文化遗产的本土意义。以衢州三部方志中的"文昌殿"书写个案,从遗产的物质性、文化肌理、当下价值三个方面展开分析,凸显出中国本土的文化遗产观、历史思维与意义生发方式。本土传统对文化遗产的思考才是根本,跨文化借鉴不能以忽视本土观念为代价。面对被全球化了的"遗产热",跨文化对话才是我们的出路。  相似文献   

Cultural expressions and their contexts of use among two groups of Maconde form a basis for a discussion of cultural reproduction and the fluidity of ethnic boundaries. The material presented here is based on ethnoarchaeological fieldwork in Tanzania and Mozambique. Two groups, one based in Tanzania and the other in Mozambique, both identify themselves as one group, although they use and display material culture quite differently. The arguments in the paper are concerned with understanding the highly dynamic character of ethnicity in these East African societies and an attempt to look at shifting ethnic boundaries among the groups in the Rovuma Basin, in particular, over the last centuries. Here symbols of cultural identity have been manipulated and reintroduced into new contexts, as cultures change and groups adjust to their social environment.  相似文献   

文物古迹是过去文化的载体,文化既是不同人们共同体在特定时空中适应环境与社会的结晶,也是人类曾经的生存可能性的记录,因此,文化遗产是发展的智慧资源而非包袱。改革开放以来我们对文物与文化遗产及其价值的认识有一个不断拓展和提高的过程,经历了由古玩、文物到全民性的文化遗产自觉的演变。正确认识和处理不同文化及历史文化遗产,既是作为文明古国的中国发展过程中无法避开的选择,也是全球化、信息化时代古今中外文化大会面时代人类和谐共处、共同繁荣的前提性要求。  相似文献   

The Israeli military occupation of Palestine since 1967 coupled with the introduction of limited autonomy in 1993 has positioned the yet-to-be formed nation-state in political liminality—neither completely sovereign nor entirely subjugated. While this ambiguity has obvious ramifications for Palestine as a political entity, it also places the cultural heritage of Palestine in potential jeopardy. This paper examines the legal and historical construction of liminality for Palestine and explores how its ambiguous political status impacts the preservation, protection and management of cultural heritage in Palestine and influences the construction of cultural heritage narratives by Palestinians.
Résumé  L’occupation militaire israélienne de la Palestine depuis 1967 associée à l’introduction d’une autonomie limitée en 1993 a positionné l’état national encore à venir en liminalité politique—ni complètement souveraine, ni complètement soumise. Tandis que cette ambigüité possède des ramifications évidentes pour la Palestine en tant qu’entité politique, il pose également la question de l’héritage culturel de la Palestine potentiellement en péril. Cet article examine la construction légale et historique de la liminalité concernant la Palestine et explore combien son statut politique ambigu a un effet négatif sur la préservation, la protection et la gestion de l’héritage culturel de la Palestine et influence la construction de récits de l’héritage culturel par les palestiniens.

Resumen  La ocupación militar israelí de Palestina en 1967, unida a la introducción de un autonomía limitada en 1993, ha colocado a esta nación estado aún sin constituir en una especie de tierra de nadie política: ni es un estado totalmente soberano ni enteramente sometido. Si bien es cierto que esta ambigüedad tiene consecuencias obvias para Palestina como entidad política, también pone en serio riesgo su patrimonio cultural. En este trabajo se analiza la interpretación de esta tierra de nadie palestina desde un punto de vista jurídico e histórico, y se explora la repercusión de este ambiguo estado político en la preservación, protección y gestión del patrimonio cultural de Palestina y su influencia en la elaboración de obras literarias sobre patrimonio cultural por parte de los palestinos.

This study identifies ‘heritage as practice’ as an alternative to ‘authorized’ heritage engagement. Heritage, in this sense, is perceived as a source of inspiration and creativity rather than just an asset to be preserved. ‘Heritage as practice’ is informed by the conventional identification and evaluation of heritage, coupled with the architectural and artistic instincts, capacities, creativity, and commitment found in the field of architecture, to interpret heritage. We label the work produced out of this practice as ‘creative material’ that is subjected to further re-creation when it is used as a platform for community engagement. We examine the mechanisms of these engagements through an academic experiment in which architecture students were asked to analyze the representations of the local heritage site of Umm el-Jimal, Jordan. We argue that shifting from ‘authorized’ engagement to informed ‘instinctual’ one gives the students a soft authority over heritage. However, it is the capacity to creatively engage with and about heritage, and use this to continuously and creatively interpret heritage, that makes this authority valid and just.  相似文献   


This paper explores the case of the Khami archaeological site, whose degradation by the local communities in recent years was as a result of socio-economic problems caused by the collapse of the Zimbabwean economy combined with the inability of the Zimbabwean government to support the site. We argue that the negative attitude by the local communities towards the management of cultural heritage sites is embedded in the colonial history of the country, and has been driven by the socio-economic difficulties emanating from the collapse of the Zimbabwean economy in recent years. We begin by explaining the history of Khami, its architecture, and the local communities residing around it. We then show and assert that the subsequent degradation of Khami and the landscape around it by the local communities is linked to the socio-economic problems of the country and poverty, which emanated from the collapse of the Zimbabwean economy. In the end, we contend that the economic constraints are part of the reasons why the local communities have from time to time failed to respect the importance of protecting cultural heritage sites in the country.  相似文献   

本研究以泰山为例,通过对旅游者进行问卷调查,利用因子分析方法,确定了文化遗产旅游吸引力系统的主要构成因素及其内部结构。依据因子的特征值,吸引力因素可以分为不同的层次,其中核心吸引力因素决定着文化遗产旅游吸引力的性质。遗产类资源是一个复杂的文化系统,旅游吸引力系统的构成因素只是整体文化系统的组成部分,但代表了旅游者感知的文化遗产特征,发展旅游应注意开发项目与吸引力系统特性的一致性。  相似文献   

The bodies charged with identifying and protecting England’s built heritage have not addressed the needs and aspirations of ethnic minority groups, thus marginalising their cultural identity. The Bangladeshi (Bengalee) community is the largest minority group in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, and it has developed a distinct cultural and commercial identity within a defined geographical area. New and adapted buildings and streetscapes give a physical expression of British Asian culture in streets such as Brick Lane. Through consultation with community workers and leaders within the Bengalee community key areas, sites and buildings of significance are examined. Comparisons are drawn between those buildings and areas identified as being of special interest by English Heritage and the London Borough of Tower Hamlets with the Bengalee community’s values and view of built heritage. Possible mechanisms for the identification and protection of sites of importance to the Bengalee population are put forward.  相似文献   

董秀团 《民俗研究》2009,(2):143-153
非物质文化遗产的保护与传承日益得到全世界的广泛关注,除了整体性的原则和措施,还应针对不同类型的非物质文化遗产自身的特点探讨其传承和保护问题。说唱艺术是非物质文化遗产中的重要组成部分,以云南为例,当地少数民族说唱艺术可划分为不同类型,其保护与传承也有不同的切入点和侧重点:仪式型说唱艺术.应关注其社会文化环境的主导性;生活型说唱艺术,应强调传承人的关键作用;表演型说唱艺术,应以观众为核心来考虑其传承和保护问题。  相似文献   

“花儿”艺术源远流长,是劳动人民的智慧与情感的结晶。“花儿会”反映了所传唱地区的文化、历史,也是当地的特色民俗之一,不仅具有很高文学、音乐、历史、文化价值,也有很高的社会价值以及作为地方特色的旅游资源的开发价值。但是随着社会经济的发展和乡村城镇化进程的加快,这种古老的艺术正面临着严重的危机,其内涵和外延都在严重萎缩。本文通过对“花儿”在当地居民中传承现状、保护措施、发展趋势等方面的实践调研,结合旅游业可持续发展相关理论,对旅游业发展与音乐类非物质文化遗产保护传承之关系作出了分析和探讨;并提出以实景舞台剧、艺术博物馆等旅游开发模式来加强对这一非物质文化遗产的保护与传承。  相似文献   


Local involvement is an essential element of successful archaeological site management. Recognition of the role of the local community could make a great contribution in improving the present critical situation of many archaeological sites worldwide. In Egypt, where internationally renowned archaeological sites attract both academic and tourism interests, archaeological sites and monuments are suffering from different issues. Amongst the various causes is the failure to recognize the relationship between the sites and the present society — both the local community and other stakeholders — and this has negatively influenced the sites. Not only have the local communities been given limited access to knowledge, and limited opportunities to become involved in the archaeology, but also their attempts to pursue a better standard of living have been restricted for the sake of protecting the national heritage. In this article I use a case study from Abu Rawash to explore strategies that could encourage local involvement in site management, through capacity building and communication with the government and other stakeholders. Although local involvement may not provide a drastic improvement of an individual site's condition, the principle of local involvement should contribute to a general improvement in Egypt, where conservation efforts largely focus on physical materials and little attention is given to the society surrounding the archaeological remains.  相似文献   

The management of archaeological heritage is complex and problematic for site identity and local culture. Inattention to the array of values of heritage sites leads to the supremacy of a number of them and provides a controversy story of the archaeological site in question. Any heritage management and interpretation effort should correctly identify the different values of the site. Indeed, there is a need to manage and interpret the sites in a way to address the connection between the sites-based values and the associated and surrounding features. In current heritage management practice, values and values-based management are considered to be one of the most important approaches for the management of archaeological heritage. This study aims to understand how the values of the archaeological site of Umm Qais in northern Jordan can be adequately managed as both a natural and cultural landscape. At issue are conflicting views over the different values, their meaning and their uses by the different stakeholders. This research focuses on the ways in which these values are managed and interpreted to the public and whether it is done properly and in a fair manner. The fieldwork study led to a more complex understanding of how conflicting perceptions of values of Umm Qais as a national heritage site by the different stakeholders have affected implementation of management and interpretation projects. The results presented here indicate that the heritage management approach from the case study of Umm Qais focuses specifically on values associated with the physical archaeological aspect of the site, while those associated with the historic neighborhood of the site are neglected. The interpretation of the site has frequently focused on certain aspects of values at the expense of others. Information and insights gained from this study and specific suggestions for changing approaches are considered with regard to potential impacts on the management of the archaeological site and with regard to the public in general.  相似文献   

方云 《东南文化》2018,(1):110-115
非物质文化遗产保护是新时代博物馆功能的又一重要体现。如何做好非遗事项的展陈,如何通过有形、静态的"物品"呈现非遗无形、活态的"信息",这是博物馆学与民俗学、社会学、人类学等学科综合研究的要求与趋势。"云泽芳韵土布展"通过两位女性非遗传承人的手工织布作品来讲述其个人生命故事,更好地呈现"物"与"人"的关联,使观众于观展过程中,不仅能了解非遗技艺,提升非遗保护意识,更能通过对他人生命故事的解读,完成自我生命的观照与思考。此案例可以为更多的博物馆非遗类展陈提供参考。  相似文献   

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