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汤菁 《风景名胜》2010,(7):67-89
几千年岁月的河流把曾经的痕迹大部分冲刷干净,也许只是偶然,才在一片沙地上封存了一些古人的记忆。如果不是江西大洋洲的惊人发现,我们也许就会彻底地遗忘他们。  相似文献   

Remains of the 16th-century Yarmouth Roads wreck, buried in sediments, were imaged using high-resolution geophysical techniques. The remains appear as strong reflectors underlain by an acoustic blanking zone, which was used to create maps of the wreck material. Close survey line-spacing allowed the construction of contour maps and hull sections, which revealed that the bow and stern sections are tilted to port at different angles, implying that they are detached. The seismic data have enhanced our understanding of the site beyond what was known from conventional archaeological investigations and confirms that this wreck was once a large carrack.
© 2007 The Authors  相似文献   

The paper concerns an interaction problem between soil and masonry vaults in historic buildings. A particular emphasis was placed on the influence of finishing method of vaults extrados and fill material properties on the behavior of masonry vaults. The results of experimental studies on barrel vaults with and without backfill are presented. During the experiments three finishing methods of vaults extrados and three fill materials were investigated. The results of the experiments show that the presence of backfill and type of vaults extrados finish affect the behavior and load-carrying capacity of tested elements. Moreover, tests were performed on vaults without fill for comparative purposes. The comparison of experimental results obtained for specimens with and without fill shows that the presence of backfill in vault haunches modifies the failure mechanism and increases load capacity of the analysed models. The presented results confirm the importance of backfill as a structural element of vaulted structures.  相似文献   

<正>唐山,一座因煤而生的城市。它蕴藏着的丰富煤炭资源,曾经让这个城市在中国近代工业史上有着浓墨重彩的一笔。而随着煤炭资源的开采,在唐山的地下,那些已经不具备继续开采条件的采煤巷道永远地留了下来。开滦矿山公园,一个化腐朽为神奇的地方,在原有中国第一佳矿"唐山矿——一号井"采煤作业区附近,这个占地面积近115万平方米的公园,不仅展示了开滦煤矿在中国近代工业史上的许多"第一",还打开地下采煤的神秘大门,让游客在地下60米的古老巷道里体验采煤的艰辛。  相似文献   

The complexity of compiling all-purpose geomorphic maps and the continuing controversy over the construction of optimal legends for such maps suggest the need for a more specialized approach to geomorphic mapping. Separate compilation of general geomorphic, structural-geomorphic and predictive-geomorphic maps is proposed. The content of analytical and synthetic structural maps is discussed. Predictive maps are viewed as a synthesis of the general and structural maps and would take the form of transparent overlays suitable for use with either of the two other maps. The content of a predictive map is discussed with particular reference to prospecting for mineral placer deposits.  相似文献   

将军坟是集安高句丽古墓中保存最好的一座大型方坛阶梯石室墓。多数学者认为它是高句丽第20代王长寿王的陵墓。将军坟后面原有一排陪葬墓,中外学者对其数量存在着分歧。1997年清理发掘后,有人认为第二座陪葬墓北侧的长方形石砌台基可能是祭台。通过古代墓祭的相关记载与考古迹象分析,应当是串形的陪葬墓。  相似文献   

In this paper procedures for quantifying geological or geomorphological features are examined. A general approach is suggested and is followed to derive specific quantifications of circularity and sphericity  相似文献   

In this paper I argue that the Orientalist invocation of the ‘terrorist’ is one discursive tactic that disaggregates US national gays and queers from racial and sexual ‘others’, foregrounding a collusion between homosexuality and American nationalism that is generated both by national rhetorics of patriotic inclusion and by gay, lesbian, and queer subjects themselves: homo-nationalism. For contemporary forms of US nationalism and patriotism, the production of gay, lesbian and queer bodies is crucial to the deployment of nationalism, insofar as these perverse bodies reiterate heterosexuality as the norm but also because certain domesticated homosexual bodies provide ammunition to reinforce nationalist projects. Mapping forms of US homo-nationalism, vital accomplices to Orientalist terrorist others, is instructive as it alludes to the ‘imaginative geographies’ of the US, as the analytic of race-sexuality provides a crucial yet under-theorized method to think through the imaginative geographies of the US in an age of counter-terrorism. It is through imaginative geographies produced by homo-nationalism, for example, that the contradictions inherent in the idealization of the US as a properly multicultural heteronormative but nevertheless gay-friendly, tolerant, and sexually liberated society can remain in tension. This mapping or geography is imaginative because, despite the unevenness, massively evidenced, of sexual and racial tolerance across varied spaces and topographies of identity in the US, it nonetheless exists as a core belief system about liberal mores defined within and through the boundaries of the US.

Trazando mapas de Homonormatividades en los Estados Unidos

En este artículo argumento que la invocación Orientalista de la ‘terrorista’ es un táctico discursivo que desagrega los homosexuales estadounidenses de los ‘otros’ raciales y sexuales, y como consecuencia subrayando una colusión entre la homosexualidad y nacionalismo americano que están producido por retórica nacional de inclusión patriótica y por sujetos lesbiana, gay y queer: homo-nacionalismo. Para formas contemporáneas de nacionalismo y patriotismo americanos, la producción de cuerpos lesbianas, gay y queer es crítica para el despliegue de nacionalismo en cuanto a estos cuerpos perversos reiteran heterosexualidad como la norma y también porque ciertos cuerpos homosexual domesticados proviene municiones para reinformar proyectos nacionalistas. Trazando un mapa de las formas homo-nacionalismo americanos, lo que son cómplices vitales a las otras terroristas Orientales, es instructiva ya que alude a los ‘geografías imaginativas’ de los EEUU como el analítico de raza-sexualidad proviene una manera critica aún bajo de teorizado para pensar en las geografías imaginativas de los EEUU en una época de contra-terrorismo. Por ejemplo, a través de las geografías imaginativas, lo que están producidos por homo-nacionalismo, se puedan quedar en tensión las contradicciones inherente en la idealización de los EEUU como una sociedad que es apropiadamente multicultural y heteronormativa pero sin embargo gay-amigo, tolerante y libertado sexualmente. Este mapa, o geografía, es imaginativo porque existe sin embargo como una creencia fundamental acerca de las costumbres liberales que son definidos dentro de y a través de las fronteras de los EEUU, a pesar de la desigualdad—evidenciado en profundo—de la tolerancia racial y sexual por espacios variados y topografías de identidades en los EEUU.  相似文献   

Rapp, George, Jr., and John A. Gifford. eds. Archaeological Geology. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985. xvii + 435 pp. including figures, chapter references, appendix, and index. $35.00 cloth.

Stein, Julie K., and William R. Farrand, eds. Archaeological Sediments in Context. Orono: University of Maine, Center for the Study of Early Man, Peopling of the Americas Edited Volume Series 1, 1985. xi + 147 pp. including figures, chapter references, and index. $19.00 paper.  相似文献   

GPM technique(Precisely Magnetic Observing Technique and ExplanationMethod),which we got through about ten years study,is an efficient method to exploreoccult fault.Facts have proved that it has brilliant application prospects in exploring buriedrelics. The analytic foundation of GPM technique exploration depends on magnetic variationof the Culture layer,Corresponding requirments of observing technique are very rigid andCredence of data is very high. By means of the most advanced type of highly precise proton magnetic appratus in theworld at present,GPM technique can gives accurate determinations of distributive Situa-tion of buried ancient ruins and can reliably determines relics of ancient graves,ancientbuildings,ancient walls and ancient Canals etc.as well as ancient objects of ironwares,bronzes,sunkenboats,pottery and chinaware etc. By use of GPM technique,target localizations are accurate within 0.5 metre and errorof buried depth is no more than 0.5 metre.  相似文献   

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