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Excavations on this site, undertaken by Paul Logue for EHS: Built Heritage DOE: NI, produced evidence for at least two phases of occupation outside Bishop's Gate, Londonderry during the 17th century. This occupation came to an end with a phase of activity dated to the commencement of the Jacobite siege in A.D. 1689. Further evidence of that siege was uncovered in the form of a ravelin ditch 2.8 m wide and 0.57 m in depth, constructed in early 1689 to front Bishop's Gate. The extant remains of a sally port interrupted the ditch. A nearby larger ditch, scarped from the sloping ground outside Double Bastion, measured a maximum of 8.4 m in width and 1.4 m in depth. This larger ditch may have been part of efforts to improve the City defences in the wake of the 1641 rebellion. Further evidence of conflict archaeology was recovered in the form of lead shot, weapon furniture and flint gunspalls.  相似文献   

2008年,陕西省考古研究院全年共对221个项目进行了考古调查、勘探和发掘,发掘各个时期墓葬400余座,累计发掘面积1.3万平方米,整理出版发掘报告、专著9部,发表简报、论文等100余篇,全面完成了年初制定的各项目标责任.现对考古调查发掘方面的新收获先行介绍如下.  相似文献   

汉代城市规划及城市内部结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈昌文 《史学月刊》1999,(3):98-104
汉代城市有着它固有的城建导向或指导思想。这突出地表现在泣重地理环境、强调庄严重威、流行神学思想三个方面。且各级城市的建设有着较严格的等级规定。本文在中心城市的内部结构中,论列了宫殿区、商业区、居宅区、文化区的分布及其特点,欲对汉代的中心城市作一较完整的勾勒。  相似文献   

Aapravasi Ghat is a World Heritage property and represents the mass immigration of Indentured Laborers after slavery. The Indenture Labor System started in 1834 but the site was established as a permanent immigration depot in 1849. For about a century the depot was used for arrival and departure of indentured laborers from Asian and African countries. Archaeological investigations highlighted the space distribution and everyday functioning of the depot. Simultaneously, structural modifications made before, during and after its occupation as a depot, could be identified. This paper relates the findings made through historical archaeological research and reconstruct the site during the different time period while focusing on the indenture period.  相似文献   

Half of the world's population now lives in cities. This number is expected to grow to two-thirds in the next fifty years. And yet, it is only recently that anthropologists have begun to take urban contexts seriously as fieldwork sites. In this article, I analyze three recent volumes on urban anthropology which each propose a distinctive theoretical and methodological approach to the study of the city. I suggest that there is a fine line to be drawn between urban determinism—the suggestion that the city is the pivotal force in shaping individual lives, a perspective that ignores both human agencies and the complexities of causality—and anthropology which relegates the city to mere context, ethnographies that, almost by chance take place in urban contexts but say little about the realities of city life. The texts examined share two features in common: firstly, they are most effective when they, through close ethnographic or archival engagement, show the complexity and variation in urban contexts; and secondly, each text displays an absolute commitment to ethnographic fieldwork as a powerful tool to understand the lived experience of the urban. As a commitment to long-term participant observation is the sine qua non of our discipline, my central question is whether “urban anthropology,” is not just anthropology after all?  相似文献   

Two New York City institutions, the Board of Water Supply (BWS) and Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), have shaped rural regions far outside city boundaries. The BWS depopulated places selected for reservoir construction. Residents were evicted and towns were demolished then submerged. Those who remained struggled to reorganize their lives amid the landscape clearance. Once the reservoirs were complete, the DEP replaced the BWS as the institution in charge of ensuring the city’s water supply. The DEP Police patrols around the reservoirs and enforces land-use regulations. Archaeological survey of city-owned watershed lands reveals a scarred landscape of ongoing colonial conflict.  相似文献   

Chiara Tornaghi 《对极》2017,49(3):781-801
Recent literature has pointed to the role of urban agriculture in self‐empowerment and learning, and in constituting ways to achieve food justice. Building on this work the paper looks at the potential and constraints for overcoming the residual and contingent status of urban agriculture. The first part of the paper aims to expand traditional class/race/ethnicity discussions and to reflect on global, cultural, procedural, capability, distributional and socio‐environmental forms of injustice that unfold in the different stages of urban food production. The second part reflects on how to bring forward food justice and build a politics of engagement, capability and empowerment. Three interlinked strategies for action are presented: (1) enhancing the reflexivity and cohesion of the urban food movement by articulating a challenge to neoliberal urbanism; (2) converging urban and agrarian food justice struggles by shaping urban agroecology; and (3) regaining control over social reproduction by engaging with food commoning.  相似文献   

Exactly half a century ago, the MIT-scholar Kevin Lynch published The Image of the City (1960). The book was agenda-setting, thanks to its original approach to the way people perceive the urban environment. Over the years, The Image of the City has become a classic among urban planners. Fifty years after its publication the study is still highly topical and relevant. In this contribution, we argue that not only urban planners, but also city marketers can learn from Lynch's most cited book. The framework Lynch devised to assess urban areas is of great use for cities that look for a distinctive image to market themselves. After a short review of the book, we explore the opportunities of the Lynchian framework for city marketing. Next we briefly discuss case examples of three European cities: the Finnish capital of Helsinki, Bielefeld in the German region of Westphalia and the old industrial city of Enschede in the Netherlands. The paper concludes by suggesting city marketers to do a “picture postcard test” to examine the link between the city's built environment and the city's marketing.  相似文献   


One of the principal resources for conservation research for many years has been the Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts, originally produced by the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (1IC), and more recently jointly published by the IIC and the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI). The following note on future plans for AATA is reproduced with permission from the IIC's Bulletin (no. 5; October1999).  相似文献   

Brenda Parker 《对极》2016,48(5):1337-1358
In this paper I argue that imbalances and silences persist in urban research. In particular, there is insufficient attention to anti‐racist and feminist theoretical, methodological, and empirical insights. Intersectional and materialist urban analyses that take difference seriously are under‐represented, while patriarchy, privilege, and positivism still linger. As a partial and aspirational remedy, I propose a “Feminist Partial Political Economy of Place” (FPEP) approach to urban research. FPEP is characterized by: (1) attention to gendered, raced, and intersectional power relations, including affinities and alliances; (2) reliance on partial, place‐based, materialist research that attends to power in knowledge production; (3) emphasis on feminist concepts of relationality to examine connections among sites, scales, and subjects, and to emphasize “life” and possibility; and (4) the use of theoretical toolkits to observe, interpret and challenge material‐discursive power relations. My own critique and research centers on North American cities, but FPEP approaches might help produce more robust, inclusive, and explanatory urban research in varied geographic contexts.  相似文献   


During dredging works for the new London Gateway Port in 2011, fragments of a German Ju 88 bomber were recovered from the Thames Estuary. Subsequent archaeological investigation by Wessex Archaeology, using geophysical survey and divers, resulted in the location of the wreck site and its subsequent recovery under licence in 2012. Post-recovery analysis has enabled it to be identified as a very rare prototype Ju 88T. The aircraft, flown by men of the secretive Luftwaffe special operations unit VOdL, was lost during a reconnaissance mission to record bomb damage at Chelmsford in 1943. The Norwegian fighter ace who shot it down, Marius Eriksen, subsequently achieved fame as a Norwegian skiing champion and actor. The recovery was unusual in that it was carried out as a staged archaeological investigation and in the context of offshore development, where ‘avoidance’ is the usual strategy.  相似文献   

This article aims to highlight and, whenever possible, demonstrate that the urban general plan is still the instrument of the utmost importance to trigger and steer urban transformations. Within the current Italian context, the article examines the characteristics, contradictions, weaknesses and opportunities of urban planning set of rules and practices and tries to propose concrete answers to questions and issues strictly connected that affect the municipality's urban planning: how to manage and govern a contemporary metropolis or city agglomeration, the concerns associated with overlapping jurisdictions and different rules for various hierarchical administrative levels, the costs of social and common services, the need to include in the urban plan the possible use of European Union Structural Funds, the real estate market affecting new development and urban regeneration programmes and investments. All these aspects should be included in a unifying and strong planning instrument, the urban plan, which could address and steer effectively the urban planning policies and their governance.  相似文献   

Cities want to attract young families as residents instead of losing them to the suburbs. This asks for profound and specific understanding of the housing-related needs and expectations of those families desiring urban living. The article presents and discusses these needs and expectations, focussing on social and environmental issues, as seen by different market actors with regard to a major urban transition area in Basel, Switzerland, a typical middle-sized western European city. We used the exploration parcours technique, which allows for what is called “information acceleration” including an in-depth encounter with different scenarios of urban design before responding to a questionnaire on urban family living (N?=?80). The results indicate that housing suppliers underestimate young families' demand for participation, for the recognition of children's needs, and, to a large extent, for high environmental standards.  相似文献   

《杨鸿勋建筑考古学论文集(增订版)》已由清华大学出版社出版发行。该书是杨鸿勋先生数十年来致力于建筑考古学研究的总结,对建筑考古学学科的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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