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The water separator, a mechanical flotation device which is finding increasing usage among Mediterranean archaeologists, is compared with “tub” flotation which is widely practiced by North American archaeologists. The water separator was found to be two to three times more efficient than tub flotation. A redesigned separator is presented which should further improve this figure.

The problem of sample size and the attendant aspects of representativeness are evaluated by a comparison of items of various classes recovered in a 100% separator sample compared to the much smaller tub flotation sample.

Finally, the specific biasing effects of various recovery techniques with particular emphasis on fish remains is discussed.  相似文献   

明代的盐法是从宋元时期的盐法继承而来的,在国家专卖制度下组织了灶户制度,随着明初钞法的破坏,以及社会经济的变化,明代的盐法经历了一系列深刻的变化,如允许余盐和正盐一样可以公开进入国家的专卖体系;明中叶以后又出现了纳银开中制度等。所有的这些变化并不仅仅是盐法自身的变化,它也引起了与明代盐法变化密切相关的商人的地位与命运的变化。  相似文献   

GPM technique(Precisely Magnetic Observing Technique and ExplanationMethod),which we got through about ten years study,is an efficient method to exploreoccult fault.Facts have proved that it has brilliant application prospects in exploring buriedrelics. The analytic foundation of GPM technique exploration depends on magnetic variationof the Culture layer,Corresponding requirments of observing technique are very rigid andCredence of data is very high. By means of the most advanced type of highly precise proton magnetic appratus in theworld at present,GPM technique can gives accurate determinations of distributive Situa-tion of buried ancient ruins and can reliably determines relics of ancient graves,ancientbuildings,ancient walls and ancient Canals etc.as well as ancient objects of ironwares,bronzes,sunkenboats,pottery and chinaware etc. By use of GPM technique,target localizations are accurate within 0.5 metre and errorof buried depth is no more than 0.5 metre.  相似文献   

The Lion Salt Works are the last standing buildings of the open-pan salt industry that dominated the mid-Cheshire valleys of the rivers Weaver and Wheelock in North-West England. The site had been in the hands of the Thompson family from 1856, when the first works the Alliance Salt Works began. The Lion Salt Works occupied an adjacent land plot and ran from 1894 until their closure in 1986. The site opened with a small museum, but despite the continued campaigning of the Lion Salt Works Trust over the next 25 years the majority of the buildings remained in a dilapidated state. The site was closed between 2009 and 2015 as the buildings were restored and reopened as a museum, conference facilities and café as part of a project funded by a combination of the Heritage Lottery Fund, Cheshire West and Chester Council, Manage+, WREN and Historic England. Archaeological and historical research was conducted as part of the project. This paper describes the results of this research, detailing how salt was made at the site, the development of salt-making in Cheshire, the archaeology uncovered on site and the Thompson family business. It finally concludes by examining the Lion Salt Works place in a wider landscape of the Cheshire salt industry and the chemical industry in North-West England.  相似文献   


A 1985 article in JFA introduced a technique for stabilizing adult human skeletal remains. A modification of this technique was developed for the removal of two fragile infant burials from a Caddoan site in east Texas that enabled the excavators to remove and transport the pedestaled burials to a laboratory setting for more precise and detailed excavation. Details of this application are described, as is the utility of this method.  相似文献   

与以往研究者较多地从财政、军事、商人、商业以及资本主义等角度解释盐政不同,本文通过对康熙年间江西赣州府盐法变迁的分析,说明基于市场因素的多层次盐区认同与行政性制度因素一起,成为地方社会对王朝盐政制度进行反应的重要依据,其中盐法考成是王朝盐政制度在地方具体运作的一个关键.  相似文献   

Determining the behavior of a structure estimated by means of finite elements analysis requires not only an in-depth knowledge of its geometry and dynamic properties but also an experimental validation to corroborate the adequacy of the characteristics of the structure. Most of the current structural identification techniques are based on linear methods that call for many measurement points and/or a relative simple structure. Complex structures are somewhat still an unexplored field due to the difficulties with the finite element method and the experimental corroboration of its results. This study presents the use of particle motion computation applied to each structural vibration mode to improve the identification of its dynamic properties, and its application to the Gothic Cathedral of Palma de Majorca (Spain).  相似文献   

晒盐法的发明是制盐技术史上的一大进步,它肇始于处于边缘地位的福建盐区.到明中后期,晒盐法因其经济、实用、高效的特点而被推广到诸多盐区.但是处于核心地位的淮南盐区却抵制这一新技术,直到清初才开始零星地试用晒盐法.晒盐法于明代没能在淮南盐区推广的原因有以下几点:一是煎盐法是和利于国家严密控制盐业生产的"团煎法"、"火伏法"、"簿历法"等措施相配套的,国家自然不愿意从根本上做出改变.处于核心地位的两淮盐区因受国家政策的钳制,故其在管理及经营模式上体现出被动性和教条性;二是晒盐法对明代盐业体制起着分化作用,加剧了余盐、私盐问题.  相似文献   

执是 《世界遗产》2014,(11):38-43
<正>又是一年春草绿。苏中滩涂上的芦苇刚刚从水中探出来,夹杂在去年枯黄的苇草中,绿色逼人。登上三层木阁楼的顶楼向远处极目眺望,沼泽地略有起伏,温和的光点跳跃在水面和大片芦苇荡中,新旧两茬水草斑驳错落,蔓延向目光无法分辨的天边。向东没多远,就是黄海了。盐城,地处江苏中部沿海,因"环城皆盐场"而得名。古老的盐阜大地东滨黄海,煮海为盐的传统产业养育  相似文献   

盐是人类赖以生存的基本物质之一。商代王都人口众多,对盐的需求量甚大,在当时生产和交通条件都不发达的情况下,单靠从商都之外运入,恐怕难以满足。今天的豫北地区在商代虽然比现在温暖湿润,生态环境良好,但仍然存在某些盐碱性土壤。因此,殷都食盐除了从山东、山西以及四川等地区输入外,普通百姓也可能就地取材,制造土盐,以满足自身生存的需要。  相似文献   

日本"东亚盐业株式会社"掠建莺歌海盐田工程概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海南岛是我国南方一个重要的产盐基地,1939年日本侵略军占领海南后,疯狂掠夺海南的盐产资源,日军不仅控制了海南原有的盐场,而且还专门成立了"东亚盐业株式会社",负责在崖县莺歌海开筑规模宏大的盐场,以作为其本国工业原料供应地.  相似文献   

清代盐务法律问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从历史学和法学的双重角度对盐政、盐务、盐业、专卖、专营、公卖等概念加以厘清 ,分析清代盐务专卖的法律构成要件 ,对关于票引法性质的世产说、有价证券说、契约说、许可证说逐一加以辩正 ,认为清代盐商商纲组织是股份公司的前身  相似文献   

Tsakhalho lies in Markham County, Chamdo Prefecture of the Tibetan Au-tonomous Region(TAR).Geo-graphically it looks quite mysteri-ous and it has a unique culture. Formally,it is referred to as"Tsakhalho Jangba(Naxi)ethnic Town of Markham".It is located in the southeast of TAR,between the east bank of Lancang River and Dechen County.At an elevation of about 2,400 meters,the town is adjacent to Paltang of Sichuan Prov-ince on  相似文献   

抗战爆发后,贵州人口增加,为保证全省军民食盐供应,贵州省在实行食盐统制的同时,执行运盐工人缓服兵役制度,发动民众赶运川盐,同时,对盐运工人实行半军事化管理,在保证津贴发放的同时,适时调整运价,以保证抗战时期川盐运输与供应。  相似文献   

张莹 《民国档案》2000,(2):101-106
民国时期盐务组织机构与近代海关组织机构一样,同时存在着两个组织系统,这种畸形的组织形式都是由于洋人插手中国事务造成的。加之盐务机构名称变更频繁,翻来复去,令人眼花缭乱。什么盐务局、盐政处、盐政局、盐务署、盐务总局、盐务管理局、盐税局、收税局、榷运局、督销局、官运局、盐运使署、盐运副使署、盐务稽核造报总所、盐务稽核总所、盐务稽核所、盐务稽核分所,等等。长期以来,  相似文献   

南京国民政府对盐税进行了一系列的整理和改革,在维护中央权威、增加税收等方面取得了显著成效.但由于南京国民政府过度追求增加盐税收入,对社会民生及国家的现代化进程造成了深刻的负面影响.本文试从历史背景、主要措施、实际效果及对社会民生的影响等几个方面对南京国民政府的盐税整理和改革及其利弊得失进行论述.  相似文献   

周健林 《东南文化》2000,(9):93-101
本文对中国传统髹漆工艺作了比较系统的论述。  相似文献   

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