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杨伯峻先生《春秋左传注》,于《左传》注疏与古今中外诸家之研究,广参博采,详稽博辨,诚为迄今最佳之《左传》注本。惟千虑一失,在所难免,且计算机科技日进,古文字字形扫描入注,已易如反掌,本文谨提议透过展现文字初形、阐释引申义及阐明通假关系,提升《左传》注释之素质,加深读者对《左传》之理解。  相似文献   

莫自才 《攀登》2010,29(3):106-108
由于青海省经济相对落后等多方面的原因,青海报业尚未进入产业化运作,无论是管理体制方面,还是经营机制方面,均存在一定的问题。市场化运作是青海报业发展的长远之计。报业要发展,就要突破传统的思维方式,开扩眼界,寻找新的经济增长点,扩大多种经营范围,采取切实可行的措施和办法,以适应市场竞争的需要。  相似文献   

张懋镕 《文博》2008,(5):19-24
本文从分析一件定名有争议的青铜器--伯湄父簋入手,认为青铜器的定名是个十分复杂的问题,不能孤立地看待某一件器物,必须了解这一类器物发展、演变的全过程,以及它与其它器物(同出的陶器和其它铜器)的关联与区别,才能把握住它的性质,给它以正确定名.利用这些定名原则与方法,本文总结出包括伯湄父簋在内的豆形簋的基本特征以及它与豆的区别,认为伯湄父器是簋而不是豆,并据此分析了其它几件定名上有争议的青铜器.  相似文献   


Outworking was widespread across England, its mundane buildings and landscapes often very functional in nature, yet they represent an important inheritance. Their recentness and familiarity may however militate against them, resulting in patchy and inconsistent protection and curation. Appreciating the nature of outworking is dependant upon the quality of such extant buildings and landscapes, but this poses problems for formal protection, especially where research has been modest. Our understanding and conservation of these assets is investigated by considering outworking in the East Midlands as a case study. Framework-knitting, lace and the boot and shoe industries were important economic staples in this region during the 19th-century, resulting in the expansion of many cities, towns and villages where outworking housing, workshops and masters' houses were essential elements of production.  相似文献   

对加快民和县扶贫开发的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白金香 《攀登》2010,29(5):107-110
中国特色的扶贫开发,是发展中国特色社会主义的重要组成部分,也是贯彻落实科学发展观的必然要求。文章就如何进一步加强县域扶贫开发,进一步完善国家的扶贫战略和政策体系以及实现全面建设小康社会的目标,提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

The technique of geographically weighted regression (GWR) is used to model spatial 'drift' in linear model coefficients. In this paper we extend the ideas of GWR in a number of ways. First, we introduce a set of analytically derived significance tests allowing a null hypothesis of no spatial parameter drift to be investigated. Second, we discuss 'mixed' GWR models where some parameters are fixed globally but others vary geographically. Again, models of this type may be assessed using significance tests. Finally, we consider a means of deciding the degree of parameter smoothing used in GWR based on the Mallows Cp statistic. To complete the paper, we analyze an example data set based on house prices in Kent in the U.K. using the techniques introduced.  相似文献   

Studies of human influences on the environment may treat human agency as an imposed, exogenous source of change or disturbance, or as an intrinsic part of earth surface systems. Consideration of human influences as exogenous or endogenous to earth surface systems can affect, or even predetermine, the outcome of analyses. This is demonstrated via qualitative stability analyses of generalized mass-and-energy-flux systems. When human impacts are considered as external disturbances such systems are stable, and will regain equilibrium after changes or perturbations. Conversely, when human impacts are included as a system component, with goals of either maximizing or minimizing throughput of mass and energy, the system is inherently unstable.  相似文献   

Because the French Revolution failed to produce a widely acceptable definition of citizenship, the limits of manhood suffrage in the early nineteenth century were uncertain. Social practices, in particular scientific activity, served as claims to the status of citizen. By engaging in scientific pastimes, bourgeois Frenchmen asserted that they possessed the rationality and autonomy that liberal theorists associated both with manliness and with civic capacity. However, bourgeois science was never a stable signifier of masculinity or of competence. As professional science emerged, the bourgeois amateur increasingly became the feminised object of satire rather than the sober andmeritorious citizen‐scientist.  相似文献   

关于英国自由党百年沉浮的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文指出 ,在有组织的对抗中失利 ,缺乏战斗的意识形态 ,并且未能在关键时刻抓住时机 ,是造成英国由贵族政治转向大众政治后自由党百年沉浮的主要原因。本文还通过对自由党命运的分析 ,认为现代英国政治又重新成为了一种“游戏”政治 ,各种政党只求执政的工具性日益突出 ,其原则性区别基本消失  相似文献   

Marine exploitation in Byzantium had developed to become an industry by the early 10th century, but the systematic study of the various pieces of information scattered through a range of sources has only just begun. Despite the piecemeal nature of the evidence, it has been possible to sketch out a picture of the organised and methodical exploitation of the empire’s marine resources through large and expensive investments, such as in epochai and vivaria, which facilitated an uninterrupted supply of marine products to the cities. It is the development of these features that merits the use of the term “industry”. Byzantium sustained elaborate methods for supplying food to its employees which was provided either during the exercise of their duties, as part of their reward, as a mark of their privileged status, or even based on legitimate legal claims. Large groups of people benefited from the work of those involved in primary production (fishermen, epochai/vivaria owners and lease holders), without necessarily having contributed to the initial investments or expenses. By clarifying these distribution methods, it is evident that the circulation and consumption of marine products in Byzantium was larger than previously thought, and middle and lower class citizens actually did participate and have a share in it. Marine product consumption was not simply restricted by the producer-buyer or offer-demand relationship, it involved social parameters that are not immediately and easily recognisable because of the fragmentary nature of the available information.  相似文献   

Commentary: Considerations on Culture and Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

古代建筑油饰彩绘传统工艺的科学化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了获得传统建筑彩绘工艺过程中的相关科学信息,以传统彩绘工艺过程为基础,利用光学显微镜、电子扫描显微镜、红外光谱、紫外可见光谱、动态粘弹谱、冷冻干燥、化学发光、视频接触角等手段对相关物料在传统工艺操作下的相互作用进行了系统研究.研究主要集中在揭示用于地仗制作物料的功能及其原理.研究结果表明:传统工艺蕴涵着深刻的科学内涵.用于彩绘的地仗是一个典型的复合材料,这种复合材料优越的性能来自于各物质间显著的协同作用.每种物料在其中的作用均可以利用现代科学理念给予阐释.这些理念包括聚合反应、高分子薄膜的固化作用、应力分散、网络结构以及物料相容性等.这些研究结果不仅对传统工艺的理解具有重要的意义,而且对于传统彩绘修复乃至当今复合材料研究也具有重要价值.  相似文献   

All around the world, places of trade are typically conceived as places of deceit, if not outright danger: the plight of the carpet seller in Istanbul might be likened to that of the used car salesman in the West, for instance. But Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar is a particularly well-known centre of (perceived) deceit – the home of the trickster par excellence – and carpet sellers are the iconic bearers of this reputation. As a threshold of thresholds, the bazaar is a global crossroads, where a huge diversity of cultures and histories intersect, and carpets are objects that express this perhaps the most magnificently.  相似文献   

The Indo-European root * seĝh -, encompassing notions of 'holding, seizing', possibly 'harnessing power', and its derivative * seĝhlos are proposed as etyma for a northern Gaulish word for 'sail' that then spread, with the attendant technology, to adjacent Celtic and Germanic dialects.  相似文献   

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