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This work synthesizes and critically evaluates the results of field surveys conducted over the last 20 years in southern (lower) and northern (upper) Mesopotamia, with emphasis placed on the increasing contribution of off-site and intensive surveys to regional analysis. During the Ubaid period the density of settlement was probably higher in the rain-fed north than the irrigated south, and even during the phase of 3rd millennium B.C. urbanization, settlement densities in the north were probably equivalent to or even exceeded those in the south. Although trends in settlement were often synchronous between north and south, there was also a marked spatial variability in settlement, with declines in one area being compensated by rises elsewhere. Particularly clear was the existence of a major structural transformation from nucleated centers during the Bronze Age towards dispersed patterns of rural settlement and more extensive lower towns in the Iron Age.  相似文献   

To have confidence in the results of an archaeological survey, whether for heritage management or research objectives, we must have some assurance that the survey was carried out to a reasonably high standard. This paper discusses the use of Quality Assurance (QA) approaches and empirical methods for estimating surveys’ effectiveness at discovering archaeological artifacts as a means for ensuring quality standards. We illustrate with the example of two surveys in Cyprus and Jordan in which resurvey, measurement of surveyor “sweep widths,” and realistic estimates of survey coverage allow us to evaluate explicitly the probability that the survey missed pottery or lithics, as well as to decide when survey has been thorough enough to warrant moving to another survey unit.  相似文献   

The Greek-Norwegian Deep-Water Archaeological Survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From 1999 to 2003 the project surveyed the sea-bed in selected areas in Greece in order to locate marine cultural remains in depths below 50 m that have not been explored by divers. The project has shown that it is possible to perform systematic large-area surveys in deeper waters using off-the-shelf equipment from available small ships, at relatively low cost with good results.
© 2006 The Authors  相似文献   

考古学研究中的系统论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文发表于1975年,其时新考古学作为一种划时代的思潮已经取得了历史性成就。新考古学家们为新的研究目标,从其它学科中引进了许多新的思想和方法,系统论作为其中最重要的理论方法之一,开始取代文化历史考古学中的关键学术概念和分析单位——考古学文化(当然,系统论作为人类思想领域的最新成果,对自然科学和社会科学的各个门类都产生了重要和深刻的影响,而决非仅限于考古学)。并成为考古学理论方法变革的一个重要标志。系统论的精髓在于将考古学从立足于器物静态的分析和分类以及编史学的研究,转向对这些器物制作和使用的人类行为和适应环境等多变量互动系统关系的阐释。考古学文化不再被看作是分析的基本单位和关键概念,而是需要从物质遗存产生的背景和各种因果关系来了解文化的产生和演变,并对考古学研究的概念、方法以及探讨和力求解决的问题做根本的调整。这使得考古学家能够放弃过去那些无法解决或意义不大的问题,将精力集中到更加便于观察和更加容易解决的问题上。本文通过对沃森、勒布朗和雷德曼、克拉克和弗兰纳里等学者有关成果的叙述,详细介绍了系统论引入考古学的起因、过程和发展,从概念的革新和建模方式等方面,阐述了系统论对考古学研究革命性的影响,以及在人类学、民族学等考古学相关领域内所引起的变革。可以说,现代考古学理论相对于经典考古学所取得的突破性的成就,很多方面都是引入系统论思维的结果。阅读本文,虽然作者写作的对象是西方学者,中国读者由于对许多背景知识不是很了解,在翻译和阅读上可能会出现一些困难,但是仔细领会其中一些要点,还是能够帮助我们对系统论的意义有一个初步的了解。  相似文献   

巩文 《四川文物》2010,(1):47-57
汉代戒指的发现分布广泛,本文将其分为六个区域,黄河中下游地区、长江中下游地区、西北地区、长城沿线以北的北方草原和东北地区、西南地区、华南地区等。戒指多出土于大中型墓葬。自汉以后,金、银、铜等金属类的戒指占据了主导地位。  相似文献   


This paper discusses sampling techniques for archaeological survey that are directed toward evaluating the properties of surface artifact distributions. The sampling techniques we experimented with consist of a multi-scale sampling plot developed in plant ecology and the use of a nested-intensity survey design. We present results from the initial application of these methods. The sampling technique we borrowed from plant ecology is the Modified-Whittaker multiscale sampling plot, which gathers observations at the spatial scales of 1 sq m, 10 sq m, 100 sq m, and 1000 sq m. Nested-intensity surveys gather observations on the same sample units at multiple resolutions. We compare the results of a closely-spaced walking survey, a crawling survey, and a test excavation to a depth of 10 cm. These techniques were applied to ten 20 × 50 m survey plots distributed over an area of 418 ha near the Hudson-Meng Bison Bonebed in NW Nebraska. These approaches can significantly improve the accuracy of survey data. Our results show that high-resolution coverage techniques overlook more material than archaeologists have suspected. The combined approaches of multi-scale and nested-intensity sampling provide new tools to improve our ability to investigate the properties of surface records.  相似文献   

2006年,四川省文物考古研究院对岷江中下游三十余个文物点进行了田野考古调查,取得了一定的成果。这些成果对于弄清该流域史前、商周前后的考古文化关系提供了科学依据。  相似文献   


Archaeological Heritage Management in West Africa is hampered by lack of adequately trained personnel, lack of funds, and lack of appropriate equipment such as computers. It is suggested that organizations such as the World Bank should consider supporting training programs for Third World archaeologists, with internships at U.S. universities with appropriate expertise, and in areas where the World Bank has development projects, providing equipment which would be most efficient for archaeological survey and testing. Most particularly needed are intensive surveys in all African countries; one cannot “manage” if one does not know what the resource base contains.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to introduce to the international bibliography a report submitted to the Archaeological Society of Athens by Ephor Christos Tsoundas in 1885 summarizing what was to be the first state-sponsored underwater archaeological survey in Greece, and potentially the first such survey in general. A brief introduction is followed by a translation of the decision to conduct the survey, as well as of the final report submitted the following year. The fascinating insight which Tsoundas demonstrates in the report allows us a glimpse of the beginnings of underwater archaeology at the worthy site of the Battle of Salamis.
© 2006 The Author  相似文献   

浊漳河流域所在的晋东南地区长期以来是早期文化的考古空白点,中国国家博物馆和山西省考古研究所从2010年开始实施的浊漳河流域早期文化考古调查获得了大量的资料,对探索该区域的早期文化面貌及其在中华文明形成中的地位奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

徐长青  王意乐  李昆 《文物》2020,(3):4-10
筑卫城遗址位于江西省樟树市大桥街道办事处彭泽村委会洪光塘自然村东南,为全国重点文物保护单位,地理坐标为北纬28°02′07″,东经115°36′14〃,海拔约55米。遗址处在赣北平原与赣中丘陵交接区域,位于大姑山北坡余脉土岗上、赣江东岸丘陵山地的西侧边缘地带。其南20公里为新干牛城遗址和大洋洲商墓,西南30公里为吴城遗址,周围还有新干战国粮仓遗址、丰城丽村古城遗址等(图一)。  相似文献   

古代两河流域的创世神话与历史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国洪更 《世界历史》2006,38(4):79-88
古代两河流域在不同的时期分别有主角各异的创世神话。苏美尔时期,创世神话版本众多,主角各异,其原因在于各城邦分别为其保护神编造了不同的创世神话。巴比伦人是苏美尔文化的继承者,早期的巴比伦创世神话是从苏美尔创世神话改编而来。名副其实的巴比伦创世神话是随巴比伦的保护神马尔都克地位的提高而产生的,而马尔都克地位的提高依赖于巴比伦政权的崛起。亚述创世神话是从巴比伦创世神话改编而来,它的改编在于亚述的保护神阿淑尔地位的提高,而阿淑尔地位的提高依赖于亚述帝国的异军突起。总之,古代两河流域创世神话是统治阶级维护其统治的工具之一,其发展演变与不同时期的保护神地位的提升有直接的关系,而后者的变化又与古代两河流域历史的发展密切相关。  相似文献   


The Peace of Utrecht (1713) ended the War of the Spanish Succession as a global European conflict. However, the treaty abandoned to their fate the Spanish territories that had supported Archduke Charles. Resistance to the House of Bourbon was focused in the city of Barcelona, which was immediately put under siege. However, the Catalan government managed to create a powerful army outside the siege belt of the capital. This force, comprising almost 5,000 soldiers, attacked a similar Bourbon army in the small town of Talamanca on 13 August, 1714. The Catalan commander, the Marquis of Poal, successfully launched three simultaneous attacks against the Bourbon force. This study is an approach to this battle, using the results of archaeological fieldwork undertaken in the area. The study of material evidence is combined with GIS and statistical analysis in order to better understand the armies of the 18th century.  相似文献   


GIS and quantitative analysis are used to explore a series of simple but important issues in GIS-led survey. we draw on information collected during intensive archaeological field survey of the island of Kythera, Greece, and consider four questions: the relationship between terracing and enclosed field systems; the effect of vegetation on archaeological recovery; site definition and characterization in multi-period and artifact-rich landscapes; and site location modelling that considers some of the decisions behind the placing of particular Bronze Age settlements. we have chosen GIS and quantitative methods to extract patterns and structure in our multi-scalar dataset, demonstrating the value of GIS in helping to understand the archaeological record and past settlement dynamics. The case studies can be viewed as examples of how GIS may contribute to four stages in any empirically based landscape project insofar as they move from the spatial structure of the modern landscape, to the visibility and patterning of archaeological data, to the interpretation of settlement patterns.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of using a sector‐scan sonar to record diverse submerged archaeological sites in shallow and deep water. The Kongsberg MS1000 sector‐scan sonar was developed for commercial applications, typically underwater inspections of bridges, dams, ports and harbours. The ability of the device to rapidly generate high‐quality, geometrically accurate scans of submerged features, coupled with its ease of use and deployment make it a potentially important, yet largely overlooked, tool for survey and management of underwater archaeological sites. As one of several technologies available, the paper examines its advantages and limitations, and considers, through case studies, under which conditions it is most effectively deployed.  相似文献   


The application of spaceborne imaging radar data to archaeological survey in arid regions was investigated at a study area in the Gobi Desert of southern Mongolia. A repertoire of computer enhancement regimens specific to archaeological applications was applied to RADARSAT imagery of the study area to reduce noise, detect lineaments, or otherwise enhance the data. The imagery was then georectified and integrated into a large area mosaic, creating detailed multi-layered image-maps that were used to direct ground exploration. During two field seasons with the Joint Mongolian-Russian-American Archaeological Expedition (JMRAAE) in 1997 and 1998, precise latitude/longitude information was obtained with Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) devices, establishing Ground Control Points with which to further georectify the image-maps. Both navigation and archaeological site selection were enhanced by hydrologic and topographic information in these satellite image-maps. The JMRAAE field team successfully located Palaeolithic cultural artifacts showing little or no surface expression, most often in association with ancient watercourses. The team was able to navigate accurately through the extreme desert terrain using the image-maps and GPS in this otherwise only minimally mapped area, thereby facilitating detailed archaeological reconnaissance and survey.  相似文献   

南阳黄山遗址独山玉制品调查简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄山遗址出土的玉制品的质地均为独山玉质,器形主要为各类生产工具,其制作大体经过了两个或两个以上工艺过程.经实地调查,黄山遗址出土的玉制品以及数百件大小玉料,均来自该遗址西南约2.5公里的独山.  相似文献   

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