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The company town is often an ephemeral phenomenon on the landscape. When the mine or factory closes, the town closes too, and its houses are removed or left to decay. A few company towns survive the removal of their economic base. Haydenville, in the Hocking Valley of southeast Ohio, has physically changed little since the boom days of the clay products industry. Its founder, Columbus industrialist Peter Hayden, wanted to build a self-contained community where employees and their families would live, work, play and worship together. The kiln-dried building tiles and conduit made at the company plants were used to build family houses, a church, post office, community center and store. The generally benevolent rule of the company gave the town social cohesion. When the plants closed in the 1960s, many families chose to stay in Haydenville, buying the company houses they had rented. Although the town has lost the sense of community that a single employer provided, most of the houses and public buildings still stand today—a striking testimonial to Haydenville's industrial past.  相似文献   

这是汉诺威市唯一的高层建筑,位于该市展览馆区的北入口处。建筑的中心区域是一个24m×24m的办公区,对角方向的两个交通核内布置了其他辅助空间。这种功能区的划分方式保证了办公空间使用的灵活性,根据使  相似文献   


The exhaustion of the richest alluvial tin deposits led to development of lode tin. Stamping mills were developed to crush the ore and although considerable archaeological and documentary work had been carried out in neighbouring Devon, little research had been undertaken in Cornwall. The excavation of two mills at Colliford, the survey of further examples at Retallack and an extensive search of documentary evidence has allowed an appraisal of this aspect of the early Cornish tin industry. Much work still remains, but now it is possible to be much more positive about the character of the surviving field evidence, the potential for excavation and the need to develop a research strategy.  相似文献   

Hogford Mill     


Pear Mill, Stockport, was one of the last cotton spinning mills to be built, commencing production in July 1913. It therefore represents the end of a line of development which commenced with Arkwright's mill of 1771, and is an example of a type of building which is fast disappearing. The architects were A.H. Stott & Sons and the building is typical of their work of that period both in terms of construction, with concrete floors, and detailing. The power plant was a Manhattan type steam engine by George Saxon, driving the machinery via a rope drive. The mill had 137,312 mule spindles which remained until the 1950s when they were replaced by 33,636 ring spindles, the mill being electrified at the same time. It ceased operation as a textile mill in March 1978.  相似文献   

1998年间,佛山市博物馆收藏了一套土法榨油工具,现已隐形在佛山市博物馆内,引起了国内外友人,青少年学生们的极大兴趣。它展示了我国古代劳动人民的聪明才智,也展示了我国几千年业传统的土制古老榨油方法。  相似文献   

水磨坊是人类由农耕文明迈向工业文明的驿站,是中国乡村渐行渐远的风景。故乡的水磨坊伴随了我的少儿时代,是我记忆深处的一道风景,也是我时常怀想的一道风景。  相似文献   


Albion Mill, demolished in 1983, was a good example of a 'fireproof' Manchester cotton textile mill of the second decade of the nineteenth century. Its demolition enabled a detailed record to be made of its features and the account which follows is based upon that survey. The full documentation is deposited with RCHME at Fortress House, London W1X 2BT.  相似文献   


During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries Aberdulais Falls was occupied by a corn and grist mill, and became a popular subject for topographical artists and painters. Since almost no archaeological evidence for the mill complex can be discovered, these illustrations are an invaluable source for reconstructing that period of the site's history. This article discusses the approaches to, and the problems inherent in, interpreting this kind of material for strictly archaeological purposes, and concludes by suggesting that expertise should be sought from other disciplines before any proper interpretation is attempted.  相似文献   

九一八事变是中日两国近代关系史上的重大事件,“满铁”在九一八事变之前就竭力鼓吹、怂恿日本政府以武力解决所谓满蒙问题,其中“满洲青年联盟”所起作用最为恶劣。九一八事变爆发后,满铁又不遗余力地运送大批关东军作战人员和军事物资,修复被中国抗日志士破坏的铁路桥梁,为关东军提供大批经费和抚恤金,参与策划炮制伪满洲国以及为关东军提供大批情报和在满铁附属地内建立自卫团等等。  相似文献   

北洋政府时期,中国社会资本严重短缺,极大地限制了国内投资的幅度与力度,使公司制度建设出现极度“贫血”现象。科技落后导致技术对资本的吸附力不强,制约了中国企业的资本密集度,使公司制度建设动力不足。北洋时期,政治建设并未渐入佳境,官方任意践踏法律之事时有发生。政权或军权对企业产权的强制性安排,使股东或企业权益受到侵害。政权的庇护助长了经济特权,破坏了经济建设领域的公平与公正,各种“苛税”、“恶税”又极大地加重了企业的经营负担。时局不靖,兵燹迭现,使人心惶恐,无暇顾及实业,公司制度建设“亦即因之停顿”。此外,国人公司意识滞后,“缺乏企业心与投资心”等也是制约这一时期公司制度建设成效的重要因素。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the coexistence of different pricing strategies. The purpose is to discuss how firms that are limited to uniform pricing affect the outcome of price competition among mill–price–setting firms. Price competition among (three) firms that are restricted to mill pricing is analyzed within the classic Hotelling framework and uniform–price–setting firms are considered as first movers. If uniform–price–setting firms deliver any good, they effectively separate mill–price–setting firms from each other. Finally, it is shown that price competition among first movers strengthens the effects of cross–type price competition.  相似文献   

国内学界一般把约翰·密尔看做自由主义的杰出代表。而且,到目前为止还没有学者去试图把握他思想的全貌。实际上,密尔与社会主义思潮有相当密切的联系,但一些西方学者似乎又过高的估计了密尔思想中的社会主义的色彩。本文拟就密尔与社会主义思潮的关系作一简单梳理。  相似文献   

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