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城市区志属于城市志的范畴,它必须立足于城市性进行记述。城市与文化有天然的关联,勾勒城市文脉,是区志的重要使命,也是提升其文化品位的重要途径。一是通过普通市民和精英人物来透显城市的文脉;二是通过建筑、景观以及环境中的各种可见要素来勾勒城市的文脉;三是通过徵文考献来展示城市人文的广度和深度。  相似文献   

公共图书馆作为公益性事业单位,是传播文化的重要阵地,在城市文化建设中有着不可替代的作用。本文以牡丹江市图书馆为例,阐述了公共图书馆科学发展图书馆事业,努力营造城市文化氛围,提升市民素质,打造品牌城市的作用。  相似文献   

年鉴编纂是一项具有挑战性的工作。按部就班,因袭过去。无疑是浪费人力财力;而唯有怀着敬畏之心,苦寻创意,不断求新,才有可能编纂一部可读、可鉴、可赏、可用、可存的年鉴。2009年版《秦淮年鉴》出版以来,当年获得中国版协年鉴评比特等奖、框架设计综合一等奖、装帧设计特等奖,  相似文献   

贵阳市计划建设第二环城林带,并拟建设6座分别以桂花、梅花、樱花、玉兰、杏花及竹子为主题树木的公园。为提升这些公园的文化品位,中共贵阳市委副书记罗大林亲自撰文,连续在《贵阳日报》发表,本刊征得作者同意,特予转载。  相似文献   

来宾建市十年来,巨大的发展商机吸引了越来越多外地客商前来投资办企业,本地人亦纷纷外出取经,争取回来在这块热土上大展宏图。  相似文献   

城市文化旅游品牌与城市旅游竞争力密切相关。本文在前人研究的基础上,界定城市文化旅游品牌,构建其支撑体系,认为城市文化内涵是城市文化旅游品牌的核心,旅游景区、旅游接待质量是城市文化旅游品牌的外在表现,品牌宣传和目的地氛围营造是强化旅游者对城市文化旅游品牌的感知和认同的重要途径。本文以南昌为例进行研究,以期对其他城市文化旅游品牌建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

赵龙  盛翠菊 《旅游纵览》2013,(12):210-211
徐州云龙湖风景区的独特魅力吸引着历代文人墨客,留下了大量的民间文学和历代诗文作品。这些作品为我们呈现了一个诗情画意的云龙湖景区,从不同视野和角度展现了云龙湖风景区的多样性,表现了文人墨客对于云龙湖风景区独特的审美体验和感受。云龙湖风景区的文学作品作为一种文学旅游资源,不仅能够提升景区的文化内涵,也可以通过现代媒介宣传、举办文化活动、打造特色文化品牌等策略来带动景区旅游业的发展。  相似文献   

陈桑  徐鹤苹 《福建史志》2001,(3):17-18,27
地方志是一方之自然与社会.历史与现状的信息载体,记录一地的历史沿革、文化渊源和时代的伟大变革。李铁映同志说:“志书是中华文化最重要载体之一”。“是中华民族世代奋斗、兴衰、荣辱的史诗画卷”。方志编纂质量.是一地文化品位的缩影。时代在前进.社会在发展,修志工作也要跟上时代步伐,为一地文化品位的提高作出贡献。本文仅就方志编纂与城市文化品位的问题提出几点肤浅的看法,不妥之处,请批评指正!  相似文献   

点破银花玉雪香玉兰花开九瓣,色白微碧,香味似兰,故名玉兰。玉兰花大,单生枝端,这是玉兰具有的特色。明诗人沈周《题玉兰》诗说:“翠条多力引风长,点破银花玉雪香。韵友自知人好意,隔帘轻解白霓裳。”玉兰花枝干扶疏而无“柔条”,一根枝条只著一花,早春之风吹来,花枝随风摆动,给玉兰带来勃勃生机,使玉兰抽芽长大,好似玉兰牵引着春风。这是“翠  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of territorial boundary transgression and intergroup encounters mediated by tourism in a volatile and contested urban space. I present the notion of ‘passing as a tourist’ as a prism to investigate the nexus between performative tourism and everyday urban geopolitics. Situated in East Jerusalem's core geographies of colonization and political violence, this paper uses archival news material and a textual analysis of primary questionnaire data to critically examine how Jewish Israeli Jerusalemites visiting the Muslim Quarter in the Old City negotiate encounters in a conflicted space. The study reveals how the performative dimensions of ‘tourism’ in a context of polarized ethnonational division expose the role of embodied, everyday geopolitics in the production of urban spaces of tourism.  相似文献   

This study explored guanxi from a gender perspective. It investigated how urban Chinese women build and exercise guanxi in their professional life and the related tensions involved in the process. Three main paradoxes were found to be predominant among the participants: (1) guanxi is believed to be important, yet controversial to them; (2) they tend to hold negative views toward social events, while acknowledging participating in such events is vital to maintain and enhance guanxi; and (3) women have more advantages than men in practicing guanxi, but the reputations of women who are good at practicing guanxi are controversial. The study also shows that urban Chinese women practice guanxi mainly for their careers, children, and for treating illnesses. These findings suggest the government should formulate policies regarding fair hiring and affordable, high-quality education and healthcare.  相似文献   

The form of many Canadian cities has dramatically evolved over the past six decades due to urban sprawl. Several patterns can characterize this evolution including unlimited horizontal expansion of the city, leapfrog, and low‐density residential development at the outskirts, and widespread strip commercial and power centre retail development. Hamilton, Ontario is an example of a Canadian city that has experienced suburbanization and sprawled development for several decades. However, the nature of this sprawled development is unclear and its impact on urban form is not entirely understood. In this article, several hypotheses pertaining to sprawled land development and urban form are postulated and tested. The tests rely on point source data of the developed land parcels in Hamilton during the period 1950–2003. A number of spatial statistics techniques, including kernel estimation and complete spatial randomness (CSR) K‐function tests, are employed to examine the emerging nature of urban form. We hypothesize that while the city has been sprawling, the ongoing land development process is leading urban form into multinucleation. To support this assumption, we further hypothesize the existence of an interdependent spatial relationship between residential and commercial land uses at the emerging nuclei. Accordingly, we examine the strength of co‐clustering among these land use activities over time. The findings indicate that while the city has been sprawling, several consequent urban nuclei with mixed land use activities have been emerging and become more visible in recent years. This is an indication that the city's form is progressively becoming multinuclear. Furthermore, the estimates for the 1990s indicate interdependence between the locational patterns of residential and commercial land development. Co‐clustering between these two types of land uses is bi‐directional and occurs at a time lag of three to seven years. These findings affirm the existence of interdependence between land use activities at the observed nuclei, which support the emergence of a multinucleation.  相似文献   


The PCWP agenda has contributed a great deal to the discipline of world politics, empirically, methodologically and theoretically. However, there is scope to expand upon certain aspects of this body of scholarship. In particular, the agenda is developing some unfortunate hierarchies in its focus on high-budget ‘blockbusters’ at the expense of data from the everyday. It is displaying a lack of imagination in terms of its methodologies and forms of output, despite the aesthetic and creative nature of many of the artefacts. Finally, it is evincing a reluctance to explore representations beyond the textual or the visual, at the expense of other forms of representation, including sound, taste or, as I argue in this paper, artefactuality.  相似文献   

八一起义的地缘政治学解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以生存空间论为核心的地缘政治学过去主要用于考察国际关系与研究国家的对外战略,并因此曾一度成为西方大国对外扩张与侵略的理论依据而受  相似文献   

北朝文化·雁门文化刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、从全新的视角认识北朝文化 “从全新的视角认识北朝文化”,是我国著名考古学家苏秉琦先生提出的命题。苏先生自20世纪80年代以来,从“重建中国古史”出发,以“区系类型”为纲,以“中国文明起源”为中心而展开...  相似文献   

There has, historically, been considerable uncertainty over the meaning of ‘urban nature’ and, therefore, the extent to which culture and nature are bound in the urban setting. We explore, in this paper, the spatiality of everyday nature as experienced by youth in an urban setting. To do so, we draw on the results of a participatory mapping activity that was designed to elicit information about where youth felt most connected to nature while in the city. Using sketch-map survey instruments, we collected hand-drawn responses from forty-three high school students in the downtown core of Tacoma, Washington. Data were digitized and analyzed in a GIS, and results were revealing of the contingency of the ‘nature’ concept in urban space as well as the centrality of ‘loose’ space to urban experiences that are evocative of being in nature.  相似文献   

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