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This paper challenges the methods and conclusions of an articleon British students at the International Lenin School by GidonCohen and Kevin Morgan published in a recent issue of TwentiethCentury British History. It questions their model of relationsbetween the Comintern and its national affiliates, and theirassertion of the prominence and total nature of the Lenin Schoolas a control mechanism of the former over the latter. Afterdemonstrating the inadequacy of their data and methodology,it indicates significant deficiencies and omissions in theirhandling of qualitative evidence relevant to the influence ofthe school on its students. It concludes by showing that theauthors underestimate the scale and duration of the impact ofthe school's graduates upon the apparatus of the Communist Partyof Great Britain.  相似文献   

For two decades, Brick Lane-Banglatown has been the semi-official ‘Curry Capital’ of the UK. In 2010, there were nearly 70 curry cafés and restaurants, most of them Bangladeshi-owned. However, by the summer of 2020, the number of such venues had fallen to 25. Fieldwork has revealed that the causes of this decline are complex and multifaceted. However, the post-Covid-19 pandemic era offers a singular opportunity for local Bangladeshi restaurateurs as footfall will dramatically increase with a new Town Hall and a Crossrail station opening in nearby Whitechapel.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(3):350-360

Despite Stephen Strehle's criticisms, the ‘just war’ tradition can be a useful and appropriate way of thinking through the ethical problems of war. If it remains grounded in the memory of human suffering, including the suffering of the enemy, then it is a flexible framework, open to new developments, which can guide ethical reflection. In fact, the just war tradition is a good example of the appropriate relation of religion to politics. Religious traditions must neither dictate political options directly, nor be separated from them entirely, but must engage the political sphere ‘indirectly’, via reasoned argumentation. Four elements of this indirect relation are described.  相似文献   

In this Editor’s Introduction to this Special Contribution, I explore some central issues surrounding the archaeology of poverty and ponder why it has taken historical archaeologists so long to “discover” poverty as a research topic.  相似文献   

riendstoldmehowpeopleinDeqenTownship,DoilungdeqenCounty,hadfaredmuchbetterinthelasttwovears.butIstilldoubt-edit.Ivisitedthereseveraltimes,soIknewhowpoorthetownshipwas.Itshou1dhavemadesomeprogressinthelasttwoyears,butitshouldnothavebeenabletomakesomuchprog…  相似文献   

Poverty is often thought of as an inevitable social condition, and the blame for any shortcomings in governmental welfare policies is frequently placed upon the failings of individuals, markets, and demography. By exploring the influence of neoliberal politics on archaeologies of slum-life this article makes the case that less emphasis should be placed upon the perceived failings of individuals and more effort should be placed on recovering the complex social networks which sustained community-life within Hungate and other so-called urban slums.  相似文献   

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