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权鹏飞 《旅游》2012,(3):86-93,3
新疆听说很远,和田听说不近。有时候,旅行不在目的地,而在旅行过程中的奇遇与艳遇。造访流水村,叫我有了想住下来甚至想落难时逃避此地的冲动。选择和田需要决心,更需要充足的时间和单纯的心境。奔玉而来非但短浅,而且失去玉缘。昆仑山、塔克拉玛干大沙漠,胡杨、核桃王、无花果王、梧桐王,玉石、地毯、丝绸,维药、大芸、阿胶,皮亚曼石榴、安迪尔甜瓜、和田玉枣,沙漠玫瑰精油、阿布丹麻糖、和田果酱,烤全羊、抓饭、拌面,道教、佛教、伊斯兰教遗迹,这一切构成鲜明的和田元素。和田的火车通了,北京的飞机直航和田了,北京人、天津人、安徽人都来援建和田了。和田真的很亲,和田真的很美,和田真的值得一看。天堂很远,和田很近。  相似文献   

季羡林,字希逋,又字齐奘。著名的古文字学家、历史学家、东方学家、思想家、翻译家、佛学家、作家。他精通南斯拉夫语、印度语、阿拉伯语、英语、德语、法语、俄语等12国语言。曾任北京大学副校长。他在中国文学、比较文学、文艺理论研究方面取得了卓越成就。可以说著作等身。他淡泊名利,为人谦逊朴实,尤其在荣誉面前,头脑清醒,三辞“桂冠”,传为美谈。  相似文献   

宋太祖开宝四年(971年)正月,灭南汉,统一岭南。其初,广东、广西同属广南道。元丰年间,广南道分为广南东、西两道(简称广东、广西),广西之名自此始有,并成为一个独立的行政区划。大观元年(1107年),融、柳、宜、平、允、庭、孚、观等州从广西划出去另建黔南路。大观三年(1109年),广西路和黔南路复并,称广西黔南路。四年,恢复广南西路旧称。广西路属行政区有州、军、监,几经并、置后,大观四年(1110年)时,辖州二十五、军三、县六十五。南渡后,改辖府二、州二十、军三。  相似文献   

张宏林 《收藏家》2013,(6):31-36
2013年是我国农历癸巳年,也就是生肖民俗中所称的蛇年。生肖中的“生”指出生年,“肖”是说相似,故也叫属相。所谓癸巳年,是以干支纪年的一种方法。干为天象,支为地象,故又称天干、地支。天干,又称十干,是甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、已、庚、辛、壬、癸的总称,通常用来表示次序。地支,又称十二支,是子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥的总称,古代用以记时。  相似文献   

明代华南民族众多,人口分布亦不平衡。从文献记载来看,广州、建宁、潮州、肇庆、福州、琼州、桂林等府是人口较多的地方,南雄、太平、平乐、廉州、高州、韶州等府则是人口较少的地方。由于各地人口数量不同,加之地域面积有所差异,人口密度呈现出较大的差距。大体说来,人口较多的地方人口密度较大,福州、漳州、建宁、邵武、广州、潮州、肇庆、桂林等府即是如此。但是,有些人口较少的地方人烟也相当稠密,兴化、南雄即是如此。这种情况的出现,主要是由于这些地方面积较小的缘故。从民族成份来看,瑶、壮、黎等少数民族分布广泛,在华南人口中占有相当大的比重。汉族和其它民族大部分都从事农业生产,都对当时华南地区的开发做出过贡献。  相似文献   

战云密布,烽火满天。字幕:公元十世纪初,神州大地出现五代十国的纷争局面。北方相继出现了梁:唐、晋、汉、周,五个互相更迭的朝代;南方和山西地区先后产生了吴、南唐、吴越、楚、闽、南汉、前蜀、后蜀、荆南、北汉等十个基本并立的政权。这是唐末分裂割剧的继续,又是从分裂走向统一的过渡。在半个世纪里,战火连天,哀鸿遍地,灾祸连年,民不聊生。1.日。东海。湄洲海湾,风平浪静。商船往返。渔舟撒网。  相似文献   

春秋时期,诸戎分支繁杂,分布广泛,实力强大。诸戎与周王室、秦、晋、齐、鲁、楚、郑、燕、卫、许、宋、曹、虢等国均有交往,包括战争、结盟、归附等形式。戎族的经济形态,应该是农牧结合,以牧为主。在礼仪、饮食、服饰穿戴、语言等方面都不同于华夏族。  相似文献   

鲁瑞林,1911年生于甘肃临夏市鲁家沟一个农民家庭。1931年参加宁都起义,加入红军,历任指导员、营长、科长、军供给部政委,参加了第四、五次反“围剿”,跟随中央红军进行了二万五千里长征。抗战期间,历任八路军股长、科长、先遣支队副司令员、分区政委、司令员,参加了神头岭、响堂铺、安阳、百团大战等战役。解放战争历任太行军区副司令员、司令员、副军长、军政委、参加了上党、临汾、晋中、太原、扶眉和解放大西南等战役。建国后,历任西康军区副政委。西康省副主席、西南公安部队司令员、西南军区副参谋长、昆明军区副司令员、广州军区副司令员、顾问等职,1955年被授予少将军衔。是中共第九、十届中央委员,第四届全国人大代表。1972年9月奉中央调令来贵州,先后任贵州省委第一书记,贵州省革命委员会主任。此文是鲁瑞林同志在贵州工作五年的回忆,分上、下两部分连载。  相似文献   

赵雁平 《收藏家》2006,(8):10-16
中国玉器的发展历程,萌芽于距今一万年前的新石器时代。经历了孕育、成长、嬗变、发展、繁荣、兴盛六个历史时期,为社会物质和精神文化的发展作出了贡献。中国玉器,从新石器时代开始,历经商、周、春秋、战国、秦、汉发展到唐代达到了鼎盛时期。在商代,有属于生产工具、礼器和装饰玉器,如玉刀、玉斧、玉铲、玉璧、玉璜、玉琮、玉圭、玉璋、玉瑗以及单体动物的玉鱼、玉鸟、玉兽。商代礼玉是新石器时代玉礼器的传承和延续,它具有代表神灵的功用。工具类玉器大多并非实用,仅作象征之物。常见纹饰有饕餮纹、斜方格纹、弦纹、云雷纹。到了西周,大…  相似文献   

顺治元年(1644年),清朝定都北京后,即把盛京崇为留都。后来,相继设立奉天将军、吉林将军、黑龙江将军,镇守东北广大地区。清朝设置将军的地区,除东北外,还有江南、福建、浙江、湖北、四川、广东、绥远、陕西、甘肃、新疆、乌里雅苏台等地。绥远、新疆、乌里雅苏台是蒙古和维吾尔族等居住地区,将军的设置与内地不同。此外,东北三将军的设置也与内地不同。因为,内地广大汉族人民居住地区,清朝除设将军“掌镇守险要,绥和军民,均齐政刑,修举武备”外,还设有总督、巡抚厘治军民、察举官吏、修明政刑、兴革利弊,而东北地区则不设总督、巡抚。  相似文献   

A research design for the study of environmental pollution by mineral industries is proposed, with particular reference to oil and gas extraction in the Volga region. In evaluating the environmental impact, three basic stages need to be distinguished: the impact proper, the environmental reaction and the longer-term consequences for the environment and for human activity. Pollution by mineral industries involves aspects common to most such industries and specific aspects associated with a particular mineral industry. Impacts may be examined from a quantitative and qualitative point of view and in the space-time perspective. Various productive facilities of a mineral industry (production wells, strip mines, deep mines, spoil banks, pipelines, railroads, highways) may have specific impacts on particular environmental components (land, air, water, biological communities). The specific impacts of the oil industry and the coal industry are compared.  相似文献   

The development of mineral resources in the Kara Kum desert and irrigation projects along the Kara Kum Canal have fostered the growth of urban population in Turkmenia at a more rapid rate than rural population. In general, established cities in the republic tend to grow more slowly than some of the new workers' settlements established on the basis of gas extraction and other mineral developments. The urban places of Turkmenia are classified by size classes, functional types and growth rates.  相似文献   

The industrial complex in the area of the vast iron-ore bearing province known as the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (Central Russia) has been shaped in the past by an advantageous economic-geographic situation in the heart of the European USSR, by the availability of labor resources and by the presence of a wide range of agricultural raw materials for industry (sugar beets, sunflower, hemp). Further development will hinge on the massive use of mineral resources, both iron ore for the iron and steel industry, and cement materials in the overburden of open-pit iron mines. In 1975 the KMA will supply one-sixth of all the iron ore mined in the Soviet Union. About 60 percent of the ore (direct-shipping ore and concentrates derived from low grade-quartzites) moves to nearby plants at Lipetsk and Tula, and 25 percent moves to the Urals. If plans for a 12-million-ton integrated iron and steel plant for the Comecon countries materialize, 40 percent of the ore will be consumed locally, still leaving 60 percent for shipment to other steel plants. See also Soviet Geography, November 1974, pp. 593–94.  相似文献   

The construction of the BAM is viewed as serving two purposes: one, the development of new resource sites for export through Soviet Pacific ports, particularly to Japan; second, the accelerated development of new parts of East Siberia and the Far East, serving ultimately as a bridgehead for further advance toward the Northeast. Key resource areas to be given priority in development are the Neryungri coking-coal basin of South Yakutia, for export to Japan; the Udokan copper deposit, and the Molodezhnoye asbestos deposit. Because of the harsh environment, it is unlikely that any processing activities beyond mineral concentration and forest products industries will be located in the BAM zone, at least in the early stages of development. Food supply for the growing population will be largely dependent on hauls of bread and feed grains from southern portions of West Siberia and vegetables from as far away as Central Asia. Future territorial production complexes along the BAM are tentatively outlined.  相似文献   

A long-range regional planning forecast of economic development and settlement in the North Yenisey region of Siberia, up to the year 2000, envisages the formation of several territorial production complexes based on the development of mineral resources (the nickelcopper-platinum reserves of the Noril'sk district, aluminum raw materials, iron ore, oil and gas and graphite) and hydroelectric development (hydro stations at Osinovo, Stony Tunguska, Maygunna, Kureyka and Khantayka, and ultimately Igarka and Lower Tunguska). The basic urban centers, in addition to Noril'sk, would be Osinovo, Novoturukhansk and Igarka. Urban population is expected to increase from 220,000 in 1970 to 480,000, and rural population from 40,000 in 1970 to 300,000.  相似文献   

Antiquarian and modern explorations within the Middle Cumberland region of Tennessee have uncovered vast quantities of ceramic, stone, bone, and shell artifacts. Objects made from mineral resources represent a modest percentage of the overall artifact assemblage. Specimens manufactured from crystals comprise a very small portion of the mineral sample, as only six worked crystalline artifacts are documented to date for the Middle Cumberland region. These specimens of fluorite and calcite consist of four earplugs, one bird effigy pendant, and one bead from four different Mississippian period sites. Fluorite and calcite deposits occur within the study area, but additional research is needed to determine whether these sources were used to make the Middle Cumberland items. The recovery of three earplugs (two of which are very unusual) and raw calcite crystals from the Castalian Springs mound complex comprises intriguing evidence for the production of crystalline objects as a site activity.  相似文献   

Ancient decorated potteries from Susa (Mesopotamia) dating from 4200 to 3700 bc , were studied in order to determine the origin and the nature of the raw materials used, and to identify the technological processes applied to make the ceramic bodies and their decorations. Bulk compositions were determined by particle induced X‐ray emission (PIXE), while the microstructure and the mineralogical phases were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X‐ray analyses (EDX) and X‐ray powder diffraction (XRD). The results showed that the raw materials used to elaborate these potteries were similar for all the ceramic bodies (carbonates and iron and magnesium‐rich clays containing sand), and for all the decorations (iron oxides, silica, potassic and alumina sources). The variations of coloration of the ceramics and of their decorations were due to different firing temperatures. The ranges of firing temperatures used by potters were evaluated on the basis of mineral stability domains.  相似文献   

L. MOL  P. R. PRESTON 《Archaeometry》2010,52(6):1079-1095
Natural processes are known to cause significant damage to archaeological monuments. In fact, the key to understanding the decay of building materials is the internal movement of water through the mineral matrix, which influences the distribution of chemical, physical and biological deterioration processes. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was traditionally used as a surveying tool within archaeology, but a new high‐resolution technique that accurately traces the movement of moisture in building materials could provide a vital tool for understanding the decay of many archaeological monuments. This paper considers current progress, the shift of ERT from soil to rock research and the impact that this development could have on future conservation, using Hertford College (Oxford) and Neolithic rock art (Golden Gate Reserve, South Africa) as case studies.  相似文献   

Summary.   The Neolithic chambered tombs of Bohuslän on the west coast of Sweden were built out of locally occurring raw materials. These exhibit a wide variety of colours, textures and mineral inclusions, and all were used to contrive a series of striking visual effects. Certain of these would have been apparent to the casual observer but others would only have been apparent to someone inside the passage or the burial chamber. There is no evidence that the materials were organized according to a single scheme. Rather, they permitted a series of improvisations, so that no two monuments were exactly alike. The effects that they created are compared with those found in megalithic art where the design elements were painted or carved, but in Bohuslän all the designs were created using the natural properties of the rock.  相似文献   

东部企业投资、兼并与东西部地区协调发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈计旺 《人文地理》2002,17(5):89-92
东部企业进入西部地区投资、兼并,是实现东西部地区协调发展的主要方式。对于东部地区来讲,企业的对外投资和兼并可以加快丧失优势产业的退出、产业结构升级,以及进一步增强企业的竞争能力。对于西部来讲,则有助于使潜在的优势转化为产业优势和经济优势,并使现有资产得到充分有效利用。同时东部企业这种跨地区投资、兼并行为,能够使东西部地区的优势都能得到发挥,并有利于我国地区结构的调整和优化。  相似文献   

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