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江苏的苏州园林在中国园林史中的地位举世公认。而同在江苏的金陵园林(这里主要指南京的古代园林),其受重视的程度,似乎就远逊于苏州园林了。其实,金陵园林完全应该在中国园林史上占有一席之地。这不仅表现在南京的古代园林历史悠久、数量多、起点高、多名园等诸多方面,而且也表现在它崇尚自然、师法自然的造园理念。它对形成完整的中国古典园林的造园艺术体系,产生过深远的影响。  相似文献   

孙艳  邓馨艺 《神州》2012,(23):205-205
中日园林都属于东方园林体系,各自都有丰富的园林遗产,两国园林不仅数量多,而且风格多样,有许多园林自成体系。本文以15世纪初中日两国园林造景艺术为研究对象,对中日不同造景艺术的影响因素以及各自的造园特色进行研究,运用研究分析结果指导中国现代园林发展。  相似文献   

王道 《名人传记》2020,(1):28-33
他精通医学,行医济世大半生,曾有“汪一帖”之名;长于书画,教授弟子,曾为陆小曼书画老师;又精篆刻、古琴,有经典之作留世……中华人民共和国成立后,百废待兴,他承担起修复古典园林的大任。他把中国画中的造景手法用于园林的修复,坚持“修旧如旧“修园如画”,留园、怡园、网师园、沧浪亭、虎丘、天平山、西园、寒山寺等多处著名园林、景点都是他的手笔。后来,留园、网师园、沧浪亭等九处园林,作为中国园林的代表进入了世界文化遗产名录。  相似文献   

张榆 《风景名胜》2020,(3):0049-0049
本文以园林景观设计为主题,探讨景观设计中园林花卉的运用问题。具体论述中结合日常工作经验先对景观设计中园林花卉的运用原则进行简要说明;然后,从地域应用、空间应用、文化内涵应用等多个角度对其应用展开具体分析。  相似文献   

王龙成  孙大江 《风景名胜》2021,(5):0017-0019
西蜀园林在佛、道、儒三家文化的长足浸润中不断变化、发展。作为中国古代主流意识的儒家思想,在多个方面影响了西蜀园林风格的形成。本文从儒家文化角度出发,寻找其对武侯祠色彩、选址、布局、建筑、植物等各方面的影响,进而发现西蜀园林中的人文内涵,为今后公园城市的建设起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

严言 《北京文史》2004,(2):42-43
颐和园景区建筑分三大单元,即前山区、后山区、宫廷生活区。与其他园林所异,多加一个“皇”字,日皇家园林。要居住,要游览,要处理政务,要举行饮宴、佛事等。所以是“宫”、“苑”相结合的园林。  相似文献   

纹章瓷又称“徽章瓷”,是明清时期中国外销瓷中的重要品种之一,属于专门为国外客户来样加工订制的定烧瓷器,因其上绘有欧洲国家皇室、贵族、富有阶层等象征和代表权利、地位、身份的纹章图案而得名。纹章瓷装饰纹样丰富,多有中国园林纹饰的应用,如山水风景、亭台楼阁、花鸟植物、园林人居等题材,配以精美别致的欧洲纹章,成为独有的、与众不同的奢华瓷器。文章通过中国园林博物馆数件馆藏外销纹章瓷,解析中国园林纹饰在纹章瓷中的应用,探究中国园林元素对西方园林所产生的影响。相关的研究有利于对中国外销瓷蕴含的文化内涵进行解读,并对举办相关的专题展览和传播中国园林文化起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

中国园林是世界造园艺术三大发源地之一,被誉为“世界园林之母”;中国造园的独特民族风格和卓绝艺术成就,早已彪炳于人类文明的史册。同样,中国的建筑文化,古往今来,辉煌灿烂。但是,长期以来在研究中国园林建筑时,谈园林形式的多,论园林内容的少,似乎中国园林,只有大小繁简之别  相似文献   

中国古代园林,除皇家园林外,还有一类属于官僚、地主、富商、士大夫等私人所有的园林,称为私家园林。私家园林在古籍中常被称为园、园亭、园墅、池馆、山池、山庄、别墅、别业等。是其主人游赏栖居之处,与皇家园林、寺庙园林和公共园林相比,与生活联系更紧密,也更多反映不同地域的文化,南北方的风格差异也就非常明显。  相似文献   

在园林发展的进程中,有很多时期的不同表现,现代园林中,园林建筑也有了不同的含义,多是指在城市绿化区域或者园林内部具有观赏或休息性质的建筑,具体表现为亭台楼阁坊榭等。园林建筑的特点使得现代园林建筑有了更加突出的特征表现,同时园林艺术表现水平也有了很高的提升。  相似文献   

This is an overview of the range of gardens, garden plants and garden work in early medieval Spain and Portugal, and of the kinds of relevant source material available. There were different kinds of garden, from the architectural gardens of Andalusī rulers and officials to peasant plots in the countryside. Fine gardens were closely associated with an elite and were southern rather than northern. Productive gardens could be found all over the peninsula; vegetables were clearly grown in them, with the emphasis on pulses, but they constituted a small proportion of produce. Fruits were exceptionally important as a source of vitamins, sugar and mineral salts.  相似文献   

读《洛阳伽蓝记》论北魏洛阳的寺院园林   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北魏洛阳的寺院园林是中国园林的重要组成部分,其树种开始呈现出驳杂的 气象,因花草的种植,使寺院园林呈现出庭院的特色。寺院园林的构成有两种形式,其一为园林 与寺庙建筑融为一体;其二因达官贵人的佞佛,往往舍宅为寺,使寺院园林也具有了达官贵人 园林的特色。寺院园林的昌盛与北魏的精神风貌和价值取向是密不可分的。  相似文献   

This study examining community gardens in Calgary was initiated in collaboration with the non-profit organization, Sustainable Calgary, as part of their housing-transportation-food nexus initiative. The main research objectives were to determine the socio-economic demographics of neighbourhoods that support community gardens and the proximity of community gardens to active transportation and public transit. Methods included the use of GIS visualization and quantitative analyses to investigate relationships between demographic variables of neighbourhoods that support community gardens, as well as the accessibility of active transit routes and Light Rail Transit stations. Findings show that community garden neighbourhoods are located in neighbourhoods with significantly fewer visible minorities, higher levels of educational attainment, and more attached dwellings such as apartments and townhomes. The average distance of community gardens from a major bike lane is 330 m, while the average distance from a Light Rail Transit station is 1.78 km. This study suggests potential inequities that may be present within the proliferation of public community gardens based on socio-economic factors other than economic capital. This paper concludes with a discussion surrounding implications and recommendations to further the equitable expansion of community gardens.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature conceptualizes urban agriculture and community gardens as spaces of democratic citizenship and radical political practice. Urban community gardens are lauded as spaces through which residents can alleviate food insecurity and claim rights to the city. However, discussions of citizenship practice more broadly challenge the notion that citizen participation is inherently transformative or empowering, particularly in the context of neoliberal economic restructuring. This paper investigates urban community gardens as spaces of citizenship through a case study of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It examines the impacts of community gardens on citizenship practice and the effects of volunteerism on the development of community gardens. It explores how grassroots community gardens simultaneously contest and reinforce local neoliberal policies. This research contributes empirically and theoretically to scholarship on urban food movements, neoliberal urbanization, collaborative governance, and citizenship practice.  相似文献   

孙剑冰 《旅游科学》2012,26(4):1-7,16
苏州古城区现存的古典园林作为明清时期私家园林的典型代表,如同文化标本一般,体现了明清园林文化和风格。本文从苏州古城区的居住街区空间构成入手,通过重新评价古典园林作为街区空间资源的价值定位,探索居民生活和园林文化相互融合的途径,在此基础之上,构建了以苏州古典园林为资源的社区旅游发展模式,其特征为:旅游者和居民的利益统一在街区生活环境改善之上;以古典园林为平台形成旅游者和居民间的交流;园林资源保护的旅游者和居民双方参与。  相似文献   

Garden plants that invade native vegetation can be a threat to native ecosystems. The species composition of gardens near the bush in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia is shown to relate to environmental variation and the attitudes of gardeners to their recreation, to native plants and to the bush. Four types of gardens are discriminated: the species‐poor shrub garden; the local native garden; the woodland garden; and the gardenesque. A group of gardeners who valued functional gardens, and the hard work in creating a garden, largely produced gardenesque outcomes. A strongly conservationist group of gardeners had native, woodland or shrub gardens. A group of gardeners who valued romance and privacy largely had woodland gardens. A small group of gardeners who liked gardens to create themselves, and preferred to minimize the act of gardening, tended to the shrub garden outcome. Plant species that invade the bush are least frequent in the more manicured shrub and gardenesque styles of garden than in the more informal local native and woodland gardens, in a dissonance between expressed attitudes and outcomes. Most of the most invasive weeds in the bush are shown to be independent of their occurrence in adjacent gardens, suggesting that integrated control programs involving both all gardeners within dispersal range, and bush managers, are necessary. The existence of a small number of respondents who see benefits in environmental weeds in their gardens, suggests that such programs would be ineffective without regulation, a solution offered by no respondent. However, regulation might be ineffective without community understanding, the raising of which was the main solution suggested by the interviewed gardeners.  相似文献   

张纵  施侠 《东南文化》2005,(4):62-66
通过对南京自唐至明这一时期文献记载及遗存的园林旧址的探赜、勾沉,并参照今人的一些著述,以皇家园林为契入点,对以私家园林特别是诸多宅园为主的故址、风貌、建园、修葺、重建等状况加以阐述,体悟文人诣趣、构景理式的隽永况味,并于片鳞半爪间窥其全貌。  相似文献   


This study examines the historical vernacular gardens of North Norway, and is mainly based on a survey done in the county of Troms in the 1980s. The study shows that traditions for the design of gardens and the use of garden plants reflect climatic conditions, geographical location and current fashions. It is a general feature that main trends in the gardens of the affluent work as models for more simple vernacular gardens, and this is also the case with the surveyed gardens of Troms. We find here the proto-garden, a simple garden with beds and plantings controlled by a straight line. This is influenced hardly at all by style, trends or availability on the market. It may have been established during the last century or it could be older. Yet we also find the vernacular cottage garden influenced by a style developed from the Renaissance gardens of southern Europe. In the most carefully made gardens the proto-garden and the impulses from the Renaissance garden are fused together – it makes a type of garden which is genuinely northern. The fenced garden located by the wall of the dwelling house was most common. With the house situated on sloping ground, a stone-built retaining wall was constructed and the ground filled up in order to make the garden as level as possible and to create a terrace. It was mainly native trees fetched from the woods, as well as old “exchange and give away perennials” and flowers and vegetable annuals, all locally available, which characterized the plant material of the historic farm and cottage gardens of the north.  相似文献   

This article will chart the usage of a rare term, uiridarium, in the documents of early medieval Italy in order to explore the history of decorative or pleasure gardens between c.600–c.1000. Property documents and placita, alongside a small body of archaeobotanical evidence, suggest a significant change in the planting of cultivated spaces in Italian cities during the early Middle Ages. A few charters refer to enclosed gardens called uiridaria attached to houses of the highest‐status people in Italy: dukes, kings, emperors, and bishops. We have a glimpse of how they were used and this article makes the case that decorative gardens played a role in the urban performance of the highest echelons of power.  相似文献   

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