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Eighth‐century glass fragments from the Crypta Balbi in Rome were analysed by inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy. The samples included fragments of artefacts as well as ingots of raw glass and wasters. All the fragments proved to be soda–lime glasses. Manganese‐to‐iron atomic ratios are highly variable and determine the colour of a large number of samples. Fairly high copper contents, generally associated with relatively high amounts of antimony and lead, were detected in some green and blue–green samples: this suggests recycling of glass in the form of opaque mosaic tesserae. All three elements are higher in eighth‐century than in previously analysed seventh‐century fragments. This may indicate greater recourse to recycled glass, related to a reduction in trade exchanges in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

赵莉 《中原文物》2020,(2):129-136
本文在前人研究基础上,结合笔者数十年的石窟工作经验以及远赴国外广泛调查的结果,将法国巴黎集美博物馆收藏的15块克孜尔石窟壁画残片进行了核对与测量,找到了全部壁画所出洞窟及原位,并通过电脑技术对图片进行了复原。  相似文献   

The approach I call the “singularization of history,” which I have been developing in recent years within the methodological structure of microhistory, is the main subject of this article. It has the precise aim of defining the ways in which scholars can use sources to enter into the past in as detailed and varied a way as possible without becoming trapped within the received channels of the grand narratives. I will make an attempt to demonstrate what the Icelandic School of Microhistory (ISM) is all about and its connection to the scribal culture in the country, as well as the importance of ego-documents for microhistorical analysis. The central element in the analysis of this paper will be the sources themselves—their creation, their context within the events they describe, the opportunities they present for analysis, and in what kind of academic context they have become a subject for enquiry.  相似文献   

In the recent literature on the cultural politics of naming, toponyms and street names are increasingly read within the wider social–historical context upon which naming is contingent. In this perspective, naming is often seen as an act of power and a way to inscribe an ideological discourse into the landscape. In this article, we analyze the street names currently inscribed in the historical center of the Italian city of Milan, Italy as a reflection of its long and contested social and political history. Fragments of all the different toponymic regimes and hegemonic discourses that took over one after the other over time have remained inscribed in Milan’s street network, originating a complex tapestry in which different pasts revive and conflicting ideologies co-exist. In this context, we examine the role Geographical Information Science (GIScience) methods and technologies play in quantifying, revealing, and visualizing the spatial patterns of downtown Milan’s toponymic texture at the urban scale and at the scale of the six historical neighborhoods.  相似文献   


Excavations at the Janey B.Goode site (11S1232), located in the American Bottom region of Illinois, yielded carbonized textile remains from two pit features dating to the Terminal Late Woodland period and from one pit feature dating to the Mississippian period. The remains comprise both twisted or braided cordage pieces and actual twined textile fragments ranging in size from 2×3 cm to over 9×9 cm. Four different twining techniques are represented: two types of compact twining and two types of space twining. All textiles appear to be constructed of bast fibers, probably from the outer part of herbaceous plant stems. The textiles are similar to those described from other Midwestern sites dating to the Woodland and Mississippian periods, reflecting the existence of a widespread fiber industry. In this paper, the textiles from the Janey B. Goode site and the production technology used to produce them are described.  相似文献   

Sensations are elusive. As our conscience is unable to simultaneously sense and feel, we struggle to capture them fully as they take possession of us. Sensations are to be experienced immediately and silently as no words can faithfully express them in their intensity. This is the paradox facing writer Philippe Delerm, who ceaselessly searches for a way of translating the silent world of sensations which is at the centre of his work. This article seeks to examine the stylistic and thematic methods put in place by Delerm in order to address this issue. In particular, we will propose a critical reflection on the theme of the everyday, which permeates Delerm's works and explains the reasons that lie behind his enthusiasm for the ‘small pleasures of life’. We will see how the quotidian becomes the ideal language of translation for the elusive sensations he seeks to describe and we will examine how he transforms and plays with it to suit his writing needs. The everyday becomes an alibi for a writer whose aim is to express the inexpressible.  相似文献   

A briefcase-study of a group of nautical timbers attempts to demonstrate the potential of areas, which are subject to large scale mineral extraction, as archives of cultural information. These are rarely investigated.  相似文献   

ENGLAND IN THE 9TH CENTURY witnessed a revolution in pottery production. For the first time since the Roman period, pottery was wheel-thrown and produced on a near industrial scale. Research into this ceramic revolution has focused on chronology and, in particular, whether the technology was introduced before Scandinavian settlement. Yet, little attention has been paid to technological choices made by the potters or how these choices were influenced by wider societal changes. This paper takes a holistic approach to production, employing a range of analytical techniques to reveal the production sequence followed by potters working at one of the new industries — Torksey (Lincolnshire). With new insights into raw material choices, processing procedures, vessel forming practices and firing regimes, the paper challenges long-standing assumptions about manufacturing practice and the spread of the potters’ wheel. Opening a window into the mind of the potter, this article offers a greater understanding of the mechanisms that facilitated the diffusion and ultimate success of this new technology.  相似文献   

Front Matter     

Dubrovnik was an important trade city throughout the medieval and post‐medieval time period, maintaining its own glass production from the 14th to the 16th century. Unfortunately, Dubrovnik glass discoveries have not been well investigated up until now, except via archival data in large data analyses. In the following work, we will shed new light on the glass material found in this region, which has diverse origins, chronology, typology and style. Medieval and post‐medieval glass finds (10th/12th–18th centuries) discovered during archaeological excavations in Dubrovnik and the Dubrovnik region were analysed using particle‐induced X‐ray emission (PIXE) and particle‐induced gamma‐ray emission (PIGE), which revealed three main compositional groups: natron glass, plant‐ash glass and potash glass. This demonstrates the important commercial links present between Dubrovnik and other major glass‐making centres.  相似文献   

Contemporary cities have witnessed the emergence of new real-estate products in which gated communities and closed condominiums (CCs) can be included. The proliferation of these urban products is worldwide, with similar patterns that are analysed in this paper according to five perspectives of analysis: physical, economic, social, political and cultural. These perspectives cross-cut some of the main issues of discussion of the contemporary urban debate associated with private residential developments. These developments seem to appeal to an increasing number of social groups and have been able to adapt to different planning systems. With a smaller scale, these developments emerged in Portugal in the form of CCs, and are analysed in a case study in Greater Oporto. The purpose of this paper is to present the Portuguese singularities of this phenomenon in comparison with the worldwide dimension. In our case study we find some important particularities strongly associated with the Portuguese planning system. Some of these particularities have negative impacts on the surrounding urban landscape. As a result, CCs demand specific planning policies to counteract the negative consequences they are likely to generate in local social and urban fabrics. In the absence of these policies, CCs, as well as other private residential developments, are likely to contribute further to an increasingly fragmented and divided urban landscape.  相似文献   

本文对小田义久主编《大谷文书集成》三卷中未能定名的四件儒家经籍残片作了定名,并就相关问题进行了考释。  相似文献   

S.3663号《啸赋》残卷为较早公布的《文选》敦煌写卷之一,历来研究著述甚夥.本文全面梳理了前人的研究工作,并修订补充了数条校勘意见.  相似文献   

文物保护的对象不仅仅是文物的本体,还包括其所承载的重要信息。沧州青县唐墓出土的2件漆盘残片上保存有木胎车削技术的痕迹,说明这种记录在明代文献中的制作工艺在唐代的木器加工中就已使用。为保证漆盘残片所反映的历史信息的完整性,在修复时不做进一步的补全修复,而是将其拼对粘接后直接做成标本,并制作相应的支架、夹具和文物包装,以便更好地进行保护、展示与研究。  相似文献   


This article describes the two major systems for dating clay pipe stem fragments by statistical methods, examines the results and suggests ways of minimizing their limitations.  相似文献   

东汉“天禄、辟邪”刻字分别见于宗资和州辅墓前石兽。依据相关资料进行研究发现,《汝帖》“天禄、辟邪”刻字是以宗资墓前石兽膊间拓本为底本,又摭拾了州辅墓碑间残剩十字摹刻入帖,因此《汝帖》辑存了古碑书法善之善者。  相似文献   

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