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西汉诸侯王墓在继承前代的基础上多用棺椁,并有相关配套用具,体现出与身份地位相符的棺椁制度。棺椁在质地、重数及装饰等方面均存在着一些差异,反映了多样化的特点。棺椁是盛放墓主尸身的重要设施,在置椁下棺时会使用较多的工具以达到要求,保证安全。相关工具的使用一方面是对旧葬制、葬俗的继承,另一方面又与墓葬形制、结构,棺椁自身特点等密切相关,体现出丧葬礼俗的演进、相应科学技术的进步及诸侯王墓的时代特点和地域特征等。  相似文献   


The Late Bronze Age hoards (12th–6th centuries B.C.) from Denmark are examined as evidence of the existence of social ranking in that prehistoric society. The hoards contain bronze weapons and ornaments which seem to function as sumptuary goods and appear to be ranked according to regular rules. The hoards also represent economic wealth and include objects of ritual importance. This intersection, in single finds, of material reflections of the political, religious, and economic systems in the society, along with the inferred existence of social ranking, suggests the presence of a prehistoric chiefdom in Denmark in the Late Bronze Age.  相似文献   

Several thirteenth-century English statutes provided increasing sanctions for ravishment or abduction of wards and wives. The penalty for conviction as a ravisher came to include a term of “penal servitude”, as well as the payment of damages to the plaintiff and an amercement to the crown. The evidence of the cases decided in the common law courts indicates that the payment of damages precluded penal servitude and that arrangements to pay made while in jail effected the prisoner's release before the term ended. Disregard of the ‘penal’ provisions and the continued use of jail or its threat to ‘coerce’ a defendant into compliance with the award of the court illustrate the disjunction between legislation and legal practice. That statutes about ravishment cannot be taken as self-enforcing contributes to the growing body of scholarship reminding us that history cannot be written from the statute books alone.  相似文献   

Several thirteenth-century English statutes provided increasing sanctions for ravishment or abduction of wards and wives. The penalty for conviction as a ravisher came to include a term of “penal servitude”, as well as the payment of damages to the plaintiff and an amercement to the crown. The evidence of the cases decided in the common law courts indicates that the payment of damages precluded penal servitude and that arrangements to pay made while in jail effected the prisoner's release before the term ended. Disregard of the ‘penal’ provisions and the continued use of jail or its threat to ‘coerce’ a defendant into compliance with the award of the court illustrate the disjunction between legislation and legal practice. That statutes about ravishment cannot be taken as self-enforcing contributes to the growing body of scholarship reminding us that history cannot be written from the statute books alone.  相似文献   

The United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service traditionally has been dominated by white, male for esters, particularly in its professional and leadership ranks. Beginning in the mid-1970s, however, civil rights legislation, lawsuits, and statutes that mandated interdisciplinary planning collectively impelled the agency to begin diversifying by race, gender, and profession. This study attempts to quantify the progress the agency has made in workforce diversification since the early 1980s by grouping Forest Service job series into categories and tracking changes in these categories over time. The study reveals that the numbers of employees in “nontraditional” Forest Service fields (e.g., the social and biological sciences) increased markedly, but that these employees remain vastly outnumbered by employees in traditional fields such as forestry. The number of women in the agency also increased greatly, but women made much greater gains in administrative support positions than in jobs that put them in the pipeline for leadership positions. They remain vastly overrepresented in clerical and administrative positions and highly under rep resented in professional and technical positions. People of color made gains in nearly all job categories, but, like women, remain significantly overrepresented in jobs that will not lead to leadership positions. Thus, while aggregate numbers show greater diversity in the Forest Service workforce, a more detailed analysis reveals that the leadership ranks are still the domain of white, male foresters.  相似文献   

Building a cultural landscape involves deep political and social processes. Discussions relating to decisions about preservation reveal cultural values at a particular moment and explain the character of the surviving landscape. This study analyses how one community in Western Australia defined its sense of place and identity. In the 1930s, on a wave of historical consciousness, Western Australians sought to enshrine the desire to preserve a range of historical materials in legislation, and conducted debates about the very survival of the buildings and documents. This paper investigates why legislation to preserve buildings and documents failed, and how the community understood the relationship between these two forms of heritage. Bringing together the two series of discussions, about the values inherent in and surrounding documents and buildings, highlights the way in which meanings are invested in places and things, and the values and processes through which the cultural landscape is shaped.  相似文献   

A division of responsibility for parish church fabric and contents between rector and parishioners first appeared in English ecclesiastical legislation in the early thirteenth century and was to remain in place until the mid-nineteenth century. It is often suggested that this responsibility was forced onto parishioners by a clergy keen to limit their own financial liability and that this marks the point at which parishioners first become involved in their local churches. This article looks at the development of these statutes from their origins in the Anglo-Saxon period through to their full realisation in the later thirteenth century. It argues that there were many among the thirteenth-century ecclesiastical hierarchy who were opposed to this change, and that far from being forced on parishioners, allowing parishioners to take responsibility for part of the church was a pragmatic solution to problems brought about by changes to both parishes and parish churches.  相似文献   

A division of responsibility for parish church fabric and contents between rector and parishioners first appeared in English ecclesiastical legislation in the early thirteenth century and was to remain in place until the mid-nineteenth century. It is often suggested that this responsibility was forced onto parishioners by a clergy keen to limit their own financial liability and that this marks the point at which parishioners first become involved in their local churches. This article looks at the development of these statutes from their origins in the Anglo-Saxon period through to their full realisation in the later thirteenth century. It argues that there were many among the thirteenth-century ecclesiastical hierarchy who were opposed to this change, and that far from being forced on parishioners, allowing parishioners to take responsibility for part of the church was a pragmatic solution to problems brought about by changes to both parishes and parish churches.  相似文献   

以近代中国政府先后颁布的国籍法为纵向坐标,通过对国籍法颁布前后中国政府处理华侨国籍问题的不同状况进行对照,分析了近代中国政府在处理这个问题上经历的逐步法制化的过程。得出结论,国籍法颁布前,中国政府处理华侨国籍问题时无法可依、随机处理,在此类的外交交涉中处于被动地位;国籍法颁布后,中国政府依据成文的国籍法和相关的国际惯例来处理华侨的国籍问题,在此类交涉中占据了比较有利和主动的位置。  相似文献   

乔新华 《安徽史学》2010,(5):44-48,72
在充分了解和理解已有社会史研究成果的基础上,本文意欲探讨近30年来中国社会史研究业已展示出来的方法论意义.其一,不论其最初是以"历史学中的一个分支学科"还是"范式"意义的面貌出现,社会史在今天已然承载了推进旧史学研究方法向新史学方向转变的历史重任.其二,伴随着新旧"范式"的转换,社会史对传统政治史主题令人耳目一新的研究,揭示了研究视角转换背后蕴含的方法论意义.其三,随着研究视角转换和研究视野扩大,社会史在拓展史料范围的基础上生发出解读不同史料的不同方法,如果把它放在"历史即史料学"的脉络下看,其方法论意义尤为深刻.  相似文献   

The Central American land bridge has served as a passageway for animals and humans moving between North and South America. Nevertheless, after the first waves of human immigration at the end of the Pleistocene, contact between the native peoples who remained on this isthmus and other peoples living in continental areas where civilization ultimately developed, is characterized, according to the field record, by the transfer of crops, technologies, and goods, until ca.1400 BP when speakers of Mesoamerican languages occupied the northwestern edge (Gran Nicoya). The ancestors of modern-day speakers of Chibchan and Chocoan languages underwent social and cultural diversification mostly within the confines of the land bridge. Some Precolumbian residents altered vegetation immediately after first arrival at least 11,000 years ago, and began to add domesticated crops to their subsistence inventory between 9000 and 7000 BP. Maize and manioc (or cassava), domesticated outside the land bridge, were introduced in Preceramic times, early in the period between 7000 and 4500 BP, and gradually dominated regional agriculture as they became more productive, and as human populations increased and spread into virgin areas. Diversity in material culture is visible ca. 6000 BP, and becomes more apparent after the introduction of pottery ca. 4500 BP. By 2000 BP culture areas with distinctive artifact inventories are discernible. Between 2500 and 1300 BP hierarchies among regions, sites, social groups, and individuals point to the establishment of chiefdoms whose elite members came to demand large numbers of costume and sumptuary goods. A few special centers with stone sculptures and low-scale architecture served a social universe larger than the chiefdom, such as clusters of recently fissioned social groups with memories of a common heritage. Social interactions on the land bridge, endowed with productive bottomlands, highland valleys, and coastal habitats, appear always to have been strongest among neighboring groups.  相似文献   

The paper addresses one possible manifestation of the interface between geographical concerns and the law. A brief discussion about aspects of law, images, attitudes and ideology is presented. A broad historical survey of legislation from the South Australian Parliament pertaining to vegetation illustrates that elements of the law, statutes in this case, can be usefully applied to studying geographical problems such as environmental management. It is argued that geographers should more regularly make use of legal materials, concepts and issues in both research and teaching.  相似文献   

The fascinated horror that characterized treatments of sexual problems by medieval Churchmen is particularly evident in their attempts to provide guidance for Christians concerning the intimate details of marital relations. Christian moralists, canonists, and theologians from the patristic period onward commonly maintained that only one posture was appropriate and natural for human sexual intercourse. This article examines the efforts of successive generations of Christian teachers to account for this belief and to discourage variations from the prescribed coital position. The article concludes with a brief discussion of some survivals of medieval sex law in modern U.S. statutes and decisions.  相似文献   

The fascinated horror that characterized treatments of sexual problems by medieval Churchmen is particularly evident in their attempts to provide guidance for Christians concerning the intimate details of marital relations. Christian moralists, canonists, and theologians from the patristic period onward commonly maintained that only one posture was appropriate and natural for human sexual intercourse. This article examines the efforts of successive generations of Christian teachers to account for this belief and to discourage variations from the prescribed coital position. The article concludes with a brief discussion of some survivals of medieval sex law in modern U.S. statutes and decisions.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of research on the implementation of recent legislation which enables Irish local authorities to require that up to 20% of new residential developments must be employed for social housing and for “affordable housing” for sale at below market value to low income households. The legislation will mean that most new residential developments will include several housing tenures. A survey of the number of mixed tenure estates constructed prior to its enactment indicates that, that without this legislation, few estates of this type would have been constructed in urban areas. Furthermore case studies of existing mixed tenure estates indicate that the prospects that this legislation can be successfully implemented are good. Opposition to tenure mixing among home buyers is less than some interest groups have claimed; there is little conflict between the residents of the different tenures in these estates and social housing managers and property developers hold similar views on the most appropriate design of these estates. However successful implementation of the legislation will require some reforms to arrangements for the planning and management of the developments subject to its provisions.  相似文献   

T he last decade has witnessed a growing awareness and concern for man-environment interactions, particularly western man's adopted role as master over natural processes. Belief in the need to protect the sanctity of the life-support system has promoted a considerable body of legislation to that end. Not only has there been innovation in terms of the content of legislation, e.g., emission controls, but also innovation in the intent of legislation, as the traditional mode - of regulation after the fact — evolves into a new role which attempts to anticipate and control before the potentially undesirable event. In the reformulation of our attitudes to the environment, geographical knowledge has both much to offer and much to gain.  相似文献   

Same‐sex marriage has been one of the most widely discussed social issues in contemporary Australia for some time. In late 2017, after holding a contentious national postal survey that year, the Australia government introduced legislation allowing same‐sex couples to marry. This article draws on a major national lesbian and gay oral history project conducted in partnership with the National Library of Australia between 2012 and 2015, when discussions of same‐sex marriage were becoming increasingly widespread. It investigates the way interview subjects incorporated marriage into their narratives. In doing so, it highlights how understandings of marriage — both amongst lesbian and gay people and heterosexual people — have shifted and evolved over time. While some subjects saw marriage as a somewhat outdated, religious, and patriarchal concept, many others invested personal significance in the institution, arguing that allowing gay men and lesbians access to marriage would be a strong symbol of social progress and equality in a secular society. We conclude with one young interviewee who had managed to reconcile his faith with his sexuality and desire for marriage equality.  相似文献   

《官僚们的夏天》是日本一部社会经济小说。小说主要描写的是在20世纪60年代日本经济高速发展时期,通产省官员们为了提高日本企业的国际竞争能力,通过学习他国经验以及调研和论证起草产业立法的不同观点和争论,以艺术表现揭示如何与时俱进调整产业结构、政策、法规以求经济发展。作者的观点是支持产业立法的,赞同由政府与民间协调合作的形式,对重点产业给予优惠政策或扶植。小说在1973年石油危机后日本面临着再一次的产业转型的时期发表,旨在进一步强调产业立法和经济发展之间关系的重要性。  相似文献   

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