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阴元涛 《世界历史》2012,(2):78-86,159
陪审法庭是古典时代雅典城邦重要的司法机构,曾在其政治生活中扮演举足轻重的角色。作为陪审法庭的前身,梭伦创设的上诉法庭是民主政体萌芽阶段的革新产物,它打破了贵族集团对司法权力的垄断,为司法民主化奠定了基础。作为以城邦公民为参与和决策主体的司法权力机构,上诉法庭和陪审法庭虽可统称为公民法庭,但二者在民主政体发展进程中所发挥的作用各有不同,不可混为一谈。  相似文献   

古典时期,雅典建立了较为完善的官员监督机制,任期前的任职资格审查和任期内的信任投票和告发程序,以及卸任前的账目审计,从选人、用人、问责和追责环节遏制官员的权力滥用和腐败,一定程度上实现制度反腐,并维护了雅典的民主制度。雅典主要通过民众和陪审法庭实现对官员的有效监督。  相似文献   

1990年由英国牛津大学出版社出版的名为《希腊城邦·从荷马到亚历山大》的论文集,收入了哥本哈根大学古代史讲师莫根斯·赫尔曼·汉森的近作,题为《公元前4世纪雅典民众法庭的政治权力》。 文中指出,存在于许多现代社会中的司法独立,使得许多历史学家或明或暗地把古代雅典的民主与现代民主加以类比,并且断言,在古代雅典的民主制度中,政权属于公民大会,司法权则归于祛庭。对史料的进一步研究揭示了与这种看法不同的  相似文献   

演说与雅典民主政治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
演说是雅典民主政治生活中极为常见的现象。它的兴盛是民主政治的一种内在需要,并且在民主政治生活中具有重要的作用。作为政治领袖的演说家正是通过演说影响甚至左右民众在公民大会上的决策和陪审员在公民法庭上的判决。因此,在雅典民主政治中,民众的决策需要政治领袖的建议和领导,政治领袖的建议和领导需要民众决策的认可和制约。雅典政治领袖的领导权和民众的决策权长期处于一种相互制约和平衡的状态,从而使雅典民主政治在长达二百多年的历史中处于一种相对稳定的状态。  相似文献   

<正>要开展希腊妇女社会地位的研究,需要从两个最有代表性的雅典和斯巴达的城邦来重点分析。虽然它们同为希腊城邦,但受地缘政治,文化遗产的影响,两个城邦的妇女生活和地位有显著差异。从法律的角度来看,雅典妇女的地位和未成年人相当,属于被统治者,被排除在公民生活之外,只能间接属于城市。他们不被允许参加公民大会,享有的政治权利必须通过保护人才可以获得,保护人通常是由他们的父亲,丈夫或其他男性亲属。他们生活在保护  相似文献   

傅国涌 《江淮文史》2011,(3):148-164
一公民的概念不是中国固有的,而是从西方引入,它起源于希腊城邦,雅典的"公民大会"早已名垂青史。所以,公民教育的起源可上溯到公元前8世纪的希腊,柏拉图的《国家篇》与《法律篇》中都有对公民教育的阐述,认为这是国家组织的重要基础。经过  相似文献   

公元前5世纪阿尔戈斯的民主政治诞生于塞佩亚战役的惨败以及随后公民队伍成分变化的过程中。在民主政治体制下,阿尔戈斯的基本制度包括公民大会、议事会和官员。与雅典等比较,阿尔戈斯官员的任期只有半年,并且受到议事会和公民大会的制约,民主特征鲜明。然而,阿尔戈斯议事会和官员的相对强势,公民大会出席者成分的限制,使它的民主政治更接近亚里士多德所界定的温和类型,其民主程度与雅典民主政治有一定距离:一方面,民主政治时代的阿尔戈斯虽然是一流强国,但它很少在希腊世界扮演决定性角色;另一方面,在竞争激烈的希腊城邦世界,阿尔戈斯成功维持了政治独立,特别是能够在大约二百年中保持政治稳定,一个很重要的原因,在于其民主的制度设计。对阿尔戈斯民主政治的研究,不仅有助于理解古典时代阿尔戈斯和伯罗奔尼撒的历史,也会丰富古代希腊民主政治的图景,有利于打破希腊史研究中雅典与斯巴达中心的倾向。  相似文献   

在德谟斯提尼的公民大会演说中,演说与行动的对应关系成为一种修辞策略的主题。利用这一主题,他在激励雅典民众采取实际行动的同时,也对他们在公民大会场合的政治商议行为进行了批评,并且塑造和强化了民众作为一致的行动者的政治角色意识。这种塑造的关键在于它诉诸于希腊城邦体制的某些根本原则,其作用很可能是通过引导民众以一致的行动者角色参与公民大会的商议活动,让这些原则得到真切的认识与理解,使之体现在民众的政治行为之中,从而对雅典城邦政治的运作发挥一定程度的实际影响。  相似文献   

晏绍祥 《历史研究》2019,(5):96-115
阿吉纽西审判历来被视为民主可能破坏法治的经典案例。但透过对色诺芬和狄奥多鲁斯等记载的深入分析发现,将军们在救援落海水手过程中,存在处置不当、救援不力的过失,导致雅典因非战斗原因大量减员,激起了雅典人的不满。在审判过程中,受命负责救援行动的泰拉麦奈斯及其支持者卡利克塞努斯等人利用雅典人的愤怒,在议事会提出非法议案,又利用公民大会出席者成分的变化,两次击败了公民大会从法治途径解决问题的努力,致使六名将军被处死。这场审判与其说体现了民主与法治之间的紧张,不如说是希腊城邦固有弱点,使得精英阶级利用政治经验和势力以及民主政治的宽容,突破了雅典城邦的法治壁垒。阿吉纽西审判的发生,是长期战争对城邦制度的压力、将军们的失误以及精英阶级操纵等多重因素共同导致的结果。  相似文献   

有关古希腊雅典奴隶主民主政治议论颇多。笔者试图从妇女社会地位的角度揭示这一民主的局限性。古代雅典“妇女占居全邦人口的半数”,了解她们的政治地位、社会处境,可使我们更深刻认识这种民主政治的局限性,认识到这种民主从根本上无广泛性可言。伯利克里时代为雅典民主政治的“黄金时代”。然而,恰在此时,妇女的政治地位、社会地位低落到了极点。城邦公民充分享受的诸多政治权利——参加公民大会、担任公职等,均与妇女绝缘,不论出身如何,没有资格享有与男人等同的民主权利。民主政治成为极少数男性公民独占的特权,男性公民可为所欲为是这种民主的重要特征之一。人口中的“半边天”——为数众多的女性倍受歧视,发达一时的民主政治实质上是建立在父权制和大男子主义的基础之上的。  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2004,23(1):17-25
In response to Sallie Marston, this paper reads her case study in terms of religion and nationalism in order to explore the ways that culture is implicated in the state. To comprehend fully the contradictory decisions of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and the U.S. Supreme Court with regard to a lesbian and gay contingent in the Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade, it is necessary to interpret the decisions in light of the Protestant-inspired seperation of speech and action in the U.S. Constitution. This separation allows both Courts to disembody speech and separate it from the spatial context of action, which creates opposing decisions that do not adequately address the issues at hand. Understanding the role of religious nationalsim allows us to see how the final decision of U.S. Supreme Court enforces Protestant sexual regulation in the guise of protecting freedom.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, we find a Court which has not yet found its role, and whose principal impact is deciding which litigant wins in a particular lawsuit. Chief Justice John Marshall, appointed in 1801, changes that; he and his successor, Roger B. Taney, are the dominant figures in the Courts over which they preside. From 1801 until 1864-sixty-three years-the nation had only two Chief Justices; during the same time, it had fifteen presidents. In the latter part of the nineteenth century, the Chief Justices are less dominant and influential, sharing their authority with several notable Associate Justices. By the end of the century, the Court is beginning to wrestle with the many problems facing the nation after a little more than a century of existence.  相似文献   

本文所选铭文系雅典在公元前5世纪中叶颁布的部分法令,集中反映出作为盟主之邦的雅典在政治、经济及司法等诸多方面对盟邦主权的肆意践踏,是解读该时期雅典历史的重要原始资料。国外古典学界对古希腊传世铭文的释读与研究极为重视,其中较权威的选本为R&#183;梅格斯与D&#183;刘易斯整理的《希腊历史铭文选》,亦是本文所依据的文本。  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this articles:
Laura M. Lake, Environmental Regulation; The Political Effects of Implementation
R. Shep Melnick, Regulation and the Courts; The Case of the Clean Air Act
Lettie M. Wenner, The Environmental Decade in Court  相似文献   


This essay charts Milton’s engagement in Samson Agonistes with Greek political thought as critiqued in Athenian tragic drama, particularly that of Euripides. In early modern Europe, Euripides’ plays were not only understood to denounce tyranny but also to remain rigorously sceptical about the workings of Athenian democracy (in itself a highly limited kind of representational politics). Milton knew well the commentary tradition that framed Euripidean tragedy in such terms, and found a corollary to his own political views within it, most notably in the writings of Gasparus Stiblinus whose prefaces are included in the 1602 Stephanus edition of the playwright’s works, which he used heavily. Stiblinus shows how Euripides relentlessly scrutinizes corruption, which his tragedies reveal to be not only characteristic of tyrants but also to pervade democratic systems. Milton’s allusions to Euripidean tragic form in Samson Agonistes evoke these commentaries to denounce political corruption.  相似文献   

The Athenian Basin is a very interesting area from an archaeological point of view, since it is inhabited from Neolithic time. The human impact on the landscape is shown by the ancient constructions such as the Long Walls and the canalization of the rivers in the area of the Athenian Basin and Piraeus. The aim of the study is to detect the paleogeographical evolution of this area. In order to manipulate all the available information obtained from literature review (topographic maps, geological maps, ancient maps and references) and the stratigraphic data from 227 boreholes from the Athenian Basin, a GIS database was established. After the interpretation of the stratigraphy from the boreholes, six lithostratigraphic units were defined. Maps and 3D models were designed to represent the succession of the lithostratigraphy of each period. Paleogeographic maps were created in order to represent the landscape for each lithostratigraphic unit of the Athenian basin, and extract results for the temporal and spatial changes of the paleo-landscape and the involvement of the human impact on the depositional process in the Athenian Basin during Holocene.  相似文献   

It is striking that Rufus W. Peckham has received so little scholarly attention and remains without a biography. He was, of course, the author of Lochner v. New York (1905), 1 one of the most famous and contested decisions in the history of the Supreme Court. Moreover, Peckham wrote important opinions dealing with contractual freedom, anti‐trust law, eminent domain, dormant commerce power, and the Eleventh Amendment. Indeed, Owen M. Fiss maintains that Peckham and David J. Brewer were intellectual leaders of the Fuller Court, “influential within the dominant coalition and the source of the ideas that gave the Court its sweep and direction.” Even when they did not prevail, Fiss observed, Peckham and Brewer “set the terms for the debate.” 2  相似文献   


One of the major monuments uncovered by the Harvard-Cornell Archaeological Expedition in Sardis, Turkey, is a gigantic bath-gymnasium complex of the imperial type dating from the 2nd century A.C. (FIG. 1 ). The eastern half of the complex is occupied by a large open courtyard surrounded on all sides by colonnades, the palaestra; the western half consists of many large vaulted halls and rooms arranged symmetrically around a major east-west axis and is intended for bathing. At the west end of the palaestra is an impressive vestibule displaying a rich, two-storied arrangement of colonnaded architecture, dedicated to the Imperial Cult (FIG. 2). This hall, named ‘Marble Court’ by the excavators on account of its rich marble architecture and decoration, was reconstructed from the ground up by a joint team of American and Turkish architects, archaeologists, and epigraphists between the years 1964 and 1973. Together with the reconstruction of the Stoa of Altalus in the Athenian Agora, the Marble Court of Sardis may be the most extensive reconstruction project undertaken in the Aegean in the last few decades.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to show that the reason for large numbers of Athenian tetradrachms being part of hoards buried in southern and south-eastern Asia Minor, mainly Cilicia, is related to the supply of timber for the Athenian fleet. From the reign of Perdikkas II to the beginning of the Hellenistic period, Athens was only able to import timber from Macedonia for a very limited number of years and so Macedonia could not be Athens's regular timber supplier.  相似文献   

On March 7, 1887, the Supreme Court of the United States decided Fred Hopt's fourth appeal to that Court. The Utah Territory murderer's conviction had been reversed three times over seven years-his "charmed life"-but this time both his luck and his legal argument had run out: his fourth conviction was upheld. Justice Stephen J. Field dismissed Hopt's four major claims: that several members of the jury were improperly seated in spite of bias; that a doctor's evidence of cause of death was beyond the scope of his expertise; that the trial judge's "reasonable doubt" jury instruction was inadequate; and that the prosecutor's reference to the "many times the case had been before the courts" was prejudicial. Five months later, on August 11, Hopt was executed by a firing squad in the yard of the Utah Penitentiary. Hopt was only one of over two thousand convicted criminals, mostly murderers, who were legally executed in the United States in the two decades between 1880 and 1900. However, his defense team of court-appointed Salt Lake City lawyers had kept him alive for seven years. During that time he had four jury trials, four appeals to the Supreme Court of Utah Territory, and four appeals to the Supreme Court of the United States. He is the only death penalty litigant ever to be the subject of four full opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States.  相似文献   

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