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Frank Lyman was 13 years old when he was selected as a Supreme Court page. He served five years, from September 1923 until the spring of 1928, when he became too tall and was forced to leave the page corps. Mr. Lyman served his last two years at the Court as Head Page, supervising the other three pages he worked with.  相似文献   

在<瀛环志略>面世的19世纪中叶,徐继畬其人及其著作,成为西方人观察中国的风向标.美国传教士弼莱门和卫三畏先后发表长篇书评,对此书的价值及其刊行的意义作了充分肯定,与郭士立对<海国图志>的批评形成鲜明对照.徐继畬为了写作<瀛环志略>,利用一切机会向西人探询域外文明.同时,这部杰出的著作及其作者,也成为西方人探求中国文化的渠道.西人对徐继畬及其著作的评价,与徐继畬在对外交涉中坚持理性原则、对传教士采取宽容态度相关.  相似文献   

Dwight Lyman Moody (1837–1899) established the blueprint for modern evangelical revivalism. He targeted a broad audience and so avoided contentious points of theology and local political issues. The result was that how Moody was interpreted by those who heard him is often more revealing than the content of his addresses. Moody's three evangelistic campaigns in southern Ireland (1874, 1882–1883, 1892) offer a suggestive case study of how his brand of modern revivalism was accepted and challenged in a particular context. His first tour was significant because it was the first time he had worked in a location with a Catholic majority; his second and third missions took place against a background of political unrest associated with the growing demand for Irish “Home Rule”. This article examines the effect of Moody's brand of modern revivalism on unity amongst southern Ireland's protestant minority. It also investigates the impact of Moody's missions on Catholic Ireland, and the extent to which he was able to transcend religio-political divisions. It demonstrates that Moody promoted evangelical unity yet generated friendly criticism as well as opposition from Protestants, and that the efforts to convert Catholic Ireland that he stimulated provoked a variety of responses that ranged from tolerance to outright hostility.  相似文献   

余敏辉  孙建美 《安徽史学》2011,(6):82-85,108
俞正燮是清代一位称得上考据大师级的著名学者。他在女性人物考据方面,不仅擅长归纳演绎,重视文献佐证,精于情理推断,考据方法科学理性,而且以考据经世,立意高远,胆识过人,形式多样,考据特点十分突出。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: New Place is the name of the house that William Shakespeare purchased in 1597 and the place in which he died in 1616. The house was constructed in Stratford-upon-Avon over a century previously but had disappeared by 1759, leaving only an empty gap in the street frontage. How much time Shakespeare spent there has long been debated, but recent excavation and analysis of the surviving evidence has led to the notion that New Place was carefully chosen by Shakespeare to be his primary residence and the place to live with his family and compose much of his later writing. The importance of Hugh Clopton, the former owner and builder of New Place, and the welcome associations that his name brought to the property, is also debated here. Shakespeare’s motives, his pursuit of status, desire for investment and obligation to his family are all explored through the use of archaeological data and the historical evidence for the house.  相似文献   

E. G. Ravenstein's three articles on migration, the first published one hundred years ago, form the basis for most modern research on migration; if the three articles are collated, his “laws” or perhaps more accurately, hypotheses, total eleven. This article considers, briefly, Ravenstein's career, the sources on which his “laws” were based and some of the difficulties of interpreting the British Census place of birth data. The bulk of the article reviews subsequent work on his eleven hypotheses with reference to nineteenth-century British internal migration. Subsequent work has confirmed that migration was mainly short distance and that there was relatively little increase in the average distance travelled by migrants until after 1850. His step-by-step hypothesis remains untested, but his belief that most migration was from the countryside to the towns is confirmed as is his identification of counter currents. His ideas on sex and age differentials have been borne out. However, his assumptions about the relative importance of natural increase and migration in the growth of cities and the relative importance of “push” and “pull” factors in causing migration merit further research. His original hypotheses have for the most part been confirmed. However, the defects of the published data suggest that nineteenth-century migration will not be properly understood until the enumerators' schedules for the century have been analysed.  相似文献   

The continental career of Columbanus has long attracted the attention of scholars because of his achievement as a writer, monastic founder and reformer, and political actor. His Epistulae are one of the most important pieces of evidence in understanding his attitudes and purposes during his twenty‐year sojourn on the Continent, and they emphasize the importance of his ecclesiastical and secular relationships. However, the Epistulae have seldom been analysed independently and together, as their study has often been focused on single letters or specific aspects of the collection. This paper looks at the Epistulae in a more general way, to point out what they tell us about Columbanus's theological and ecclesiastical positions, and the connections he established on the Continent.  相似文献   

In discussing Epistle 2, most of the attention has been focused on the discussion of the filioque, to the exclusion of Photios’ other liturgical and ecclesiastical comments. While the filioque arguments are now widely seen as an interpolation into the text (though whether by the hand of Photios or another author can be debated), these additional comments are largely glossed over. However, the liturgical comments in Photios’ Ep. 2 are indeed a central point of contention for the Patriarch himself, rather than a scribe or secondary author. Photios’ antagonism towards Latin liturgy is part of a broader cultural conflict between the two halves of medieval Christendom. For Photios, as well as his predecessors and successors, Orthodoxy was increasingly defined as not only a theological issue, but an issue of praxis, and the presence of innovative liturgical practices was indicative of a perverted theology. These sorts of differences would have been especially notable for Greek missionaries to the Bulgars who lived and worked beside, and in opposition to, Latin missionaries in a competition for ecclesiastical hegemony. Ultimately, Photios’ writings against the liturgical practices of the Latins were of considerably greater importance to his contemporaries than the filioque was to his successors, and the implications of Photios’ theology, given his enduring importance to Orthodox Christianity, have the potential to create new flashpoints in contemporary discussions between Orthodox and Western Christians.  相似文献   

A concern to pin ideological labels on Morris has obscured the continuing importance of romanticism and Protestantism for his socialist politics. Romanticism led him to seek self-realisation in an art based on naturalness and harmony, and Protestantism led him to do so in the everyday worlds of work and domestic life. From Ruskin, he took a sociology linking the quality of art to the extent of such self-realisation in daily life. Even after he turned to Marxism, he still defined his socialist vision in terms of good art produced and enjoyed within daily life. Moreover, his over-riding concern to promote a new spirit of art, not his dislike of Hyndman, led him to a purist politics, that is, to look with suspicion on almost all forms of political action.  相似文献   

The political life of Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, 4th baronet has traditionally been seen in line with Sir Lewis Namier's views of 18th‐century politics and this article seeks to reinterpret his political life, taking into consideration not only his activities within parliament, but also his role within local government and his cultural activities. It will particularly consider the importance of his role within the concerts for ancient music, his lord lieutenancy of Merioneth and the central part he played in the 1778 treasury warrant crisis as well as his vigorous attempts to defend his interest during the 1774 Montgomeryshire election. This article will also argue that the cultural activities of back‐bench country gentlemen within the 18th‐century house of commons can shed new light upon their political views and activities.  相似文献   

This article examines how, since 1999, José Bové has become a figure of interest to the world's media. His action against McDonalds in Millau enabled his union to be heard beyond the confines of its rural base. Bové has demonstrated an ability to manipulate the media in order to convey his message. His experience as a political activist has allowed him to avoid errors in the spread of his ideas among farmers, but also within other social groups in France and beyond. By presenting himself as a simple farmer from the Midi, the producer of a unique local cheese, he has established a wide appeal across regional and generational boundaries. The rise of opposition to liberal economics and globalisation and the emergence of a new politicised generation have amplified his appeal and his importance as part of this struggle.  相似文献   


Scientists and politicians have different attitudes and different outlooks and can only work together successfully if both invest a considerable effort in mutual understanding and appreciation. The scientist has no deadline in his research work; a politician is always in a hurry and needs immediate answers to his problems. The greatest contribution a scientist can make in policy is his imagination and creativity, but he must be good in communicating his advice as most politicians have no background in science. The value of teamwork for the allocation of national resources for science, as well as the importance of science in education are all discussed.  相似文献   


Traditionally, the study of man has been based on the study of his tools and artefacts, ideas and religion. Such an approach, tbough useful, is often inadequate, for it can fail to take into account items essential to man' survival which consequently play a major role in his history. Such an item is salt. The establisbment of early settlements, the rise and fall of populations, wars, large demographic shifts and the development of agriculture have in the past been intimately related to the absence or presence of salt. Power to control a population's salt supply was power over life and death. Much of our present civilization and habits are based on the ready availability of salt. Yet little attention has been paid to its importance in our lives, and little preparation has been made for a time when it may not be so easily accessible.  相似文献   

John A. Gardiner and Theodore R. Lyman. Decisions for Sale: Corruption and Reform in Land-Use and Building Regulolion
Robert G. Healy. Land use and the Status
NOreen Lyday, The Low of the Land: Debating National Land Use Legisiation 1970–75  相似文献   


For years now, a debate has been going on concerning the memoirs of Sarkis Torossian, published in 1947, and republished in a commented Turkish version in 2012. This latter publication sparked a debate among a number of Turkish historians, divided over the reliability or not of Torossian’s account of his participation in the Ottoman war effort as an officer, and his subsequent desertion following the realization that most of his family had fallen victim to deportation and mass murder. Some challenged Torossian’s narrative and evidence, based on inconsistencies and errors, coming to the conclusion that his story was largely fictionalized and his documents forged. Others, on the contrary, took Torossian’s defence, trying to reject or to justify these inconsistencies, and suggesting that this criticism was likely to stem from a nationalist, or even denialist stand regarding the genocide of the Armenians. The debate has to a large extent remained contained within Turkey, and its rare international repercussions, including an article by Taner Akçam in the Journal of Genocide Research, have more or less systematically sided with the ‘pro-Torossian’ side. The present article aims to set the record straight by showing that the criticism levelled against Torossian’s memoirs is extremely serious and solid, and that the debate has been corrupted by a gradual slipping of what should have remained a scholarly discussion into an uncontrolled conflict based on ad hominem attacks and political allegations. It is my contention that the authenticity or not of Torossian’s narrative and documents is of very secondary importance, compared to the much more problematic issue of the way in which ideological, political and moral concerns have ended up hijacking the debate. The ultimate relevance of the so-called Torossian debate may well be its capacity to reveal some crucial weaknesses of genocide research in a late Ottoman context.  相似文献   

With the increase in the electorate as the result of the Second and Third Reform Acts in the latter half of the 19th century came a corresponding increase in the importance of political parties. With this increase in the importance of party came the fear that the Burkean definition of the MP as a representative, owing his electorate his judgment as well as his industry would be replaced by a narrower conception of the MP as a delegate, returned to vote according to the dictates of party or ‘caucus’, subject to rejection by his party prior to an election, rather than the electorate as a whole at an election. This article examines the case of J.M. Maclean, Conservative MP for Cardiff 1895–1900, deselected by his constituency executive for his opposition to the Boer War, using it to shed light on the reaction of constituency parties in instances where MPs were felt to have overstepped the proper bounds of party discipline. The article concentrates on the relations between Maclean and his constituency party, crucial in Maclean's deselection. The limits of political dissent in time of war are examined, and the limitations placed by party on the freedom of action of individual MPs. In addition, the article gives glimpses of the tensions present in the Conservative‐Liberal Unionist coalition which governed Britain between 1895 and 1906, particularly on perceptions of the controversial figure of Joseph Chamberlain among Conservative back benchers.  相似文献   

The study of liminality, pioneered by the anthropologist Arnold van Gennep, and reinvigorated by Victor Turner, considers the ambiguity that exists for individuals as they move between defined groups or identities. Reconsidering the relationship between the British composer, Gustav Holst (1874–1934), and his birthplace, the west country spa town of Cheltenham, provides not only a case study of the general liminality of the professional musician, but of a figure who is betwixt and between in almost all aspects of his life. In essence, Holst is the archetype of a liminal being. This study problematizes Holst's place in the received history of British music, arguing that his liminality has been overlooked in various attempts to make his life and music fit a mainstream narrative for English musical culture, the so-called Second English Musical Renaissance. The origins of that liminality are explored by considering Holst's relationship with Victorian Cheltenham, ranging widely from the civic to the religious, from the public to the private, and from the individual to the social. This includes his contact with prominent influences such as imperialism and evangelicalism, but also elements that are seemingly more marginal to the town but central for Holst, such as Theosophy. Doing so clarifies the origins and importance of Holst's relentlessly liminal status in Victorian and Edwardian society, demonstrating how such reconsiderations can reshape the historical narrative of Victorian influence on the twentieth century.  相似文献   

王光照  章建 《安徽史学》2005,7(1):71-75
李维汉长期从事统一战线工作,对统一战线理论有诸多创造性研究,是党内外公认的统战理论家.其统一战线理论是毛泽东思想的重要组成部分.考察李维汉统战理论所体现出的时代性、规律性和创造性的特点,并且揭示李维汉深入实践、重视理论与实际相结合的科学精神,以及实事求是、与时俱进的理论品格,这对于在新的历史条件下推动统一战线工作的开拓与发展具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

在杨万里生活的那个时代,士大夫居士禅盛行,杨万里虽然不是禅宗的信奉者,但是他与禅宗却有着千丝万缕的关系,这不仅仅影响到他的诗歌创作,更为重要的是禅宗对他的诗学观念有着极为重要的影响。  相似文献   

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