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码页55期No,标题古建筑、遗址常熟赵用贤宅无地仗层彩绘的保护研究作者蒋凤瑞龚德才郑冬青,于,J‘.1月呼,二气曰50 61 1064 44 O0 NN 2433考古发掘现场文物保护中的整体提取技术传统建筑泥灰类加固材料的性能研究与机理探讨天津大沽海字炮台和威字炮台“三合土”研究现场PS  相似文献   

赵用贤宅彩绘是江苏明代无地仗层彩绘的重要遗物。为对其进行保护,采用XRD、FT-IR、EDS及视频显微镜等检测分析彩绘成分和结构层次,较为成功地解决了旧木材内油溶性成分极易因溶剂作用带出,部分彩绘上人为涂饰石灰、涂料的去除等技术难点。同时采用接近原胶粘剂性能的复合天然材料(脱色明胶和壳聚糖复配物)加固彩绘,并以溶剂型有机硅材料封护保护。结果表明,保护处理后不仅有效地延长了加固材料的寿命,同时符合可再处理原则。  相似文献   

徐朔方先生编年笺校的《汤显祖全集》,对汤显祖尺牍进行了深入细致的考证。然而汤显祖尺牍涉及人事众多,许多史事疑而未明。据本文考证,汤显祖《复费文孙》、《与喻叔虞》的交流对象分别为费云仍、喻应益,《答王澹生》中的"赵仪郎"指赵世卿,《寄刘芝阳开府》中的"赵侍郎"指赵用贤,《寄梅禹金》中的"高瀛台"或指高文登。另,本文还考订了《别沈太仆》、《寄王弘阳冏卿》、《答刘中允》、《答汪登原中丞》、《与丁长孺》、《与吴本如岳伯》、《答张梦泽》、《与吴继疏》、《与门人李超无》等札的写作时间,并就《柬长卿》、《答郭明龙》、《寄章仲明侍御》、《与魏见泉公子道冲》、《答董嘉生》所涉及人事补充了相关史料。  相似文献   

通过对晋祠16对狮子的大致介绍,初步了解晋祠铁狮、石狮的形象特点,让更多人了解晋祠,了解晋祠的狮文化。  相似文献   

了解自己了解自己的才华和能力。不了解自己,就不能把握自己。要懂得避重就轻生活中大这正是聪明人摆脱困境的高招。他们通过对轻描淡写的巧妙运用,从最复  相似文献   

李鹏 《丝绸之路》2011,(11):30-31
作为土生土长的韩城人,对于韩城的人文、地理虽然有一定的了解,但是对其背后的故事却了解甚少。真正完整、系统、较为深入地了解这些"资源"得益于韩城项目,使我有这样一个机会,对自己的家乡有了新的认识。  相似文献   

朱雅涵 《神州》2020,(4):269-269
主题互动的开展可以提高自己的动手能力,还能够对相应的知识有一定的了解。在文中记录了孵化小鸡主题互动的全过程,对小鸡孵化的的相关知识进行了解。  相似文献   

高中化学关于非金属及其化合物章节的教学目标是通过实验了解氯、氮、硫、硅等非金属及其重要化合物的主要性质,认识其在生产中的应用和对生态环境的影响,了解其不同的化学性质,认识其广泛用途,了解化学的创造性与实用性。  相似文献   

周应江 《南京史志》2023,(24):94-96
<正>一、“知人”在先,了解学生班级的管理,要从了解学生开始。初中生刚进入校园,对老师以及班级都是陌生的。面对身边陌生的一切,大部分学生都会出现学习和生活不适应的情况,部分学生甚至会出现害怕和恐慌的心理。作为班主任,此刻对学生进行了解,  相似文献   

黎诗韵 《人物》2018,(1):142-143
P:了解宇宙是很宏大的问题,作为普通人的我们为什么会向往宇宙、了解宇宙? G:首先了解宇宵让你感觉更好,就像你小时候在课堂上,如果你有一瞬间明白老师讲的内容,你不会难过得哭出来,而是会很开心地笑,这是身体上的反应,你真的会从生理上感到喜悦。如果你对科学不够了解,不了解目前生活中某些事情的运转机理,人就会容易变得偏执。  相似文献   

Globalization did not create convergence to a unique economic model among countries. Even in developed countries, the answers to the pressures of markets underline the existence of a variety of capitalisms. The analysis of innovation systems, in particular at the national level, is adequate as a preliminary approach to understand the diversity of profiles and institutional architectures. The article benefits from the broader notion of national innovation system to understand the profiles of 15 European countries. By analysing central building blocks and institutional complementarities through the creation of indexes based on 64 variables and a cluster analysis, it was possible to understand the different levels of institutional efficiency in the analysed dimensions for the selected groups of countries.  相似文献   

史海波 《史学集刊》2005,51(4):64-69
古代埃及人认为,世界在创建之初创世之神就创建了神圣的宇宙秩序——玛特,它是自然界和人类社会的运行法则。它是一种抽象的观念,是我们理解古代埃及人思想特征的关键所在。以玛特观念为基础,古代埃及人形成了朦胧状态的历史意识,包括神人关系、社会历史发展的模式、创世与王权、历史的作用等。古代埃及人正是以此为基础认识过去,发现人类存在的意义。  相似文献   

地理学思想史研究对地理学学科发展具有重要意义.当前国内对地理学思想史的研究比较缺乏.地理学思想史的任务并不仅仅是讲述地理思想和知识的产生、形成和演变过程,而且要通过这一过程达到对地理学性质的把握和准确认识.通过地理学思想史研究可以把握地理学的要旨:地球表面的差异性是地理学的关键,而对此进行描述和解释是地理研究的主要内容.地理学思想史有两个大的发展阶段:古典时期和近现代时期.在面临坚持传统与积极创新的抉择时,地理学家应该多从思想史中吸收和借鉴,并避免掉入二元论的语义陷阱.  相似文献   

The intent of this article is to understand why Houstonians reject zoning while simultaneously adopting a collection of mechanisms that serve zoning-type functions. The answer is found in discursive-institutionalist approaches that emphasize the symbolic meaning (besides the instrumental value) that people give to regulatory tools. Zoning as a label is generally associated with an interference with individual liberty. Apparently, the other interventionist instruments do not carry the same negative value, which makes it possible to implement them without much opposition. Discourses shape institutions, like planning regulations, and we need to unravel and to understand these processes in order to increase the performance of planning.  相似文献   

徐大軍 《中华文史论丛》2011,(1):331-357,404
考察歷代相關文獻關於"説話"伎藝的宗旨、形態的記述,宋元説話伎藝並不必然地只包括故事講説,它實由俳優的語言表演伎藝發展而來,應有敍事、嘲調兩條發展脈絡,並由此變化出説話伎藝的不同形態,分屬於敍事類説話伎藝和嘲調類説話伎藝。敍事、嘲調分别體現了宋元説話伎藝兩脈表演的宗旨、形態和方式。這一理析既有利於認識宋元説話伎藝作爲語言表演伎藝的淵源和全貌,也有利於認識宋元小説、戲曲和説唱伎藝的形態及其關聯。  相似文献   

计量分析是陈云认识、研究和解决中国经济问题的重要方法,具有探寻实情的求真性、探寻规律的求是性、坚持对立统一的辩证性等鲜明特点。实践证明,陈云关于经济问题的计量分析方法,是执政的中国共产党及其干部认识中国社会主义现代化建设规律及其特点、解决经济矛盾或者问题的重要方法和有效手段,是中国共产党人的宝贵思想财富。  相似文献   

This study of osteometric variation of sheep and cattle remains from archaeological sites in southern Portugal—the part that was once ruled by the Moslems—reveals an increase in size of the sheep in Moslem times and a subsequent increase of the cattle following the Christian conquest. It is assumed that a size increase reflects improvement. Sheep size increase is easy to understand given the Moslem fondness for mutton. The later size increase of the cattle is less easy to understand but could reflect a dietary switch from mutton to beef as well as the need for bovine power.  相似文献   

The Göllüda? obsidian lava flow system is relatively complex. More than ten different obsidian outcrops and knapping workshops have been identified around this volcano. Their importance for long and short distances obsidian supply has already been demonstrated.One of the main problem encountered when studying the Göllüda? obsidian flows, is the great chemical similarity of some of them. The use of the geochemical approach to solve the problems of obsidian trade around the Göllüda? is therefore insufficient. A multi-disciplinary program joining archaeology, geochemistry and geomorphology, was thus started to understand the relationships between the different obsidian flows and to draw the pattern of the Göllüda? obsidian trade.Our archaeological and geomorphologic approach will help us to understand which obsidian outcrops were available during the Palaeolithic and Neolithic periods.Also our geomorphologic approach, linked to intensive geochemical analyses, will help us to understand the spatial variability of the geochemistry of the obsidian outcrops. Lithic technology will also give information about the different knapping methods used at the workshops.  相似文献   

This article details our research within a large, publicly traded company to understand the ‘corporate culture’ within Cultural Resource Management as it is practiced today. We outline the trials, twists, and roadblocks in our attempt to first change, and then to merely understand, the nature of corporate culture in a large-scale environmental assessment company situated within development capitalism. In the end, we share how corporate archaeologists think about engagement with Indigenous communities in British Columbia in an attempt to look within the corporate sector to understand its worldview and perspectives. We then offer ‘solutions’ to drive internal, structural change in hopes of engendering a community-first approach as first step towards decolonizing commercial archaeology.  相似文献   

宗教作为一部分人解决个人终极关怀的唯一手段和实践体系,它在使人们保持心理和谐方面的积极作用是不容忽视的。了解日本国民宗教信仰的现状、特点及其影响,不仅对认识日本社会文化的特点大有裨益,而且对我国当前的社会主义文化建设亦具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

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