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作为国际多式联运的"大陆桥"运输,已被各国所重视."西伯利亚大陆桥"在我国经贸运输中已经起过重要作用.1990年9月,我国兰新铁路乌鲁木齐至阿拉山口段与苏联友谊站接轨后,东起连云港,西至荷兰鹿特丹,横贯亚欧大陆的第二条"亚欧大陆桥"正式架通.新大陆桥不仅为世界许多国家提供了一条更便捷的物流路线;也必将对我国的国际、国内经贸发展起促进作用.  相似文献   

大陆桥是近年来鹊起的一个新词语,其使用率越来越频繁,知名度也越来越大。但大陆桥的涵义在许多人心中还是模糊的,因而需要阐释。关于大陆桥,许多学者认为是指横贯大陆、沟通大洋与大洋、连接海运网与海运网的以铁路为主的运输系统。但我认为,如同许多事物有广义和狭...  相似文献   

舟山正在促使旅游城市经济与文化的融合。目前更在进行的“一桥四网”工程“舟山文化艺术中心”和新改建的舟山文化广场工程,以及洋山深水港的建设再次成为舟山社会经济发展的新亮点。 从“九五”开始实施的以“一桥四网”为主要内容的“登陆战略”,让舟山从孤岛走向大陆。“一桥”是指总投资74亿人民币,全长48千米的连岛工程大桥。目前已开工建设一期工程,包括岑港,响礁门,桃天山三座跨海大桥,其中岑港大桥已经基本完工。预计一期工程可在今年年底完工。“四  相似文献   

第二欧亚大陆桥沿线青海省对外科技经济合作前景调研   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第二亚欧大陆桥,东起我国江苏连云港,西至西欧荷兰鹿特丹,横跨西欧两大洲,是世界陆地重要运输通道。大陆桥横穿我国东、中、西部六省区,经哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、波兰、德国,直达大西洋沿岸荷兰的鹿特丹港。全程10100公里,火车只需运行8—12天,而海运要35—45天。这座新大陆桥比走西北利亚大陆桥(经满州里)运程可缩短2000公里,运费节约30%,比海运节约60%的时间和20%的运费。1992年6月20日第一列国际客运列车开通,同年12月1日国际货运正式贯通。该大陆桥不仅仅是条亚欧物资交流的铁路运输干线,还将促进商品大流通,…  相似文献   

新亚欧大陆桥东起江苏连云港、山东日照等沿海港口城市,西至荷兰鹿特丹、比利时安特卫普等欧洲口岸,全长10.9万公里。大陆桥在中国境内全长约4313公里,贯穿江苏、山东、安  相似文献   

新西兰中国大陆新移民初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文基于统计数字,分析了新西兰移民政策对中国大陆移民的影响、中国大陆移民在新西兰的定居状况以及近期新移民的政治诉求。得出结论,新西兰中国大陆新移民群体的形成始于新西兰在1987年所颁布的新移民法案,此后分别于20世纪90年代中期和2000年以后共两次大批的中国大陆人士移民新西兰;近年的新移民包括数以万计的留学生转化的移民以及数额可观的商业移民,尤其是投资移民;如此数万之众的留学生和新移民的到来,对新西兰华人社会经济产生了巨大影响;很多中国大陆新移民对参与新西兰政治表现出了浓厚的兴趣;未来的研究应做多角度和深度研究,如探讨新西兰中国大陆移民的身份认同问题,他们与其他华裔移民及土生华裔的关系以及这个群体中的"空中飞人"和海归现象等。  相似文献   

杜颖 《黑龙江史志》2013,(16):87-88
物流信息化是物流现代化的重要标志,也是物流技术中发展最快的领域。随着物流信息技术的不断发展,产生了一系列新的物流理念和新的物流经营方式,推进了物流的变革。对物流企业信息化建设现状的问题进行分析,并提出相应的对策,以期在此基础上来提高信息技术效率性,增强整个供应链的经营决策能力。  相似文献   

郑秀水 《神州》2013,(16):243-244
物流尽管很"热",但企业对物流人才的有效需求不足的现象还很普遍,出现这一现象真正具有实质性的根源在于学校培养的学生缺乏实践能力。用物流职业性思维来探讨物流专业问题是必要的,解决"物流人才供需链失衡"问题的重要标志是加强物流实训基地建设。物流实训基地建设是一种思路、一种模式、一种方案和一种行动。  相似文献   

鸦片战争爆发至改革开放以来,中国大陆发生了两次大规模的移民潮。两比较呈现出这样几个特点:由被动移民转为主动移民;由东南沿海的男性单身发展到全国各地的举家移民;新移民比老移民化程度高、职业呈多元化;政治经济地位后比前高。两次移民均对祖国产生了重大影响,老移民对中国民族民主革命作出了重大贡献,新移民对大陆的经济建设、科技发展等发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

菲律宾位于西太平洋,由7100个岛屿组成,属东南亚。与中国关系密切。我国人民较为熟悉。据考证,菲律宾土著居民是30000年前陆续从当时和婆罗州,苏门答腊相接的大陆桥迁移过去的。  相似文献   

P. M. WARREN 《Archaeometry》1987,29(2):205-211
A recent argument for raising the absolute date of the beginning of the Aegean Late Bronze (LB) Age to about 1700 B.C. is critically examined. It is argued here that: (1) the alabaster lid from Knossos did have the strati-graphical context assigned to it by Evans, in all probability Middle Minoan IIIA, c. 1650 B.C.; (2) the attempt to date the alabastron found in an early Eighteenth Dynasty context at Aniba to Late Minoan IIIA:1 is open to objections; (3) radiocarbon dates from Aegean LB I contexts are too wide in their calibrated ranges and too inconsistent both within and between site sets to offer any reliable grounds at present for raising Aegean LB I absolute chronology to 1700 B.C. Other evidence, however, suggests this period began about 1600 B.C., i.e. some fifty years earlier than the conventional date of 1550 B.C.  相似文献   

Since being excavated in 2003, the skull of LB1 (the holotype of Homo floresiensis) has been given many faces, though the details regarding how each was accomplished are typically few. Here we detail our application of known, and verified, relationships between the skull and soft tissues of anatomically modern humans to produce an evidence-based facial approximation of LB1. We then compare our results to nine pre-existing LB1 faces using geometric morphometrics. These analyses suggest our facial approximation differs in proportional facial width, upper lip height and nasal morphology. Some of these differences are likely due to a different interpretation of taphonomic and excavation damage, application of different 'forensic' methods and/or an idiosyncratic incorporation of aspects of non-human primate morphology. Other differences, and in particular upper lip height, are less justifiable in relation to the skeletal evidence.  相似文献   

吴顺利 《攀登》2008,27(2):54-59
青藏铁路于2006年7月1日实现了全线试运营,使雪域高原告别了没有铁路的历史。对青藏铁路新线起点的格尔木市来说,青藏铁路的全线通车,对其资源开发、城市发展以及产业布局正在产生和将要产生重大影响,文章就此进行了研究。  相似文献   

The two automobile producers operate in Sweden. Volvo is well known for its radical development of new production systems and work organization. In this paper, reasons behind the efforts to create more humanized work within Volvo are presented in a historic perspective, the point of departure being problems related to assembly line technology. After a successful introduction of new ideas, including ‘cutting off the assembly line in the Kalmar plant, Volvo took a radical step in the Uddevalla assembly plant. A completely new production system, the Reflective Production System, was developed. The process in which the reflective production system was developed is examined and the performance of the plant in Uddevalla is evaluated. Some potentials of the reflective production system for local production units are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Reflections about an embedding of nanotechnology in a continuum of the history of science and technology. Nanotechnology is not a completely new technology, we can rather understand it as a continuation and extension of chemical technology. Along this line, it is not only problematic to characterize nanotechnology as a new ‘key technology’ but also the definition of nanotechnology as looking at a particular causality between properties and dimensions of materials seems hardly new. For embedding nanotechnology in such a greater historical context, the development of colloid chemistry at the beginning of the 20th century by Richard Zsigmondy and Wolfgang Ostwald is shown as an important reference point. Modern theories of supramolecular chemistry as those constituted by Jean‐Marie Lehn and others refer to this line of research in colloid chemistry and lead currently to scientific foundations of some nanotechnological fields. The historical embedding of nanotechnology can hence be used as a contribution for a more realistic evaluation of the technological possibilities as well as for a critical estimation of technological visions.  相似文献   

Ernest Gellner's work on nationalism continues to draw a mix of both admiration and criticism. In a recent article, Riga and Hall find fault with a new line of criticism of Gellner's theory of nationalism that I introduced in a series of articles in this journal. They claim that I have merely repeated a well‐known criticism of Gellner – that his work is functionalist. This would be convenient for their arguments if it were true. While I would agree, and have explicitly acknowledged, that there is nothing new in the charge of functionalism, I do not take a functionalist line on Gellner. Functionalism is not the issue. My work shows that his theory of nationalism is plagued with problems that have little or nothing to do with functionalism.  相似文献   

莲花纹因其独特的造型、丰富的美感、高尚典雅的品格象征,被广泛应用于我国传统装饰纹样中。西夏时期是敦煌石窟艺术的新时期,其装饰纹样出现了新的变化。这一时期,石窟藻井装饰中莲花纹样的流变也出现了新的特征。一是在样式上由平瓣和卷瓣莲花纹逐渐向写实风格的莲花纹演变,二是在位置上由藻井井心逐渐位移到藻井边饰和四披,三是在技法上由以重线辅色向重色辅线演变。藻井装饰中莲花纹样的流变体现了西夏佛教石窟艺术在前期深受唐宋石窟艺术的影响下,逐渐形成了西夏自己的石窟装饰风格,这种变化也是西夏社会历史特别是佛教流派思想在艺术上的体现。  相似文献   

This article presents results of non-destructive Schmidt hammer tests performed on ancient fired clay bricks sampled from historical masonry. These tests were carried out in order to evaluate, and compare, the different degrees of degradation, depending on the bricks’ specific exposures and locations within a wall. The results indicate that this technique is sensitive enough to distinguish sample locations and measure weathering differences, even for different surfaces of a particular sample. For each case study, referenced surfaces were tested for bricks from a facade or interior wall. Each surface was tested with a Schmidt hammer type LB at ten different points of measurement, and these measurements were repeated ten times. For each impact at a particular point, a mean rebound value was calculated to provide an index of the degree of brick-surface microweathering.  相似文献   

基于本底线和亲景度的秦岭国家植物园客流量预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客源市场分析与预测是景区规划的重要内容.对于拟建或新建景区,目前尚无公认的较为科学的预测方法.本文采用以本底趋势线和游客亲景度相结合的方法对拟建的秦岭国家植物园客流量进行预测.该方法以西安市为客源聚集地,建立国际入境旅游、国内旅游和本地居民游憩3条本底趋势线,再结合游客对目的地的旅游偏好和亲景度,按高低两个方案分别计算出未来5-25年秦岭国家植物园的游客分流量.本研究为拟楚景区客流量预测提供了一种新方法.  相似文献   

Whether China is a responsible stakeholder is evaluated from employing three sets of standards: normative, ‘aspirational’ standards (i.e. those that make a good community member and an upstanding citizen); rational choice (is China acting in line with shared or complementary self‐interest?); and power analysis (whether China is upsetting an established world order or contributing to the formation of a new one?). In the process, this article examines both China and the standards themselves.  相似文献   

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