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Book reviewed in this article:
Canada: A Geographical Interpretation, edited by John Warkentin
Canada: Problems and Prospects , by J. W reford W atson
Problems and Trends in American Geography , edited by S aul B. C ohen
Man and Environment: Crisis and the Strategy of Choice , by R obert A rvill
The Indus Rivers: A Study of the Effects of Partition , by A loys A rthur M ichel
Water and Land: Two Case Studies in Irrigation , by T. L angford -S mith and J. R utherford
Goals for Urban America , edited by B rian J. L. B erry and J ack M eltzer
Geography of Manufacturing , by G unnar A lexandersson
Geography of Religions , by D avid E. S opher
Twentieth International Geographical Congress, United Kingdom 1964: Congress Proceedings , edited by J. W reford W atson
The Personality of North Simcoe County , by W. W. F ieguth  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Anglo-American Realm, by O tis B. S tarkey and J. L ewis R obinson
Resources of the Canadian Shield, by J. L ewis R obinson
The Political Economy of the Canadian North, by K enneth J. R ea
Population, Migration, and Urbanization in Africa, by W illiam A. H ance
Population Geography: A Reader, edited by G eorge J. D emko , H arold M. R ose , and G eorge A. S chnell
A Geography of Population: World Patterns, by G lenn T. T rewartha
The Cambridge History of Iran, Volume I, The Land of Iran, edited by W. B. F isher
The Makers of Modern Geography, by R obert E. D ickinson
The Transformation of the Chinese Earth - Perspectives on Modern China, by K eith B uchanan  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1970,14(2):177-190
Book reviewed in this article:
Economic Atlas of Ontario / Atlas économique de l'Ontario, edited by W. G. D ean , cartographer G. J. M atthews
Water Management Innovations in England, by L. E. C raine
Water: Canadian Needs and Resources, by J. S. C ram
Residential Water Demand and Economic Development, by T. R. L ee
Life, Land and Water, edited by W. J. M ayer -O akes
Forecasting the Demands for Water, edited by W. R. D. S ewell and B. T. B ower
Strategies of American Water Management, by G. F. White, Ann Arbor
The Great Columbia Plain: A Historical Geography, 1805–1910, by D onald W. M einig
Imperial Texas: An Interpretive Essay in Cultural Geography, by D onald W. M einig
Cultural Geography, an Evolutionary Introduction to Our Humanized Earth, by J. E. S pencer and W illiam L. Thomas with cartography by Robert E. Winter
The Structure of Political Geography, edited by R. E. K asperson and J. V. M inghi  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1977,21(4):389-390
African Survey , by A lan C.G. B est and H arm J. de B lij
Contemporary Africa: Geography and Change , edited by C. G regory K night and J ames L. N ewman
Early Hydraulic Civilization in Egypt: A Study in Cultural Ecology , by K arl W. B utzer
Pastoralism in Crisis: The Dasanetch and Their Ethiopian Lands , by C laudia J. C arr
Periodic Markets, Urbanization and Regional Planning: A Case Study from Western Kenya , by R obert A. O budho and P eter P. W aller
Ways to Move: The Geography of Networks and Accessibility, by R oger R obinson
Social Aspects of Interaction and Transportation , by F rederick P. S tutz
Welland and the Welland Canal: The Canal By-pass Project , by J ohn N. J ackson
Urban Transportation Planning Guide , edited by P.E. Wade et al.
The Evolution of the Unit Train, 1960-1969 , by J ohn T. S tarr Jr.  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1983,27(3):295-304
Book reviewed in this article:
Recreational Land Use: Perspectives on Its Evolution in Canada , edited by G eoffrey W all and J ohn S. M arsh
Tourism: Economic, Physical and Social Impacts , by A lister M athieson and G eoffrey W all
The Rural Real Estate Market: Geographic Patterns of Structure and Change in an Urban Fringe Environment , by C hris B ryant
Environmental Aesthetics: Essays in Interpretation , edited by B arry S adler and A llen C arlson
Historical Understanding in Geography: An Idealist Approach , by L eonard G uelke
Period and Place: Research Methods in Historical Geography , edited by A lan R.H. B aker and M ark B illinge  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Themes in Geographic Thought , edited by M ilton E. H arvey and B rian P. H olly
Timber Colony: A Historical Geography of Early Nineteenth-Century New Brunswick , by G raeme W ynn
Hopeful Travellers: Families, Land, and Social Change in Mid-Victorian Peel County, Canada West , by D avid G agan
National and Regional Economic Development Strategies: Perspectives on Canada's Problems and Prospects , edited by B arry W ellar
Agrometeorology , by J. S eemann , Y.I. C hirkov , J. L omas , and B. P rimault
Geomorphological Techniques , edited by A ndrew G oudie  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
History of Cartography , by L eo B agrow , edited by R. A. S kelton
Man, Mind, and Land , by W alter F irey
Problems in Palaeoclimatology , edited by A. E. M. N airn
Northern Ireland from the Air , edited by R. C ommon with contributions by E. E. E vans , R. C ommon , R. E. G lasscock , N. C. M itchel , and N. S tephens
Environment and Archeology: An Introduction to Pleistocene Geography , by K arl W. B utzer
Australia in the 1960's , by L. S t . C lare G rondona
Japan: A Geography , by G lenn T. T rewartha
Exploration of Alaska, 1865–1900 , by M organ B. S herwood
Regional Geomorphology of the United States , by W illiam D. T hornbury
Readings in Resource Management and Conservation , edited by I an B urton and R obert W. K ates
Geografia General de Mexico , 4 vols, 2e éd., by J orge L. T amayo
Atlas Geografico General de Mexico , 2e éd., by J orge L. T amayo
The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation , by R. A. S kelton , T homas E. M arston , and G eorge D. P ainter , with a foreword by A lexander O. V ietor  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1977,21(4):373-389
Historical Essays on British Columbia , edited by J. F riesen and H.K. R alston
Perspectives on Landscape and Settlement in Nineteenth Century Ontario , edited by J. D avid W ood
The Countryside in Ontario , edited by M ichael J. T roughton , J. G ordon N elson , and Sr B rown
Natives without a Home , by M ark N agler
Ndeiya, Kikuyu Frontier: The Kenya Land Problem in Microcosm , by R.A. B ullock
Urban-Rural Integration in Regional Development: A Case Study of Saurashtra, India, 1800-1960 , by H oward S podek
India in Maps, by A shok K. D utt , S.P. C hatterjee , and M. M argaret G eib  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1984,28(4):391-400
Book reviewed in this article:
North Sea Oil and Environmental Planning: The United Kingdom Experience , by I an R. M anners
The Scottish and Alaskan Offshore Oil and Gas Experience and the Canadian Beaufort Sea , by J. G. Nelson and Sabine Jessen
The Natural Environment of Newfoundland Past and Present , edited by A. G. M acpherson and J. B. M acpherson
Biogeography and Ecology of the Island of Newfoundland , edited by G. R obin S outh , Dr W. Junk
This Remarkable Continent: An Atlas of United States and Canadian Society and Cultures , edited by J ohn F. F ooney , J r , W ilbur Z elinsky , and D ean R. L ouder  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1973,17(3):294-312
Book reviewed in this article:
Urban Systems Development in Central Canada: Selected Papers, edited by L. S. B ourne and R. D. M ac K innon
A Citizen's Guide to City Politics, by J ames L orimer
Zambia in Maps, edited by D. H ywel D avies
China's Changing Map, by T heodore S habad
The Barn: A Vanishing Landmark in North America, by E ric A rthur and D udley W itney
Environment and Land Use in Africa, edited by M. F. T homas and G. W. W hittington
The Hazardousness of a Place, by K enneth H ewitt and I an B urton
Introduction to Geomorphology, by A listair F. P itty
Hillslope Form and Process, by M. A. C arson and M. J. K irkby
Slopes, by A. Y oung
The Mechanics of Erosion, by M. A. C arson
Soil Geography, by J ames G. C ruickshank
Sozialgeographie. Eine disziplingeschichtliche Untersuchung zur Entwicklung der Anthropogeographie. Mit einer Bibliographie, by E ckhard T homale
The Atmospheric Environment: A Study of Comfort and Performance, by A ndris A uliciems  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1978,22(4):370-371
Western Canada since 1870: A Select Bibliography and Guide , by A lan F.J. A rtibise
Canadian Local Histories to 1950: A Bibliography. Ontario and the Canadian North, by W illiam F.E. M orley
Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies, Vol. I, edited by T.W. F reeman , M arquerita O ughton , and P hilippe P inchemel
Bibliography on Canadian Land Market Mechanisms and Land Systems Information, by R osalind L ambert and L aval L avallée
Canadian Bibliography of Urban and Regional Information System Activity, by K athleen L auder and L aval L avallée
Locational Analysis and Economic Geography, by P eter O. M uller
An Annotated Bibliography of Canadian Air Pollution Literature: Supplement, compiled by L eslie T. F oster and C hristopher J. S parrow
A Directory of Climate and Related Courses and Persons Interested in Climatology in Alberta, compiled by J ohn M. P owell
The Changing Fortunes of Marginal Regions, edited by P.G. S adler and G.A. M ac K ay
Theory and Practice in Regional Science, edited by I. M asser , Pion Ltd.
Space, Location and Regional Development, edited by M. C hatterji , Pion Ltd.
L'Avenir de I'Histoire et de la Geographie, sous la direction de L udger B eauregard
Population at Microscale, edited by L esek A. K osinski and J ohn W. W ebb
Information Technology and Urban Governance, edited by B arry S. W ellar  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Africa , by L. D udley S tamp , John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
The Geography of Modern Africa , by W illiam A. H ance
Canadian Cartography , vol. I., Proceedings of the Symposium on Cartography, edited by L. J. O'B rien
Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology , by L una B. L eopold , M. G ordon W olman , and J ohn P. M iller
The Natural Geography of Plants , by H enry A. G leason and A rthur C ronquist .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Welland and the Welland Canal, by J.N. J ackson , Mika, Belleville
St. Catharines, Ontario: Its Early Years, by J.N. J ackson , Mika, Belleville
Railways in the Niagara Peninsula, by J.N. J ackson and J. B urtniak , Mika, Belleville
Models of Spatial Processes, by A. G etis and B. B oots , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Elisée Rectus. Historian of Nature, by G ary S. D unbar , Archon Books, The Shoe String Press, Hamden, Connecticut
A Geography of the Lifeworld, by D avid S eamon , Croom Helm, London and St. Martins Press, New York
An African Abstract, A Brief Background to Issues and Events, by D ennis L ewycky and S usan W hite , Manitoba Council for International Cooperation, Winnipeg
Studies in the Geography of Tourism and Recreation, 2 vols, edited by K arl A. S innhuber and F elix J ülg , Wiener Geographische Schriften 51/52, 53/54, Verlag Ferdinand Hirt, Wien  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1974,18(2):168-180
Book reviewed in this article:
The Best Poor Man's Country; a Geographical Study of Early Southeastern Pennsylvania, by J ames T. L emon
Canada: A Geographical Perspective, by L ouis -E dmond H amelin , translated by M. C. S torrie , and C. I. J ackson
The Cultural Geography of the United States, by W ilbur Z elinsky
The Mound Builders, Agricultural Practices, Environment and Society in the Central Highlands of New Guinea by E ric W addell
Geography of Transportation, by E. J. T aaffe and H. L. G authier
Freight Flows and Spatial Aspects of the British Economy, by M. C hisholm and P. O'S ullivan
Glacial and Fluvioglacial Landforms, by R. J. P rice
Weather Forecasting for Agriculture and Industry, edited by J. A. Taylor
Air Pollution and Lichens, edited by B. W. F erry , M. S. B addeley , and D. L. H awksworth  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1975,13(2):212-216
Book reviewed in this article: Australian Space, Australian Time: Geographical Perspectives in Australia.1788–1914 edited by J.M. Powell and M. Williams Rural Industry in the Port Phillip Region 1835–1880 by Lynette J. Peel Melbourne at the Census: 1971.A Social Atlas prepared by: Cities Commission with Nicholas Clark and Associates and J.R. Davies. A Socio-Economic Atlas of Adelaide by R.J. Stimson and E.A. Cleland A Geomorphic Map of the Riverine Plain of South-Eastern Australia by B.E. Butler, G. Blackburn, J.M. Bowler, C.R. Lawrence, J.W. Newell and S. Pels Settlers and Habitat in Tropical Queensland by Ray Sumner Rates of Denudation in Selected Small Catchments in Eastern Australia by I. Douglas Urban and Regional Australia, Analysis and Policy Issues by M.I. Logan, C.A. Maher, J. McKay and J.S. Humphreys, Sorrett, Malvern, Victoria, 1975. Economic Geography by B.W. Hodder and R. Lee. Methuen  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1984,28(3):291-314
Book reviewed in this article:
Residential Location Markets and Urban Transportation: Economic Theory, Econometrics, and Policy Analysis with Discrete Choice Models , by A lex A nas
Dynamic Spatial Models , edited by D aniel A. G riffith and R oss D. M ac K innon , nato Advanced Science Institutes Series, D, Sijthoff and Noordhoff International Publishers bv, Alphen aan den Rijn
Evolving Geographical Structures , edited by D aniel A. G riffith and A nthony C. L ea
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information , by E dward R. T ufte
Early Thematic Mapping in the History of Cartography , by A rthur H. R obinson
The Maps of Canada: A Guide to Official Canadian Maps, Charts, Atlases and Gazetteers , by N.L. N icholson and L.M. S ebert
Forever on the Fringe: Six Studies in the Development of the Manitoulin Island , by W. R. W ightman
U.S. 40 Today: Thirty Years of Landscape Change in America , by T homas R. V ale and G eraldine R. V ale
Archaeology as Human Ecology , by K arl W. B utzer
River Basin Management: Canadian Experiences , edited by B ruce M itchell and J ames S. G ardner
Castleguard Cave and Karst, Columbia Icefields Area, Rocky Mountains of Canada: A Symposium , edited by D.C. F ord , Arctic and Alpine Research , Vol. 15, No. 4, November 1983, special issue
Les Milieux 'naturels' du globe , par J ean D emangeot
La Formation de l'école française de géographie (1870–1914) , par V incent B erdoulay , Bi-bliothèque nationale, Mémoires de la section de géographie, 11
Historical Analysis in Geography , by W illiam N orton  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1979,23(4):384-391
Book reviewed in this article:
Political, Electoral and Spatial Systems: An Essay in Political Geography , by R.J. J ohnston , Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1979
Location and Public Problems: A Political Geography of the Contemporary World , by K evin R. Cox, Maaroufa Press, Chicago
Changing Canadian Cities: The Next 25 Years , by L eonard O. G ertler and R onald W. C rowley , M cclelland and Stewart, Toronto
The Manipulated City: Perspectives on Spatial Structure and Social Issues in Urban America , by S tephen G ale and E.G. M oore
I Came to the City , by M ichael E. E liot H urst , Houghton Mifflin, Boston
The Canadian Alternative. Survival, Expeditions and Urban Change , by W. B unge and R. B ordessa , Department of Geography, Geographical Monographs, York University, Toronto  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1978,22(2):164-174
Book reviewed in this article:
Managing Canada's Renewable Resources , edited by R alph R. K rueger and B ruce M itchell
Canada's Natural Environment: Essays in Applied Geography , by G.R. M c B oyle and E. S ommerville
Muskeg and the Northern Environment in Canada , edited by N.W. R adforth and CO. B rawner
Natural Resource Revenues: A Test of Federalism , edited by A nthony S cott
The Practical Application of Economic Incentives to the Control of Pollution: The Case of British Columbia , edited by J ames B. S tephenson
Public Land Ownership: Frameworks for Evaluation , edited by D alton K ehoe et al., D.C. Heath  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:
Applied Factor Analysis, by R. J. Rummel.
Elementary Mathematical Economics, by S. G. B. Henry.
Graph Theory, by Frank Harary.
Multivariate Model Building: The Validation of a Search Strategy, by John A.
Operations Research for Management Decisions, by Samuel B. Richmond.
Stochastic Models of Buying Behavior, by W. F. Massy, D. B. Montgomery, and D. G. Morrison.
General Systems Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications, by Ludwig von Bertalanffy.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The funerary boats of Khufu. A bdel M oneim A bubakr & A hmed Y oussef M ustafa
Schiffsmodelle in Alten Ägypten. A rvid G ottlicher & W alter W erner
Three major ancient boat finds in Britain. H. H azelhoff R oelfzema
Britain and the western seaways. E. G. B owen
Clenched lap or clinker. E ric M c K ee
Gunpowder and galleys. Changing technology and Mediterranean warfare at sea in the sixteenth century. J ohn F rancis G uilmartin , J r
The sloops of the Hudson. W illiam E. V eerplanck & M oses W. C ollyer
History of New York shipyards. J ohn H. M orrison
Windjammers of the Horn. A. G. C ourse
The Lusitania case Collected by C. L. D roste . W. H. T atum IV (Ed.)
America's lighthouses: their illustrated history since 1716. F rancis R oss H olland , J r
A history of lighthouses. P atrick B eaver
Marine archaeology. D. J. B lackman (Ed.)
The conservation of antiquities and works of art Treatment, repair and restoration. H. J. P lenderleith & A. E. A. W erner  相似文献   

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