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饰有回首式走兽纹的马具集中出现于两汉时期。该种纹饰原是北方地区特有的纹样,常见于牌饰等金属器物的装饰,具有强烈的北方游牧民族风格。而其传入中原地区,则与汉代贵族强烈的猎奇心理密切相关。此类马具同时出现于地理跨度极大的南、北方地区,是汉王朝民族政策与文化交流的结果。  相似文献   

<正> 北方式青铜饰牌主要是指发现在我国北方长城内外铸有动物纹的青铜饰牌而言。由于最早发现于内蒙鄂尔多斯草原以及河套地区附近,所以又称之为“鄂尔多斯”式青铜器。这种动物纹在国外称之为“野兽纹”。具有动物纹和动物立体造型的青铜器,其出现时间很早,至少在商代中期以前就把动物立体造型运用在武器之上了。北方青铜器上的动物纹,一直延续到西汉或更晚的时间。青铜短剑、刀子、马具、带具、饰牌等,都包含在这一类器物中。就北方式青铜器整体而言,青铜短剑、青铜刀子和动物纹饰牌,是北方式青铜器构成的三要素。而青铜饰牌则是这三个要素之一。  相似文献   

王洋  种建荣  雷兴山 《文物》2023,(3):64-76+1
岐山孔头沟遗址西周墓M10出土铜牌形韅饰96件,根据形制差异可分为两类七型,根据纹饰特征又可分为四组。文章通过比对张家坡车马坑马身装配的成套铜牌形韅饰,辨识出孔头沟M10随葬有四种至少9套韅饰,并对其组配进行了复原。根据搭配与位置关系,牌形韅饰可分为韅中饰与韅侧饰两类。文章在总结牌形韅饰辨识标准的基础上,对以往墓葬出土的牌形韅饰进行了辨识与复原。牌形韅饰主要流行于西周中晚期,多见于关中地区。铜牌形韅饰及其陶范分布存在同一聚落“器范共存”与不同聚落“器范相合”两个现象,表明牌形韅饰的流通存在就地流通与异地流通两种模式。文章对于铜牌形韅饰的辨识,深化了车马器形制与器用制度研究,为进一步探索西周青铜器生产与流通问题提供了新的线索。  相似文献   

2005年6月,辽宁省朝阳县文物管理所在朝阳县袁台子村进行文物勘查时,发现40余件矩形牌饰陶范,纹饰有鹿纹、火焰纹等.年代应在汉魏时期.  相似文献   

二克浅墓地出土的三鹿纹饰牌对判断遗存的年代等具有重要的意义.发掘简报将出土三鹿纹饰牌的单位归属于早期的结论存在着问题,参照其它发现,这种三鹿纹饰牌的年代基本在东汉阶段.由三鹿纹饰牌为线索可以在二克浅晚期遗存中发现早期鲜卑的强烈影响,而正是由于大兴安岭西侧早期鲜卑的崛起,才改变了松嫩平原古代文化的进程,促进了汉书二期文化的结束,由此可以判定汉书二期文化的下限至少已到东汉时期.  相似文献   

本文通过对中原文化玉石牌饰类型学和年代学的研究比较发现,内蒙古岱海地区墓葬高频出现的S形龙纹牌饰、S形凤纹牌饰、方形凤纹牌饰的起源可以追溯到西周时期中原文化的玉石牌饰,同时具有中原文化战国时期玉石牌饰的基本特征,二者在精神层面具有相关性,据此提出中原文化玉石牌饰在岱海地区金属化的观点;通过对比不同文化背景下墓葬死者牌饰装饰部位的差异,提出牌饰装饰部位受人视最佳高度决定;提出岱海地区墓葬人群属于边缘化的骑马群体的看法。  相似文献   

“山”字纹铜镜在湖南楚墓中所出土的铜镜中,其比重占整个铜镜总数的90%以上,镜面纹饰以“山”形作为主图形,底部衬以羽状、网纹连叶状等纹饰,钮座有圆形和方形两种,钮座处饰五出或六出叶状纹。个别“山”字纹镜主纹“山”字之间饰以浅  相似文献   

常熟博物馆藏有一件清康熙款青花饮中八仙图八瓣花口碗(图一),碗高9、口径21.5、足径8.3厘米。胎质细白坚致。碗作八瓣花口,深腹,高圈足。碗内外均饰青花纹饰。外壁纹饰可分三层:上层近口沿处饰一圈折线三角形纹,中部为主题纹饰,八面各有一开光图案,分别描绘了李白、苏晋、崔宗之、李适之、贺知章、张旭、李琎、焦遂等唐代八位学者名人饮酒斗酒的情景。每个图案的左上方各  相似文献   

马家窑彩陶艺术的和谐之美   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓阳 《丝绸之路》2009,(24):13-15
本文从马家窑彩陶的渊源、分期、彩陶概况、彩陶特征等方面阐述了马家窑彩陶艺术的和谐之美。主要从彩陶艺术中纹饰的抽象表达以及和谐应用方面论述了彩陶纹饰的艺术性,证明了马家窑文化在不影响彩陶实用的基础上,逐步增添审美的附饰和纹饰,不断使造型趋于美观,是新石器时代马家窑文化遗存中实用与审美的巧妙结合。  相似文献   

赤城马营村金马饰牌的年代与族属   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
乔梁 《文物春秋》2002,(6):34-35
<正> 2002年第4期《文物春秋》介绍了1件出自河北省赤城县马营乡马营村的金马饰牌,和饰牌同时发现的还有由绿松石和骨管组成的串饰。原文作者认为这件金马饰牌属于春秋时期的鄂尔多斯文化系统,然而从已知考古发现的分析对比,有关这件饰牌的年代以及性质等都还可以作进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

李默然 《江汉考古》2020,(1):48-54,39
半坡"人面衔鱼"图案表现的是一条俯视视角下的鱼,而非戴有装饰的人,应定名为"人面鱼"纹。对观者来说,它是"对视"和"远观"两种视角的结合,其设计目的在于通过二维的方式表现三维场景。参考玛雅文明关于地下水世界和人化鱼重生的观念,依据此类图形的出土情境,我们推测它很可能表达了半坡人群希望部分死者能够转化为鱼,穿过象征死亡的水域,进而重生或转世的愿望。  相似文献   

One of the most interesting issues of the interface between biology and culture is the artificial deformation of the skull. This modification is produced during early morphogenesis through the use of devices that alter the normal growth and development, to obtain a culturally established model. This paper, using a large cranial sample from the South Central Andes (1586 individuals), describes and documents a detailed morphometric study of the changes affecting the vault, cranial base, face, orbits and nasal region resulting from the tabular erect (TE), tabular oblique (TO), circular erect (CE) and circular oblique (CO) deformations with respect to the model without deformation. Data from 17 metric variables were processed by a one‐way ANOVA and LSD test for paired comparisons. All of the deformation types produce significant morphometric divergence in most of the anatomical structures of the skull. The TE exhibits: a restriction of antero‐posterior growth producing expansion in cranial width and height, frontal flattening, shortening of the face and cranial base, widening of the face, increased nasal and orbit height (ORH) and a foramen magnum size increase. The TO exhibits: most change reflected in the widening of the cranial vault, shortening of the cranial base and face, frontal flattening, increased nasal and ORH and foramen magnum size decrease. The CE style exhibits: a decrease in cranial width and strong increase in the cranial height, a reduction in frontal width, expansion of the cranial base and face, increased nasal and ORH, orbital widening and a foramen magnum size increase. The CO style exhibits: a decrease of the cranial vault's width and height, expansion along its length, stretching of the cranial base and face, reduced frontal width, fronto‐malar and biorbitary elongation of the face and further development of foramen magnum. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A sample of 82 anterior teeth from Krapina (Croatia) was studied using a light binocular microscope and a scanning electron microscope to document the presence of non-dietary dental scratches. The patterns of distribution, location and orientation of these marks suggest two different aetiologies: scratches on the labial-occlusal enamel border appear to be related to the action of clenching abrasive materials between teeth, while the scratches primarily in the centre of the labial face correspond to cutmarks as described by other researchers. These scratches may have been produced when flake tools involved in processing materials held between the anterior teeth came into contact with the labial enamel face. Alternatively, they may simply reflect some consistent operation which pulled hard objects across the labial surfaces of the anterior teeth. In either case, the marks on the central face of the labial surface provide evidence for manual dexterity in the Neanderthals. Of the seven Krapina individuals which show a predominant pattern, one shows a pattern of left oblique marks, while six provide evidence of right-handedness. Coupled with other Neanderthal or Upper Pleistocene individuals with these patterns, right-handedness is the dominant pattern in 90 per cent of the documented cases. One complicating factor in the analysis of these scratches in the Krapina hominids is that marks of a similar morphology are found in several anterior teeth of Ursus spelaeus from the site. While resembling the marks on the hominid incisors, the scratches on the bears lack a dominant orientation on the labial face and appear to be more variable in their widths. Despite the occurrence of some similarities in the enamel scratches between ursids and hominids at Krapina, the study of anterior dental marks provides information about manipulative activities which are unique to ancient humans. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Osteoarchaeol., 7 : 133–149 (1997) No. of Figures: 9. No. of Tables: 5. No. of References: 34.  相似文献   

李力 《攀登》2009,28(4):125-129
网络文化是人类社会发展到信息时代而出现的新文化。网络文化具有高科技、高时效、开放性、交互性、虚拟性等特征。随着信息网络技术的高速发展,网络文化作为一种全新的文化形态和价值观念,对人们的社会生活产生着重要的影响,尤其是对青少年的身心健康产生着重要影响。因此,加强对网络媒体的建设和管理,加强对青少年的教育和引导,确保网络文化的健康发展,是我们当前所面临的一项崭新课题。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国共产党的文化理论与政策经历了从“一体化”的文化建设理论与方针到建设“高扬主旋律”的多样化的文化观念与政策的演进;党在知识分子问题上的认识和政策也发生了很大转变,不但认识到知识分子是工人阶级的一部分,是先进生产力的开拓者,而且把市场经济、知识经济、信息时代与知识分子政策密切联系在一起;与此同时,建立在一元化基础上的一体化的文化形态开始解构,并形成了主导文化、大众文化和精英文化三足鼎立的当代中国文化的基本格局。  相似文献   

篦纹的起源与传播   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
篦纹是裴李岗文化最显著的特点之一。它的产生、发展以及与周边文化的关系,是考古学界所关注的问题之一。根据篦纹在中国的时空分布,其渊源应当是裴李岗文化。它随着裴李岗文化的衰亡而在中原消失,却在中国的南、北方的广大地区得到充分发展,并且距中原愈远则时代也愈晚。  相似文献   

陈雪香 《华夏考古》2007,(1):102-113
本文考察了山东地区商文化的聚落形态演变过程及其历史背景。商文化聚落形态在山东地区经历了四个阶段的变化:早商时期仅济南大辛庄一处遗址;中商时期遗址数量增加并在泰沂山脉两侧形成了规模较大的聚落群;晚商早期遗址数量保持稳定但等级较高的遗址处于衰落状态;晚商晚期不但遗址总数而且等级较高的遗址数量都明显增加,还出现了像苏埠屯这样的高规格墓地。这一聚落形态的演变反映了商文化在山东地区东扩的连续性与阶段性。  相似文献   

Various material forms of national identity have become ubiquitous features of the post-9/11 American cultural landscape. This research specifically examines the ‘In God We Trust’ (IGWT) license plate in the state of Indiana as a material expression and territorialized form of national identity. While conceptually anchored in banal nationalism research, exploring the spatial patterns of adoption or non-adoption of IGWT license plates by Indiana residents is only possible through situating this research through the mediating lens of the culture wars and civil religion. Although the IGWT license plate project legislatively materialized through the localized spatial networks of non-state actors in the context of a new and conservative state–citizen relationship firmly anchored in the culture wars, adoption behavior is also mediated through the much broader influence of civil religion. We conduct a quantitative analysis to determine license plate spatial distribution by county, but more importantly to explore the sociodemographic dimensions of IGWT license plate adoption and non-adoption. While our results generally mirror the sociodemographic findings of social issue-based electoral geography, the imbrication of banal nationalism, the culture wars, and civil religion as materially expressed by the IGWT license plate yields an ideologically different and broader dynamic when compared to culture wars defined by national identity.  相似文献   

陈元甫 《华夏考古》2007,(1):131-139
对作为吴越文化主要遗存的土墩墓的研究成果累累,对其埋葬特点、文化内涵、文化性质、时代等,学术界已墓本达成共识,但对是否存在一墩多墓的问题,意见不一。本文根据对南岗山、连山等地的考古材料分析,认为一墩多墓现象在土墩墓中的确存在。  相似文献   

This article examines the contending redefinitions of national identity in contemporary Germany's memorial culture, focusing particularly on the ensemble of monuments and parade fields known as the former Nazi Party rally grounds in Nuremberg. In a detailed case study, I analyse the recent conversion of one of the physical remnants of National Socialism – Albert Speer's transformer station – into a fast‐food restaurant and interpret this conversion as a novel contribution to the discourse on German nationhood. I argue that the provocative commercial reutilisation of the former Nazi monument gives expression to a renewed self‐confidence that Germany has gained from displaying a willingness to face up to its past as perpetrator nation. While the intervention thus deviates from the self‐indicting spirit that had been characteristic for Germany's memorial culture after World War II, an ironic note is conspicuous in this act of commemorative politics that indicates a way of dealing with the fascist legacy that is, surprisingly in some respects, superior to more conventional memory strategies.  相似文献   

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