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Mark Hunter 《对极》2011,43(4):1102-1126
Abstract: In April 2009, African National Congress leader Jacob Zuma was swept into power in South Africa's fourth democratic general election. To date, this political “Zunami” has largely been presented as either a leftist rebellion against Mbeki's neoliberalism, a reassertion of patriarchal “traditionalism”, or an example of Zulu ethnic mobilization. This article draws on a long‐term ethnographic study to provide a critical gendered perspective on Zuma's rise. It argues that Zuma resonates with many poor South Africans, including women, in part because of his ability to connect the personal and political in ways that talk to South Africa's “crisis of social reproduction”. A key point the article emphasizes—one virtually absent from contemporary discussions about Zuma—is the profound gendering of growing class divisions, specifically the way this manifests itself in huge reductions in marital rates and heightened gendered contestations.  相似文献   


Swiss missionary Henri Alexandre Junod has been widely recognised for his extensive entomological, botanical, linguistic and anthropological contributions regarding southern Africa. However, shortly after publishing his most acclaimed work, The Life of a South African Tribe, Junod wrote a little-studied novel, Zidji: étude de m?urs sud-africaines, in which he endeavoured to give a detailed portrayal of South African Society. Interestingly, he chose fiction as the best vehicle for conveying what he saw as the 'truth' of the situation. As the only novel written by Junod this is a unique piece of writing in relation to his other work and its study shows that it is essential to an understanding of Junod. In Zidji he attempts to give a complete picture of South African society at the beginning of the twentieth century by recounting a black convert's experiences of what Junod considered to be the three main influences acting upon black society of the time, that is, tribal life (paganism), the mission station (Christianity) and white society (civilisation). By considering his depiction of South Africa, in particular his presentation of 'civilisation', further light is shed on his sentiments and perspective of the missionary encounter, social change and race relations in South Africa.  相似文献   


Horses have played an important economic, military and cultural role in South African history. However, disease has always posed a threat to their survival. Horsesickness, a viral infection transmitted by midges from the genus culicoides, is endemic in much of the country but has historically assumed epizootic proportions in certain years. In the lowveld and Zululand nagana (trypanosomosis), spread by tsetse flies, has killed both horses and cattle and affected the distribution of human settlement and agricultural activities. In addition, much of South Africa is very arid, yet has rich floral taxa. Several plants, such as Senecio spp. are highly toxic to horses, but in times of drought and fodder shortages, equines are faced with the choice of starvation or potentially succumbing to toxicosis by eating poisonous weeds. This paper considers the environmental impact of these three types of horse diseases in South Africa and explores the scientific and ecological investigations undertaken since the late nineteenth century to try to control them. Research into horse diseases brought together the laboratory and the field and raised important questions about the part played by environmental factors, as opposed to just germs, in the distribution of livestock infections and the ability of farmers and scientists to tackle them effectively.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(3):363-395

This article reflects on a seminal moment within South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC): the appearance of the African Initiated Churches (AICs) before the Commission in 1997. It demonstrates how this moment brought into relief divergent contestations of the public within South African Christianity in three ways: first, by situating the TRC within the liturgical performance of a reimagined South African nationality, making it a "civic sacrament" of reconciliation; second, by highlighting the formative role churches themselves played within this liturgy, deploying theological language to create a healed, secular body politic; third, by displaying the different social imaginary of the AICs—a social imaginary which interrupted the TRC's liturgical recreation of time and space, as well as challenging the historical relations between church and state in South Africa. The paper concludes with the question posed in this "interruption," a question that challenges the broader church with regard to fulfillment of the liturgy not in the secular nation-state, but in that City which is to come.  相似文献   


This article surveys the efforts of the South African state to respond to the reconfigured world that emerged after 1945. Focussed on those years around the adoption of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), it argues that South African governments and officials were well attuned to the rising threat of human rights. Drawing on South African archives, it demonstrates that representatives of late United Party and early apartheid era governments were insightful observers of the mortal danger universal human rights posed to the racialised ideological architecture which governed essentially all of the country’s politics and society. Paradoxically, the most avowed opponents of the new crusade for universal human rights perceived its significance with equal or greater acuity than those more enthusiastic about the nascent rights order.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Development and change》1990,21(2):343-382
Book reviewed in this article: Rashid Amjad (ed.). Human Resource Planning: The Asian Experience. Richard Hosier (ed.), Energy, Environment and Development in Africa. Uppsala, Sweden: The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies in association with the Beijer Institute and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Vol. 9, Zimbabwe: Energy Planning for National Development, 1986, xii + 206pp; Vol.10, Zimbabwe: Industrial and Commercial Energy Use, 1988, 142pp; Vol. 11, Energy for Rural Development in Zimbabwe, 1988, 248pp. SEK 70/SEK 40 for Third World countries, hardback. David Burch, Overseas Aid and the Transfer of Technology. T.N. Srinivasan and Pranab K. Bardhan (eds). Rural Poverty in South Asia. John Iliffe, The African Poor: A History. E. Wayne Nafziger, Inequality in Africa: Political Elites, Proletariat, Peasants and the Poor. Randolph C. Kent, Anatomy of Disaster Relief: The International Network in Action. War Wounds: Development Costs of Conflict in Southern Sudan. Sudanese People Report on Their War. A.G.M. Ahmed and Gunnar M. Sørbo (eds), Management of the Crisis in the Sudan: Proceedings of the Bergen Forum 23–24 February 1989. Donald A. Wilwhite and William E. Easterling (eds), with Deborah A. Wood, Planning for Drought: Toward a Reduction of Societal Vulnerability. Keith McLachlan, The Neglected Garden: The Politics and Ecology of Agriculture in Iran. Philip Rallies, Modernising Hunger: Famine. Food Surplus and Farm Policy in the EEC and Africa. Roger Jeffery, The Politics of Health in India. Ben Wisner, Power and Need in Africa: Basic Human Needs and Development Policies. Herlbert Adam and Kogila Moodley, South Africa Without Apartheid: Dismantling Racial Domination. John Suckling and Landeg While (eds). After Apartheid: Renewal of the South African Economy. William Cobbett and Robin Cohen (eds), Popular Struggles in South Africa: Review of African Political Economy. Ann Seidman, The Roots of Crisis in Southern Africa. Peler H. Katjavivi, A History of Resistance in Namibia. Irene Silverblatt, Moon, Sun and Witches. Gender Ideologies and Class in Inca and Colonial Peru. David Rock, Argentina 1516–1987: From Spanish Colonization to Alfonsin. Barry Ames, Political Survival. Politicians and Public Policy in Latin America. Abel Aganbegyan, The Challenge: Economics of Perestroika. Ronaldo Munck, The New International Labour Studies. An Introduction.  相似文献   


Any analysis of South African gendered performances, identities and inequalities confront past and present experiences of and struggles with race, colonialism, post-colonial development and sexuality. These tensions shape gendered geographical work, highlighting the importance of histories of race, class, and sexuality, as well as the ways in which gender itself can be approached as an analytical category and epistemic framing in South Africa. In this paper we focus on two avenues that have engaged scholars since the end of apartheid, namely: gender and development; and gender and geographies of sexualities. The former articulates the particular ways that the historical spatially exclusionary trajectory of the country has impacted especially on women and their ability to engage with state and national building projects post-apartheid. The latter explores how South African geographies (despite the country’s progressive post-apartheid constitution with regard to LGBT rights) continue to reflect and (at times) enable spatial segregation and inequalities related to gender. A key strength of research in South African gender scholarship is that it complicates and challenges how we might approach gender and gender-based inequalities, and the diverse ways in which gender categories and framings can be imagined, deployed and troubled in post-colonial states and cities.  相似文献   

Public awareness of the African theatre in the Great War stems largely from C. S. Forester’s 1935 novel The African Queen, and its subsequent 1951 film adaptation. Long thought to have been inspired by British activities on Lake Tanganyika, Forester’s novel more closely resembles events in Cameroon where German missionary Alphons Hermann attempted to sink HMS Dwarf using homemade torpedoes.  相似文献   


South African artist Laurence Vincent Scully’s 1973 painting, Madonna and Child of Soweto, offers an analytical tool for understanding the capacity of public religion to advance black life. The author argues that this image censures apartheid violence against black persons and reimagines a just sociality by displaying sacred, black motherhood and infancy in the figures Mary and Jesus. Their temporality and corporeality, when analyzed with a queer womanist method, gestate sacred public religion that exceeds both the apartheid governance of the past and also the secular, post-apartheid democracy of today.  相似文献   

Jell, P.A., 2013. Placocystella in the Early Devonian (Lochkovian) of central Victoria. Alcheringa, 567–569. ISSN 0311–5518.

The South African allanicytidiid mitrate carpoid Placocystella africana (Reed) is recorded for the first time from Australasia having been collected from a Lochkovian bed of the Humevale Formation at Mooroolbark in eastern Melbourne. The Southern Hemisphere Allanicytidiidae incorporating five monospecific genera in Brazil, South Africa, Tasmania, Victoria and New Zealand is now known to have a species in common between South Africa and Victoria. The previously suggested synonymy of these five is revised to accept Placocystella, Tasmanicytidium, Allanicytidium and Australocystis (but not Notocarpos) as synonymous so that the family contains Placocystella with four species and monospecific Notocarpos.

Peter A. Jell [p.jell@uq.edu.au], School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia Queensland 4072, Australia. Received 10.4.2013; revised 6.6.2013; accepted 17.6.2013.  相似文献   

Leo Fouché, the first Professor of History at Pretoria University, was the surprise choice to replace W.M. Macmillan, the first Professor of History at Wits University, following his resignation in 1933. Fouché served at Wits from 1934 to 1942, departing to take up the post of chairman of the South African Broadcasting Corporation. His tenure at both Pretoria and Wits was assessed negatively in the official histories of the two universities. In Ad Destinatum: Gedenkboek van die Universiteit van Pretoria 1910–1960, A.N. Pelzer ignored Fouché’s major contribution in building up history at Pretoria and focussed instead on his failure to serve the Afrikaans movement. In Wits: The Early Years, B.K. Murray represented the conservative Fouché as a major disappointment, both as a researcher and as a teacher, following his productive and progressive-minded predecessor. In this article, an attempt is made to present a more detailed and rounded assessment of his tenure at Wits. While he published little, and his syllabus changes, with their narrow focus on white South African history, did not outlast him, his tenure was generally a positive one for the Department of History. Student numbers grew substantially, an additional staff post was secured, and postgraduate research was actively promoted. Three of his postgraduate students went on to distinguished academic careers in history.  相似文献   

This article examines attempts to negotiate a perceived residual dominance of settler populations in South Africa and Zimbabwe by means of developmental and cultural policies deemed necessary to restore sovereignty to Africans. Indigenisation has become a preferred strategy for reconstructing post-colonial states in Africa: indigenisation of the economy as part of a Third Chimurenga in Zimbabwe and Black Economic Empowerment in the socio-cultural context of Ubuntu in South Africa. These are issues arising from the regional legacy of contested and uneven transitions to majority rule. Identifying how governments frame the ‘settler problem’, and politicise space in doing so, is crucial for understanding post-colonial politics. Indigenisation in Zimbabwe allows the government to maintain a network of patronage and official rhetoric is highly divisive and exclusivist although couched in terms of reclaiming African values and sovereignty. Revival of Ubuntu as a cultural value system in South Africa facilitates a more positive approach to indigenisation, although Black Economic Empowerment displays elitist tendencies and cultural transformation remains controversial and elusive. The perceived need to anchor policy in socially acceptable (i.e., ostensibly indigenous/traditional) contexts has become a prominent feature of post-colonial politics and is indicative of an indigenous turn in Southern African politics.  相似文献   

During the Great War the sinking of the British liner Lusitania by a German submarine off the Irish coast on 7 May 1915, with the loss of 1198 lives, evoked a strong popular reaction throughout the English-peaking world, and included violent outbursts against Germans in many urban centres of the British Empire. In South Africa these riots resulted in great damage to property and pressure on the Union government to enforce harsh restrictions on enemy subjects and businesses. This is an account of the riots and their consequences in Pietermaritzburg, Natal, one of the most ‘British’ of South African cities.  相似文献   


This article examines the South African Islamic anti-apartheid organisation, the Call of Islam, in order to understand how progressive South African ‘ulama navigated the contested territory of Islam through an interpretation of the Qur'an that demanded a Muslim alliance with the oppressed in the anti-apartheid struggle and a South African Islam. The emergence of the United Democratic Front (UDF) in 1983 in reaction to the apartheid government's Tricameral Parliament created a space in which South African Muslims could enter the national anti-apartheid struggle according to their religious rather than ethnic identity. To illustrate the historical development of the Call of Islam and its affiliation with the UDF, the article will first outline the formation of the UDF in the Western Cape, the geographical area with the largest concentration of Muslims in South Africa. The focus will then turn to the impact of the UDF on the Cape's Muslim community, particularly the divide that developed amongst its ‘ulama over the stance of Muslim participation in the anti-apartheid struggle. The following section will analyse the emergence of the Call and how the questions of its founders concerning the religious Other led to an examination of Islam in its South African context. The final section will then look at the sources that the Call used to show it was indeed because of their South African Islam that they affiliated with the UDF and the oppressed.  相似文献   


In this article, I explore the intersection of photography and contemporary urban topographies in the production of queer identity in post-apartheid South Africa. To do so I examine Thebeautifulonesarehere, a contemporary photo-collage portrait series by Kelebogile Ntladi, which attempts to queer representations of South African cityscapes to reveal the entrenched homophobia and the systematic rejection of queer subjects. Ntladi, inspired by their own experiences of counter-normativity and the omnipresent threat of violence they face as a result, took to the streets to walk through their home city of Johannesburg to photograph the urban and cultural landscape; these photographic prints were then used as the building blocks in the assembly and fabrication of imagined spaces in which they and their fellow queer citizens would be able to live without fear of violence, where they could move freely and without repercussion. Using the trope of the flâneur as a starting point, I draw on Walter Benjamin’s paradoxical experience of Paris: his writing of Paris as the ‘capital of the nineteenth century’ and ‘the promised land’ of the flâneur exists in stark juxtaposition with his own complex experience of anxiety, dislocation and impending doom while living in the city while in exile during World War II. Ntladi’s personal experience of post-1994 Johannesburg echoes the paradoxical experience.  相似文献   


Two new, subcomplete forewings belonging to the ‘triassolestid assemblage’, a group of Triassic stem-relatives of dragon- and damselflies (Odonata), are described. One, recovered from Australia (Aranbanga Volcanic Group), belongs to Mesophlebia antinodalis Tillyard, 1916, previously documented on the basis of two very incomplete wings. The other, recovered from South Africa (Molteno Formation), is assigned to a new species, Mesophlebia elegans sp. nov. The new data allow a reconsideration of the diagnosis of the genus Mesophlebia Tillyard, 1916 and a re-instatement of the family Mesophlebiidae Tillyard, 1916. Notably, the new specimens possess, near the wing base, a posterior lobe absent in most ‘triassolestid’ genera, but present in crown-Odonata and a number of their stem-relatives. Lobodonata tax. nov. is erected to accommodate odonates possessing this lobe. The nature of the ‘vein-like’ element anteriorly delimiting this lobe is discussed. We submit that it might have been initially composed of an invagination of the posterior wing-margin (‘fibula’), which was later captured by AA, imposing its course on CuP.

Ayla Tierney [], Queensland Museum, PO Box 3300, South Brisbane BC, Queensland 4101, Australia; Isabelle Deregnaucourt [], Sorbonne Université, MNHN, CNRS, Centre de recherche sur la paléontologie – Paris (CR2P), 57 rue Cuvier, CP38, F-75005 Paris, France; John M. Anderson [], Evolutionary Studies Institute, Witwatersrand University, 1 Jan Smuts Ave., Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2000, South Africa; Paul Tierney [], Queensland Museum, PO Box 3300, South Brisbane BC, Queensland 4101, Australia; Torsten Wappler [], Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Friedensplatz 1, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany; Olivier Béthoux [], Sorbonne Université, MNHN, CNRS, Centre de recherche sur la paléontologie – Paris (CR2P), 57 rue Cuvier, CP38, F-75005 Paris, France.  相似文献   

China's Economic and Political Penetration in Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A senior American specialist on China and noted geographer presents a study of that country's economic and political penetration into the African continent. The author identifies three key elements of China's objectives and plan, namely (1) support for Chinese policies in international affairs, particularly with regard to Taiwan, (2) search for oil and other mineral resources, and (3) creation of a new market for Chinese goods and services in tandem with additional jobs in China. The paper includes four case studies highlighting economic activities stimulated by Chinese loans and investments in the Republic of South Africa, Egypt, Sudan, and Angola. Considerable attention is devoted to oil imports, exports of cheap consumer goods, and construction and repair of infrastructure by Chinese technicians and laborers, as well as the competition between Chinese imports and host-country manufacturing and the PRC's diplomatic support of rogue African nations. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: F020, F210, F350, F540. 11 figures, 1 table, 47 references.  相似文献   

In The Deaths of Hintsa: Postapartheid South Africa and the Shape of Recurring Pasts, Premesh Lalu claims to offer a critique of apartheid's colonial past. Emblematic of this colonial past is the 1835 killing and mutilation of the Xhosa king Hintsa. Lalu uses this violent event to argue against the evidence provided by the colonial archives. He argues that the killing of Hintsa was not an empirical fact but a product of the colonial imagination. The review argues that although the critique of apartheid's colonial past is timely, the book is not about Hintsa and does not therefore offer an alternative narrative of the death of the Xhosa king.  相似文献   

Book reviews     

Jonathan Derrick, Africa's ‘Agitators’: Militant Anti-Colonialism in Africa and the West, 1918–1939

Richard T. Reid, A History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the Present

Leo Zeilig, Patrice Lumumba: Africa's Lost Leader

Jay Straker, Youth, Nationalism and the Guinean Revolution

Philip Bonner, Amanda Esterhuysen and Trevor Jenkins (eds.), A Search for Origins: Science, History and South Africa's Cradle of Humankind

Pippa Green, Choice, not Fate. The Life and Times of Trevor Manuel

Peter Limb, Nelson Mandela. A Biography

Richard Calland, Anatomy of South Africa: Who Holds the Power?

Peter Harris, In a Different Time: The Inside Story of the Delmas Four

Zarina Maharaj, Dancing to a Different Rhythm: A Memoir

Peter Joyce, The Making of a Nation: South Africa's Road to Freedom

Richard Mendelsohn and Milton Shain, The Jews in South Africa: An Illustrated History

Paul Deléage, End of a Dynasty: The Last Days of the Prince Imperial, Zululand 1879

R. W. Johnson, South Africa's Brave New World: The Beloved Country since the End of Apartheid

Karen E. Flint, Healing Traditions: African Medicine, Cultural Exchange, and Competition in South Africa, 18201948

Gerald M. Oppenheimer and Ronald Bayer, Shattered Dreams? An Oral History of the South African AIDS Epidemic

Markku Hokkanen, Medicine and Scottish Missionaries in the Northern Malawi Region, 18751930: Quests for Health in a Colonial Society

Stephens Phatlane, Poverty, Medicine and Disease in South Africa: The Era of High Apartheid, 19481976

Y. G.-M. Lulat, United States Relations with South Africa. A Critical Overview from the Colonial Period to the Present

Celestine J. Pretorius (ed.), Op Trek: Die Daaglikse Lewe Tydens die Groot Trek  相似文献   


South Africa's railway and harbours operator (SAR&;H) was the arch promoter of overseas tourism to South Africa for thirty years after Union in 1910. To its package tours for independent inbound tourists, the SAR&;H added exclusive port-to-port rail trips across South Africa by partnering with overseas cruise ship operators. Whereas the European market was a mainstay, the more distant North American market only became accessible in relation to lengthy round-the-world cruises. Between 1926 and 1939 approximately fifty long-distance luxury trains met thirty-one cruise liners to transport some 5,000 wealthy tourists through various inland scenic, cultural and wildlife attractions in southern Africa. Port calls by visiting cruise liners created their own spectacle and stir. Eventually more cruise passengers elected to stay on board ship at the end of long ocean voyages, elite visitors took cross-country flights to increase the novelty of travel, and this first period of South African sea-rail tourism came to a close.  相似文献   

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