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王秋萍 《民俗研究》2006,(3):188-194
关于《聊斋志异》的创作动机,历来的研究者都有着比较一致的看法,即认为《聊斋志异》是蒲松龄在科举失败后,为了寄托孤愤而写作的泄愤之辞。但是《聊斋志异》素材的民间来源,《聊斋志异》与民间审美、民间叙事的种种割不断的联系,也是不容抹杀的事实。《聊斋志异》故事中的人物往往具有民间审美趣味,人物身上很少有庙堂之气,多了民间凡尘的世俗味,他们都是凡夫俗子,“引车卖浆者流”。就连具有神奇法力的妖魅鬼怪们,也没有神圣的光环,他们也同样要食人间烟火,与普通人相差无几。因此,《聊斋志异》的叙事贴近民间生活,全书充满着价值取向趋于…  相似文献   

杜正贞 《民俗研究》2009,(2):109-119
祈梦风俗的出现,既继承了古老的梦占传统,又是北宋以后科举制度日益重要、竞争日益激烈的产物。杭州于祠祈梦风俗的流行,伴随着于谦从一个真实的历史人物被逐步神化的过程。在这个过程中,于谦与“梦”之间的故事,也被一层层地附会到于谦的传说中。《于少保萃忠全传》和《西湖佳话》等小说的流传,在于祠祈梦风俗的流行中起到了至关重要的作用。士人、官员是这一习俗最早的发起人和最主要的参与者,但晚明以后,商人、市民的加入,也使于祠祈梦的习俗和故事更加普遍化、多样化。  相似文献   

在日本猫与人有关联的民间故事,通过分析可找到三种类型,而产生这三种类型民间故事的原因与家猫的作用、作为食肉野猫的本性和家猫身上残留的野性及“猫又”传说有很大关系。在日本民间故事中,猫还有一个特性,就是常常与女性相关联。  相似文献   

Rachael Pymm 《Folklore》2013,124(4):397-405
Distinctive accounts of the origin of snakestone beads occur in the folklore of Britain. The beads, usually formed of glass, were believed to be generated by the action of a knot of living snakes. This work considers snakestone bead folklore and explores when it may have developed—evaluating theories ranging from direct descent from the first century ad to early modern reinvention. Accounts of the creation of the snakestone bead from Scotland, Cornwall, and Wales are examined and compared, resulting in the identification of features unique to the folklore of each region.  相似文献   

在我们周围被发现的、令人尴尬的智力差异背后有一种黑格尔主义的残余,它依然在强迫我们去探索某种潜在的整一性或单一的时代精神.这种倾向在近年来没有其他地方比试图从大量的、非常独特的智力条件中,"发现"(创造)某种单一的结构主义方面更为明显.为了界定某个"结构主义者"的研究领域,人们可以引证许多这样的尝试,但在民俗学界早期努力创造的广义方法论中,最值得注意的可能是阿兰·邓迪斯的方法论.他在1964年的<北美印第安人民间故事形态>一文中,提出了对结构主义的早期看法,赋予了弗拉迪米尔·普洛普、克劳德·列维-斯特劳斯及其追随者的著作以"结构"的特征,并将它们与不同学科门类的广泛领域联系起来:  相似文献   

边缘人 《民俗研究》2000,(3):166-168
中国传统文化是由上、中、下三层文化构成的。所谓上层文化是指居于社会上层的知识分子创造的高雅文化;所谓中层文化是指知识分子创造的通俗文化;所谓下层文化是指处于社会下层的广大民众创造的民间文化。前二种文化主要是以书面的形式流传于世;后一种文化则以口传的方式流传于民众之中。民间故事就是后一种下层文化(一日民间文化)中流传广泛、生命力旺盛的一种形式。  相似文献   

《阅微草堂笔记》中记载了众多的轮回故事.死亡意味着遗忘前生,但《阅微草堂笔记》中的轮回者往往能清晰地记得前生.纪昀如此刻画轮回故事,和他坚持有限视角的叙述方式有关,也和他坚持“寓劝戒”的创作宗旨有关.既要用现实生活中并不存在的轮回故事导人向善,又坚持不能虚构,纪昀只能记载另类的轮回故事.  相似文献   

海门通东地区的民间美术具有质朴、敦厚的特色,富有乡土情味。通东的民间绘画、雕刻、建筑装饰、刻纸、彩灯、竹编等民间美术融汇于人们日常生活、生产的各个领域,具有实用和审美的双重特点。  相似文献   

The modern nation resides, literally and symbolically, in the bodies of its citizenry. These bodies in turn constitute the national body politic. The female embodiment of the nation is frequently the ground on which the two bodies intersect. This essay explores this intersection through the analytic of the ‘somatics of nationalism’, with examples drawn from Tamil-speaking India in this century. Through an analysis of how images of the shared womb, blood, milk, and tears of the female embodiment of the nation were circulated by nationalist narratives, the author suggests that these were somatic building blocks with which the nation and its constituency were constructed in southern India. In turn, Tamil citizens were called upon to demonstrate their loyalty by putting their own bodies on line, shedding their own blood and that of their enemies, for the sake of the embodied nation. Nations and citizen-patriots may relate to each other politically, materially and emotionally, but they also do so somatically.  相似文献   

By following and connecting certain well-trodden routes through constructions of childhood, it is possible to arrive at a point at which the 'natural' gender of childhood is apparently male. This is indicated by the fact that girls are often termed 'tomboys' in both popular and lay discourses, even when they are partaking in what are seen to be the purest, most ideal childhoods which are present in notions of country childhood idylls. Children, nature, and the countryside as surrogate nature, are all seen as innocent, and thus notions of idyllic 'natural' country childhoods become a powerful force. Heavily influenced by romantic constructions of, and connections between, childhood, nature and the countryside, such views, it will be shown, leave little space for girl children to adopt female identities. The author suggests that this ideal association of male children and nature, and the accompanying notion that it is the development of female sexuality which in particular marks a departure from the natural state of childhood, and thus ends childhood, merits consideration. This is particularly so in the contexts of various discourses, such as romanticism, feminism and ecofeminism, which have explored links between the female and the natural. The aim is not to challenge these constructions and theorisations of gender and nature directly, but rather to show how the introduction of the notion of childhood might cross-cut, problematise and even illuminate them to some degree.  相似文献   

务川、道真仡佬族民间雕刻有着广泛的存在,图案丰富,线条流畅,造型饱满,表达了仡佬族民族审美理想和民俗文化心理,承载着丰厚的民族文化内涵,具有深厚的民族文化价值。  相似文献   

In this article, I investigate the surge of scholarly interest in Ottoman minorities since 1980s - a surge that acts in defense of a national culture. What distinguishes the nationalist-cum-Ottomanist historiography of the Turkish historians under study here is the heavy emphasis on notions of tolerance and multiculturalism with direct reference to the imperial era of 15th and 17th centuries. This emerging discourse has been striving to rebut the Orientalist stigmas attributed to Turkish-Ottoman culture and civilization—such as barbaric, despotic and authoritarian—and construct its own tolerant and multicultural historical imagery. Drawing upon the urgent lessons of postcolonial experience, theory and history, I analyze the pitfalls of uncritically clinging to such an imaginary. The emergence of this new Turkish-Ottoman imaginary and its discourse of a Turkish nativism and Occidentalism that emphasizes minority rights, tolerance and the harmonious coexistence of a plurality remains an under-explored territory for postcolonial criticism. The analysis of nostalgic Ottoman literature can illuminate how the ‘Occident/Western’ and ‘Oriental/Derivative’ (i.e. the Ottoman and Turkish) formations of the national imaginary are constructed, remembered and contested in the contemporary global order.  相似文献   

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