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In 2004 the remains of a logboat were discovered in Degersee, a small lake near Lake Constance, southern Germany. Dating to the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC, it is an important find from a period with scarce archaeological evidence and only a few previously-known logboats. The vessel was situated in lake sediment and documented in situ . Our investigations can be linked to palaeo-environmental studies carried out at Degersee and adjacent lakes, and to palaeo-climatic research in the northern Alpine region. After investigation by underwater archaeologists the boat was moved to a sheltered place in deeper water.
© 2008 The Author  相似文献   

艾露露 《收藏家》2008,(9):59-60
青铜是指红铜(纯铜)与锡或铅等元素的合金,因表面色泽黄中泛白,略显青色而得名。青铜的熔点比红铜低,而硬度却比红铜高,所以具有较强的可塑性与较高的耐用性,适合于铸造各种器具。  相似文献   


The excavation of the Early Bronze Age village at Tufariello (Buccinno) in southern Italy represents a major archaeological advance in a little-known period of Italian prehistory in this region. The emphasis of the following report is in the integration of archaeological material, especially the statistical study of abundant pottery material from three distinct stratigraphic phases of the site, and the discussion of the unexpected rectangularly planned buildings of the site, with reports on evidence of flora and fauna. The result is the first synthetic view of the life of a southern Italian community of the end of the third millennium B.C.

The excavation has been the most recent phase of the exploration of this area undertaken since 1968 by Brown University in collaboration with the Superintendency of Antiquities of Salerno. This report is made up of the following sections.

<list list-type="order"><list-item>

Introduction and Stratigraphy by R. Ross Holloway</list-item><list-item>

Architecture by Ned P. Nabers</list-item><list-item>

Pottery by Susan Snow Lukesh</list-item><list-item>

Stock Economy by Graeme Barker</list-item><list-item>

Stone and Bone Objects by Nicholas B. Hartmann</list-item><list-item>

Pottery Manufacture by Ethel R. Eaton</list-item><list-item>

Metal Tools by Hugh McKerrell and Ethel R. Eaton</list-item><list-item>

Vegetal Remains by William LaCroix Phippen</list-item><list-item>

Preliminary Geological Note by Giuseppe Leuci</list-item></list>  相似文献   

The excavations of R. Amiran and A. Eitan at the site of Tel Nagila are best known for the Middle Bronze Age remains exposed at the site. Yet Early Bronze remains were sporadically excavated in restricted locations where the excavators deepened their investigations below Middle Bronze strata. As such, a study of the albeit limited EB remains furnishes us with an opportunity to provide a more complete settlement history of the site, as well as a limited view of ceramic tradition that was common at the site. The following paper will present the stratigraphic and ceramic information available, and suggests a rather early date within Early Bronze III of the remains, as well as evidence for Early Bronze Age I occupation of the site.  相似文献   

2006年,在本溪县新城子村发掘了16座盖石石棺墓。墓室均以石块或石板垒砌,墓顶盖石为整块大石板。墓中未见人骨,仅1座出有人牙。各墓随葬品均较少,种类有陶壶、罐及石斧、铲、纺轮等。这类墓葬属于广义的石棚类遗存,年代大体为西周晚期至春秋时期。同类遗存广泛分布于辽东北部地区。  相似文献   

陈文 《华夏考古》2002,(3):73-77
早在 2 0世纪 2 0年代 ,香港地区就有了考古活动。 2 0世纪 70年代 ,特别是 80年代以来 ,为了配合工程建设 ,香港地区进行了大量的考古工作 ,迄今为止 ,发现认为是青铜时代的遗址达 2 6处① ,石刻数处。目前已有条件对香港青铜时代及其遗存作一初步探索。一、香港青铜时代的确认在学术界 ,对香港青铜时代这一基本问题有不同的看法。这些看法是在一些文章中顺带提出来的。大多数学者认为香港的史前人们经历过这个时代② ;也有学者认为香港为青铜文明的边缘地带 ,迄今为止未发现过本地区特征性的青铜器 ,因而是否经历过青铜时代还有待深入的探…  相似文献   

This study presents the results of a series of wool measurements from Bronze Age and Iron Age skins and textiles from Hallstatt, and Bronze Age textiles from Scandinavia and the Balkans. A new method of classification that was set up and applied on mostly mineralised Iron Age material has now been applied to a large body of non-mineralised material from the Bronze and Iron Ages. Three types of microscopes were used and their advantages and disadvantages assessed. The results of the investigation cast new light on sheep breeding and fibre processing in prehistoric Europe, and suggest that different sheep breeds existed in Bronze Age Europe.  相似文献   


The Middle Bronze Age is a period of urban rebirth, with one of its hallmarks being massive earthworks surrounding cities. These structures have been studied extensively, with traditional interpretations of their function revolving around defensive aspects. However several scholars have called into question the validity of these interpretations, offering alternative explanations revolving around more “social” reasons. The present paper suggests that while the structures were constructed for protecting the city and its inhabitants, this only strengthens its “social” symbolism. Of major importance to its symbolism is the effect the ramparts had on the landscape, altering it permanently, and giving an impression of controlling the landscape.  相似文献   

Tell es-Safi/Gath is a multi-period site located on the border between the Judean foothills (Shephelah) and the southern coastal plain in central Israel, which has been subject to survey and excavations over the last two decades. Excavations by Bliss and Macalister in 1899 exposed a fortification system which was dated to the “Jewish period”. In this paper, we present updated data on these fortifications which have led to fresh insights. In two separate excavation areas, we excavated portions of the fortification system that surrounded the site which can now be dated to the EB III of the southern Levant. The EB fortification system influenced the location of later fortifications at the site. The nature of the construction techniques of these fortifications and the character of the settlement which they surrounded suggest that Tell es-Safi/Gath was a major regional urban centre during the EB III and was governed by a centralised administrative hierarchy.  相似文献   

2010年7月至9月,多家单位联合对偏堡子遗址进行了主动发掘。在遗址第Ⅱ发掘区清理了青铜时代墓葬6座,出土陶器12件,同时发掘了灰沟、灰坑若干,出土了陶器、骨器、石器等。这批材料具有高台山文化和新乐上层文化的因素,同时又有较强的地域性和时代性,为研究本地青铜时代的文化面貌提供了新的材料。  相似文献   


We investigate intrasite patterns of artifacts and floral and faunal data to interpret household and community behavior at the Middle Cypriot (Bronze Age) village of Politiko-Troullia in the foothills of the Troodos Mountains, Cyprus. Floral evidence indicates cultivation of orchard crops (e.g., olive and grape), as well as the persistence of woodlands that provided wood for fuel. Animal management combined herding of domesticated sheep, goat, pig, and cattle with the hunting of Mesopotamian fallow deer. Metallurgical evidence points to the production of utilitarian copper tools in household workshops. Group activities are reflected by the deposition of anthropomorphic figurines, spinning and weaving equipment, and deer bones in an open courtyard setting. In sum, Politiko-Troullia exemplifies a diversified agrarian economy on a distinctly anthropogenic landscape that fostered the development of household and supra-household social differentiation in pre-urban Bronze Age Cyprus.  相似文献   

张昌平 《南方文物》2007,(4):102-108
新干大洋洲铜器群的年代问题曾经引起学术界的热烈讨论,其中歧说多集中在青铜容器的年代上。虽然有学者已经指出大洋洲铜器"既没有商代前期晚段的二里岗上层期的铜器,也没有商代后期殷墟二期以后的铜器",但大多数学者仍然认为大洋洲青铜容器的年代属于年代跨度较大的不同时期,其主体年代属于殷墟文化第一期和以妇好墓为代表的殷墟文化第二期。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the influences on the survival of Bronze Age round barrows in two regions of southern Britain, the Upper Thames Valley and the Stonehenge Environs. It is clear that persistent arable farming in the medieval period had a highly destructive effect on these burial mounds. This can be seen despite later agricultural activity. Other factors such as the type of barrows can also be important factors in the survival and destruction of these burial mounds. Nevertheless, when analysing the distribution of these Bronze Age monuments, later historic land use must be considered as well as the contemporary prehistoric landscape.  相似文献   

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