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Among hydrogeological processes, free convection in faults has been cited as a possible cause of gold mineralization along major fault zones. Here, we investigate the effects of free convection to determine whether it can cause giant orogenic gold deposits and their regular spatial distribution along major fault/shear zones. The approach comprises: (i) coupled two- and three-dimensional numerical heat- and fluid-flow simulations of simplified geological models; and (ii) calculation of the rock alteration index (RAI) to delineate regions where precipitation/dissolution can occur. Then, comparing the deduced alteration patterns with temperature distribution, potential areas of gold mineralization, defined by T  > 200°C and RAI < 0, are predicted. The models are based on the orogenic Paleoproterozoic ore deposits of the Ashanti belt in western Africa. These deposits occur in the most permeable parts of the fault zone, where the lateral permeability contrast is the highest. For a simple geometry, with a fault zone adjacent to a sedimentary basin half as permeable, we note a transition from three-dimensional circulation within the fault to a two-dimensional convective pattern in the basin far from the fault. Moreover, whereas two-dimensional undulated isotherms dominate in the basin, three-dimensional corrugated isotherms result from the preferred convective pattern within the fault, thus enhancing a periodic distribution of thermal highs and lows. In our most elaborate three-dimensional model with an imposed lateral permeability gradient, the RAI distribution indicates that fluid circulation in fault zones gives rise to a spatial periodicity of alteration patterns consistent with field data.  相似文献   

The petroleum industry uses subsurface flow models for two principal purposes: to model the flow of hydrocarbons into traps over geological time, and to simulate the production of hydrocarbon from reservoirs over periods of decades or less. Faults, which are three-dimensional volumes, are approximated in both modelling applications as planar membranes onto which predictions of the most important fault-related flow properties are mapped. Faults in porous clastic reservoirs are generally baffles or barriers to flow and the relevant flow properties are therefore very different to those which are important in conductive fracture flow systems. A critical review and discussion is offered on the work-flows used to predict and model capillary threshold pressure for exploration fault seal analysis and fault transmissibility multipliers for production simulation, and of the data from which the predictions derive. New flow simulation models confirm that failure of intra-reservoir sealing faults can occur during a reservoir depressurization via a water-drive mechanism, but contrary to anecdotal reports, published examples of production-induced seal failure are elusive. Ignoring the three-dimensional structure of fault zones can sometimes have a significant influence on production-related flow, and a series of models illustrating flow associated with relay zones are discussed.  相似文献   

Deformation and focused fluid flow within a mineralized system are critical in the genesis of hydrothermal ore deposits. Dilation and integrated fluid flux due to coupled deformation and fluid flow in simple strike–slip fault geometries were examined using finite difference analysis in three dimensions. A series of generic fault bend and fault jog geometries consistent with those seen in the western Mount Isa Inlier were modelled in order to understand how fault geometry parameters influence the dilation and integrated fluid flux. Fault dip, fault width, bend/jog angle, and length were varied, and a cross-cutting fault and contrasting rock types were included. The results demonstrate that low fault dips, the presence of contrasts in rock type, and wide faults produce highest dilation and integrated fluid flux values. Increasing fault bend lengths and angles increases dilation and integrated fluid flux, but increasing fault jog length or angle has the opposite effect. There is minimal difference between the outputs from the releasing and restraining fault bend and jog geometries. Model characteristics producing greater fluid flows and/or gradients can be used in a predictive capacity in order to focus exploration on regions with more favorable fault geometries, provided that the mineralized rocks had Mohr–Coulomb rheologies similar to the ones used in the models.  相似文献   

This special issue on the numerical modeling of hydrothermal fluids is an outgrowth of a thematic session convened at the 2007 Geological Society of America meeting in Denver. Here we briefly review some of the previous research into numerical modeling of hydrothermal fluids and summarize the contributions in this special issue. We find that despite decades of progress, there is still great untapped potential for providing insights into the behavior of hydrothermal fluids by numerical modeling.  相似文献   

J. P. FAIRLEY 《Geofluids》2009,9(2):153-166
Previous studies have shown that most hydrothermal systems discharging at the land surface are associated with faulting, and that the location, temperature and rate of discharge of these systems are controlled by the geometry and style of the controlling fault(s). Unfortunately, the transport of heat and fluid in fault-controlled hydrothermal systems is difficult to model realistically; although heterogeneity and anisotropy are assumed to place important controls on flow in faults, few data or observations are available to constrain the distribution of hydraulic properties within active faults. Here, analytical and numerical models are combined with geostatistical models of spatially varying hydraulic properties to model the flow of heat and fluid in the Borax Lake fault of south-east Oregon, USA. A geometric mean permeability within the fault of 7 × 10−14 m2 with 2× vertical/horizontal anisotropy in correlation length scale is shown to give the closest match to field observations. Furthermore, the simulations demonstrate that continuity of flow paths is an important factor in reproducing the observed behavior. In addition to providing some insight into possible spatial distributions of hydraulic properties at the Borax Lake site, the study highlights one potential avenue for integrating field observations with simulation results in order to gain greater understanding of fluid flow in faults and fault-controlled hydrothermal and petroleum reservoirs.  相似文献   

We present the results of simple numerical experiments in which we study the evolution with time of fluid flow around and within a permeable fault embedded in a less permeable porous medium. Fluid movement is driven by an imposed vertical pressure gradient. The results show that fluid flow is controlled by two timescales: τf = Sl2/κF and τF = Sl2/κM, where S is the specific storage of the porous material, l the length of the fault, and κM and κF are the hydraulic conductivities of the porous material and the fault, respectively. Fluid flow and the associated fluid pressure field evolve through three temporal stages: an early phase [t < τf] during which the initial fluid pressure gradient within the fault is relaxed; a second transient stage [τf < t < τF] when fluid is rapidly expelled at one end of the fault and extracted from the surrounding rocks at the other end leading to a reduction in the pressure gradient in the intact rock; a third phase [t < τF] characterized by a steady‐state flow. From the numerical experiments we derive an expression for the steady‐state maximum fluid velocity in the fault and the values of the two timescales, τf and τF. A comparison indicates excellent agreement of our results with existing asymptotic solutions. For km‐scale faults, the model results suggest that steady‐state is unlikely to be reached over geological timescales. Thus, the current use of parameters such as the focusing ratio defined under the assumption of steady‐state conditions should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The Seferihisar–Balçova Geothermal system (SBG) is characterized by complex temperature and hydrochemical anomalies. Previous geophysical and hydrochemical investigations suggest that hydrothermal convection in the faulted areas of the SBG and recharge flow from the Horst may be responsible for the observed patterns. A numerical model of coupled fluid flow and heat transport processes has been built in order to study the possible fluid dynamics of deep geothermal groundwater flow in the SBG. The results support the hypothesis derived from interpreted data. The simulated scenarios provide a better understanding of the geophysical conditions under which the different fluid dynamics develop. When recharge processes are weak, the convective patterns in the faults can expand to surrounding reservoir units or below the seafloor. These fault‐induced drag forces can cause natural seawater intrusion. In the Melange of the Seferihisar Horst, the regional flow is modified by buoyant‐driven flow focused in the series of vertical faults. As a result, the main groundwater divide can shift. Sealing caprocks prevent fault‐induced cells from being overwhelmed by vigorous regional flow. In this case, over‐pressured, blind geothermal reservoirs form below the caprocks. Transient results showed that the front of rising hot waters in faults is unstable: the tip of the hydrothermal plumes can split and lead to periodical temperature oscillations. This phenomenon known as Taylor–Saffman fingering has been described in mid‐ocean ridge hydrothermal systems. Our findings suggest that this type of thermal pulsing can also develop in active, faulted geothermal systems. To some extent, the role of an impervious fault core on the flow patterns has been investigated. Although it is not possible to reproduce basin‐scale transport processes, this first attempt to model deep groundwater geothermal flow in the SBG qualitatively supported the interpreted data and described the different fluid dynamics of the basin. Geofluids (2010) 10 , 388–405  相似文献   

We consider the case of an isothermal, fluid‐saturated, homogeneous rock layer with transverse fluid flow driven by an imposed constant fluid pressure gradient. A rupture in the centre of the rock layer generates a highly permeable fault and results in a change of the initially homogeneous permeability distribution. This leads to a perturbation of the fluid flow field and its gradual transition to a new steady‐state corresponding to the new permeability distribution. An examination of this transitional process permits us to obtain an analytical estimation of the transition stage duration. The application of the results obtained to km‐scale faults in crystalline rock bodies leads to the conclusion that the evolution of the fluid velocity field is rather rapid compared with geological timescales.  相似文献   

T. DRIESNER 《Geofluids》2010,10(1-2):132-141
While the fundamental influence of fluid properties on venting temperatures in mid-ocean ridge (MOR) hydrothermal systems is now well established, the potential interplay of fluid properties with permeability in controlling heat transfer, venting temperatures, and venting salinities has so far received little attention. A series of numerical simulations of fully transient fluid flow in a generic, across-axis model of a MOR with a heat input equivalent to magmatic supply at a spreading rate of 10 cm year−1 shows a strong dependence of venting temperature and salinity on the system's permeability. At high permeability, venting temperatures are low because fluid fluxes are so high that the basal conductive heating cannot warm the large fluid masses rapidly enough. The highest venting temperature around 400°C as well as sub-seafloor fluid phase separation occur when the permeability is just high enough that the fluid flux can still accommodate all heat input for advection, or for lower permeabilities where advection is no longer capable to transfer all incoming magmatic heat. In the latter case, additional mechanisms such as eruptions of basaltic magma may become relevant in balancing heat flow in MOR settings. The results can quantitatively be explained by the 'fluxibility' hypothesis of Jupp & Schultz (Nature, 403 , 2000, 880), which is used to derive diagrams for the relations between basal heat input, permeability and venting temperatures. Its predictive capabilities are tested against additional simulations. Potential implications of this work are that permeability in high-temperature MOR hydrothermal systems may be lower than previously thought and that low-temperature systems at high permeability may be an efficient way of removing heat at MOR.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of basin‐scale fluid migration in stratiform Pb–Zn ore formation in the southern McArthur Basin, Australia. Mathematical models are presented for coupled brine migration and heat transport in the basin. The models account for: (i) topographically driven flow (forced convection) during periods when parts of the McArthur Basin were subaerial and elevated above the central Batten Fault Zone; (ii) density‐driven flow (free convection) during periods when the basin was mostly submarine; and (iii) transient flows associated with fault rupture during periods of transpression. These hydrologic models help to compare and contrast a variety of hypotheses concerning deep fluid migration and the origin of base metal ores in the McArthur Basin. The numerical results exhibit a strong structural control on fluid flow caused by the north‐trending fault systems that characterize the Batten Fault Zone. As a result, fluids descend to depths of a few kilometers along the western side, migrate laterally to the east through the clastic and volcanic aquifers of the upper Tawallah and lowest McArthur Groups, and then ascend along the eastern side of the fault zone. This recharge–discharge pattern dominates all of the hydrogeologic models. The basin‐wide flow pattern suggests that Na–Ca–Cl brines acquired base metals in the deepest levels of the basin stratigraphy as the fluids migrated eastwards through the aquifer system. Upward flow was relatively rapid along the Emu Fault Zone, so much so that fluid temperatures likely approached 130°C in the muddy sediments near the sea floor due to upward flow and venting at the HYC (‘Here’s Your Chance'). Transient pulses of flow characterized periods of transpressional stress and subsequent faulting may have punctuated the basin history. Large‐scale free convection, however, characterized notably long periods of diagenesis and ore mineralization during the Proterozoic in the McArthur Basin.  相似文献   

Vitrinite reflectance data from a petroleum exploration well in the northern Upper Rhinegraben show an unusual vertical maturity trend. Above and below a 500 m thick marl layer the vitrinite reflectance levels are consistent with modern, conductive, geothermal gradients. Between about 1000 and 1500 m depth, however, vitrinite reflectance levels are significantly elevated (about 0.6%Ro). This anomaly cannot be explained with one‐dimensional conductive or conductive–convective heat transfer models, and thermal effects of sedimentation or igneous intrusion seem implausible for this geological setting. The thermal anomaly that formed this maturation anomaly must have been hydrothermal in origin, two‐dimensional in nature, and persisted long enough to elevate the vitrinite reflectance values within this marl unit, yet it must have dissipated before the thermal perturbation would have altered the organic matter below and above the unit. In this study, we propose that the vitrinite reflectance anomalies were caused by a transient thermal inversion induced by episodic, lateral flow of hot (130–160°C) groundwater along conductive fractures and bedding planes. Heat flow constraints suggest that fluids must have moved rapidly up a vertical feeder fault from a depth of at least 3.6 km before migrating laterally. To test this hypothesis, we present a suite of simple, idealized mathematical models of groundwater flow, heat transfer, thermal degradation of kerogen and vitrinite systematics to explore the episodic flow that could have produced the observed thermal anomaly. In these simulations, a single, horizontal aquifer is sandwiched between two less permeable units: the total dimensions of the vertical section model are 4 km thick by 10 km long. The top of the aquifer coincides with the position of the observed thermal maturity anomaly in the Rhinegraben. Boundary conditions along the left edge of this aquifer were varied through time to allow for the migration of hot fluids out into the basin. Inflow temperature, horizontal velocity, duration and frequency of flow and thickness of the aquifer were varied. We found that a thermal maturity anomaly could only be produced by a rather restrictive set of hydrothermal conditions. It was possible to produce the observed vitrinite reflectance anomaly by a single hydrothermal flow event of 130°C fluid migrating laterally into the aquifer at a rate of 1 m a?1 for about 10 000 years. The anomaly is spatially confined to near the left edge of the basin, near the feeder fault. If the flow event lasted longer than 100 000 years, then the maturation anomaly disappeared as the lower confining unit approached steady‐state thermal conditions. It is possible that such an event occurred about 5 million years ago in response to increases in fault permeability associated with far field Alpine tectonism.  相似文献   

The permeability of continental crust is so highly variable that it is often considered to defy systematic characterization. However, despite this variability, some order has been gleaned from globally compiled data. What accounts for the apparent coherence of mean permeability in the continental crust (and permeability–depth relations) on a very large scale? Here we argue that large‐scale crustal permeability adjusts to accommodate rates of internal and external forcing. In the deeper crust, internal forcing – fluxes induced by metamorphism, magmatism, and mantle degassing – is dominant, whereas in the shallow crust, external forcing – the vigor of the hydrologic cycle – is a primary control. Crustal petrologists have long recognized the likelihood of a causal relation between fluid flux and permeability in the deep, ductile crust, where fluid pressures are typically near‐lithostatic. It is less obvious that such a relation should pertain in the relatively cool, brittle upper crust, where near‐hydrostatic fluid pressures are the norm. We use first‐order calculations and numerical modeling to explore the hypothesis that upper‐crustal permeability is influenced by the magnitude of external fluid sources, much as lower‐crustal permeability is influenced by the magnitude of internal fluid sources. We compare model‐generated permeability structures with various observations of crustal permeability.  相似文献   

Understanding hydrothermal processes during production is critical to optimal geothermal reservoir management and sustainable utilization. This study addresses the hydrothermal (HT) processes in a geothermal research doublet consisting of the injection well E GrSk3/90 and production well Gt GrSk4/05 at the deep geothermal reservoir of Groß Schönebeck (north of Berlin, Germany) during geothermal power production. The reservoir is located between ?4050 to ?4250 m depth in the Lower Permian of the Northeast German Basin. Operational activities such as hydraulic stimulation, production (T = 150°C; Q = ?75 m3 h?1; C = 265 g l?1) and injection (T = 70°C; Q = 75 m3 h?1; C = 265 g l?1) change the HT conditions of the geothermal reservoir. The most significant changes affect temperature, mass concentration and pore pressure. These changes influence fluid density and viscosity as well as rock properties such as porosity, permeability, thermal conductivity and heat capacity. In addition, the geometry and hydraulic properties of hydraulically induced fractures vary during the lifetime of the reservoir. A three‐dimensional reservoir model was developed based on a structural geological model to simulate and understand the complex interaction of such processes. This model includes a full HT coupling of various petrophysical parameters. Specifically, temperature‐dependent thermal conductivity and heat capacity as well as the pressure‐, temperature‐ and mass concentration‐dependent fluid density and viscosity are considered. These parameters were determined by laboratory and field experiments. The effective pressure dependence of matrix permeability is less than 2.3% at our reservoir conditions and therefore can be neglected. The results of a three‐dimensional thermohaline finite‐element simulation of the life cycle performance of this geothermal well doublet indicate the beginning of thermal breakthrough after 3.6 years of utilization. This result is crucial for optimizing reservoir management. Geofluids (2010) 10 , 406–421  相似文献   

The Anticosti Basin is a large Paleozoic basin in eastern Canada where potential source and reservoir rocks have been identified but no economic hydrocarbon reservoirs have been found. Potential source rocks of the Upper Ordovician Macasty Formation overlie carbonates of the Middle Ordovician Mingan Formation, which are underlain by dolostones of the Lower Ordovician Romaine Formation. These carbonates have been subjected to dissolution and dolomitization and are potential hydrocarbon reservoirs. Numerical simulations of fluid‐overpressure development related to sediment compaction and hydrocarbon generation were carried out to investigate whether hydrocarbons generated in the Macasty Formation could migrate downward into the underlying Mingan and Romaine formations. The modeling results indicate that, in the central part of the basin, maximum fluid overpressures developed above the Macasty Formation due to rapid sedimentation. This overpressured core dissipated gradually with time, but the overpressure pattern (i.e. maximum overpressure above source rock) was maintained during the generation of oil and gas. The downward impelling force associated with fluid‐overpressure gradients in the central part of the basin was stronger than the buoyancy force for oil, whereas the buoyancy force for gas and for oil generated in the later stage of the basin is stronger than the overpressure‐related force. Based on these results, it is proposed that oil generated from the Macasty Formation in the central part of the basin first moved downward into the Mingan and Romaine formations, and then migrated laterally up‐dip toward the basin margin, whereas gas throughout the basin and oil generated in the northern part of the basin generally moved upward. Consequently, gas reservoirs are predicted to occur in the upper part of the basin, whereas oil reservoirs are more likely to be found in the strata below the source rocks. Geofluids (2010) 10 , 334–350  相似文献   

Topography‐driven flow is normally considered to be the dominant groundwater flow system in uplifted sedimentary basins. In the U.S. midcontinent region east of the Rocky Mountains, the presence of brines derived from dissolution of halite suggests that significant topography‐driven flushing has occurred to remove older brines that presumably formed concurrently with Permian evaporites in the basin. However, the presence of evaporites and brines in the modern basin suggests that buoyancy‐driven flow could limit topography‐driven flushing significantly. Here we used numerical models of variable‐density fluid flow, halite dissolution, solute transport, and heat transport to quantify flow patterns and brine migration. Results indicate the coexistence of large‐scale topography‐ and buoyancy‐driven flow. Buoyancy‐driven flow and low permeability evaporites act to isolate brines, and the residence time of the brines was found to be quite long, at least 50 Myr. The modern distribution of salinity appears to reflect near‐steady‐state conditions. Results suggest that flushing of original evaporatively‐concentrated brines occurred tens of millions of years ago, possibly concurrent with maximum uplift ca. 60 Ma. Simulations also suggest that buoyancy‐driven convection could drive chemical exchange with crystalline basement rocks, which could supply significant Ca2+, Sr2+, and metals to brines.  相似文献   

F. Wendler  A. Okamoto  P. Blum 《Geofluids》2016,16(2):211-230
Mineral precipitation in an open fracture plays a crucial role in the evolution of fracture permeability in rocks, and the microstructural development and precipitation rates are closely linked to fluid composition, the kind of host rock as well as temperature and pressure. In this study, we develop a continuum thermodynamic model to understand polycrystalline growth of quartz aggregates from the rock surface. The adapted multiphase‐field model takes into consideration both the absolute growth rate as a function of the driving force of the reaction (free energy differences between solid and liquid phases), and the equilibrium crystal shape (Wulff shape). In addition, we realize the anisotropic shape of the quartz crystal by introducing relative growth rates of the facets. The missing parameters of the model, including surface energy and relative growth rates, are determined by detailed analysis of the crystal shapes and crystallographic orientation of polycrystalline quartz aggregates in veins synthesized in previous hydrothermal experiments. The growth simulations were carried out for a single crystal and for grain aggregates from a rock surface. The single crystal simulation reveals the importance of crystal facetting on the growth rate; for example, growth velocity in the c‐axis direction drops by a factor of ~9 when the faceting is complete. The textures produced by the polycrystal simulations are similar to those observed in the hydrothermal experiments, including the number of surviving grains and crystallographic preferred orientations as a function of the distance from the rock wall. Our model and the methods to define its parameters provide a basis for further investigation of fracture sealing under varying conditions.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that Kohout thermal convection may have induced the massive dolomitization of the 60 m thick lowest more reefal unit in well Unda [top of Great Bahama Bank (GBB)] is evaluated through numerical modelling. A two‐dimensional (2‐D) section, including lithological and petrophysical data, together with datings for the sediments of the GBB, was used in the basin model TEMISPACK to reconstruct the history of the whole platform, with a focus on the reef unit. Simulations showed that during high sea‐level periods, Kohout convection is a valid mechanism in the settings of the GBB, although the convection cell remains flat in most cases because of high permeability anisotropy. This mechanism induces rapid fluid flow in the superficial as well as in the deeper parts of the platform, with velocities of at least two orders of magnitude higher than with compaction alone. Lithology appears as a strong control of fluid circulations at the margin scale through the permeability anisotropy, for which a critical value lies between values of 10 and 100. The reefal unit in Unda is part of a larger area determined by the lithologic distribution, in which flow velocities are significantly higher than in the rest of the platform. These velocities are high enough to bring the magnesium necessary to precipitate the observed amounts of dolomite, within durations in agreement with the available time of post‐reef deposition high sea level(s). However, neither fluid flow pattern nor flow velocities are able to explain the preferential massive dolomitization of the lower reef unit and the complete absence of dolomite in the upper one.  相似文献   

B. Jung  G. Garven  J. R. Boles 《Geofluids》2014,14(2):234-250
Fault permeability may vary through time due to tectonic deformations, transients in pore pressure and effective stress, and mineralization associated with water‐rock reactions. Time‐varying permeability will affect subsurface fluid migration rates and patterns of petroleum accumulation in densely faulted sedimentary basins such as those associated with the borderland basins of Southern California. This study explores the petroleum fluid dynamics of this migration. As a multiphase flow and petroleum migration case study on the role of faults, computational models for both episodic and continuous hydrocarbon migration are constructed to investigate large‐scale fluid flow and petroleum accumulation along a northern section of the Newport‐Inglewood fault zone in the Los Angeles basin, Southern California. The numerical code solves the governing equations for oil, water, and heat transport in heterogeneous and anisotropic geologic cross sections but neglects flow in the third dimension for practical applications. Our numerical results suggest that fault permeability and fluid pressure fluctuations are crucial factors for distributing hydrocarbon accumulations associated with fault zones, and they also play important roles in controlling the geologic timing for reservoir filling. Episodic flow appears to enhance hydrocarbon accumulation more strongly by enabling stepwise build‐up in oil saturation in adjacent sedimentary formations due to temporally high pore pressure and high permeability caused by periodic fault rupture. Under assumptions that fault permeability fluctuate within the range of 1–1000 millidarcys (10?15–10?12 m2) and fault pressures fluctuate within 10–80% of overpressure ratio, the estimated oil volume in the Inglewood oil field (approximately 450 million barrels oil equivalent) can be accumulated in about 24 000 years, assuming a seismically induced fluid flow event occurs every 2000 years. This episodic petroleum migration model could be more geologically important than a continuous‐flow model, when considering the observed patterns of hydrocarbons and seismically active tectonic setting of the Los Angeles basin.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have proposed that movement along the 3400‐km2 low‐angle (<3°) Heart Mountain detachment fault of north‐western Wyoming and south‐western Montana was facilitated by the presence of lubricating fluids. A recent stable isotope study suggested that the fluids along the Heart Mountain fault originated from large hydrothermal systems associated with Eocene intrusive centers. Herein, we present results from a combined stable isotope, fluid inclusion, and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology study of the relationship between shallow crustal fluids from Eocene intrusive centers in the New World Mining district and fluids associated with the Heart Mountain fault. Our results suggest that: (i) Eocene intrusive bodies within the New World Mining District focused hydrothermal fluids along specific units and structures from the ore deposit centers along the Heart Mountain fault detachment surface; (ii) hydrothermal waters were focused along the Heart Mountain fault from the breakaway region near Silvergate, Montana toward Heart Mountain in Cody, Wyoming; and (iii) hydrothermal activity along the Heart Mountain fault occurred at the same time as emplacement of the Eocene intrusives, between 50.1 and 48.1 Ma. These data, taken together, suggest that the hydrothermal activity generated by intrusion of Eocene rhyodacites and dacites provided the source of fluids found along the Heart Mountain fault plane.  相似文献   

A polyphasic tectonic‐fluid system of a fault that involves crystalline and carbonate rocks (Hospital fault, Barcelona Plain) has been inferred from regional to thin section scale observations combined with geochemical analyses. Cathodoluminescence, microprobe analyses and stable isotopy in fracture‐related cements record the circulation of successive alternations of hydrothermal and low‐temperature meteoric fluids linked with three main regional tectonic events. The first event corresponds to the Mesozoic extension, which had two rifting stages, and it is characterized by the independent tectonic activity of two fault segments, namely southern and northern Hospital fault segments. During the Late Permian‐Middle Jurassic rifting, these segments controlled the thickness and distribution of the Triassic sediments. Also, dolomitization was produced in an early stage by Triassic seawater at shallow conditions. During increasing burial, formation of fractures and their dolomite‐related cements took place. Fault activity during the Middle Jurassic–Late Cretaceous rifting was localized in the southern segment, and it was characterized by hydrothermal brines, with temperatures over 180°C, which ascended through this fault segment precipitating quartz, chlorite, and calcite. The second event corresponds to the Paleogene compression (Chattian), which produced exhumation, folding and erosion, favouring the percolation of low‐temperature meteoric fluids which produced the calcitization of the dolostones and of the dolomite cements. The third event is linked with the Neogene extension, where three stages have been identified. During the syn‐rift stage, the southern segment of the Hospital fault grew by tip propagation. In the relay zone, hydrothermal brines with temperature around 140°C upflowed. During the late postrift, the Hospital fault acted as a unique segment and deformation occurred at shallow conditions and under a low‐temperature meteoric regime. Finally, and possibly during the Messinian compression, NW‐SE strike‐slip faults offset the Hospital fault to its current configuration.  相似文献   

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