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In the study of socio-economic development in Tibet, one tends to stress the role of non-economic elements, especially the role of humans and social background.Of these, the role of religious culture is regarded as the most important. However, there are basically two approaches to the issue: First of all, although religion exerts a varied role on economic growth, legal construction, public welfare and ethics, one tends to each only a general judgment. Secondly, study of the role played by religion focused on the religious doctrines held by monks, and monks themselves. Although many point out the fact that religious power over people varies, it roots in the rural areas and among the folk at large is still neglected.Hence, there is the need to study individual cases.  相似文献   

Since at least the 1960s, the importance of the tremendous territorial expansion under Qing role to the modem history of China has been generally acknowledged. Indeed, one can say that the frontier story is one of the things that makes the Qing "Qing." However, only in the last twenty years has the study of what is now termed the "borderlands" come into its own as a sub-field. This essay begins by describing some key concepts and terms in the study of the Qing frontier, including the Manchu wordjecen. It then raises the problem of narrative fiameworks, asking how we might best contextualize the growth of the empire, before going on to explore the implications of the discursive shift represented by the "New Qing History" and the extensive research on Qing borderlands associated therewith. A poem by the Mongol poet Na-xun Lan-bao provides the focus for a concluding discussion of a distinctive Qing frontier sensibility.  相似文献   

Though small,this work is important for the study of Taoist history.It throws a better light on one of its major representatives,Sima Chengzhen 司马承祯(647-735),12th patriarch of the Shangqing 上清 tradition,a blooming Taoist school under the Tang (618-907).Ute Engelhardt had certainly already studied him notably with her translation of one of his principal texts on the breath technics;Livia Kohn too has worked on one of his short texts on meditation and Paul Kroll has written several articles on his poetry.But Thomas Jülch brings a new vision of this Taoist and his essential role on the legitimation of imperial power with the moving of the Shangqing tradition center to the Tiantai Mountains 天台山.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that sociolinguistics is the study of language in certain context concerned with our society.Sociolinguistics and linguistics are intrinsically related to each other,but there has been difference as well.Linguistics research deals with language system itself,which belongs to the micro level on the one hand;many phenomena reflect discrimination in language classroom,these discrimination are caused by social factors to a certain degree.This paper makes a brief analysis of discrimination in language classroom from the perspective of sociolinguistics,which deals with many issues such as depiction of language discrimination、analysis of phenomenon and accordinglysolved measures.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the investigators of rural society in the Republican period,specifically research made through fieldwork on the Gowned Brothers (or,Paoge) in 1940s Sichuan.It takes up one such investigator,Shen Baoyuan—a student at Yenching University;her youthful work never became published or recognized.The present study reveals how the pioneers of Chinese sociology and anthropology,who called themselves "rural activists," tried to understand rural China.It argues that the developments in those fields in China of the 1920s and 1940s made it possible for us today to have a better understanding of the contemporary rural problems.The investigators played an important role in the Rural Construction and Rural Education Movements in Republican China.They show us how Western sociology and anthropology were localized in order to answer "Chinese questions" and to solve "Chinese problems." As source material,these investigations have given us rich records,which in turn have become precious sources and historical memories of rural China's past.  相似文献   

Among the collections of the Tibet Museum is a cloth tangka painting produced in the 51st year of the reign of Qing Dynasty Emperor Qian-long. Measuring 82.5 cm long and 53.5 cm wide, it depicts Rahula. As one of the 10 major disciples of Sakyamuni and one of the 16 Arhats, Rahula was a son of Sakyamuni before he entered Buddhism. When Sakyamuni became a Buddha, Rahula was asked to take in charge of Buddhist affairs at Qinglanyuan.  相似文献   

To most specialists and non-specialists of Chinese political culture, probably the most intriguing question is why the Chinese empire, one of the largest political entities in human history, attained against all odds its unparalleled longevity for more than two millennia from 221 BCE to 1911. Building upon his previous study of the formation of China's unique imperial ideology prior to the foundation of the first dynasty, (Yuri Pines, Envisioning Eternal Empire: Chinese Political Thought of the Warring States Era, Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2009).  相似文献   

The ancient Chinese lamp is an example of the perfect unity of visual art and applied fine art. Ingeniously conceived and elaborately made, this lamp is shaped as a man riding a beast, which is the excellent one of the lamps found so far. Well-documented, this author begins from the function of the lamp stand and the main characteristic of the shape to conduct a systematic study.  相似文献   

胡瑾 《神州》2013,(34):163-163
Media with the Politics
It' s not fresh news to anyone of us that the politics can use the media as an efficient strategy to present themselves and their political views. With the rapid development of the mass media and communications, it offers political figures to employ the strategies of symbolic construction with the purpose of presenting and promoting themselves in front of the audience (Schlesinger and Tnmber, 1994). With the purpose of keeping public orders and reduce the crime rate, the media plays a very important role in .'broadcasting' the 'advertising' for the government,  相似文献   

After the peaceful liberation of Tibet(in particular the opening up),Nyima Ngodrup,by maintaining his genuinely diligent and honest disposition,immediately played a significant role in local grain production and his family became one of the biggest grain-growing households.He was even cited as the national labor model.In 1990,when Chairman Jiang Zemin visited Shigatse,he met Nyima Ngodrup and encouraged him to cultivate more land.Up to this time the former serf who could never previously dare to look his master of the Shika in the face,was for the first time experiencing the feeling of ownership before the State leader.  相似文献   

In this bold and thought-provoking book Erica Fox Brindley examines an issue long assumed to be a primary point of difference between European cultures and their descendants and the intellectual milieu of early China:the role of the individual.In the past,comparative studies of the individual in China have often assumed a basic distinction on this point,or have taken up one definition of the individual and argued that it did not exist in a particular Chinese context.Brindley eschews the ready comparison and instead looks to see whether concepts of the individual did exist in early China.She demonstrates there was in fact considerable discussion of the individual in pre-imperial intellectual history,and the bulk of her book is an examination of its forms.  相似文献   

<正>Pema from Nyilok Village is one of the many undergraduates since the beginning of China's reform and opening up who comes from a mountainous area within Shangri-la.Although his grandmother passed away many years ago,Pema often thinks back to her telling him of the story of"eating books".When he was a child,he did not like to study and was quite the neighborhood troublemaker.His  相似文献   

Comparing Beijing and the Tibet Autonomous Region; one is the capital of China, but the other is the snowcapped plateau. Though they are far apart in distance (thanks to the countless mountains and rivers) they are also very close - only one day to reach each other. Years ago, the song "At the gold mountain of Beijing" sung by Tseten Drama, the famous Tibetan singer, in praise of the political and cultural center. Today, tens of thousands of Tibetans have formed one inseparable part of the many groups in Beijing embracing multiple cultures.  相似文献   

HIGHLIGHTS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
King Gesar is a focus of study in and outside China. Accomplished scholars include:——Alexandra David-Neel (1868-1969): A noted French expert in Oriental studies, Chinese and Tibetan studies in the 20th century, she visited Tibet and surrounding areas five times for survey. Her treatises and diaries related to the Orient, especially to Tibet and related areas, were translated into many languages and published repeatedly.——Ren Neiqiang (1894-1989): A noted geologist, an expert in ethnic groups and a pioneer in Tibetan studies. From 1939 to 1944, he published his Initial Introduction to "Tibetan Three Kingdoms" and "On the Three Kingdoms" in Border Government Affairs Forum and Kangdao Month.——R.A. Stein (1911-1999): He is held as the most successful Tibetan study worker in France in the 20th century. And he was one of the few who could do research in both Tibetan and Chinese. His contribution to the study of King Gesarfinds expression in his effort to translate the epic.——Wang Yinuan (1907-1998): A  相似文献   

How did a Neo-Confucian scholar who built no academies,who actually discouraged interested students from studying with him,and whose followers did not have a strong sense of group identity become the first scholar enshrined in the Ming dynasty's imperial Confucius Temple? This is the question that Khee Heong Koh seeks to answer in writing this masterful study of the Ming Neo-Confucian master Xue Xuan.After all,admission into that temple's rolls was a rare honor,one carefully controlled by every imperial court.Only four men were enshrined over the entire Ming dynasty,and Xue is interesting not only because he was the first to be enshrined,but also because he was the only one of the four from northern China.Koh provides us with a detailed picture of this heretofore largely forgotten scholar-official and how he came to be thus enshrined.But this is not simply a biographical study;Koh also problematizes the monolithic understanding of Ming China as having been completely captivated by the Wang Yangming School of Neo-Confucianism.  相似文献   

Have you ever been in Tibet? Do you want to enjoy your holiday? Why not go to Tibet, where you can see the blue Sky with flaky clouds, green hills with blossoming flowers, snowcapped mountain peaks, great rivers and beautiful lakes, dense virgin forests, Tibetan antelopes and wild yaks running in the vast grassland, picturesque villages and age-old Tibetan monasteries. All of these are just part of the beauty that can be found in Tibet. Tibet is really a lively and lovely place where one can calm down one's vexation and impulsiveness being transported in a whirl of clouds to a world truly apart. So don't hesitate about going to Tibet for a visit. There are several ways of getting to Tibet: either by air or by going overland. Many highways connect Tibet and other parts of China.  相似文献   

<正>If it were not for seeing him in person,one would have thought the Tibetan man to be someone from literature.He wears loose clothes with a shiny dark pigtail on the back of his head,and every now and then,he breaks out in a few classic sayings made by Deng Xiaoping,a recent president of China.25 years ago,Rigzin Sherab left Tibet to go study in mainland China for the first time.Looking out of the window  相似文献   

In the outer circle of the Barkor Street,Lhasa City of Tibet,a gallery named as"Art Gallery of Traditional Handcrafts"is located,specializing by making clay sculptures and masks. Surprisingly,two artisans have the same name as Penpa who are working for this gallery.For the sake of easily identifying them, people are used to calling the elder one as senior Penpa,and the young one as junior Penpa.Their common perspective might be that they both have already worked for making masks for 12 years.They,by  相似文献   

In Tibet today, many scenic spots and places of historical interestare open to the public. This constitutes one of the major fruits of the ongoing reform and opening pro-gram. Tourism develops apace in the region, becom-ing one of the major pillar industriesfor local social and economic develop-ment.Tocope with this situa-tion, while improving tourist facili-ties and service quality, the region's tourist depart-ments have managed to attract tourists by developing souvenirs and sou-venir-likepr…  相似文献   

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