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三川地处民和回族土族自治县南部80公里处的黄河北岸,海拔1650米-1950米,平均气温10℃,包括官亭、中川、杏儿、甘沟、前河、满坪六个乡镇,总面积500多平方公里,总人口12万,其中土族近5万人,居住着土、汉、回、藏、撒拉、东乡、保安等民族,属甘青两省五县交界之处,东与甘肃永靖县毗邻,南与甘肃临夏州积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县隔河相望,西南与青海循化撒拉族自治县接壤,西北与化隆回族自治县相接.  相似文献   

马自毅 《安徽史学》2006,(5):122-125
1907年徐锡麟、秋瑾等人筹划皖浙联合起事,是辛亥革命史上革命党十次武装反清之一,除清末民初的各种记载外①,各相关档案详略不等地先后收入了1949年后编撰的<辛亥革命浙江史料选辑>、<辛亥革命浙江史料续辑>、<秋瑾研究资料>②等多种资料集.其中,中国史学会主编、上海人民出版社出版的中国近代史资料丛刊<辛亥革命>因编者权威、资料集中、检索方便等因素,数十年来是研究辛亥革命史或相关课题者不可或缺的主体资料.  相似文献   

<华夏地理>:这次中国工人绑架事件是在什么背景下发生的? 刘:近年来,中国与尼日利亚经贸合作的力度不断加大.进入该国的华人凭借勤劳与智慧,在当地的口碑和影响力不断提升,当然也难免会引起一些不法之徒的注意.  相似文献   

本文通过对范传正《唐左拾遗翰林学士李公新墓碑并序》所载"隋末多难,一房被窜于碎叶,流离散落,隐易姓名"等说的质疑和对相关地名的考实,证明李白的出生地不在中亚碎叶城,也不在哈密碎叶,而在今吐鲁番之地(故高昌城).  相似文献   

探云 《风景名胜》2016,(10):88-95
在非洲大陆的西北角,有这么一个奇妙国度,她四面“环海”:东南背靠撒哈拉大沙海,西临浩浩大西洋,北依地中海直布罗陀.她七彩缤纷,眩目多姿:从马拉喀什雕梁画栋的千姿百态到古城菲斯的天方夜谭,从卡萨布兰卡大清真寺的万般惊艳到梅克内斯的惊喜满途,从撒哈拉沙漠的漫漫黄沙到直布罗陀的天涯海角,更有舍夫沙万的梦幻蓝彩和艾西拉艺术小清新.毫不夸张的说,其万千姿彩绝对超出一般人的想象.  相似文献   

<正>2010年,随着黑龙江省志编纂工作的深入开展,许多分志已完成了送审稿。笔者通过审阅部分送审稿,发现有些志稿文字较长,对资料未进行科学的分类归纳,缺乏高度概括和浓缩,使得志稿不够精练。在记述上语言繁杂,语句不顺。笔者认为,  相似文献   

2015年10月,民和回族土族自治县文广局和县文联、县三川书画家协会邀请来自省内外37位书画家,开展了为期三天的以“走进青海门户——美丽的民和县”为主题的书画采风写生交流活动,以独特的丹青画笔描绘青海门户这几年改革开放以来的秀美山川和人文风俗之巨大变化,以歌颂中国共产党的英明领导和河湟人民勤劳的智慧.  相似文献   

李二堡原为民和县李氏家族聚居的上下两个城堡,两堡相距约为800米,地址均在范家村.上堡略大于下堡,李氏家族的大房三房均居住于此.李二堡始建时代据明史李英列传中有“招捕逃七百余户,置庄垦田”的记载,置庄者筑堡也;垦田者,开荒也,按时间推算李家二堡约筑于明英宗正统年间.因筑堡时选址不当,河水洪暴冲刷,危险逼迫,居户陆续迁挪下庄即现今的李家村.下堡由二房居住,后裔繁衍,小堡容纳不了,部分住户陆续迁挪他处,部分仍居堡内.解放时下堡完整无损,总门端顶还有哨楼,1957年大跃进中挖堡墙当肥料,东西南三面全部挖尽,只有北垣尚存.  相似文献   

正6月24日,由中国社会艺术协会、韩国全罗北道政府主办,观照堂影像艺术中心、全罗北道摄影家协会承办的"穿越与交融"全球摄影交流活动首站启航,来自湖北等地的24名摄影家组成的摄影团队来到韩国美丽的全罗北道,展开了为期5天的中韩摄影文化交流活动。位于韩半岛西南部的全罗北道,是韩国与中国大陆距离最近的地方,  相似文献   

正"筑室兮水中,葺之兮荷盖;荪壁兮紫坛,播芳椒兮成堂"。《湘夫人》中湘君为表达对湘夫人的思念,欲在水的中央为湘夫人建一座舒适的房屋,把荷叶盖在屋顶上,用荪草装饰墙壁,用紫贝布置坛场,在房子里遍撒香椒,让香味充满整个中堂。诗人屈原运用浪漫主义情怀和对理想主义的向往,写下了这一千古绝唱。但水神湘君是否真的为湘夫人建成了水中房屋,已经  相似文献   

Modern China was an intense period of “body rebuilding.” Within the field of body history in China, the modern Chinese history has been rediscovered and reinterpreted from the view of “body.” In this paper, the author attempts to explore the movement of women’s haircutting in modern China and analyzes its social and political meaning from the view of body organ, gender, politics and culture. The conclusion is that the women’s haircutting movement in modern China was involved in the pursuit of state power, women’s rights, and political power in different levels.  相似文献   

The rise of the melodrama as a literary and theatrical genre appears to have had a co-relation with the rise of industrial cities in modern times around the globe from Europe, North America, to East Asia. In China, this phenomenon manifested itself in the yanqing (lit. speaking of feelings) genre that dominated the popular culture scene in Shanghai in the most part of the twentieth century. While the yanqing genre was an expression of particular Chinese modern experiences, it also provided a channel for these local experiences to partake in and enrich a global experience of modernity. This study shows how yanqing arts helped ordinary Shanghai residents deal with changing patterns of gender, love, and family relations in the fast-growing and modernizing city. Through such re-examination of the yanqing culture this study tries to shed new light on some important questions in modern Chinese history and help correct traditional elite views of this history. Translated from Shilin 史林 (Historical Review), 2006, (4): 70–79 Parts of this article have been presented at the international conference, “As China Meets the World: China’s Changing Position in the International Community, 1840–2000,” held at Vienna, May 15–19, 2004; and “The First Modern Chinese Social History Conference,” held in Qingdao, Shandong, August 2005. It is modified by the author when translated into English.  相似文献   

In order to purify the environment in which they planned to convert, from the 1860s onwards British Missionaries in late Qing China started to carry out anti opium campaigns. It was these campaigns that became the life work of British Medical Missionary John Dudgeon. Dudgeon was of the opinion that it was the ferocious opium trade that was destroying the morals, traditional culture, society, and economy of the Chinese, turning China into the West’s greatest market and in turn affecting China’s own economic benefits. Based on his surveys made on the wards, from a medical perspective, Dudgeon announced that “an opium-smoker’s family become extinct in the third generation.” Dudgeon drew up the “Dudgeon Plan” in the hope that Sino-British governmental cooperation could bring about the end of the opium trade. Nevertheless, these campaigns met with stiff opposition and suppression, and lost support from the Missionary Society. John Dudgeon’s plan was ultimately a failure.  相似文献   

This article investigates the distribution and consumption of Way Down East (directed by D. W. Griffith, 1920) in Chinese cities in the 1920s in an attempt to explore the impact of foreign films on early Chinese filmmaking in particular and on Chinese society in general. Griffith’s Way Down East highlights a young woman’s trials and tribulations caused by male tyranny and deception. Such films by D. W. Griffith struck a chord in China in the 1920s, when the concerns of women and the loss of family values after the May Fourth movement found expression in film. The embracing of Way Down East in China, particularly among progressive intellectuals, indicates the existence of an anti-May Fourth conservatism. Chinese intellectuals were inspired by Way Down East to deny Chinese women’s subjectivity as new women who could control their own destinies; such a denial thereby rejected romantic love as a means of women’s emancipation and enlightenment. The intellectual class’s jettisoning of the rhetoric of “free love” and free marriage and re-emphasizing family values in the 1920s were conducive to the Nationalist Party’s conservative agenda to discipline individuals and Chinese society in the late 1920s and 1930s. Therefore, the “partification” of China during the Nanjing Decade (1927–37) was a direct outgrowth of a conservative consensus that followed upon May Fourth.  相似文献   

“New Woman” and “Modern Girl” discourse prevailed in China in the early twentieth century. The left-wing cinema of the 1930s engaged in this discourse and created a filmic space in which to negotiate gender and modernity. Focusing on three films directed by Sun Yu (1900–90): Wild Rose, Little Toys and The Highway, this paper compares Sun Yu’s new women with those in two other films: Lessons for Girls, a lesser known but interesting caricature of “new” women, and the New Woman, the best known of the “new woman” genre, both of which depict how urban, petty bourgeois women failed in their struggles for independence. In sharp contrast, Sun Yu used poetic realism to create a series of refreshingly independent working class women characters that successfully combined traditional moral values and modern patriotism and resisted the radical anti-traditionalism of the new woman discourse. This paper offers a differentiated analysis of the diverse and complex ways in which China’s left-wing cinema negotiated gender and modernity in the 1930s.  相似文献   

Majority of contemporary Chinese historians have been employing a conceptual framework focusing on the difficulty of capitalistic development in China to analyze the historical trend and potentials of late imperial China. This approach based upon the presupposition of viewing the pattern of Chinese history as abnormal reflects with the remaining influence of the Western-centric methodology. Further, based upon a “normal” point of view, seven fundamental, irreversible, and systematical changes to the Ming society could be identified. By conclusion, China in the Ming period was transforming into an imperial agric-mercantile society. This process proves that late imperial China was not stagnate society without “history,” meanwhile, its pattern of development was clearly not identical to the Western style modernization progress. __________ Translated by Chen Cheng from Dongbei Shida Xuebao 东北师大学报(Journal of Northeast Normal University), 2007, (1): 5–13  相似文献   

Much of the excitement generated in Britain since 2007 by the York Archaeological Trust’s excavations of the city’s Hungate neighborhood, which Benjamin Seebohm Rowntree characterized as a “slum” in his pioneering poverty survey of 1901, derives from the unexpected volume and variety of material evidence uncovered about life in a poor community within a modern industrial city. Such material evidence and its often uncertain relationships to other historical data can enhance analysis by complicating understanding of the past, rather than echoing conventional wisdom. Findings from Hungate can thus contribute to nuanced understandings of urban social disadvantage not only at the neighborhood level in this one particular British city, but at the larger scales of analysis that encompass the growth of cities and interacting urban regions in Britain and around the world during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. These understandings have contemporary relevance for a world in which over half of humanity now lives in urban areas, as misconceptions about “slums” continue to undermine efforts to reduce urban inequality.  相似文献   

Tracing the origin and circulation of the “jargon” spoken at Canton, the paper examines how “jargon” became an issue of Sino-foreign communication conflicts in the early 19th century, and how Westerners responded to it. As a lingua franca spread extensively in the Canton trade, the so-called “jargon” (a pidgin form of patois) played an essential role as communication tool between Chinese and foreign traders. However, in the eyes of missionaries in early 19th century China, the normal Sino-foreign contact process was interrupted and distorted by both parties’ overusing of the jargon. In this regard, early Protestant missionaries’ support of Chinese language study reveals an initial effort to break through the “jargon” barrier.  相似文献   

By the early 18th Century, the “Rites Controversy” among the missionaries themselves has evolved into a culture conflict between the Qing Empire and Europe. To make the European missionaries in China follow the rites of Matteo Ricci, Emperor Kangxi had French Jesuit missionaries Joachim Bouvet and Jean Francoise Foucquet study the Book of Changes in his royal palace and had further conversions with the European missionaries based on their researches. Not only did this cultural conversation reveal the Figurist’s tendencies, as represented by Bouvet, and the interior conflict among the missionaries themselves after the “Rites controversy,” but also showed Kangxi’s policies towards the missionaries, as well as his attitude towards Western culture and religion. __________ Translated from Lishi Yanjiu 历史研究 (Historical Research), 2006, (3): 74–85  相似文献   

The Young Companion, an important representative of Republican Shanghai’s popular magazines, organized a Healthy Baby Contest from August 1926 to March 1927. Though its slogan, “Strong babies promise strong people, strong people guarantee a strong nation” expressed a nationalistic spirit, this contest was rather a commercial activity organized by a popular magazine and its commercial sponsor exploiting nationalistic discourse. Such an integration of nationalistic discourse and commercial interests profoundly influenced mass culture and ultimately promoted China’s modernization and its development as a nation. With this contest as an example, this paper sheds light on the relationship between popular journals and the making of a nation.  相似文献   

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