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本文运用自下而上法和市场替换法,以山东省长岛县为案例地,以2014年问卷调查和访谈调查收集的数据为基础,对旅游业二氧化碳排放碳税征收标准进行了评估.结果表明:①山东省、京津冀、晋豫、东北、西部、华东、华中和华南等各客源地游客人均狭义旅游业二氧化碳排放量的差异较小,各客源地游客人均旅游业二氧化碳排放量的差异主要是由其人均广义旅游业二氧化碳排放量的差异引起;②以山东省短途客源地游客人均广义旅游业二氧化碳排放量为基准值,通过比较各中长途客源地游客与山东省短途客源地游客人均广义旅游业二氧化碳排放量的差异,评估各客源地游客人均广义旅游业二氧化碳排放碳税征收标准,这是一种潜在的方法;③通过碳税制度,政府或其代理机构可获得1541×104元/a的资金,用于植树造林等增汇或碳汇工程建设,以减少广义旅游业二氧化碳排放量;中长途各客源地游客人均需承担11.56元/人次~77.50元/人次之间不等的广义旅游业二氧化碳排放碳税.  相似文献   

刘逸  陈海龙  陈了凡  梁文力 《人文地理》2023,(5):146-153+190
旅游业与气候环境之间关系紧密,旅游目的地气候条件及变化是游客出游动机的考虑因素之一,但气候环境与旅游体验的关系尚未完全厘清。基于在线评论和气象站点数据,本研究对气候环境与游客情感关系展开测度。结果表明:(1)南北方气候环境的整体性地域差异对游客情感没有显著影响,同时游客情感未随气候的季节变化呈现规律性波动;(2)相对于整体气候因素,降水量、相对湿度、日照时长和风速等4个单气候要素与游客情感有显著关联;(3)将游客情感细分为正负面之后,不同气候要素呈现显著差异,降水量和相对湿度稳定影响游客情感。本研究初步证实了环境与游客情感关系的存在,有助于旅游目的地根据气候环境特征开展针对性营销与服务运营。  相似文献   

高职院校立足地方优势产业,从实际出发设计课程,为地方优势产业培养高技能人才,既促进就业,又为区域发展做贡献,实现"政企校生"多方共赢的局面。一、课程设计的依据(一)立足阳江优势产业阳江被评为"中国优秀旅游城市",旅游是阳江优势产业之一。阳江市2013年政府工作报告数据显示,阳江市2012年接待游客总人数1085.5万人次、旅游总收入86.4亿元,分别增长20.7%和30.2%。阳江市旅游经济蓬勃发展,需要大量的旅游市  相似文献   

付晶  高峻 《旅游科学》2017,(1):86-95
解说(Interpretation)是我国国家公园建设的重要组成部分,是促进生态保护、加强生态文明建设、提高国民科学素养的重要手段.解说的概念自20世纪90年代末引入我国学术界以来出现了不少名词释义上的混淆,同时缺乏有效的评价方法,阻碍了解说在自然保护地和旅游区的推广.本文综合提尔顿(Tilden)对解说释义以及西方多个关于解说概念的阐述,明确了亲身体验与交流联系是解说的两个最主要特征.与环境教育不同,解说是在自然环境中对主动学习的游客开展的活动.近年来兴起的眼动追踪技术和参与式GIS制图等方法,为解说效果评估研究的发展提供了新借鉴,具有推广价值.本文厘清了国内的解说概念,明确解说本身是对过程的描述,其核心是解释,这对于进一步推进我国国家公园建设具有积极作用.  相似文献   

The treatment of asylum seekers at the Manus Island Regional Processing Centre in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has attracted much international attention, but there has been little analysis of its local and transnational impact. This article investigates the repercussions for the communities on Manus Island, on domestic affairs in PNG, and on the relationship between PNG and Australia. Overall, it concludes that the costs arising from the money, manipulation and misunderstanding generated by the centre seem likely to outweigh the purported benefits, particularly for Manusians and other ordinary Papua New Guineans.  相似文献   

Koger's Island, a late prehistoric agricultural community in the southeastern USA, is the site of a cemetery containing four mass graves of individuals with perimortem trauma and scalping cutmarks. Although the site as a whole has a demographic profile typical for a society of this kind (with high infant mortality), the mass graves contain relatively few infants or children, and an abundance of adult males. It is suggested that the skeletons found in the multiple burials represent the victims of raiding or warfare. The disproportionate number of males in the mass graves may be related to the fact that relatively few males at the site are older than 50 years, presumably because they are dying at an early age from violence.  相似文献   

A recent paper, Islets through Time (OJA 17, 2, 227--44) , by Jon Henderson highlighted the fact that the majority of dated crannogs were occupied in the later prehistoric or early historic period, and offered a new classification of artificial islets. This paper addresses consequential issues of definition and classification and urges that artificial islets, whether classed hitherto as crannogs or island duns, should be seen as complementary elements within a spectrum of settlement types, in particular for the Early Iron Age and the early historic periods. Comparison shows that studies of crannogs and their land-based counterparts have faced similar problems of interpretation and that typological compartmentalization has acted to the detriment of a proper understanding of both.  相似文献   

Pulau Kampai is the name of a small island on the east coast of Sumatra and also the name of a village on this island. Excavations conducted at Pulau Kampai in the mid-1970s yielded glass beads likely manufactured in India. More glass beads dating from the 11th to the 14th c. AD were found during excavations undertaken more recently. Those beads were analyzed using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Results show that the vast majority of the beads were likely imported from South Asia. Trace element signatures point toward two production areas: western India for most of the beads and northeastern India for a few high copper orange and red beads. A small number of beads have a very different composition resulting from the use of soda plant ash and a low alumina silica source indicating a possible Middle-Eastern provenance. A comparison with data published elsewhere indicates a similarity with material found in Egypt, dating from the 13th to the 15th c. AD suggesting that those beads might have reached the island during the later phases of the occupation period and might have transited through Egypt. It is uncertain where those beads were manufactured within the Middle-East. A comparison is provided with the glass beads from the site of Kampung Sungai Mas (9th to the 11th c. AD) located in Malaysia, one of the only “late” sites in the area that was studied recently using LA-ICP-MS.  相似文献   


GIS and quantitative analysis are used to explore a series of simple but important issues in GIS-led survey. we draw on information collected during intensive archaeological field survey of the island of Kythera, Greece, and consider four questions: the relationship between terracing and enclosed field systems; the effect of vegetation on archaeological recovery; site definition and characterization in multi-period and artifact-rich landscapes; and site location modelling that considers some of the decisions behind the placing of particular Bronze Age settlements. we have chosen GIS and quantitative methods to extract patterns and structure in our multi-scalar dataset, demonstrating the value of GIS in helping to understand the archaeological record and past settlement dynamics. The case studies can be viewed as examples of how GIS may contribute to four stages in any empirically based landscape project insofar as they move from the spatial structure of the modern landscape, to the visibility and patterning of archaeological data, to the interpretation of settlement patterns.  相似文献   

张翠敏  张志成 《北方文物》2011,(3):8-12,113,115
2010年5月,大连市文物考古研究所会同瓦房店市博物馆对西礓坡墓地进行了抢救性发掘,共清理墓葬5座,其中砖室墓1座、石板墓4座,周围有多座石板墓已被完全破坏。墓葬随葬品较少,以陶器为主,有白陶瓮、陶房、陶鼎、釜、罐、盆、耳杯,以及玻璃耳珰等。此外有的墓葬还发现有动物骨骼。年代在东汉末至魏晋时期。  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of a study investigating power relations between the local community and the state in the rural tourism development process in Botswana. The study was carried out in Mmatshumu and Letlhakane villages of the Boteti sub-district in Botswana. These villages act as the administrative centres of a community-based culture and heritage tourism project at Lekhubu Island. The Island is, itself, located about 45 kilometres to the north east of these villages. A qualitative research approach, utilising seven focus group discussions with members of the community and 17 individual interviews with key informants was adopted. To understand the power relations between the state (through the TAC) and the local community, the study focused on; the extent to which members of the local community feel they control tourism development process in Lekhubu Island; perceived level of power yielded by the state in the tourism development process at Lekhubu Island as well as; the implications of power differentials between the state and community for tourism development at Lekhubu Island. The results show that, contrary to the popular narrative about devolution of power in community-based tourism, the state remains a very powerful player in the overall decision-making process. Furthermore, the formation of local management structures (i.e. Trust) appears to simply create new power nodes which in turn continues the same legacy of community disempowerment.  相似文献   


This paper looks critically at the division of Cyprus into North and South (the politically unrecognised Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus respectively) and will consider how this physical division emphasised and further developed a divided identity based on 'ethnic' differences (and the development of the 'other') between the two major populations—Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. The Green Line is just one of several recent manifestations in the landscape of social contestations between Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities. This paper outlines how the Green Line has structured the lives of people in relation to the ways that they conceptualise their environment, the past and, importantly, the 'other' side. Further, it addresses how this division, this physical line across the landscape, impacts upon the social landscape as it defines and reinforces identity through the processes of memory and forgetting.  相似文献   

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