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安徽省南陵县江木冲古铜矿冶炼遗物自然科学研究及意义   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本通过对江木冲冶炼遗址古铜矿、古炼渣、古铜锭及青铜器的对比研究,利用矿床学、冶金学等理论,探索利用自然科学手段解决其输出路线问题,提出了判别其产物(铜锭)的特征微量元素和其它综合判别标志,同时也为青铜器其它矿料来源(尤其锡矿)难题的解决进行了技术路线探索和方法研究。  相似文献   

何郢遗址出土青铜器铜矿料来源的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文利用地球化学示踪的方法对何郢遗址出土青铜器的铜矿料来源进行了初步研究.采用ICP-AES测试了样品的微量元素,根据元素的地球化学亲和性,探索其在冶炼过程中的化学行为和再分配规律,从而选出对铜绿山和皖南的铜陵、南陵铜矿具有指示意义的特征元素,作为判断其铜料输出路线的综合判别标志.结合文献和地质资料,可初步认为何郢遗址青铜器的铜矿料来自滁县.  相似文献   

新疆罗布淖尔古墓沟青铜时代人骨微量元素的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骨骼中无机质的主要组成成分为羟磷灰石,羟磷灰石中的微量元素又是人类饮食结构的潜在表现物,活体骨骼中微量元素的含量是饮食中微量元素的最好体现,而被埋葬的骨骼经过沉积作用后骨骼中微量元素变化较小,是其生前获得微量元素的合理反映。因此分析骨骼内羟磷灰石中的微量元素,是探索古代人类的食物结构的重要方法。  相似文献   

将微量元素示踪法与铅同位素比值法结合起来对青铜器矿料的溯源会起到相得益彰的效果。先前对虢国墓地青铜器的铅同位素比值测定表明,其青铜器铅同位素与山西中条山和长江中下游地区都有重合。本次微量元素分析结果显示,虢国墓地青铜器与山西中条山古矿冶遗址微量元素特征不同,而与长江中下游地区的湖北铜绿山古矿冶遗址铜锭的微量元素特征相似,推测长江中下游地区可能为虢国墓地青铜器提供了大量的铜料。此外,微量元素与铅同位素都表明虢国墓地不同墓葬的青铜器基本具有一致的矿料来源。  相似文献   

忽必烈征大理路线新考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
史籍对忽必烈远征大理路线的记载均语焉不详,前人对蒙古三路大军进军路线虽有一定研究,但迄无定论。本文充分利用史书、文集、方志及今人调查报告中有关蒙军进军路线的直接记载或间接史料,在前人研究基础上,对蒙古三路大军进军路线依次作了细致考证,从而得出了新的结论。  相似文献   

<正>"彻底批判资产阶级反动派路线",是在文化大革命全面发动受到阻遏的情况下,毛泽东在1966年10月专断地提出来的。周恩来去找毛泽东,说党内历来提路线问题,都是说"左"倾右倾,没有"资产阶级反动路线"(以下简称"资反路线")这样的提法,这样提合适吗?毛泽东坚持自己的看法,周恩来保留意见,他在以后多次接见群众代表的讲话中反复强调犯"资反路线"错误是认识问题,属于人民内部矛盾。  相似文献   

王健民 《旅游》2003,(4):30-32
“南非游”开放后,众多旅行社蜂拥而上,纷纷抢先推出南非游的路线。但奇怪的是,多家旅行社虽未和盟却步调一致推出的南非路线,竟然从名称到内容都与20年前台湾人的路线雷同。因而,南非路线包含内容是否合适,以及旅行社出境游路线该如何设计等问题,引起了业内专家的思考。  相似文献   

1959年对张闻天外交路线的批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1959年9月12日,外交部长陈毅在外事会议上的会议总结发言中说,外交政策上存在两条路线的斗争,一条是以毛主席为首的党中央的正确路线和做法,另一条是以张闻天为首的右倾机会主义的外交政策路线和做法。这里所说毛主席的正确路线,就是毛泽东的以世界革命为宗旨的革命外交路线,所说张闻天的右倾机会主义路线,就是张闻天提倡的同一切国家和平共处的外交路线。  相似文献   

设计最优的景区游览路线,对景区控制人流量以及游客游玩最佳策略具有实际性的意义。文章以徐州潘安湖风景区为例,对于问题一,在不考虑时间的情况下,将所有景点走一遍,得出距离最短的路线。对于问题二,在忽略等待时间的情况下,要求游览完所有景点并且游览时间最长,我们建立数学模型,设计出相对科学的景区旅游景点路线。利用 C 语言进行编程排列出所有的可能路线,得出符合条件的最优路线,即问题一的最短路径为 1820 米,问题二的总游览时间为 270 分钟。  相似文献   

春捺钵路线的考证是辽代捺钵问题研究的重要内容之一,本文在考证辽朝历代皇帝春捺钵地点的基础上,描绘出他们的捺钵路线,并探讨总体路线的方向及变化规律。辽代皇帝的春捺钵路线最早在潢河、土河附近的契丹传统活动区域,后逐渐南移至南京地区,同时还向辽东移动。太平二年(1022)后,春捺钵路线转移至长春州四周水网密布地区,并最终固定于此。通过考证可知,春捺钵的路线变化主要受自然和政治两个因素的影响。  相似文献   

Quantitative trace element data from six obsidian sources on the Japanese island of Hokkaido is presented. Previous work by Japanese scholars has utilized neutron activation analysis (NAA) focusing on the rare earth elements, or qualitative energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF). In this study, non-destructive EDXRF is used to generate trace element data for 9 elements. Bivariate plots of the incompatible trace elements (Ba, Rb, Sr, Y, and Zr) can be used to separate the obsidian sources in this study. Source separation was confirmed by using linear discriminant analysis. Stepwise discriminant analysis indicates that Ba, Sr, Rb, Ti, Y, and Zr are the most discriminating elements.  相似文献   

Trace element analysis related to archaeological bone is viewed as one way to determine levels of element exposure in past populations. This area of research is complex because there is the potential for the incorporation of trace elements from the burial environment into archaeological bone. We tested the hypothesis that matching the spatial distribution of trace elements within cortical bone with the biological structures would provide evidence of biogenic uptake. We examined samples from a non-segregated Royal British Naval cemetery (1793–1822) in Antigua, West Indies. A key historical question related to this population was the extent of exposure to lead and the resulting health effects. Images from conventional light microscopy (histological) analysis of the bone samples were matched with elemental maps of calcium, strontium, and lead that were created through the use of synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence (SR-XRF). Biogenic uptake of both strontium and lead was indicated based on the localization of these trace elements within discreet microstructural elements. The successful integration of histological information with XRF data is a powerful technique for the interpretation of past biological events through trace elements.  相似文献   

微量元素示踪古代青铜器铜矿料来源的可行性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,微量元素示踪法在青铜器矿料来源研究中的应用不尽人意。为此,模拟熔铸青铜器,对它们的微量元素作多元统计分析,旨在探讨利用微量元素探索古代青铜器铜矿料来源的可行性。分析表明:若舍弃冶炼后富集亍炉渣中的亲石亲铁元素,而仅选取富集于铜料中的亲铜元素及一些凡具有亲铜性,又具有亲铁性元素的成分数据,则通过多元统计分析,能较好地区别不同产地的铜矿料。  相似文献   

This paper gives the results of smelting seven parcels of copper ores from well-known mining areas. The behaviour of the trace elements introduced from the ore, the fuel, and the fluxes has been investigated by analysis of the main products, metallic copper and the slags. Most of the ores were capable of giving copper of relatively high purity and therefore, in order to represent conditions believed to have existed in the Early Bronze Age, two artificial ores were made up and copper high in arsenic and nickel was obtained.The results show that it is relatively easy to smelt a wide range of copper minerals to give copper of high purity apart from iron. This latter element can be removed by careful refining. The remaining elements are present at the parts/103 level. Wood fuel is thought to contribute little to the trace element pattern. Even if it did, it would merely reinforce the elements already contributed by the ore and flux as the timber is likely to have been grown in the immediate vicinity of the ore and will probably contain the same trace elements.Useful comparison is made between the trace element pattern resulting from these smelting runs and material from archaeological sites in the vicinity of the mining areas.  相似文献   

根据大量野外调查和相关样品的测试分析,指出了长江中下游铜矿带古代矿冶遗址分布及冶炼遗物岩相和地球化学特征;讨论了利用铅、铜等同位素及微量元素示踪本区铜矿冶炼产物输出方向的可行性,指出利用亲铜微量元素特征组合(包括富集、贫化元素,元素对及元素组合等)作为判别标志是相对而言较好的方法,同时要定性与定量标志综合考虑。  相似文献   

Bodies of Ding kiln white porcelains and their imitations from Guantai and Jiexiu kilns of the Chinese Song dynasty (960–1279 AD) were analysed for 40 trace elements by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Numerous trace element compositions and ratios allow these visually similar products to be distinguished, and a Ding-style shard of uncertain origin is identified as a likely genuine Ding product. In Jiexiu kiln, Ding-style products have trace element features distinctive from blackwares of an inferior quality intended for the lower end market. Based on geochemical behaviour of these trace elements, we propose that geochemically distinctive raw materials were used for Ding-style products of a higher quality, which possibly also underwent purification by levigation prior to use. Capable of analysing over 40 elements with a typical long term precision of <2%, this high precision ICP-MS method proves to be very powerful for grouping and characterising archaeological ceramics. Combined with geochemical interpretation, it can provide insights into the raw materials and techniques used by ancient potters.  相似文献   

The flame atomic absorption spectroscopy method of analysis of trace elements (Mn, Sr, and Cu) in a mammoth's bone and the method of estimation of the data using regression analysis are described. The concentration fields of the single elements in a cross-section through the bone are well described by a fourth degree polynomial. The minimum values and their coordinates have been determined. A method of determination of the original concentrations of trace elements in fossil bones is described further. The approximating features of the regression exponential equations and of the diffusion functions of various shapes were determined and a method for calculating the concentrations and diffusion properties of the bones once deposited in the soil is suggested. The original trace element concentration can be estimated by extrapolation of a suitable exponential or diffusion function.  相似文献   

A new methodology based on major and trace element analyses of slag inclusions is proposed to determine (or exclude) the provenance of iron artefacts. It is applied to verify if the Pays de Bray, a French area between Rouen and Beauvais, could have been an important supplier for the ferrous reinforcements used in the Middle Ages for the building of churches and cathedrals in these two towns. To this purpose, the behaviour of trace elements during both direct and indirect operating chains is studied combining experimental smelting and different analytical methods, such as SEM–EDS, ICP–MS, LA–ICP–MS and INAA, performed on archaeological samples. The chemical signature of the Pays de Bray iron ore and slag is determined considering MnO and P2O5 contents as a first rough filter and seven couples of trace elements. Then, the major and trace elements are analysed using the same methods in the slag inclusions of 32 artefacts from the Beauvais and Rouen churches, made by the bloomery process. The trace element signature of the inclusions from each artefact is compared with the ore from the Pays de Bray area. The iron used in the Rouen and Beauvais churches seems not to come mainly from the Pays de Bray.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study is to try to see if, despite the diagenetic changes undergone by the fossil bones buried in Venta Micena (Orce, Spain), the concentration of trace elements permits the differentiation of particular groups. It is possible that some chemical elements allow us to identify different dietary groups in accord with their archaeological context. Different multivariant methods—correlation, principal component analysis and cluster analysis—were applied to the data, and in all cases the results show that two elements (Ba and Zn) seem able to discriminate between groups with different diets. In this sense, diagenesis cannot explain all the variability found in the concentrations of trace elements in fossils from the Orce region. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Enrichment diagrams for trace elements have been proposed as a useful and straightforward procedure to identify ores and stones. The identification of the diverse stone of the exterior of the Cathedral of Seville has been achieved by this means. Fourteen trace elements have been analysed, from both quarry and building material samples, using atomic absorption and flame emission spectrometry in order to apply enrichment diagrams for identification purposes.  相似文献   

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