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The phenomenon of inner-city revitalization has recently stimulated attention in a number of advanced nations. The argument is extended to the Canadian city through a discussion of the housing market in Vancouver's inner neighbourhoods. The problem of the erosion of modestly priced accommodation in the inner city is emphasized, suggesting that present trends may reinstitute a zone of privilege adjacent to the downtown core, substantially modifying the residential morphology and land use models inherited from the industrial city. Le phénomène de la revivification de l' intérieur urbain, depuis peu, attire l'attention dans certains pays avancés. L'exposé en vient au case de la ville canadienne par une discussion du marché de l'habitation des quartiers centraux de Vancouver. Le problème de l'érosion du logement de prix abordable est mis en relief. Les tendances actuelles se mblent évoluer vers le rétablissement d'une zone privilégiée adjacente au centre ville, modifiant sensiblement la morphologie résidentielle et les modéles d'utilisation du sol hérités de la ville industrielle.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We derive synthetic time series over the 1951–2001 period of the skills of labor market entrants for the 10 Canadian provinces from the 2003 ALL survey. The effect of the skills variable on regional income is significant and substantial. Skills acquired by one extra year of schooling result in an increase in per capita income of around 5 percent, which is close to microeconomic Mincerian estimates. Our literacy indicator does not outperform human capital indicators based on education. This contrasts sharply with recent cross‐country evidence and suggests substantial measurement error in cross‐country schooling data.  相似文献   

徐菲菲  胡娟  刘婧媛  韩磊  李心茹 《人文地理》2023,38(1):140-146+192
民宿是落实乡村振兴战略的重要实践,研究民宿主的创业动机和获得感对推进乡村产业振兴具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文通过25位民宿主深度访谈发现,创业动机存在双生机理,且与马斯洛需求层次理论相吻合,呈现出层次性,在经济、情感归属等内部动机之外,创业政策等外部动机驱动民宿创业。创业获得感呈现出多维度性,且受创业动机驱动呈现出相应的层次性。创业动机层次越高,精神层次的获得感就越强,其对应采取的经营模式就不同。获得感意味着资本的积累,进一步驱动民宿主采取行动满足更高层次的需求。基于此,本文构建了创业动机、获得感和经营模式之间的理论框架,探索了乡村振兴的创业环境下民宿主的特征、创业过程和创业结果之间的关系。  相似文献   

The impact of government on the Canadian urban system is explored using Revenue Canada data from personal income tax returns. Variations in taxes and in certain forms of government expenditure among urban places are linked with city size, economic base, per capita income, and rate of growth. It is found that many locations are heavily dependent on the public sector and that, overall, government programmes redistribute income toward smaller and less prosperous places. The most significant effect, however, is the stabilization of local economies by means of a large and relatively constant public sector. L'impact du gouvernement sur le système urbain canadien est étudié en utilisant des données de Revenu Canada qui proviennent des déclarations d'impǒt sur le revenu des particuliers. Les variations de taxes et de certains types de dépenses publiques parmi les régions urbaines sont associés avec les variables de taille urbaine, base économique, revenu per capita, et taux de croissance. Il est démontré que plusieurs régions sont fortement dépendantes du secteur public et que, globalement, les programmes gouvernementaux redistribuent le revenue vers les régions les plus petites et les moins prospères. Mais l'effet le plus significatif est celui de la stabilisation des économies locales par le biais d'un large et relativement constant secteur public.  相似文献   

Narrativism or representationalism is founded on the idea that historical narratives and representations are 1) true and indivisible wholes, whereof 2) the truth needs to be maintained, although a narrativist or representationalist whole cannot be confirmed or disconfirmed, and wherein 3) the past is represented in a figurative sense. These fundamental aspects of narrativism have had a positive impact on historiography, but they are also the three reasons why narrativism has neglected historical research and argumentation. To remedy these problems postnarrativism has been evoked. It opts for presentation instead of representation, cutting through all the links between the past and the historiographical product. The product is not a narrative or a representation but a thesis, a proposal to see the past in a special way. The only element postnarrativism wants to retain of narrativism is colligation because it has an argumentative structure based on epistemic values. Postnarrativism leads to knowledge, built on the practice of warranted assertions instead of truth. My postnarrativism chooses a middle course between a strong narrativism and what I would like to call a “weak,” presentational postnarrativism. I agree with postnarrativists that more attention must be paid to argumentation and research. Moreover, I consider time a neglected issue in narrativism. Nevertheless, I don't want to give up the three above‐mentioned fundamental aspects of it. In my view the assumption of truth with regard to (figurative) representation needs to be maintained, but in a pragmatic, provisional form: a historical narrative or representation can be considered as true as long as it has not been replaced by a better one. Retaining truth and holism, but wanting more room for investigation and argumentation, requires that narrativism's role in historical research and history‐writing be revised. This implies the replacement of the usual research phase by a preparation phase, wherein, next to research, space must be reserved for so‐called writing activities. Preparation means the conversion of a germinal narrative or representation into an accomplished whole. Holism occurs in two representational forms: a narrative and a representation. In both forms, research concepts and the associated temporalities become visible under the surface of the narrativist or representational superstructure.  相似文献   

Manufacturing profitability and growth declined sharply in Canada between 1955 and 1984. The spatial extent of this decline has not previously been documented. This article examines manufacturing performance in six regions of Canada. The analysis reveals significant interregional performance differences that appear to be increasing. Two different types of inter-firm competition are identified in the article: competition in production and competition in the market. Empirical investigation reveals that changes in production conditions had a greater impact on regional profitability in five of the six regions studied. In the remaining region, poor market performance was the primary cause of the reduction in profits after 1955.
Au Canada la rentabilité et la croissance industrielle ont profondément diminué entre les années 1955 et 1984. L'ampleur spatiale de cette baisse n'a jamais été docu-mentée. Cette étude examine le comportement et les performances de fabrication dans six régions canadien-nes. De considérables différences inter-régionales, qui semblent toujours s'accentuer sont mises en évidence. Dans cette recherche, deux genres de concurrence entre les societes son identifiés: la concurrence dans la production, et la concurrence dans le marché. L'analyse empi-rique montre que certains changements dans les conditions de production ont eu un effet considérable sur la rentabilité régionale pour cinq des six régions en question. En ce qui concerne la dernière région, la baisse des profits a partir de 1955 est dûe essentiellement à la mauvaise performance du marché.  相似文献   

Within the Official Languages Act of Canada, 1969, a territorial concept was incorporated to facilitate the extension of federal services in English and French and attend the spirit and purpose of the act. This was to be accomplished through the designation of bilingual districts. In spite of the recommendations of two commissions, however, no districts have been designated in Canada. Elements that have tended to prevent the application of this concept are therefore analysed, and an alternative form of application to accommodate the act is suggested.
Lorsque l'Acte des Langues officielles du Canada fut formulé (1969), il y avait considérablement de confiance dans le concept du territoire bilingue, ce qui devait faciliter l'accroissement de service fédéral en anglais et en français. II était anticipé que l'essence ou l'esprit de l'acte serait réalisé par la désignation des districts bilingues. En dépit des recommendations de deux commissions aucun district n'a été designé. L'objet de la présente communication est d'analiser les éléments qui ont eu tendance à empêcher l'application du concept de tels districts et de suggérer une autre forme d'application de l'acte.  相似文献   

Within the Official Languages Act of Canada, 1969, a territorial concept was incorporated to facilitate the extension of federal services in English and French and attend the spirit and purpose of the act. This was to be accomplished through the designation of bilingual districts. In spite of the recommendations of two commissions, however, no districts have been designated in Canada. Elements that have tended to prevent the application of this concept are therefore analysed, and an alternative form of application to accommodate the act is suggested. Lorsque l'Acte des Langues officielles du Canada fut formulé (1969), il y avait considérablement de confiance dans le concept du territoire bilingue, ce qui devait faciliter l'accroissement de service fédéral en anglais et en français. II était anticipé que l'essence ou l'esprit de l'acte serait réalisé par la désignation des districts bilingues. En dépit des recommendations de deux commissions aucun district n'a été designé. L'objet de la présente communication est d'analiser les éléments qui ont eu tendance à empêcher l'application du concept de tels districts et de suggérer une autre forme d'application de l'acte.  相似文献   

流动、旅游与后现代——一个研究视角与一种精神转向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马凌  孙九霞  朱竑 《人文地理》2017,32(3):146-151
后现代思潮作为对现代性的全面反思甚至批判,为我们理解今天的社会现实和社会生活提供了一个系统的视角。在这一背景下,人们可以开始重新思考和重构旅游的意义,并在新的后现代和后结构哲学思潮以及更广阔的流动背景下探讨旅游的新特征和旅游体验的新方向。流动作为一种批判语境,意味着对传统以稳定和界限为主体的文明形式的挑战,也在更深层意义上代表着新的社会精神内涵。随着社会流动的增加和人们意识的改变,人们将习惯一种流动的生存和生活方式,在流动中居住,在居住中流动。在此意义上,旅游的内涵或者是生活化了,又或者是生活旅游化了。文章最后从"何为旅游世界"、"旅游体验"以及"再谈游的精神"等三个方面对后现代语境下旅游发展的趋势进行了论述分析。  相似文献   

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